But you two already know that MM won't really please you this year, why else would Rutter say that they have a three year plan for it. He also already admitted that it will be far from what the fans have been asking for in FIFA 10 and that is why the three year plan is there.

My point is that you already know you'll be moaning about it when FIFA 10 is out ;)
But that's currently in Fifa09 already.

As for editing kit numbers, it's a serious piss take if they include that as one of the major improvements.
My point is that you already know you'll be moaning about it when FIFA 10 is out ;)

Perhaps, but considering 09's manager mode is exactly the same as 08's, barring the removal of two or three modes™ and the inclusion of playoffs (final played at the wrong ground I might add) we didn't moan all that much beyond the first week or two.
Exactly, considering I've been playing the game non-stop for this long I think that's pretty good going.

Once you've noticed the things that are missing (or need improving), you can get on with enjoying the game for what it is.
About the free kicks, have they removed that floating part before you can line up the free kick? It spans the area before you can aim. It is totally unnecessary.

I fucking HATE that part because you have to wait for it to stop fucking around before you can line the kick up. But by that time whoever you're playing against has had enough time to stand by and mark your players.
Having had time to think about it, the set-piece creator could be the gape open to guaranteed goals if the defending isn't as good as the attacking.I understand the worries now but at the same time just imagine if the defending was good and that it was hard to score from them, it'd be a really nice addition.
Anyway like someone said, everything new added will at first not be close to perfection and it will take our feedback to improve it.
The concern would be how are EA able to look at factual evidence that shows CLEARLY where the fans SHOULD be and somehow screw that up and place them somewhere else.

If they're able to screw things like that up where really they have no excuses then the 'bigger issue' would be they can screw anything up. They're saying "Oh we've improved A and B and it's going to be great'. But when they can't even achieve copying from reference materials correctly it makes their claims hard to believe.

You actually think they look at where away fans are located? It changes every couple of years anyway depending on the stadium's management and a multitude of other factors.

If you think they do research into some of the tiny little things like this, you've got another thing coming.
I can see people online just sticking all the players at the back post using the editor, then just punting the ball to them. Never underestimate how cuntish people can be online.
Please explain how FK creator would be exploited?

I think this is an amazing addition, especially as I cant score from FKs unless it is the hard shot to the keepers side.

The ability to setup you players to line up at the edge of the box and run in to attack the ball sounds much better than the useless option you have at the moment of floating the ball in and hoping you have someone attack it.

I assume you can then instruct your big CBs to come up for the FKs too.

Sounds great. When does the demo usually come out before relase?

Yep sounds amazing... I Pray it works flawlessly

How it would be exploited does worry me though, Clubs was setup to be a mode where everything is even... that was its only goal....EVERYTHING...EVEN... the weasels managed to work out a way of spoiling it...

Now there is a set piece editor , how long until someone works out a 99% chance for scoring cheat for it... Logout, login, choose Beckham, make him 18 years old, drive backwards home from work and put Shaun Wright-Phillips as 99 heading... Then move all you men to the back post and Little Shauny Wright will score every time....

Its not beyond these idiots... and worse is....if they figure it out day one... EA wont update it until Fifa 11 ....

Do i sound bitter :-(
Oh, I didn't think it was confirmed whether it could be used online or not. I hope not, for the reason above.
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Oh, I didn't think it was confirmed whether it could be used online or no. I hope not, for the reason above.

It may be disabled online, check out the following quote from David Rutter (producer)...

"At the moment we're not sure if we're going to allow these to be used online. It depends on how testing goes."

I assume they will check for exploits but you never know...
The beauty of this extra feature is that you could outwit a human player... not as much fun fooling the CPU with a clever free-kick, so for it to be used to its full potential it must be online... imagine doing that Argentine free-kick against England against someone'd be amazing...

they just need to balance it out so if you spot the fake/dummy you can defend against it...

If only there were no idiots.....this would be amazing...

EA need to have a trusted player scheme..... pinpoint morons and play them against each other.....
The concern would be how are EA able to look at factual evidence that shows CLEARLY where the fans SHOULD be and somehow screw that up and place them somewhere else.

