Not great trailer didnt really show anything new apart from put empthasis on keepers are stronger.
I've watched the trailer a few more times and I wonder if that Walcott cross with his weaker left foot was another pin point cross.

He has already made Fat Frank commit and he has given himself enough time to cross it with his right, so why cross with the left?

Its the little things that count.
Dude its a scripted teaser chill....
Really worries me seeing that, he obviously hasn't played MM (what with not knowing loans are only 2x12 months), it's impossible not to know that the injury system is fundamentally broken as 999 times out of 1,000 the injury is 7 days, don't even think I ever had a 14 day injury, why have injury prone as a trait when injury prone players are no more likely to get injured than players without it? And to say "they are already in Fifa09" is really a misrepresentation, having played 10-15 seasons on Fifa09 I know they're not in there, having them occasionally happen when simulating matches does not classify as "in there" IMO.

I now have the feeling I need to add injuries to the list of things Fifa10's MM will disappoint me about :(

Noooooo :RANT:
I think more people are becoming disillusioned with EA over their MM claims from last years release, "we will be concentrating on it" has turned out to be we will tweak some things, they seem to have done even less than even I thought they would.
They even still seem unaware of some major issues... We need to get this across to them in no uncertain terms!!

I'm starting to pray PES has a league structure sorted this time...
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I dont know if this real or not but here is some leaked gameplay of FIFA 10 on PS3 and 360. It was recorded on a phone at the recent Polish press event:

YouTube - fifa 10 gameplay leaked.

From what I can see the crowds react far better. Cant really make out the 360 degree dribbling though. Make of it what you will. Your welcome. :)
It seems EA have taken over Nokami's production plan. Take a little, give a little...

"Don't fix the loans in Manager Mode, give them a jumping crowd when a goal is made."

"Leave long term injuries as it is aka non existent, give them a 20 player short list."

"Just don't fix everything straight away, we want them to buy FIFA11 aswell... "
Or it could be because they don't feel like only working on MM and skip everything else. Saying that they're doing what Konami used to do is ridiculous, they're still adding a shit load of things. Stop staring yourself blind on the MM, even if I know that is what counts the most for a lot of people.
Or it could be because they don't feel like only working on MM and skip everything else. Saying that they're doing what Konami used to do is ridiculous, they're still adding a shit load of things. Stop staring yourself blind on the MM, even if I know that is what counts the most for a lot of people.

I know i bang on about the MM Gab_... ;)
What shit load of things have they added BTW..:CONFUSE:
@Blaccat fair enough, never seen him do it in a real game though.
It seems EA have taken over Nokami's production plan. Take a little, give a little...

"Don't fix the loans in Manager Mode, give them a jumping crowd when a goal is made."

"Leave long term injuries as it is aka non existent, give them a 20 player short list."

"Just don't fix everything straight away, we want them to buy FIFA11 aswell... "

Thats what happens when someone dominated the other. i wont be surprised if konami produces a better footy game this year at this rate
@Blaccat fair enough, never seen him do it in a real game though.
Right now all he wants to do is run, when he finds out that it wouldn't work all the time, he might start to express himself which he does sometimes just not often enough for a winger.
I really don't understand people saying that adding any feature would take an hour long. Saying that they only show they total lack of knowledge about how a game (or any application) is done.

Let's illustrate the example of colouring teams in promotion / relegation / champions / uefa positions:

1- The "feature" must be defined by the game design team (how it will work). It seems a simple feature but it really isn't, because there are many rules to be applied to different leagues and competitions in different continents. And sometimes that own't apply at all. For instance, what about the teams that are in position to participate in an Asian competition that is not reflectedin the game? Should we colour them? Or not? Should be any kind kind of legend to show which colour represents which action at the end of the season, and so on.

2- When the feature is properly designed in terms of functionality and APPROVED by the heads of the production team it must go through the design process that will define how things will look in the different scenarios.

3- When the design is ok, then it goes to the programmers. Coding this can really vary from one or two days to a week or more, depending on the complexity of the design process. The programmer must use some kind of build of the game to do some testing of his work, and probably will have to interact with data models defined and documented for the whole application, and surely he will have to interact with other programmers to implement the feature. Oh, and guess what, the programmer will have to make the proper DOCUMENTATION about how the feature is programmed.

4- When it's "done" it has to pass the testing phase, in which it's possible that some mistake or improvement is detected, having to pass again through the pertinent stages until approved.

All this processes usually should involve some meetings and communication between the different departments, even to do some "simple" featura as this one. Don't underestimate the power of burocracy. In a team of hundreds of people, it consumes A LOT of hours and energy. Documentation must go and be approved through different people and departments in order to be "controlled".

You can hate burocracy but you can elude it. I worked as chief of production of a team of about 20 people for 10 years and I tell you there are a LOT OF HOURS involved in coordinating people and organizing work, and for such a complex application as Fifa is, there are lots of stages that gamers tend to ignore about how things are really made.

So, at the end, the simple feature that some say would take an hour, if you sum up all of the hours of the people involved (design, art, coding, testing and coordination), we're talking about one or two weeks minimum of work.

We would all agree we prefer those two weeks to be invested in something of more urgency right now.

I know we all wanted a lot of new things in MM, but there's a limit in how many things they can develop. EA is putting a lot of effort into the game and I think it really pays. Konami did very lazy efforts for so long that now it seems we ask for impossible things.

I know some things will disappoint us, and surely there will be some absurd decisions in the process (not local svaing of replays anyone?) but it SEEMS they're doing a lot of work on a lot of things and fixing what users didn't like in the previous versions.

I prefer this to the typical development cycle of konami.
dunno why everyone is getting so down..

the trailer is a snippet and you can tell the gameplay aspect is what they focussed on this year. lots of little touches added everywhere. i can't wait.

konami's total revamp is going to leave massive holes that will be filled with subsequent incremental updates. manager mode looks better imo. sure they haven't revamped it but they say they didn't have the time to do it and i believe 'em.

360 movement will be huge. (check the leaked footage). being able to put defenders on their wrong foot and backfoot is huge. new ways to trap the ball is huge too and just makes more use of the "ball control" stat.

i'm more hyped for PES's graphics and Fifa's gameplay this year... which is strange cause it's normally the reverse.
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