By that logic EA should have ceased trading in about 2001.
i think earlier then that. There previous fifa games was shockingly terrible back in the PS1 and PS2 days. One bad game from 2K Sports and they dont deserve to exist? thats a bit much unless he was being sarcastic and joking around?
Ban sarcasm please.

Both EA and Konami are going to release big new info the 15th right? Head to head! I'm mostly exited about what Konami will deliver to be honest because we hardly know anything about their game. Still would be pretty sweet if EA surprised with something big (as in not MM news :SMUG:).
Seriously though, 2K Sports would no doubt produce an excellent football game, as they seem capable of hitting the perfect mix of great graphics and gameplay in their other titles, but the fact that PES and Fifa have the licenses tied up between them would leave 'Soccer 2K' as an almost entirely unlicensed game.

It's a shame as I miss the days when we had many different football games on the market, not the duopoly we have now.
i would get soccer 2k if you could create your own teams and leagues along with kits and stadiums plus have a better gameplay of footy than konami and ea's attempt
Seriously though, 2K Sports would no doubt produce an excellent football game, as they seem capable of hitting the perfect mix of great graphics and gameplay in their other titles, but the fact that PES and Fifa have the licenses tied up between them would leave 'Soccer 2K' as an almost entirely unlicensed game.

You're assuming that based on their previous good games, same as everyone assumed that if they did a boxing game it'd be a really awesome sim boxing game, they did Prizefighter and it had shit gameplay, shit graphics, shit animations, shit physics, shit commentary, shit career mode, in short, it was shit.
You're assuming that based on their previous good games, same as everyone assumed that if they did a boxing game it'd be a really awesome sim boxing game, they did Prizefighter and it had shit gameplay, shit graphics, shit animations, shit physics, shit commentary, shit career mode, in short, it was shit.

Yep, we've gathered that Prizefighter was shit but their NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB and Tennis games have generally been of a high standard. So the odds are in their favour that they could make a decent footy game.

@Jonney - I would also buy a completely unlicensed football game if it was good enough.
I'm slightly amazed by the ever increasing negativity on here, based on the fact that

a) Mostly everyone who has play tested a VERY early build has given what they played a lot of praise

b) It is adding what could potentially be one of the most revolutionary new features in soccer games for a long time (and close control, which according to most accounts also adds a lot to the game)

c) are basing their negativity on things like videos taken from video phones which may or may not be fifa 09.

I think this whole idea all of a sudden that Fifa is resting on its laurels or is keeping things out of the game to update next year is complete BS and based on absolutely nothing whatsoever, I think we all take for granted how long it actually takes to code certain things like, for example, 360 dribbling probably took a LOT more time and resources than we realize to get right and balanced. I am sure I will have gripes with the game but I'm pretty certain it won't be because they chose not to do it on purpose, even though they had time.

Let's wait until we see some more real videos and get some more impressions before deciding 'there still won't be any variety in the game' or whatever else. Relax guys! :)
I'm slightly amazed by the ever increasing negativity on here, based on the fact that
All my negativity is based on EA's announcing they were "concentrating on the MM for FIFA 10" and have not even corrected basic flaws from 09 let alone added anything new for unless you count the training ground which you will use once maybe twice for free kicks and tricks.

So please advise me why I should be full of the joys of spring...
I'm slightly amazed by the ever increasing negativity on here, based on the fact that

It might be just me but I know of more than a few people who don't like the direction FIFA 09 has taken. From slow and tactical, to super fast and arcadey. And it doesn't look like, even on the gameplay front, measures are being taken to rectify that. All developer comments thus far seem to suggest that they are actually happy with 09. They're actually happy with the freekicks that travel on a rail to the goal, or travel in a straight line and then immediately and violently whip into the goal like they're being sucked into a vortex. Happy with the lack of fatigue during a game and the effect (or lack thereof) that stamina plays in the game. The fact that super fast players trump all. The endless pressure and ability of forwards to come all the way back into their defensive third, steal the ball, fire up a long assisted throughball and then race down to the other end to participate in the play with no visible effect on their stamina. Etc., etc.