If they're able to screw things like that up where really they have no excuses then the 'bigger issue' would be they can screw anything up. They're saying "Oh we've improved A and B and it's going to be great'. But when they can't even achieve copying from reference materials correctly it makes their claims hard to believe.

I reckon it's Arsenal who have got it wrong. They should move the away fans where EA have put them!

Seriously, I personally couldn't give a toss. Most of the game is played while watching the game in zoomed out mode. Not a biggy, for me (and obviously EA) anyway.
They should also have a set-piece defence creator too. Where you can force your defenders to go in certain areas.
Could help counter-act stuff plus it's a bit of mind games going on then aswell trying to outwit your opponent.

Don't know if this has already been said. Don't have time to look back through.
Did you count how many times he starts a sentence with "So"? For Fifa09 it was 112.
:LOL: I always thought that was a games industry thing but there was a video on the BBC NEWS site about the slow-motion recording of cheetahs and the woman running the project started a few sentences with "so"... Perhaps it's just anyone involved with technology...
I don't know why people are so worried about gameplay improvements, from what I've read that's been their main focus. In both articles its expressed the graphics are pretty much the same, which is a good thing IMO. While Konami constantly fap over faces so detailed you can see every freckle on Torres' face, it seems EA are more focused on the gameplay elements which is 1000 times more important. Not only that, but rather than use buzzwords like 'revamp' or 'innovative', they've actually described what they're improving and how. Better goalkeeper mechanics, the possibilty of them messing up or being wrong footed by a feint, which is a massive improvement from FIFA 09. 360 dribbling which could redefine gameplay we're used to, no longer can you feel 'trapped' as if you're on trails, this should make build-up for goals extremely more varied. A slower game pace. Better shooting mechanics. More importance on technically gifted players rather than phyiscal players, Messi for instance was never as effective in FIFA 09, they say they've given players with better dribbling abilities more chance of retaining the ball when harrassed by big defenders. Wider pitches...

I dunno about you lot but im ridiculously more excited about FIFA this year than PES indepth facial details and tactical overhaul, which would both be meaningless if they haven't addressed the gameplay.
He has his tounge pierced :S

But he said keepers are more aggresive and get down low... thats one thing I hated, so easy to score lobs, so so easy, I played 09 against a mate, I lent it to him for ages, he lobbed me and my keeper was only half way in the 6 yard box :S So easy to score, keepers suck most of the times.
Reading Suff's review I'm very optimistic now, it sounds like the physics are bang on and that is major for me.

The PES review also sounded promising but it was more like, if they add a lot more stuff in between now and the release date then it will be a good game, where as FIFA is a the level where they could probably release it already so have a lot more time to add polish and graphical touch ups etc.
Reading Suff's review I'm very optimistic now, it sounds like the physics are bang on and that is major for me.

The PES review also sounded promising but it was more like, if they add a lot more stuff in between now and the release date then it will be a good game, where as FIFA is a the level where they could probably release it already so have a lot more time to add polish and graphical touch ups etc.

EA are coming off the back of two very decent Fifa games, though, with a good graphics/animation/game engine in place already, whereas Konami genuinely do have their work cut out this year to catch up.
1st the night lighting looks absolutly stunning!!

2nd i like how the GKs look a lot smaller compared to the goal posts..THIS COULD BE IT, varaity of goals could definatly increase a lot just becasue of this aspect!!

any idea of the USA release date?
just being able to practice a FK in the arena with a wall is nice :)

Though I always wanted to use the practice wall.
I wonder if it is possible to challenge the keepers more realistically in the air in FIFA 10. Is this something that maybe Chris can ask Suff about? Or maybe Placebo could ask that Orlando guy. They've played it two times so you'd think they'd noticed if it was the same as in FIFA 09 or not.

When a keeper runs out to punch away a cross it is always the exact same scripted sequence, I really hope they remove all this and make it dynamic with better collision detection.
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