


But all nets are different and this is what they need to replicate better at each ground. look at the nou Camp nets and compare them with those at anfield...........completely different.


Let us have our moments of fetish & pleasure wrapped in the finest nets the world has seen;)
@clarkwenborn no local saving of replays etc this year im afraid. but we know how much its fifa 11 should have it!!!

From Rutter's twitter. We all knew that it wouldn't be in FIFA 10, but at least it seems like they will finally add it in FIFA 11 unless he's pulling an EA on us again.
David Rutter and his team have really earned much respect from me. The way he's answering those questions and how hard they're trying to give us the best football game to date. Hats off!

He even answered my question...

"@Sc0rp1o were not supported imported sound tracks at the moment. but jeff and i have got some great choons again this year for you all...

So no customised song list for us PS3 users sadly...

other info:
"stat editing will be the same as fifa 09. been concentrating on gameplay and manager mode atm..."

"one of our top programmers is from argentina and is always asking too. its not looking likely atm - but weve been trying..."

No Argentinian league.

"'us lot' :) have been working on traps from all directions - we call the dropping ball ones 'y traps' and theyre much better..."

Trapping the ball will be a lot better.

And the cheeky chap hits one towards "the other side"!

"@seabasswenb hey chaps - can i follow your updates too? i'm wide open, and yet you're all 'hidden' :("
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no local saving of replays etc this year im afraid. but we know how much its fifa 11

Obviously they don't make the players smaller and leave everything else the same. If anything they made the pitch bigger and moved back the default camera a little making everything look smaller while the pitch seems pretty much the same in size.

The driven crosses sounds good, but I don't want it to end up like in the later PES versions. Harder crosses should in theory mean more risk of the cross to be miss hit (it's much easier to hit a slow/weak/backspin cross in real life). If they still have the super accuracy in the semi/assisted settings it will look like pinball like in PES.

That's what I'm afraid of. After seeing how easy it is to whack an assisted pass across the field and have it even avoid defenders that are standing right in the way it'll almost ruin the game if switching the ball from side to side in the air is just as easy.

And much like StuartCulli said, until we get some gameplay all this talk of massive improvements means nothing to me.
No replay save.....jesus christ!!


Rutter has failed me AGAIN!!

That's a bit strong!

he cannot produce a game that caters for everything all at once and at least he has open dialogue with the community, otherwise this would have not come to light until much later on.

No replay saves is a big shame but i doubt it will detract from the overall package.
Saving replays aint that big of a deal anyway

You will save a goal watch it a month later then never again
I used to watch my replays in PES all the time, but that's because I don't score shitty goals like coopz do :SMUG:
Playing against some of my mates who play assisted today - I think the problem with assisted isn't the fact that it directs your passes for you - its that they take no time to charge up. This results in just first time passes all the way down the field - even in stupid situations like the receiver passing it first time directly behind him (and not backheeling it) and getting it exactly right.

My mates aren't dummies either - this is just the way football video games are played to them and my protests otherwise are just over-complicating it.

To be honest - assisted is just an abomination. Half of society complain about a lack of realism but then play in a way thats inherently unrealistic. The easiest way then for EA to add realism isn't to add new gameplay features - it's to encourage manual and realistic play from the players. Im not saying wipe assisted out completely, but maybe phase it out over the next 5-10 years.

Its stunning really. 3/4 of the people who play FIFA aren't getting their money's worth at all and EA takes the criticism on board when it comes. Amazing.
Ah, well that's not the only problem with FIFA. Some people, like me -- erm -- others, who play on assisted, are justified in doing so. What if you just, hypothetically, bought an Xbox 360 last Tuesday, and, hypothetically, were doing very, very poorly on manual due to a lack of experience on the console? I think assisted needs to be kept for those VERY hypothetical -- but still common (hopefully) -- situations where people are just not experienced enough with the system to play on manual.

