Honestly, a few of you are so f#$king ignorant it's not even amusing. Let people play how they want and leave the demands to online play settings.

Because those of you who are demanding Manual Only, or similar, should also realise that you are in the <5% group of customers and that the game wouldn't even be in it's form were it not for the "casual" gamers

Tik we aren't arguing that we should force people to play a certain way. All my post was meant to say (aside from starting the manual vs assisted debate AGAIN :YAWN:) was merely that there would be a good proportion of FIFA players who play it and expect realism (or something rather close to it.). However, how can EA deliver realism in a game where one of the control choices (the DEFAULT) allows the player to do inherently unrealistic things?

If EA had semi or manual as the default mode (since many people are oblivious of the settings' existence anyway), there would be an initial shock reaction from the public, but afterwards I think you would see for more acclaim than 08 or 09 got because manual forces realistic play, which is ultimately what the title is judged on. All I was saying is that for their own good, EA should encourage manual play directly to their customers if they really want to pursue the simulation path.

drekkard said:
They should remove Auto and let semi. I don't understand people playing in auto, really, at least make the effort to semi, it's not that hard, come on!

I really begin to firmly believe that the problem is always the people. I really hate people who play assisted and still asks for realism and "differentiation" between players. I don't get it. It makes nonsense.

When you play manual crossing, for instance, 5 out of 8 crosses can go out. Just like in reality. A good crosser makes for a great difference. Then, I don't get someone would like to put it on assited crossing, then have almost perfect crosses everytime and rejoice because he's such a "good" player. Oh, yeah.

Agree 100%.

All those people who complain about going on manual and then missing from 5 yards after rounding the keeper - I don't know about you guys, but to me that represents real football far better than getting it in 1000/1000 times on assisted. The great thing about manual is that after missing that (which DOES happen - anelka vs pool when he was a bolton player), you will take more care next time and ensure you nail it - just like anelka would and did in real life. It encourages learning, experimentation, and then learning from those mistakes.

Also - to those who complain that they have to focus too much on the basics when playing on manual - I have the same argument as I made above - you SHOULD be focusing on the basics. After you have those down pat, THEN you can begin thinking about how to link your passes and create flowing moves and scoring opportunities.

Having manual as the default mode would result in a far greater difference between player levels - with the best players being the most 'complete' in all aspects of the game. These players would be ranked highest, just as in most games where skill is a factor in winning. I cant help but feel that currently skill is much less a part of winning in FIFA than playing the assisted angles and exploiting the game's glitches and flaws.

If you miss the shot by 1 or 2 degrees on the analogue stick - you will quickly learn and the dexterity of your fingers will improve as a result. This even begins to represent the divide between skilled and unskilled players in real life - the greatest differences between, say, a smaller league like the Norwegian league and the EPL is (aside from off-the-ball movement and fitness and just general player intuition), is that the players in the EPL are just that 5 degrees better in terms of how accurate their passes, shots, and touches are. If greater hand dexterity can translate onto the FIFA pitch as it does with this comparison, i think the realism will jump a massive notch.
hardly anyone plays manual shooting though. most people here from what was said a couple of months ago play on semi on shooting as its nearly impossible to get at least one shot on target.

if we go all out on manual settings then why bother with player stats? surely there wont be any point in having player stats as the ability to shoot and pass will be simply down to the actual human player controlling the players in the game.

At least any stats related to passing and shooting of an individual player should be removed from the player stats/ability if fifa was to go down the manual route. You dont see stats for FPS games that make your accuracy worse or better then other players.
hardly anyone plays manual shooting though. most people here from what was said a couple of months ago play on semi on shooting as its nearly impossible to get at least one shot on target.

if we go all out on manual settings then why bother with player stats? surely there wont be any point in having player stats as the ability to shoot and pass will be simply down to the actual human player controlling the players in the game.

At least any stats related to passing and shooting of an individual player should be removed from the player stats/ability if fifa was to go down the manual route. You dont see stats for FPS games that make your accuracy worse or better then other players.

