The solution for you Nick is stopping doing your nut in about a game you have'nt played.Because you assume that certain things you want won't be in fifa 10 then the games not worth getting? You post alot on here and have got alot of positives to say,but mate this thread is becoming dire with "prophets of doom" predicting the demise of a game that is'nt yet finished.And did'nt Ea say they were'nt just concentrating on MM,I love MM,but alot of people don't i just want to fire up that console and be as deservedly exicted as i was last year when i got it a few days early.;)

The game should be finished now and in the testing phase mate. i highly doubt they are still coding the game and adding new features. they gotta start testing the game now. october is not far away lads.
of course your going to score most of the time on 1on1's but can you score outside the box on assist. doubt it. easier on semi as you can aim it properly.
Thats the down side of having the CPU direct your shot.

Watch the last clip i posted above
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yea i saw your clips and that can never be done on assist and thats my point. its easier to shoot on semi then on assist once you master it.

assist shooting is easier via 1on1's but outside the box its useless.
Gab you are surely having a laugh mate. Go follow another sport if you think assisted represents football. You clearly don't pay attention when watching. Maybe 90 minutes sends you to sleep.

Even beyond associating any realism with the game, assisted is just a completely primitive, automatic and unskilled way of playing a game. I don't have a problem with the now and then gamer playing on assisted, but for someone who frequents a forum about football games, playing on assisted is a total massive cop out. If you do enjoy football, you are lying to yourself.

Many of the game's flaws - which Im betting even you have complained about - are solved via playing on manual. Shots go harder, lower and NEVER float on manual. Every single goal is different on manual. Player attributes are accentuated on manual. I really could go on and on.

Maybe try playing it for more than an hour and a half before you shoot it down. And yes, before you throw that argument back at me, I played assisted PES for 5 years and began on 07 on assisted before turning to manual.

I don't get it mate. For any real football fan, it's a no brainer.
^ not easy to find out if someone is being sarcastic or joking around without a face to see.

edit: apparenty Gab is being sarcastic. maybe andish2001 is as well??
yea i saw your clips and that can never be done on assist and thats my point. its easier to shoot on semi then on assist once you master it.

assist shooting is easier via 1on1's but outside the box its useless.
Exactly, now thats the main issue..people keep whining that "its not possible to score from outside the box" "EA needs to fix the shooting"

Here is another outside the box goal, I really dnt see anything wrong with the flight of the ball

Two outside the box goals in 3 matches which I have played this morning, I wonder why ppl keep complaining and why EA just doesn't tell them to play on manual or Semi
Gab you are surely having a laugh mate. Go follow another sport if you think assisted represents football. You clearly don't pay attention when watching. Maybe 90 minutes sends you to sleep.

Even beyond associating any realism with the game, assisted is just a completely primitive, automatic and unskilled way of playing a game. I don't have a problem with the now and then gamer playing on assisted, but for someone who frequents a forum about football games, playing on assisted is a total massive cop out. If you do enjoy football, you are lying to yourself.

Many of the game's flaws - which Im betting even you have complained about - are solved via playing on manual. Shots go harder, lower and NEVER float on manual. Every single goal is different on manual. Player attributes are accentuated on manual. I really could go on and on.

Maybe try playing it for more than an hour and a half before you shoot it down. And yes, before you throw that argument back at me, I played assisted PES for 5 years and began on 07 on assisted before turning to manual.

I don't get it mate. For any real football fan, it's a no brainer.

I respect you opinion, but I still stand by my words. When I'm 1-on-1 in real life with the keeper I'll score 9 out of 10 times, but with manual I'll miss 9 out of 10 times.
I respect you opinion, but I still stand by my words. When I'm 1-on-1 in real life with the keeper I'll score 9 out of 10 times, but with manual I'll miss 9 out of 10 times.
You might have the required skill to score in real life but that doesnt translate into your skill on the game.

Jimmy Fallon beat Tiger Woods in Wii Golf, soooo?

Just like in real life you would have to learn and get you bearings right.
Yeah, but if what you're going for is realism in gameplay, missing 9 of 10 times doesn't translate to that.

