No other game completely does the work for you - imagine a driving game where you picked the best driver and all you had to do was accellerate/brake and not actually steer the car, a shooting game where you pick the best soldier and they just shoot everyone as soon as they come on screen etc...

The attributes should just mean that the aim deviates from where you pointed the analog stick and more mishits, if people want to play a game where you just mash the pass button and go forward all game, that's what PES is for... Assisted should be removed from FIFA, but unfortunately that will never happen.
I don't notice enough of a difference between players on fully manual, but to be honest I don't notice that much player individuality on fully assisted anyway. But that may be too much of a provocative statement around these parts so I will leave it there.

Anyway as Tiktiktik said it's about how you want to play them game, and I agree with his view that it should be a tactical challenge rather than a battle of who can be most precise with an analogue stick.
The default should be semi for everything.

You would then have to actively select assisted. I think probably 50% of folk out there have no idea that you can change the settings.

As for saving replays, its incredible that they just refuse to implement this. It is easier to save to the local file system rather than uploading to a web site.

Fight night has the option to save locally, so just use the same code please :)
They should remove Auto and let semi. I don't understand people playing in auto, really, at least make the effort to semi, it's not that hard, come on!

I really begin to firmly believe that the problem is always the people. I really hate people who play assisted and still asks for realism and "differentiation" between players. I don't get it. It makes nonsense.

When you play manual crossing, for instance, 5 out of 8 crosses can go out. Just like in reality. A good crosser makes for a great difference. Then, I don't get someone would like to put it on assited crossing, then have almost perfect crosses everytime and rejoice because he's such a "good" player. Oh, yeah.

About no local saving of replays: booooo! No excuses. It's a stupid thing. I don't get it either.
The first thing EA should do is make manual settings the defualt. As it is now, people start using assisted without actually choosing it and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people don't even know what settings they are using.

Most of the time I belive that I'm actually the only one who always have used all manual controlls (since the FIFA 07 demo, and of course always manual crossing in PES). And no, I don't have to focus to play a simple ten meter pass and I very rarely hit the corner flag.

Who the fuck would play an FPS with assisted shooting?

I could live with manual everything but not shooting my PS3, TV and probably my living room window would not survive...

I think it is about the patience to master it but I remember playing on manual, going round the keeper and missing from 5 yards. I think this year I will spend alot more time mastering the intricate side of the game building up the enjoyment rather than wanting instant gratification.

Semi worked quite well for me but I would have thought having everything on manual and stringing nice moves together would be far more rewarding.
I think it is about the patience to master it but I remember playing on manual, going round the keeper and missing from 5 yards. I think this year I will spend alot more time mastering the intricate side of the game building up the enjoyment rather than wanting instant gratification.

Semi worked quite well for me but I would have thought having everything on manual and stringing nice moves together would be far more rewarding.

I would need the patience of Jobe, to master manual shooting I find the sticks too loose to be that accurate; what seems to work once, hits the car park when I try it again...:CURSE::LOL:
Manual should not be the default. Semi should. Assisted should not be allowed online.

And im very suprised that they have again omitted saving of replays to the hard drive. I hope they make the replay cutscenes longer as it shows no build up play what so ever
I hope they still have the limit of three replays in the highlights. I mean why would I want to see all goals and chances when I can see just three? Maybe if they changed it to only two would be better and more fun.
Semi should be the default IMO. It makes passing the ball around far more of a challenge, and for me it actually gives me more control than assisted passing. If I'm passing across the width of the pitch I can avoid interception by playing it slightly ahead or behind the recipient without any trouble. The most important thing for me though is being able to weight your passes yourself. The R1/RB dummy is still mostly useless but I can at least get something out of it with semi passing! Shooting with semi controls is a lot more satisfying too, and heartily recommend it to anyone who isn't already on semi or manual.

The only problem with semi controls is that they are far more easily ruined by lag. If you press pass and a direction and the player passes half a second later than they would offline, the direction you are pressing is more likely to be wrong and you're more likely to give the ball away. Assisted controls don't have this problem as you don't need to hold the controller or look at the screen to ping the ball forwards.

Of course, the game still has to be accessible to the proles, so we'll have to accept that there needs to be some leeway for people who play the game with their fists and not their fingers.
EA still have that screen the first time you play FIFA that asks you how experienced you are with FIFA (and and estimate based on gamerpoints in earlier FIFAs), right? Then give those you choose beginngers semi and everyone else manual.

Makes sense to me.
not to me. I have tried to get to grips with manual but i just cant get very good at it so i play semi but i class myself as an experienced fifa player, just not a brilliant one.
Honestly, a few of you are so f#$king ignorant it's not even amusing. Let people play how they want and leave the demands to online play settings.

Because those of you who are demanding Manual Only, or similar, should also realise that you are in the <5% group of customers and that the game wouldn't even be in it's form were it not for the "casual" gamers
Honestly, a few of you are so f#$king ignorant it's not even amusing. Let people play how they want and leave the demands to online play settings.