That is so not true. I play all manual and there is a mile of difference in shooting between players, as well as passing, dribbling etc. I'd say that those who don't think so haven't played enough of manual.

(Yeah, it's true that the difference could be bigger, but I don't really want it to be. 99% of all professional footballers can shoot, pass etc adequaetly, but the thing that makes good players good is their tactical knowledge wich isn't important enough in FIFA.)
i disagree. as well has tactical knowledge of the game, the ability to pass and shoot should also determine how good a player is imo and this is if fifa goes the manual route but i highly doubt it because this is a console game and it has to appeal to a wider audience.

the majority of people play on auto whether you like it or not im afraid.
I think unless EA start to push Manual as a selling point or having it reward the gamer than not much will change. I've been in the same situation Blaccat about explaining what Semi/Manual are. Most come back with "Why am i going to bother doing that when no one plays manual and its harder" And really how can you disagree when the game doesn't push the settings or have any reward at all for playing it.

Well put, "no pain no gain" but what the point of going through the pain and gain nothing tangible?

Manual shooting is great!, i get at least 50% of my shots on target.

All you have to do is play on semipro or amateur for a while, that way you create loads of chances..thats how you practice your shooting.

Dnt just shoot to score either try to place the ball where you want. That way you learn how to score in tight situations.

Now i play on Professional with Exeter in MM and Worldclass with Mancity where I have Messi, Benzema etc
Honestly, a few of you are so f#$king ignorant it's not even amusing. Let people play how they want and leave the demands to online play settings.

Because those of you who are demanding Manual Only, or similar, should also realise that you are in the <5% group of customers and that the game wouldn't even be in it's form were it not for the "casual" gamers

Spot on.

We are talking about a computer game here and the majority play games purely for fun. Fifa is the casual gamers football game of choice. Why else would it have always outsold PES for all these years, even when it was shit? The opinions on here are of the hardcore football gamers, but I don't think your average Fifa player is particularly interested in fully manual controls. I don't think EA would ever standardise fully manual controls as they will be alienating 95% of their market. However, as a semi player myself I do agree that semi should be the default control method. Then those who want a challenge can turn the assists down, and those who want instantly accessible fun can turn them all on.

jonneymendoza said:
if we go all out on manual settings then why bother with player stats? surely there wont be any point in having player stats as the ability to shoot and pass will be simply down to the actual human player controlling the players in the game.

This is my main concern with manual controls as well. I want the player stats to highlight the individual qualities and weaknesses of my players and I think manual controls undermine the stats. If everything is purely down to human input you may as well use statless teams.

Player stats act as assists if you think about it.
Tik we aren't arguing that we should force people to play a certain way.


Rob said:
Assisted should be removed from FIFA, but unfortunately that will never happen.

drekkerd said:
They should remove Auto and let semi. I don't understand people playing in auto, really, at least make the effort to semi, it's not that hard, come on!

wildster said:
Assisted should not be allowed online.

romagnoli said:
Of course, the game still has to be accessible to the proles, so we'll have to accept that there needs to be some leeway for people who play the game with their fists and not their fingers.

Dusse said:
EA still have that screen the first time you play FIFA that asks you how experienced you are with FIFA (and and estimate based on gamerpoints in earlier FIFAs), right? Then give those you choose beginngers semi and everyone else manual.


Agree with the reward aspect, you should get more points for more accurate/better control. However I don't have the time to master a control scheme to then finally be able to enjoy the game. And thats offcourse if your enjoyment originates from being able to pass a ball about, I want a more tactical smarter AI to be the challenge.

As for the control vs recognition. Do you really think people will take the time to train for a game?!

I do agree with the magic passes/shooting nonsense but then I tend not to do that anyway as I always move/turn my player so that he can pass/shoot "correctly".

If anything I think the majority of frustration is born out of online missmatches and they should definitely sort that out, but they should also keep as much options open as possible as it will mean more sales and a better game for us all.