Yeah, but if you miss 9 out of 10 you're really shit. (Yeah, I know Gab was joking)

If you do not play full manual you can not complain about the game not being realistiv/a simulation.
how is it realistic missing 9/10 shots. it doesn't mean your really shit, it means its fucking difficult. i doubt even you could hit a freaking stationary bus 5 yards out when you first tried manual shooting.

it takes time to adjust, a lot of time but once you master it, its even easier to score(outside the box) on manual.

many here have admitted how hard it is to shoot on manual and opted to shoot on semi instead.
Its realism bcos it means the user is shit, NO SKILL NO GLORY

football is not just about how hard or easy it is to shoot and pass. its many things. doesn't matter how god-like you are in shooting on manual or assist but if the opponent doesn't give you time or space then your fucked.

Just a small example mate. someone who is shit at shooting manual can still beat you mate
It is not, becuase the goalkeepers cheat in order to be able to save assisted shots.

it is not what? you just further backed my theory on how its easier to shoot on manual from outside the box as not only can you place your shots wherever you want, the goalkeeper doesn't cheat:APPLAUD:
it is not what? you just further backed my theory on how its easier to shoot on manual from outside the box as not only can you place your shots wherever you want, the goalkeeper doesn't cheat:APPLAUD:

It is not easier to score with manual (it is harder) becuase the goalkeeper is cheating (on both assisted, semi and manual, it's the same) to be able to save the assisted shots that either are perfect or almost perfect.


Döh. The goalkeepers are the same whatever setting you use, and with assisted shots you either have the shot in the top corner or close to. To make sure the results isn't 17-17 they have to save the almost perfect shots.

With manual settings there is a lot more possible results and VERY, VERY few of them are the perfect shots that becomes goals.

football is not just about how hard or easy it is to shoot and pass. its many things. doesn't matter how god-like you are in shooting on manual or assist but if the opponent doesn't give you time or space then your fucked.

Just a small example mate. someone who is shit at shooting manual can still beat you mate
When you concede goals from ridiculous angels bcos the CPU helps to direct it goal ward, its unrealistic.

In football chances will always be created, if you watch the Spain vs USA match. Spain created chances but never converted them into goals.

Shots (on Goal)..........11(6)......4(2)
Corner Kicks..............9.........3

Has you can see Spain had more shots and more shot at goal and still failed to score.

Just bcos you create a chance doesnt mean you deserve to score, it requires skill to create the chance and it also requires skill to score.

On the day Spain were shit, USA got a lil luck

Scoring shouldn't be automated
never used the semi setting let alone manual for my I had it turned on to semi just now and couldn't place any of my shots for are the directions on your analog stick mapped to the general direction of the goal anyway??
It's pretty easy semi-shooting. At first i tended to hit quite a few shots wide. but once you run across goal at an angle rather than straight it helps. also using the finesse shot sometimes helps also.
As it was my question, I feel obliged to put it here on my beloved Evo-Web :)

Originally Posted by Sc0rp1o
So it's only for generic stadiums?

And how about when you begin Manager Mode and during the season you see for example Leeds playing in a stadium that isn't appropriate. Can you then change their stadium and will that be effective in your save game of Manager Mode? Or do we have to start all over again...

"EA_MarcelKuhn:'s only got Generic stadiums, licensed stadiums already have the correct name ;-). Plus the people that license the stadiums and it's name to us would not be happy if we shuffle them around too much.

As for renaming the generic stadiums, there's a feature that let's you rename and assign the stadiums for all teams (that have generic ones assigned) even before entering Manager Mode. If you take some time and do all the changes there, they will carry over into the Manager Mode."

So this means that EVERY club will have his suitable stadium AND name if you put some time into it. Us former PES fanatics will certainly love this as we all love editing! :D
Looks like I helped make Fifa10 a better game...

Originally Posted by Sc0rp1o
Also I'd like to ask how things are going with the injuries? You said that long term injuries were present in Fifa09 but rarely came to effect. I personally (and most of the ppl here) haven't had ANY long term injury in 09. Will this now be rectified?

"EA_MarcelKuhn: ...after you've mentioned this we looked it up in the code. In FIFA 09 there should have been injuries (i.e. broken leg with healing complications) that last for a max. of 60 weeks (15 months). But they were never triggered due to a specific email never being sent = this is a bug.

We're looking into fixing this for 10, keep in mind that it still will occur very rarely as we don't want to cripple the users or CPU teams.

You guys can all thank me when a player of yours will be out for the whole season... LOL :D
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