I thought the custom team tactics fix was out now?

Tranmere certainly have their assigned tactics since the last update...?
Thats a bit rude chaps all joking aside! Not everyone has loads of money for gaming.

For what its worth, I'm doing really well in my business (and just got £5k+ back from my 1st tax return :) ) and certainly dont need the money at all - but I do have a worth on things and there is no point keeping the game if I'm not going to play it.

In a few months time, I may get the bug to play lower league again, which is when I'd rebuy it.

Surely if anything I'm wasting money!? :LOL:

Anyways, I'll hold on for a bit longer and see if any patches fix the lower league probs.

lol well its your money and your life. just wondering why you wanna trade in something knowing you are likely to want to play it again :SNACK:

whats an extra £40 quid going to do on top of your 5k+ bonus ;)

Go on son, you know you want both PES and fifa hehe treat yourself!
@placebo - did you see Rutters post on Twitter saying they are meeting with EA Europe to discuss FIFA10 feedback.

Hopefully with a view to another patch - but perhaps its just a sounding board for FIFA11?? :(
@placebo - did you see Rutters post on Twitter saying they are meeting with EA Europe to discuss FIFA10 feedback.

Hopefully with a view to another patch - but perhaps its just a sounding board for FIFA11?? :(

Good spot, hadn't seen it, just tweeted him back with:


@ruttski would that be to discuss the bad feedback of Fifa10 from consumers or the good feedback of Fifa10 from reviewers?
Good spot, hadn't seen it, just tweeted him back with:

Oh nice one! :LOL:

Hoping the overwhelmingly bad feedback may have prompted them into action - if too much gets out to the general public about FIFA10's faults, then it could affect 11's sales - so perhaps in their interest to fix it, get some positive PR back onside for the new upcoming FIFAs?
Well the latest excuse is "we can't patch Fifa10 any further because of the MS firmware limit, we really want to but we can't because of that", so I as a proud Xbox 360 owner say "then please patch the PS3 version to fix the shambolic abomination that is MM", if they fix it properly I'd gladly buy a PS3, been waiting for a reason to buy one since the day it came out :)
We'll all say we won't buy FIFA 11 because of how lazy EA have been, but then by the time we're bored of FIFA 10 and EA are hyping FIFA 11 up and making (false) promises about it, we'll all have it on pre-order or be rushing out on the morning of release day, and EA will have achieved their target... make money.

We (people who want a realistic football game) can't win, EA have obviously seen the financial success that the non-realistic FIFA 09 and 10 have been - why would they want to completely change the direction the series is heading in when it's doing so well for them? FIFA 11 will be more of the same.
Wonder if this has them worried...

EU forum: The EU are proposing that the customer be given the right to return buggy games, EA must be crapping themselves if it goes through, especially seeing how FIFA is their biggest title and Europe their biggest customer for it.

Not many games are bug free but if this law did go through at last the customer would have some protection. EA would have to either start testing their games before release or pull out of Europe but that would mean less profit and less staff.

Hope it goes through. Google 'EU to bring in law to combat buggy games'...
Oh dear BIS are in trouble :(

In principle the law is a good idea, the problem is that in actuality the main result from it would be a complete lack of ambition in future games, gone will be the likes of ArmA 1/2, Stalker, Boiling Point, The Witcher, ambitious games from small independent devs, all you'll see are endless corridor shooter COD clones. No developer wants to release a buggy product, unfortunately it's sometimes a necessity for the sake of the long term future of a developer to release first, patch later, at least what's released is a game with ambition/depth/scope (when it works ;)), of course a dev the size of EA really has no excuse IMO to not do proper QA before release and to hold back a product if it's full of bugs (as Fifa10 was).
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andish - I'm not asking to see a carbon copy of that goal, what i'm saying is that it's impossible to strike the ball like that in FIFA, because of the way the basic and scripted shooting system works.

Here's two facts about the shooting in FIFA:

You cannot shoot powerfully at most angles.
You cannot shoot powerfully when standing.

(...) and also that to have much success in goalscoring you have to focus your chance creation around being able to have a shot while moving and facing the goal, as trying to score in other ways has a dramatically lower success rate so it's not worth even trying,

(...) the problem is more to do with how weak the standing shooting is.

On FIFA, if you come to a stop and then try to hit a shot with no "run up" or momentum from moving, and you will get a pathetically weak shot which would beat no keeper in the world...

And btw, I got MW2 :D.

Further proof that Rob is full of shit and hasn't played the game much, if at all (doesn't susrprise me in the slightest since he seems to be getting way more enjoyment out of writing essays on how much FIFA sucks than from playing videogames, go figure).

Post Scriptum: I'd like to point out that my Virtual Pro is like just 75 overall, got crap for Curve and Shooting and hasn't unlocked any special trait aside from the "Crowd Favourite" one (which is basically useless) yet, I bet that stuff like this would've happened at a much higher rate had I been using Ibrahimovic or Henry as strikers in his place since the very beginning of my MM season.

Also, he didn't have much "momentum" either, he was actually running in the opposite direction, stopped to receive the ball and did only a half-step before shooting, pretty much from a standing position, much like Sneijder in that goal that was posted a few pages back.

Pointless bickering either way though since you guys are obviously just arguing for the sake of arguing anyway lol.
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Showing one exception to what I said in my arguments doesn't mean i'm wrong and "full of shit", when 99% of shots on FIFA are as I said - yours is the first goal of that sort I have seen, for or against me, or in any videos... It is extremely rare, when that sort of shot (not the exact goal, I mean the shots with power at angles) really shouldn't be.

