I said a few pages back that the 360 degrees dribbling is NOT 360 degrees, just 8 or 16 directions. Wouldn't be surprised if I was right. But would be interested to know the exact difference then between the new dribbling and the current dribbling. But that video clearly isn't FIFA 10 anyway lol.
I said a few pages back that the 360 degrees dribbling is NOT 360 degrees, just 8 or 16 directions. Wouldn't be surprised if I was right. But would be interested to know the exact difference then between the new dribbling and the current dribbling. But that video clearly isn't FIFA 10 anyway lol.

OK, I know that devs say stuff sometimes, but I can't honestly imagine that they would say "360 degree dribbling", and also describe exactly what they mean by it, and then still only use 8 directionality.
I said a few pages back that the 360 degrees dribbling is NOT 360 degrees, just 8 or 16 directions. Wouldn't be surprised if I was right. But would be interested to know the exact difference then between the new dribbling and the current dribbling. But that video clearly isn't FIFA 10 anyway lol.

You haven't seen it or played it so how can you be so sure.People who played said nothing about 8 or 16 directions.
Don't lose faith people, don't get desperate
Keep in mind I was only speculating, i'd love it to be proper 360 degree dribbling. I was making this point off one of the videos that actually looked like a different version of FIFA 09 (i.e. FIFA 10), with different dribbling, but wasnt 360 degrees.

Also keep in mind people that for the game to function properly, it cant be implemented as 360 degrees. This is the kind of thing Trance would probably know about, but if you think about it, there has to be a threshold where the player changes his orientation (if you get my drift...) and that move wont look like a 360 degree dribble and will more represent one of the current turning animations in FIFA 09.
Are you misunderstanding what 360 dribbling means? It doesn't mean 360 degrees as in ice skating, it just mean that after a touch the player will go in the exact direction you are holding. Just like in FIFA 09 but not limited to 8 directions, why would this not work?
Keep in mind I was only speculating, i'd love it to be proper 360 degree dribbling. I was making this point off one of the videos that actually looked like a different version of FIFA 09 (i.e. FIFA 10), with different dribbling, but wasnt 360 degrees.

Also keep in mind people that for the game to function properly, it cant be implemented as 360 degrees. This is the kind of thing Trance would probably know about, but if you think about it, there has to be a threshold where the player changes his orientation (if you get my drift...) and that move wont look like a 360 degree dribble and will more represent one of the current turning animations in FIFA 09.
^The same way it currently works with the 8-direction dribbling ie. right angle shift in direction from where you're facing results in a turn instead. The 360degree dribbling allows for more varying angles in between the direction you're facing and the player's left/right (as opposed to just one)
Are you misunderstanding what 360 dribbling means? It doesn't mean 360 degrees as in ice skating, it just mean that after a touch the player will go in the exact direction you are holding. Just like in FIFA 09 but not limited to 8 directions, why would this not work?

^The same way it currently works with the 8-direction dribbling ie. right angle shift in direction from where you're facing results in a turn instead. The 360degree dribbling allows for more varying angles in between the direction you're facing and the player's left/right (as opposed to just one)

What you 2 said. :)

This change even brings some tactical thinking into movements. If you are running in angle 0 with a certain speed, the sharper you turn in a direction, the more slow and cumbersome the required animation usually is, since you need to change the direction of your body's momentum. So now you can also choose yourself quite accurately whether you want a sharper but slower turn, or if the situations perhaps calls for a quicker easier turn but sacrificing some sharpness.
What you 2 said. :)

This change even brings some tactical thinking into movements. If you are running in angle 0 with a certain speed, the sharper you turn in a direction, the more slow and cumbersome the required animation usually is, since you need to change the direction of your body's momentum. So now you can also choose yourself quite accurately whether you want a sharper but slower turn, or if the situations perhaps calls for a quicker easier turn but sacrificing some sharpness.