Oh and I have to admit that I've gone down from semi/manual on 08 on the 360/analog to mostly assisted ps3-dpad for 09. I prefer the faster (for me) reaction to my input on the d-pad then the slower more free analog. They both have their qualities but I personnaly prefer d-pad.
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Yeah yeah agree manual controls is shit. I mean the ball goes exactly the way you point the stick, exactly, no individuality! Assisted is the way to go if you want to feel the difference between player and know something about tactics. It should be about tactics and not actually pressing buttons as far as I care. FIFA has always been about "fun" and it hasn't changed at all in the recent years.

If anything, manual controls and 360 degree dribbling should be removed so they can add more fun stuff. I mean everyone doesn't have time to spend with the game to be good, people with real lives want assisted so it should be default. Manual players should look at PES instead, everyone knows that PES is the true simulation game, FIFA is for fun as it has always been and always will be.
Gab, you're going to have to stop this all-sarcastic-posts phase, not only is it the lowest form of wit but it hurts my brain to decode them all. :CONF:
Yeah yeah agree manual controls is shit. I mean the ball goes exactly the way you point the stick, exactly, no individuality! Assisted is the way to go if you want to feel the difference between player and know something about tactics. It should be about tactics and not actually pressing buttons as far as I care. FIFA has always been about "fun" and it hasn't changed at all in the recent years.

If anything, manual controls and 360 degree dribbling should be removed so they can add more fun stuff. I mean everyone doesn't have time to spend with the game to be good, people with real lives want assisted so it should be default. Manual players should look at PES instead, everyone knows that PES is the true simulation game, FIFA is for fun as it has always been and always will be.

Your posts have become very dull very quickly. Have a proper discussion.
Some not so good news:

"no 360 dribbling on pc/ps2 - but a lot of other cool stuff."

"weve not added any 'trophy' celebrations at the moment. sorry."

"hey alan. you can select weather for appropriate stadiums before starting, but the weather is persistent thru the match. hth..."

"ive leaked about as much as i dare. july 15 the embargo lifts. lot to tell then"

IMO, the gameplay of FIFA when you play on assisted has nothing over PES - in fact PES is probably the better game compared to FIFA on assisted because it's actually been built around being "assisted" since it's inception.

If EA removed assisted and just had semi/manual, they could actually say they had by far the most realistic football game available - being able to hold the direction towards your opponents goal and just hold the sprint button, mash the through ball button and then just press the shot button every so often is nothing like how a football should be but it was how twats on FIFA 09 play, and it works...
Some not so good news:

"no 360 dribbling on pc/ps2 - but a lot of other cool stuff."

Don't care personally.
"weve not added any 'trophy' celebrations at the moment. sorry."

Silly omission really, but then at the end of the day when you've seen it once how much do you care about it? Rather have the loan market fixed for example.
"hey alan. you can select weather for appropriate stadiums before starting, but the weather is persistent thru the match. hth..."

Don't care personally (as long as we have variable weather in MM, overcast should = it rains some or all of the match).
IMO, the gameplay of FIFA when you play on assisted has nothing over PES - in fact PES is probably the better game compared to FIFA on assisted because it's actually been built around being "assisted" since it's inception.

If EA removed assisted and just had semi/manual, they could actually say they had by far the most realistic football game available - being able to hold the direction towards your opponents goal and just hold the sprint button, mash the through ball button and then just press the shot button every so often is nothing like how a football should be but it was how twats on FIFA 09 play, and it works...

Eh... that's what makes FIFA fun. Fun > Realism.
IMO, the gameplay of FIFA when you play on assisted has nothing over PES - in fact PES is probably the better game compared to FIFA on assisted because it's actually been built around being "assisted" since it's inception.