Maybe that's just me though. 360 dribbling could be a great addition, but without fixing the other things that currently plague the game (which would effectively mean going back to what 08 was; when you actually could, and felt like you needed to, use your midfield).

Keep in mind that this is mostly in regards to the online play as offline is either too difficult on the higher settings (especially with assisted controls), or too easy on the lower ones and the lack of depth makes it really boring to play. The fact that these things can be, and often are, exploited online would still point to some fundamental flaws in the game engine.
Why complain about being bored when you play on assisted or semi? Of course your experience would be limited bcos even if u shoot with the analog stick pointing away from goal the ball will be forced back towards the frame of the goal post. Its almost impossible to shoot off target from inside the box.

Its like gaming for retards, no offence to anyone but it is what it is. I can understand there being assisted controls but its way too heavy. Too must assistance that gives you a limited structured experience.

No "hardcore" fifa player should even touch assisted controls, even the weight of pass and thru balls are adjusted for you. You guys really do not want a simulation because simulation are not too much fun and thats why you use assisted controls to guarantee you score a million goals and feel great and there is nothing wrong with that because thats what games are for.

EA will react to the behaviours of its customers, you will never get a true simulation if the game is being tweaked for assisted controls. Like every shot has to travel towards the opposite half even on manual, you can not shot towards your own goal. It has to be that way so assisted players do not freak out when they fail to score.

On assisted with an header if you press X(A) to pass it into goal it will go away from goal, why? because the CPU is told an assisted pass has to go towards another player so the user feels like a couch Fabregas. But I score headers with X(A) on manual all day.

Sometimes I use the shot button when I need a powerful header and pass for downward headers.

This whole fifa assisted/manual/simulation issue always takes me back to Call Of Duty, assisted sells and COD has proven it. Its easier to create a fun game when you make the CPU guard the gamer.

EA can't make a TRUE simulation because it will cost too much money and time and it won't sell that much. Plus can you actually have a football simulation with the current control schemes?

EA didn't just include manual controls just because they had nothing else to do, I see it as a market tester to see what direction they should take.

I see no point whining about a simulation if you are using assisted even offline because with PSN and XBL EA can still track what your preferences when you are playing offline modes.

Only a challenging sports game will keep you coming back, look at PES the CPU even has to take the ball away from goal just to make it seem challenging. But thats even worse do not punish the gamer but with manual you know its all on you thats why you miss the goal.

anyhoo...Got the Platinum Trophy on Fifa09

Great post bud. Agree 100%. FIFA will never be a true simulation so long as there are people who play it to score goals and feel like Ronaldo. EA will only respond to the demand if it is significant enough to effect their bottom line. I feel at the moment, while there are some crying out for a simulation, the overwhelming majority of gamers (i.e. the ones NOT on the forums) still want an experience where goal scoring is easy, the animations are appealing and the licenses remain. If this is the case, EA will comply and create that.

On another note - I played 09 on PS3 last night at a mates house (I normally play on 360). MASSIVE difference. Its almost a different game. Even with the exact same settings I play with on 360, the game is a good 50% faster on PS3. This is playing on Slow, fully manual, and the same camera settings I use. Even on slow it was a complete pinball fest and you go from one end of the field to the other in a heartbeat. I can actually understand the overwhelming arcade success of 09 is this is what half the audience are playing. It's completely, utterly disgraceful.

In the absence of an explanation, my mate and I came to the conclusion that given the code was written primarily for 360, the PS3 flies through it an an alarming rate while the 360 has a little bit of lag in the button response and speed of play, and hence is a lot slower. If thats true, that means the PS3 plays 09 how it was meant to be played - which rings massive alarm bells all over my head.

I did enjoy the increased button response and felt nimbler in dribbling, but it was cancelled out by the speed of play - i had virtually no time to dribble on the ball and take advantage of the button response before some fool cluttered into me at 300 miles per hour.