Although, it should probably be disallowed online. It's very unfair to those playing manual.
Yeah but I don't think assisted is really needed. It would be much better if they only had Semi or manual. That way at least you have to hold down the button a little bit longer for a long pass, and it is possible to make a bad pass even if the CPU helps you out a lot on Semi.

The main problem with assisted is that it is too accurate. Like andish says, you can face the wrong direction and still pull off perfect passes/shots, it's just way too arcady as it is now.

Not sure if Rutter mentioned anything about this, I know he talked about making shots worse when in a bad position, but not sure about passes/crosses. Maybe someone with twitter could ask him about this, because he seems to be answering a lot of people directly on that site still.
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That's a bit strong!

he cannot produce a game that caters for everything all at once and at least he has open dialogue with the community, otherwise this would have not come to light until much later on.

No replay saves is a big shame but i doubt it will detract from the overall package.
Strong? I thought I was holding back

A few reasons why this is TOTALLY unacceptable

1. Its been a standard feature in footy/sports games since God knows when(and its been in previous Fifa games and its in the PS2 version of Fifa09)

2. EAsportsworld, its easy to spend year on that sh!t hole that offers crap video quality and you are limited to five 10seconds saves. Rag Doll Kungfu uploads better quality videos str8 youtube from the PS3. That reminds me...weren't we promised youtube upload?

3. Its been how many years now that we have been calling for replay saves on Nextgen consoles. but i can take a bloody screenshot.

4. FFS!

5. Why can I rewind an entire match on my PS3, prick tease

oh yes I commend David Rutter for his efforts, phenomenal

But this seems like such a small thing and it shouldnt take 4 years, the instant replay is already in place, u can clearly extract 10 secs.....whats the bloody hold up?

It won't stop me from buying the game but this just sucks
no local saving of replays etc this year im afraid. but we know how much its fifa 11


Fucking EA, not again!:RANT:

Yet another ridiculously simple feature goes under the radar. Local replay saves have been a basic feature of sports games for many, many years. I love my replays and I do go back and watch them all the time. Used to have memory cards full of them for PES.
I know online playing assisted vs non assisted is pretty pointless, but getting rid of it is not the correct way either. I play assisted *ducks*.........didn't get hit by the tomatoes so I'll I want the challenge to be tactical with movement and skillfull timing. I don't want the challenge to be accurately hitting a 10yard pass with "Gerrard". Or a couple of degree's on the analog stick to determine whether my shot goes in or hits the cornerflag. I can hit better passes and shots in real life then I can with fully manual control so I just don't see the point for me. Its not what the challenge is about for how I want to play the game.

But now they have sorted out the Manual vs Assisted online thing so it shouldnt be an issue anymore.
I know online playing assisted vs non assisted is pretty pointless, but getting rid of it is not the correct way either. I play assisted *ducks*.........didn't get hit by the tomatoes so I'll I want the challenge to be tactical with movement and skillfull timing. I don't want the challenge to be accurately hitting a 10yard pass with "Gerrard". Or a couple of degree's on the analog stick to determine whether my shot goes in or hits the cornerflag. I can hit better passes and shots in real life then I can with fully manual control so I just don't see the point for me. Its not what the challenge is about for how I want to play the game.

But now they have sorted out the Manual vs Assisted online thing so it shouldnt be an issue anymore.

Agreed. When I play Fifa on manual I feel like I'm wrestling with the controls just to make a short pass rather than thinking about the play. I'd rather play assisted and let the quality of the players in my team do the work so I can concentrate on playing some flowing football. PES has taken a lot of criticism on here for being too assisted but it's simplicity is what made it great.
People seem to miss the point that manual doesn't mean a pass/shot only goes in the correct place if you, the user make the perfect movement + button press at the perfect time, it is also dependent on the stats of the player you're passing/shooting with......

I play wholly on manual now and really love it, I use manual through ball for almost all of my short passing as it is the best way to control the short game and can create some really enjoyable intricate passing moves, even of 10-15 passes in a row, including nice flicks and backheels from my players by timing the passes right.
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