If EA removed assisted and just had semi/manual, they could actually say they had by far the most realistic football game available - being able to hold the direction towards your opponents goal and just hold the sprint button, mash the through ball button and then just press the shot button every so often is nothing like how a football should be but it was how twats on FIFA 09 play, and it works...
stats would be pointless imo as stated on my previous post.
When I manual cross with a player with a low crossing stat I put it behind the goal almost all the time :LOL: with a better crosser I put in nice crosses more often than not - it might just be me though.
On semi (the default), every player crosses the exact same, and there people are saying the opposite, that assisted/semi use the player stats more!

I think the stats should be used more on short passes though - the power should be inconsistent for worse players and the aiming system should make the passes deviate more from where you aim the more power you put into it.

Wishful thinking though, will probably just be the same as is now.
I think the stats should be used more on short passes though - the power should be inconsistent for worse players and the aiming system should make the passes deviate more from where you aim the more power you put into it.

Wishful thinking though, will probably just be the same as is now.[/Q

Thats the problem though Rob, i have not been hearing much about player differentation, which has been seriouly lacking for some time.
There's a couple of things I think about the assisted/manual debate.

I think that semi offers the perfect balance, satisfying hardcore gamers and still forcing newbies to have a little bit of a learning curve, increase the challenge a little bit and even increase strategy (being able to lead your pass a bit more if a defender is in the way for example, as someone said before).

One reason I would never use manual is because I think it takes away from the effect attributes have on players in the game, reducing even further the difference you feel on passing abilities between players (someone mentioned this earlier). I know the attributes will still have an effect on accuracy (on manual), but I feel like its not enough of an effect and player control overpowers the skill of the footballers. Players with great 'vision' ratings, for example, basically mean nothing on all manual. I don't know if this is how the system works, but I've always thought 'vision' should mean the ability of the player to know the best spot to pass the ball to (especially on difficult passes through traffic), while accuracy would be how close the pass comes to the spot he's aiming at- meaning that let's say point a is the perfect pass, point b is a good pass, point c is too far in front and point D is intercepted, a player with bad 'vision' but good 'accuracy' might choose point b, but come very close to that mark (does this make sense?) Dunno if that's how it works, but that's how it should! Manual basically puts way too much onus on the player playing the game, and much less on the player within the game. I want to be able to use Xavi and know if I spot a through pass, more often than not he will make it.

Either way there definitely should also be a button for manual passes, as there are definitely times where I might want to play a ball in a direction the game wouldn't normally choose to play it, say hold RB and pass for example.

And finally for assisted players, it is pretty simple to fix the problem of people just being able to whip blind passes all over the pitch without making them play semi or manual: DECREASE ACCURACY OF BLIND/LONG/PASSES FROM BAD PASSERS! If someone decides to whip a blind pass from 50 yards away, there should be a huge accuracy penalty! With players that don't pass well, difficult passes should be off target! This doesn't seem very difficult to implement, so hopefully FIFA gets this right ... :)
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I know online playing assisted vs non assisted is pretty pointless, but getting rid of it is not the correct way either. I play assisted *ducks*.........didn't get hit by the tomatoes so I'll I want the challenge to be tactical with movement and skillfull timing. I don't want the challenge to be accurately hitting a 10yard pass with "Gerrard". Or a couple of degree's on the analog stick to determine whether my shot goes in or hits the cornerflag. I can hit better passes and shots in real life then I can with fully manual control so I just don't see the point for me. Its not what the challenge is about for how I want to play the game.

But now they have sorted out the Manual vs Assisted online thing so it shouldnt be an issue anymore.

They haven't sorted anything out. Manual players are still at an extreme disadvantage online when playing against those that use Assisted.

Spot on.

We are talking about a computer game here and the majority play games purely for fun. Fifa is the casual gamers football game of choice.Why else would it have always outsold PES for all these years, even when it was shit? The opinions on here are of the hardcore football gamers, but I don't think your average Fifa player is particularly interested in fully manual controls. I don't think EA would ever standardise fully manual controls as they will be alienating 95% of their market. However, as a semi player myself I do agree that semi should be the default control method. Then those who want a challenge can turn the assists down, and those who want instantly accessible fun can turn them all on.