My mate said that he definitely can feel a delay in button response on the 360 at my house and struggled as a result, so there is a definite difference there.
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It might be just me but I know of more than a few people who don't like the direction FIFA 09 has taken. From slow and tactical, to super fast and arcadey. And it doesn't look like, even on the gameplay front, measures are being taken to rectify that. All developer comments thus far seem to suggest that they are actually happy with 09. They're actually happy with the freekicks that travel on a rail to the goal, or travel in a straight line and then immediately and violently whip into the goal like they're being sucked into a vortex. Happy with the lack of fatigue during a game and the effect (or lack thereof) that stamina plays in the game. The fact that super fast players trump all. The endless pressure and ability of forwards to come all the way back into their defensive third, steal the ball, fire up a long assisted throughball and then race down to the other end to participate in the play with no visible effect on their stamina. Etc., etc.

Maybe that's just me though. 360 dribbling could be a great addition, but without fixing the other things that currently plague the game (which would effectively mean going back to what 08 was; when you actually could, and felt like you needed to, use your midfield).

Keep in mind that this is mostly in regards to the online play as offline is either too difficult on the higher settings (especially with assisted controls), or too easy on the lower ones and the lack of depth makes it really boring to play. The fact that these things can be, and often are, exploited online would still point to some fundamental flaws in the game engine.

@Nick Cave - Fair enough, I haven't really been too worried about MM and as MM changes are pretty much "yes we added this" or "no we didnt", I understand how you could be down about what you've heard (though the improvements sound pretty good to me)

Murkurial, you are of course entitled to your doubts, but on what are you basing that, as you said, they are not taking steps to rectify that? From all accounts I've heard that gameplay has been slowed down and they've actually made it a point to make sure speed doesn't conquer all, no? I've heard that they've worked hard on freekicks and set pieces. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they've worked on fatigue, and that they want to punish players who try to press the entire game. They've definitely said they are tuning high through balls to be less accurate. And we are yet to know whether tackling stats will be more important (definitely a problem I had with FIFA 09)

I'm not saying all of these things will end up the way we want them, but from what I've read most of what you posted above has been addressed. So all I'm trying to say is, don't jump to conclusions as far as gameplay is concerned just yet! :)
Why complain about being bored when you play on assisted or semi? Of course your experience would be limited bcos even if u shoot with the analog stick pointing away from goal the ball will be forced back towards the frame of the goal post. Its almost impossible to shoot off target from inside the box.

Its like gaming for retards, no offence to anyone but it is what it is. I can understand there being assisted controls but its way too heavy. Too must assistance that gives you a limited structured experience.

No "hardcore" fifa player should even touch assisted controls, even the weight of pass and thru balls are adjusted for you. You guys really do not want a simulation because simulation are not too much fun and thats why you use assisted controls to guarantee you score a million goals and feel great and there is nothing wrong with that because thats what games are for.

EA will react to the behaviours of its customers, you will never get a true simulation if the game is being tweaked for assisted controls. Like every shot has to travel towards the opposite half even on manual, you can not shot towards your own goal. It has to be that way so assisted players do not freak out when they fail to score.

On assisted with an header if you press X(A) to pass it into goal it will go away from goal, why? because the CPU is told an assisted pass has to go towards another player so the user feels like a couch Fabregas. But I score headers with X(A) on manual all day.

Sometimes I use the shot button when I need a powerful header and pass for downward headers.

This whole fifa assisted/manual/simulation issue always takes me back to Call Of Duty, assisted sells and COD has proven it. Its easier to create a fun game when you make the CPU guard the gamer.

EA can't make a TRUE simulation because it will cost too much money and time and it won't sell that much. Plus can you actually have a football simulation with the current control schemes?

EA didn't just include manual controls just because they had nothing else to do, I see it as a market tester to see what direction they should take.

I see no point whining about a simulation if you are using assisted even offline because with PSN and XBL EA can still track what your preferences when you are playing offline modes.

Only a challenging sports game will keep you coming back, look at PES the CPU even has to take the ball away from goal just to make it seem challenging. But thats even worse do not punish the gamer but with manual you know its all on you thats why you miss the goal.

anyhoo...Got the Platinum Trophy on Fifa09

That´s it man, fifa 09 on full manual is the best simulation football experience ever.

The problem is that most of people don´t even try to practice on that becaust thei think is too difficult. But i can guarantee that a 10 min online full manual match with a good full manual mate is simply amazing!
Murkurial, you are of course entitled to your doubts, but on what are you basing that, as you said, they are not taking steps to rectify that?