Because those of you who are demanding Manual Only, or similar, should also realise that you are in the <5% group of customers and that the game wouldn't even be in it's form were it not for the "casual" gamers
I think almost everyone agrees that semi is a intuitive and very easy control scheme and we're asking for SEMI to be the default control method, and abolish Assisted. Really, it's not that difficult to play semi, don't know why do we need a control method that kills all the good things in the game and turns it into a pinball game fest.

Really, the 95% of the population you are refering to is totally able to maste Semi in less than an hour. Heck, it's the same people that plays Killzone or GTA IV that have more complicated control schemes than fifa!

I wouldn't like a "Manual only" method, but I think no one is asking for it. Semi and Manual are allright and I change from one to the other depending on the day, my mood and my opponent.

But playing assisted is really shocking, is like playing a bad PES again, why would I want to?
Honestly, a few of you are so f#$king ignorant it's not even amusing. Let people play how they want and leave the demands to online play settings.

Because those of you who are demanding Manual Only, or similar, should also realise that you are in the <5% group of customers and that the game wouldn't even be in it's form were it not for the "casual" gamers

I think what a lot of people is complaining about though is that assisted settings is the defualt which means a lot of people play with assisted settings and don't even know that there is a choice.

Why do I care what settings people are using? The game should be developed with manual settings in mind so that they don't have to waste a lot of time to balance the assisted settings etc. (Well, besides that I don't want to play anyone using semi or assisted anymore than I want to play GTA IV against someone using assisted shooting etc etc).

And no, as you're an assisted player I don't belive that you will agree.
Well, you are being quite ignorant. Why would you care how people play offline? It's not like it's going to affect you! Online, sure, abolish manual, but why the fuck would you care about what people do, by themselves, offline? It's sort of like saying, "abolish PES forever because it's really bad and other people are wasting their money on it". Yeah, well, if they like the game and don't consider it a waste of money, why should you care what they do? YOU don't have to buy the PES game, or play on fully assisted, just let others have the opportunity to.

People shouldn't be forced to play Manual but the FIWC should be a manual competition.

EA need to promote Manual most people dnt even know they are playing assisted.

There should also be a manual leaderboard and a Manual Ranking
I think just as many don't, and that most people using assisted haven't even tried manual(/and the rest haven't played tried more than a few games).
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People seem to miss the point that manual doesn't mean a pass/shot only goes in the correct place if you, the user make the perfect movement + button press at the perfect time, it is also dependent on the stats of the player you're passing/shooting with......

I play wholly on manual now and really love it, I use manual through ball for almost all of my short passing as it is the best way to control the short game and can create some really enjoyable intricate passing moves, even of 10-15 passes in a row, including nice flicks and backheels from my players by timing the passes right.

i beg to differ on the stat aspect. I have not noticed that. I do agree manual is much better.
I think many people know that they play assisted...
No they dnt....I have had to explain what manual is to a few ppl on psn and they played 08 for a whole year without knowing or trying manual.

There are some ppl who want to play manual but dnt bcos the can't find a game, so they continue playing assisted.

But if EA introduced something like a manual ranking then more ppl would play manual more frequently. It makes no sense playing a ranked match on manual right now even if you are playing against another manual player.

There needs to be a reward for playing manual, right now all the rewards are for assisted players. Thats why everyone plays assisted.
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i beg to differ on the stat aspect. I have not noticed that. I do agree manual is much better.

How long have you been playing manual? What types of players do you have?

I normally only play with default Sheffield Wednesday players, as this is my last Fifa09 MM until Fifa10 comes out I let myself sign some good players, I signed Geovanni then Shevchenko and Ramsey on frees, passing/shooting manually with good players like that I find is much less "hit and miss" than with my regular Sheffield Wednesday players.
How long have you been playing manual? What types of players do you have?

I normally only play with default Sheffield Wednesday players, as this is my last Fifa09 MM until Fifa10 comes out I let myself sign some good players, I signed Geovanni then Shevchenko and Ramsey on frees, passing/shooting manually with good players like that I find is much less "hit and miss" than with my regular Sheffield Wednesday players.
Good players have better contact with the ball which result in more successful passes even with X(A) , with crap players you would have to slow down play alot more to give them time to control the ball.

I almost broke my pad playing MM with Wycombe, until i bought the entire arsenal youth team lol.
Placebo I don't know how you manage to win in lower leagues playing manual shooting, though I do play 2vAI which is a harder game though I don't think it would effect the shooting.
I struggle to hit the target at all unless I have loads of space and time...
I think unless EA start to push Manual as a selling point or having it reward the gamer than not much will change. I've been in the same situation Blaccat about explaining what Semi/Manual are. Most come back with "Why am i going to bother doing that when no one plays manual and its harder" And really how can you disagree when the game doesn't push the settings or have any reward at all for playing it.
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