This is my main concern with manual controls as well. I want the player stats to highlight the individual qualities and weaknesses of my players and I think manual controls undermine the stats. If everything is purely down to human input you may as well use statless teams.

Player stats act as assists if you think about it.

To the first point in bold, it has become the casual gamer's soccer game of choice but it's been marketed, or at least looked at as, a soccer simulation. With the change from 08 to 09 it's been anything but that. I'm all for making the game more accessible to less experienced players and for the record I don't care if people use assisted offline, but online it needs to get out. If this increased accessibility is added at the expense of realism then that's certainly not a good thing. I simply don't understand how anyone who has actually played soccer and watches high-level soccer on television, can get on FIFA and play the way I see some people play. Do it offline against the CPU if you want to but when the level of ease with which one can score a goal or thread a throughball from one end of the field to another is so different between Assisted and Manual, why even bother having a Manual setting in the game when there's no point in using it if you want to succeed (even though it's clearly the more realistic of the two)? I mean, do you really not care that what you see on the pitch in the game isn't what you see on the pitch in real life? And does FIFA's standing as the casual soccer fans game of choice really excuse the fact that so much of it doesn't actually represent the real game at all?

As Placebo's been saying player stats absolutely factor into things when playing on Manual. Case in point, and there have been a number of other examples that I've come across, I'm playing as Man United in BAP: Online Team Play and as usual the opposing team is playing like a bunch of idiots and leaving acres of space at the back. We go on the counter, I see Ji-Sung at the top right of my screen (I'm playing ANY) and I fire a manual lob up the field in front of him and it's not on the money but it's in the perfect spot for him to run onto (just to clarify, Carrick is near the right side of the pitch and I'm essentially trying to send a cross field pass towards the opposite corner flag). That same situation comes about again but this time I have control of Rafael da Silva, attempt to do the same thing (both were from near the halfway line) and Rafa just fires one straight down the field to the keeper. This is only one example but trying to slot a manual throughball behind the defense is far easier with Fabregas than it is with Vidic. On assisted it really doesn't matter who you have (in my experience).

One more thing that I've noticed concerning assisted passing: It does far more than simply making the pass super accurate and allowing you to make the pass without having to charge it up. I've seen so many instances where not only does it give the recipient of the pass a nice little boost to move away from the defender, but it also sometimes moves you defender out of the way and often makes them have a little brainfart during which they could easily stick a leg out and tap the ball away but simply don't. I wish I could've recorded some of the many games that I've played against assisted players but here's on great example, I think, and one that I hope other people have noticed: I'm trying to close a guy down who's passing around the back. He gets himself into trouble and I notice that there is only one guy that he can pass to. I'm running almost in a straight line towards his goalie and I'll soon be directly between both he and the recipient. He passes the ball and if I'm allowed to continue running I'll intercept it and be on to goal. What happens though? Berbatov alters his run (while I'm still simply trying to run forward, mind you) and suddenly can't run as fast as he was prior to the pass and actually lets the ball sort of get past him only to start following it as it rolls towards the guy who's supposed to be receiving the pass. This happens online ALL THE TIME.

I know this is something of a rant but I just remembered one other thing that REALLY pisses me off. When people don't even think about where they want to pass and basically point in a guy's general direction, press A, pass off the mark and yet his player will somehow react in a split second and run to where the ball has gone. Imagine something of an invisible force field that exists around every player. When the ball kind of breaks through the force field the ball is essentially locked onto that player (sometimes they'll run to it but if not you can still be relatively sure that it'll be their ball). Everybody knows that the ball is NOT completely independent of the players in this game yet and is certainly on rails still right? Well, it seems that with Assisted passing, that forcefield is HUGE and simply passing anywhere near the guy, even if he's running in another direction, will just see him stop and kind of slide out to get the ball. I'll see the errant pass and try to go for it but there's no way I'm getting there before him.

I'm not calling for Assisted to be banned from the game as it's not going to help you offline anyway if you play on the higher (cheaper) difficulty settings. Online though, it just isn't representative of real soccer at all.