From all accounts I've heard that gameplay has been slowed down and they've actually made it a point to make sure speed doesn't conquer all, no?

Comments from the devs said that it was faster than 08 but slower than 09. How much is the question. As online is played at "normal" speed instead of "slow," it might not make much of a difference.

I've heard that they've worked hard on freekicks and set pieces.

Skip to about 20 seconds in...
YouTube - FIFA 10 Preview - Free-Kicks
Layoff shots....sweet.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they've worked on fatigue, and that they want to punish players who try to press the entire game. They've definitely said they are tuning high through balls to be less accurate. And we are yet to know whether tackling stats will be more important (definitely a problem I had with FIFA 09)

I'm not saying all of these things will end up the way we want them, but from what I've read most of what you posted above has been addressed. So all I'm trying to say is, don't jump to conclusions as far as gameplay is concerned just yet! :)

I'd like to say that I'm being cautiously optimistic but the moment I saw the first footage of FIFA 09 gameplay where Ronaldo was absolutely racing down the field only to get slid on from behind and go into some ridiculous flying animation to show that he'd been tackled, I knew that something was wrong with the game. I don't wanna sound like too much of a pessimist but I'd be incredibly surprised if FIFA 10 was any better mainly because it's probably going to more like 09 than 08. People like seeing goals that would often show up on the Sportscenter Top 10 Plays of the week for every goal more than they do the patient build up and possession that football is really about (it certainly isn't ALWAYS about that depending on the team's style of play, but it's certainly NEVER about that in FIFA 09).
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Murkurial I think I have exactly the same mind as you mate, everything you write could have come out of my own mouth. I agree completely with pretty much every single thing you've said.

Unfortunately mate you are right - there are many who buy FIFA to score spectacular goals, just like there are those who only watch highlight shows to watch spectacular goals. Its the nature of this sport I suppose.
That´s it man, fifa 09 on full manual is the best simulation football experience ever.

The problem is that most of people don´t even try to practice on that becaust thei think is too difficult. But i can guarantee that a 10 min online full manual match with a good full manual mate is simply amazing!
you've hit the nail on the head there!

playing on fully manual is by far the most enjoyable way to play the game, especially against other manual players. the variety of goals and situations are endless.

i've even converted all my mates who play fifa to fully manual (some use semi shooting, which is understandable) and they are getting more from the game now than when it first came out.
On another note - I played 09 on PS3 last night at a mates house (I normally play on 360). MASSIVE difference. Its almost a different game. Even with the exact same settings I play with on 360, the game is a good 50% faster on PS3. This is playing on Slow, fully manual, and the same camera settings I use. Even on slow it was a complete pinball fest and you go from one end of the field to the other in a heartbeat. I can actually understand the overwhelming arcade success of 09 is this is what half the audience are playing. It's completely, utterly disgraceful.

In the absence of an explanation, my mate and I came to the conclusion that given the code was written primarily for 360, the PS3 flies through it an an alarming rate while the 360 has a little bit of lag in the button response and speed of play, and hence is a lot slower. If thats true, that means the PS3 plays 09 how it was meant to be played - which rings massive alarm bells all over my head.

I did enjoy the increased button response and felt nimbler in dribbling, but it was cancelled out by the speed of play - i had virtually no time to dribble on the ball and take advantage of the button response before some fool cluttered into me at 300 miles per hour.

My mate said that he definitely can feel a delay in button response on the 360 at my house and struggled as a result, so there is a definite difference there.

i dont know what FIFA game you played but i have both the 360 and ps3 version of fifa in my house atm and they both play the same speed on my HDTV. i couldnt spot any difference between the two and in regards to manual = sim style footy, i disagree to an extent because its almost impossible to play on proper manual on todays joypads.

you just dont get the precision etc on a analogue stick to aim your pass's and shots properly just like in a fps game being played on a analoge stick. why do you think they normaly dumb down console fps games? so it makes it easier to aim by using assisted aim found on alot of fps games such has cod4 and halo 3.

