He doesn't say any more than we already know or has posted Tik, he goes on about how messy 09 code was and how much code they had to re write for 10, the nearest he gets to talking about bugs and issues direct is calling it "a wobbly first step" :BLINK:...
Agree with a lot of the responses to my post and Rob - i definitely understand and agree with your points about that opportunity not even being possible in the game. Its partly because of no real advances in control functionality, but predominantly caused by the animation system in place. Players execute say 1 of 10 shot animations (and as someone said, quite often the wrong animation is chosen) - and it looks the same for every stance of the player, and is only turned along the players orientation to point at the goal. The problem is players don't need to be facing the goal to shoot (necessarily). What all of what you guys have said sums it up far more eloquently than I could (clearly...).

I was merely pointing out that as well as noting which goals we are missing in FIFA - we should also notice the fairly accurate recreation of most other, typical goals.
playing 10 is like playing an unfinished game. there's so many thing just not right. when you winning too much, it feels so easy and not right especially when you using lower league kicking the Man U ass like hell, and when you are losing while you actually using Chelsea, and get Terry's ass beat up by some lower club which i never know, and all their player become super human. makes me wonder why they didn't play with Chelsea or Manchester United. And the referee is super stupid, it's like having Rutter as your referee. Total sum up, it sucks really bad, but not till the low level of PES2010.
i dont like the achievements on levelling up on FIFA 10's virtual pro mode because for example, if you want tour shooting accuracy sta to increase you got to score like maybe 10 one on one goals for it to increase a bit

I prefer how MMO games do it. the more you shoot or use a particular skill, the more in levels up!
i dont like the achievements on levelling up on FIFA 10's virtual pro mode because for example, if you want tour shooting accuracy sta to increase you got to score like maybe 10 one on one goals for it to increase a bit

I prefer how MMO games do it. the more you shoot or use a particular skill, the more in levels up!

If you are good it doesn't take long. I almost maxed out my shooting abilities already.
In a fit of boredom I played the PES10 demo on 360 last night and instantly enjoyed it and had a brilliant Liverpool v Barca game.

God damnit! I wrote PES off in an hour and traded it in - and dont get me wrong, I think they've screwed that series up big time with 10, but it certainly felt more fun than FIFA.

What to do now? 3rd year running of chopping and trading in footie games!? ARGH!
In a fit of boredom I played the PES10 demo on 360 last night and instantly enjoyed it and had a brilliant Liverpool v Barca game.

God damnit! I wrote PES off in an hour and traded it in - and dont get me wrong, I think they've screwed that series up big time with 10, but it certainly felt more fun than FIFA.

What to do now? 3rd year running of chopping and trading in footie games!? ARGH!

You do get an instant, "god I can smack shots again" with it... :D
You do get an instant, "god I can smack shots again" with it... :D

It was everything really - I havent played PES10 since a day before launch day (traded it in before the game was even officially launched I was that disgusted!) and playing it now after a good few weeks of constant FIFA, it was nice to see better graphics (IMO), player likenesses even on Wide were great - as were the physical attributes.

Passing and moving was slicker and I was creating some nice chances with good build up play.

I'd played FIFA for an hour or so before hand and whilst it was still pretty good (sometimes you will do something just breathtaking that no other football game can do, or has ever done), its just such hard work to do anything. Feels sluggish and too easy to run past your man with the right stick and every game plays out the same - tap it around, pass to the wing either beat your man with the right stick, or if you are bored of that, pass it back inside. Cross into the box that 9/10 goes nowhere where you want it or straight to the keeper - and repeat).

Coupled with the terrible MM (where I want to play all my games), then I really do yearn for the Master League - hell, I didnt even try the ML in PES10.

Dont know what to do - whether to get PES10 on the 360 and miss out the editing, or risk getting it on the PS3 again where I hated it last time :(

What have you got it on?
Similar story I borrowed it on release for PS3, I'll never buy another off the bat agian after 08 :P, and my initial reaction after a lot of FIFA was " man I can shoot again" :D

Played some more and like you I liked the look of it but not the way it moved, the damn monkey crab thing grated but I could live with it.
I live in the MM, 20+ hours every week, so I knew I would hate the ML if not just as it still has fantasy league structure, but TBH I never played it, I do a 2vAI MM mostly with a mate and though we were PES die-hards (well WE die-hards) we converted to the Dark Side after the bile of 08 and never went back. :R1

I put it on when he was round and he didn't like it so that was it. I never gave it a real chance and I'm thinking of picking it up cheap to give it a proper patched up bash... :THINK::D
Weird enough im not having this shooting problem u guys have, and im problaby the person that complained the most about this aspect in fifa09... this year im just getting long rangers naturally... they fell great btw...

I do agree that angle shoots could still get some work done, unless u have a 90+ finnishing player its very hard to hit those past the Gk.

Anyway, my general feeling is that this year was a huge step foward on the shooting/goal variaty department.. theyre almost getting there, to the PES6 level imho.
This game is utter chaos on WC and Legendary, the pace of play is just unrealistic. Is CTT the only solution?
In a fit of boredom I played the PES10 demo on 360 last night and instantly enjoyed it and had a brilliant Liverpool v Barca game.

God damnit! I wrote PES off in an hour and traded it in - and dont get me wrong, I think they've screwed that series up big time with 10, but it certainly felt more fun than FIFA.

What to do now? 3rd year running of chopping and trading in footie games!? ARGH!

why dont you keep both games you pullok
You're that desperate for money? :(

sounds like it. he should bloody keep both games. He cant be that fucking tight?

Thats a bit rude chaps all joking aside! Not everyone has loads of money for gaming.

For what its worth, I'm doing really well in my business (and just got £5k+ back from my 1st tax return :) ) and certainly dont need the money at all - but I do have a worth on things and there is no point keeping the game if I'm not going to play it.

In a few months time, I may get the bug to play lower league again, which is when I'd rebuy it.

Surely if anything I'm wasting money!? :LOL:

Anyways, I'll hold on for a bit longer and see if any patches fix the lower league probs.
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