I also don't mean to make these posts incredibly long but this Assisted v Manual debate in particular really bugs me. Not Manual shooting though. I'm no sure how Placebo gets so many of them on target. I mean, I can get them on target most of the time but they are always going to get saved. Semi shooting for me. Manual everything else.
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As Placebo's been saying player stats absolutely factor into things when playing on Manual. Case in point, and there have been a number of other examples that I've come across, I'm playing as Man United in BAP: Online Team Play and as usual the opposing team is playing like a bunch of idiots and leaving acres of space at the back. We go on the counter, I see Ji-Sung at the top right of my screen (I'm playing ANY) and I fire a manual lob up the field in front of him and it's not on the money but it's in the perfect spot for him to run onto (just to clarify, Carrick is near the right side of the pitch and I'm essentially trying to send a cross field pass towards the opposite corner flag). That same situation comes about again but this time I have control of Rafael da Silva, attempt to do the same thing (both were from near the halfway line) and Rafa just fires one straight down the field to the keeper. This is only one example but trying to slot a manual throughball behind the defense is far easier with Fabregas than it is with Vidic. On assisted it really doesn't matter who you have (in my experience).

I respect people's opinions on this board but I have to say this is all in your head. The most important fact about manual control still stands, having been a player that has played on all control types, the angle and direction of your pass is completely dependent on the direction you swing the analogue stick towards no matter what player you're using(Iniesta or Jens Lehmann). The passing speed and acceleration is dependent on players stats + power bar, more or less, in all types of control. That being said, since Football is mostly consistent of passing, there is a lot of truth to what assisted players say about the game becoming more about the analogue stick and less about the skill of the players on the field. I am not saying that Assisted was perfect in FIFA 09. I think that, particularly through balls, need a lot of work on things like variety of angles and ability to pick the far player. What I want from a Football game is the ability to pick any player I want to pass to on the field and the ability to pass it to their legs or in front of them. Whether or not they receive that pass should depend on a lot of factors like how open the player is, the conditions under which the pass was hit(angle, pressure from opposition, distance ....ect) and the skill of the player delivering that pass.

To me, Manual shooting has exactly the same problem. A skilled player would be able to place 10 shots into the top corner, in a 1-on-1, just the same with van Nistelrooy or Vidic. Again, shot power and acceleration + power bar factor into the power of the shot but that variation is also there on assisted controls. IMO, shooting in football games should be the way it is, 180 degrees forward of the analogue stick represent the area of the goal you are aiming at. Whether or not you hit that area depends on your players' shot accuracy, composure under pressure, distance from goal, angle from which he is taking the shot ... ect. On Manual shooting, I feel like sometimes since I flicked the stick in the wrong direction, may player is AIMING his shot at the corner flag which is not realistic. Players, in real life, always aim for goal but may hit the corner flag given the conditions in which they take the shot and their shot technique.

I think that if the ball trajectory of shots was fixed and more flexibility was given in passing in FIFA 10 then assisted will be most popular choice of control again. Should be default IMO. Just my 2 cents.
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I respect people's opinions on this board but I have to say this is all in your head. The most important fact about manual control still stands, having been a player that has played on all control types, the angle and direction of your pass is completely dependent on the direction you swing the analogue stick towards no matter what player you're using(Iniesta or Jens Lehmann). The passing speed and acceleration is dependent on players stats + power bar, more or less, in all types of control. That being said, since Football is mostly consistent of passing, there is a lot of truth to what assisted players say about the game becoming more about the analogue stick and less about the skill of the players on the field. I am not saying that Assisted was perfect in FIFA 09. I think that, particularly through balls, need a lot of work on things like variety of angles and ability to pick the far player. What I want from a Football game is the ability to pick any player I want to pass to on the field and the ability to pass it to their legs or in front of them. Whether or not they receive that pass should depend on a lot of factors like how open the player is, the conditions under which the pass was hit(angle, pressure from opposition, distance ....ect) and the skill of the player delivering that pass.