Killzone 2 is probably the closest in eliminating any assisted aiming as its very hard to aim in that game on a analogue stick and the number 1 reason why i never got the game.

Dont get me wrong. playing on semi/manual makes the game feel more realistic but there are other ways that can help make it more realistic imo such as adding more animations, fixing the response times in dribbling with the ball and so on.

manual/semi settings is not the only way to play a real game of football lads and lets face it, EA wont force people to play on settings as many wont buy the game anymore.
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i disagree to an extent because its almost impossible to play on proper manual on todays joypads.

Nonsense, maybe on the PS3 which I believe has shite analogue sticks (never tried a PS3 myself) but on the 360 it's no problem, play it full manual fine, same as I play FNR4 with the analogue stick punching no problem :)
you just dont get the precision etc on a analogue stick to aim your pass's and shots properly just like in a fps game being played on a analoge stick. why do you think they normaly dumb down console fps games? so it makes it easier to aim by using assisted aim found on alot of fps games such has cod4 and halo 3.

And how much assisted are those games? It's not like you can aim at the chair in the wrong corner of the screen and still take a headshot at the guy in the other end of the screen.

Because that's how you can score in FIFA on assisted, for those who didn't get it. It can never be 'realistic' on todays assisted controls.
well i have missed shots go off target inside the box on assisted shooting and this is in reply to the person who said that once your in the box and shoot on assist, you never miss.

i think assist has been blow out of context. i get the impression that some think playing on assist guarantee's easy goals scored whenever you shoot.

i disagree, i have seen plenty of assisted shooting going off target or straight at the goalie. its not as easy as people say on assist. you still got to time your shots and aim on assist.

i kind of find it easier to shoot on semi. why? because my shots go where i want it to go unlike assist where 9/10 the shot is within reach of the goalie or straight at him.

on manual i cant even hit the target 9/10 times! On passing i agree that assist is piss easy. just press A or X and it will pass it directly to your player without giving it any sort of direction.
Nonsense, maybe on the PS3 which I believe has shite analogue sticks (never tried a PS3 myself) but on the 360 it's no problem, play it full manual fine, same as I play FNR4 with the analogue stick punching no problem :)
I have played manual on both systems and there is no controller issue, its just that people are stuck with bad habit from assist, not really caring where the stick is pointed.

I will try to record a few manual games with my galactico man city team

Like every thing new it takes time, not every pass will be perfect and thats the realism manual brings.

Come to the dark side people
I agree with jonney. If people just gave assisted a chance they would probably love it.
I agree with jonney. If people just gave assisted a chance they would probably love it.


I use assisted online for ranked matches(level 14) and for BAP online. But its not fun at all can't play more than 2 ranked games without being bored.

I know am going to score and I pretty much know how before kickoff, move to the side point the stick away from goal and shot....L2 or R2.

The only time you will miss on assisted is if you a rushing
All my negativity is based on EA's announcing they were "concentrating on the MM for FIFA 10" and have not even corrected basic flaws from 09 let alone added anything new for unless you count the training ground which you will use once maybe twice for free kicks and tricks.

So please advise me why I should be full of the joys of spring...
The solution for you Nick is stopping doing your nut in about a game you have'nt played.Because you assume that certain things you want won't be in fifa 10 then the games not worth getting? You post alot on here and have got alot of positives to say,but mate this thread is becoming dire with "prophets of doom" predicting the demise of a game that is'nt yet finished.And did'nt Ea say they were'nt just concentrating on MM,I love MM,but alot of people don't i just want to fire up that console and be as deservedly exicted as i was last year when i got it a few days early.;)

I use assisted online for ranked matches(level 14) and for BAP online. But its not fun at all can't play more than 2 ranked games without being bored.

I know am going to score and I pretty much know how before kickoff, move to the side point the stick away from goal and shot....L2 or R2.

The only time you will miss on assisted is if you a rushing

of course your going to score most of the time on 1on1's but can you score outside the box on assist. doubt it. easier on semi as you can aim it properly.
I think when you even play all manual settings, players feel all the same on the current game.No difference in passing between Bouba Diop and Pirlo
They have to find a way that players' stats have an impact on manual settings, like they would tent to screw up less with skilled players
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