I think I do misunderstand the 360 degree dribbling. I was aware the threshold would be at 90 degrees and hence cant be like ice-skating, but I kind of thought it would mean that within the 0-90 range (i.e. facing forward) it would be like ice-skating for that point. Is what your saying that the touches are still 8 or 16 directions, but the player can run at any angle? That seems odd if the ball is then on rails and the player isnt, wouldnt he lose track of the ball? :THINK: Confused lol
No there is no limit. But you can only turn when the player touch the ball with his foot. So if you do swirl the stick in a circle, the player might turn first at 22 degrees, second and 33 next 56 and so on, because he doesn't constantly touch the ball. It is only when the foot touch the ball the player will go at the current angle you hold the stick.
And some other questions anwered by Marcel Kuhn. Some interesting stuff if I say so myself!

Hi marcel, don't know if this has been answered yet but will other clubs want our managerial skills even if we don't get sacked? And will we then be able to view their squad and financial status before we make up our mind?

EA_MarcelKuhn: ...other clubs will try to lure you away from your current club at the end of the season / the start of a new season.
The better your Reputation, the better the offers will be. You will be able to see their squads overall as well as their key players in every area of their squad. The clubs financial situation will be shown as well.

And Chris asked if he could answer Placebo's earlier questions

EA_MarcelKuhn: ... AI substitution logic is driven by the game play team, so I have to defer to one of my colleagues on that one. What I can tell you is, that we've added some "Line-up rotation" logic for the CPU Managers. This will ensure they'll field their squads based on positional preferences, overall and fatigue level. As a result of this, teams will field their new players, replace their injured & suspended players properly and sub out players that are too tired before the game starts. They will also take into account the importance of a match, i.e. if Gerrard is tired and a early round cup match vs. a 2nd div team is coming up, the CPU Manager will rest him - if the next game is a derby vs. Everton, he will play him despite his fatigue level. One more thing worth case the user doesn't want to take care of the Team Management related duties, he can also use this logic by activating the "Assistant Coach" feature.

Injuries have been asked about multiple times already - we're currently trying to track down this issue as we're supposed to have multiple injury types with varying lengths in the game.

Loans have also been asked about multiple times already - due to all the other issue we're tackling this year, we didn't have too much time to spend on loans. That being said, the new growth system should take care of him actually collecting XP while he is at the other club, as long as he's actually playing.
Hmm seems a bit snippy, first "answer" is not an answer to the question asked, but it's something we already knew, 2nd we only asked multiple times because there was no real answer forthcoming, and 3rd ignored the question basically.
Has it been confirmed whether they are still using cutscenes in gameplay? Also, has the substitution cutscene been changed?

Also, with the difficulty levels, does the CPU actually play better football the higher the level or is it just they get away with cheating more the higher the level, like in 09? Was playing some MM today and literally 3 or 4 clear bookings went unnoticed when playing on Legendary.
Hmm seems a bit snippy, first "answer" is not an answer to the question asked, but it's something we already knew, 2nd we only asked multiple times because there was no real answer forthcoming, and 3rd ignored the question basically.
I did my best to push your questions to the front of the queue Paul. ;)

I spotted him online so I highlighted them, especially the XP for loan players bit, and at least he has said in black and white that they should get some if they play (although it seems strange that he uses the word "should"). I had an idea that he might say the rotation is somebody else's department, seeing as it would happen in friendlies as well as Manager Mode and he's strictly Manager Mode. But he deflected the injury question without confirming more injuries either way...
Thanks for all the effort in getting the questions answered, it does seem it's all a little vague, a bit like Konami's answers "should be fixed", "hopefully will be included", "we are aware of the problem".
I guess we just have to wait and see how many, "sorry we did not have time" end up in the finished game Q&A...
I'm hoping that the radar will not fade when playing on the lower part of the screen. That's one of my biggest gripe with FIFA 09. I can never run down this part of the wing because I can't see on the radar if someone's in front of me. And I don't really like zooming out too much.
September release would be great news. It just depends on when in september, a 2nd Sept release would be significant a 25th Sept would not matter either way.

I would also worry if things have been rushed or misssed to push the release date but I have always said they should release games right at the start of the season when the excitement for football is at its peak.
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