To me, Manual shooting has exactly the same problem. A skilled player would be able to place 10 shots into the top corner, in a 1-on-1, just the same with van Nistelrooy or Vidic. Again, shot power and acceleration + power bar factor into the power of the shot but that variation is also there on assisted controls. IMO, shooting in football games should be the way it is, 180 degrees forward of the analogue stick represent the area of the goal you are aiming at. Whether or not you hit that area depends on your players' shot accuracy, composure under pressure, distance from goal, angle from which he is taking the shot ... ect. On Manual shooting, I feel like sometimes since I flicked the stick in the wrong direction, may player is AIMING his shot at the corner flag which is not realistic. Players, in real life, always aim for goal but may hit the corner flag given the conditions in which they take the shot and their shot technique.

I think that if the ball trajectory of shots was fixed and more flexibility was given in passing in FIFA 10 then assisted will be most popular choice of control again. Should be default IMO. Just my 2 cents.

First off, I've played enough of the game on manual to know that it's not simply all in my head and on the topic of Manual shooting I agree that it's horribly inaccurate no matter who you have. But shooting on Semi and Assisted (unless you get really good with the finesse shot with the latter) can be just as mindboggling as well.

Giving more flexibility to assisted passing would be tantamount to making it even more unstoppable and unrealistic than it already is precisely for the reasons that I'd outlined in the rest of my post. The part about defenders not trying to go for assisted passes and SPECIFICALLY the part about what happened when I tried to intercept a pass with Berbatov.

Assisted will automatically be the control scheme of choice in FIFA 10 because it makes the game ridiculously easy to play. I don't care if the pass is on a line and accurately moves towards the player that you intend it to but if I have a defender in the way or in any way close enough to intercept or tap that pass away, he'd better do it. And that's a huge part of assisted passing in this game (when playing online in particular), it also affects the ability of your opponent's AI-controlled characters to effectively defend against them and do the things that you'd expect them to do when a ball is rolling almost right by their feet.

I couldn't care less about what people do with assisted offline, but to even try and make a case for assisted being somehow realistic or representative of actual passing is kind of laughable. The way I see it assisted passing seems to try and make up for the brunt of the games other shortcomings like players not coming back to receive the ball and players making idiotic runs. Honestly, can you explain to me why you can routinely (again, online) fire through an assisted pass that just comes flying through the defense, allows the striker to get a quick speed boost to jump behind the defense (and often makes the defense jump forward to be even further out of position) and then somehow die out like the passer put a ridiculous amount of backspin on the ball? That's assisted passing in a nutshell.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree but I've seen with my own eyes how much more accurate a Fabregas manual pass is than one fired through by Abu Diaby in this game.

Again, I'm speaking about this as it pertains to online play because offline if you play on anything above Profesional the computer cheating will negate much of the BS that you can get away with using assisted anyway.
To me, Manual shooting has exactly the same problem. A skilled player would be able to place 10 shots into the top corner, in a 1-on-1, just the same with van Nistelrooy or Vidic. Again, shot power and acceleration + power bar factor into the power of the shot but that variation is also there on assisted controls. IMO, shooting in football games should be the way it is, 180 degrees forward of the analogue stick represent the area of the goal you are aiming at. Whether or not you hit that area depends on your players' shot accuracy, composure under pressure, distance from goal, angle from which he is taking the shot ... ect. On Manual shooting, I feel like sometimes since I flicked the stick in the wrong direction, may player is AIMING his shot at the corner flag which is not realistic. Players, in real life, always aim for goal but may hit the corner flag given the conditions in which they take the shot and their shot technique..

That is not true. Trie to aim at the cornerflag in the arena with manual settings.

They always aim at goal, even if you flick the analog completely the wrong way.
They haven't sorted anything out. Manual players are still at an extreme disadvantage online when playing against those that use Assisted.

I thought they had added the option for control settings aswell as team *'s for online?
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