By your logic, when someone complains about anything, then simply showing them a video of the thing in question actually working properly means they are full of shit and must enjoy complaining? :ROLL:

Enjoy your league full of 5 star teams :FAIL:.
*sigh* this again...

Do you have any idea just how many hundreds of videos we could make of the player not hitting the ball hard at an angle when they should?

FYI the momentum here is on the ball. He has connected sweetly with a ball moving towards him, redirecting it into the top corner (good goal btw). The Sneijder goal, and the Babel goal, and many less spectacular goals for that matter, are powerfully hit when in control of the ball. It's about being able to score when side on to goal inside the penalty area without having to rely purely on placement or a wrong-footed keeper.

You ought to include a normal speed version of your goal in your highlights by the way.

We can take a vote if you like? See what everyone thinks about this? Though it's the sort of question that would have been better suited to when this thread was getting at least three new pages a day...
It's about being able to score when side on to goal inside the penalty area without having to rely purely on placement or a wrong-footed keeper.

Watch closely, my Virtual Pro was actually heading toward the sideline. Besides the ball was travelling very, very slowly and he apparently achieved power and spin by shifting weight from left to right foot and away from the center of gravity, which ultimately caused his body to take off and drift away to the right throughout the jump, which coupled with correct effect on the ball makes for a pretty amazing goal from a purely ballistic standpoint, something I've never seen depicted so well in a videogame before.

You ought to include a normal speed version of your goal in your highlights by the way.

The last mini-clip is the normal speed highlight as it was shown at the end of the match.

We can take a vote if you like? See what everyone thinks about this? Though it's the sort of question that would have been better suited to when this thread was getting at least three new pages a day...

There's no point since the vast majority of those who are actually enjoying the game couldn't care less about this thread and have stopped checking it a while ago anyway.

rob said:
By your logic, when someone complains about anything, then simply showing them a video of the thing in question actually working properly means they are full of shit and must enjoy complaining?

Going by your logic there was no way to perform such play because the gameplay was somewhat flawed, I just confuted your claim, backing up my statement with some evidence.

My point is, a game doesn't necessarily suck just because it doesn't match your ludicrous expectations and FIFA 10, albeit definitely NOT perfect (not even close) is still one helluva piece of software.

Stop scaring people off with bs anchored entirely on baseless assumptions (hence the video) just because you happen to not like it (De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum, eh) and go back to playing PES whatever instead of bitching all day about it.

*sigh* this again...

I concur.
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Makes me laugh that some people want too much from this game.Especially , only a 3-4 peoples of the most crying here.Its best footy game nowdays but far from simulation or perfect game :D I have a tip for you....

Do not spend five hours /day with a game - you will have more fun.Life can be beautiful without video games but i understand that most teenagers have two types of leisure - video games and party ... this is big problem ;)
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I thought the custom team tactics fix was out now?

Tranmere certainly have their assigned tactics since the last update...?

Well just asked PWride over at the EA Forums and he's chasing it up.

Seems to think it's still work in progress.

Well I would be happy waiting a bit longer if it's done correctly. Here's hoping
I concur.

YOU brought it up again!! Go and have ten different shots at an angle without hitting a ball rolling towards you and see how many you score, or how many you even hit hard enough to think you might beat the keeper. No selectively choosing the good ones - besides only cheating yourself, we want to see the fruits of your labours before FIFA 11.

Makes me laugh that some people want too much from this game.Especially , only a 3-4 peoples of the most crying here.Its best footy game nowdays but far from simulation or perfect game :D I have a tip for you....

Do not spend five hours /day with a game - you will have more fun.Life can be beautiful without video games but i understand that most teenagers have two types of leisure - video games and party ... this is big problem ;)

Who does this help, really? You're basically saying you don't have a clue, so you're going to try and play the "I have a life and you don't" card. What you're really saying is you like this game, we don't, therefore you have a life and we don't. Fuck me.

Firstly, if you want to see more people 'crying' about FIFA then go back 6 weeks when there were still a large people here playing the game and therefore commenting. I for one haven't played this more than once or twice this month, not because we want too much from the game (what an utterly fucking stupid argument) but because it doesn't match up to football games that were out several years ago.

Whatever. This is just going to go round in circles with you saying "it's only a game, don't expect the moon on a stick" and us saying "Konami managed it several years ago, how the fuck is it unnatural to expect a football game with some ounce of depth" and you saying "there's more to life than video games" and us saying "do you have to wear a crash helmet when you leave the house? We all have lives, this just isn't the 'FIFA 10 and the rest of your lives' thread." If you weren't interested in having a discussion about this then why didn't you say so (or just not say anything) rather than give it a go, realise you don't quite know what you're on about, and then suggest that it's because you leave the house while we sit trapped at home crying ourselves to sleep?
relax , dont take it so personally

Firstly , it ceased to be a discussion . Now few peoples still bitching and crying all the time.The game is what it is and it's time to accept this .And yes , i saw posts with bugs posted by other peoples before and i agree but constant repetition of the same is ridiculous for me. I can imagine person who enters here - this game must be very ,very bad.

I really want see Konami who made a great progress at last.Only competition can force Ea to make something more than solid game without so stupid bugs.
The whole point, Derlei, is that I don't particularly give a toss about what someone, particularly with your gift for reasoning, posts in a forum. Hence I more than happily come in here and point out how much shit you talk, even though your logic is so baffling that even when you are definitely talking about FIFA 10 it verges on off-topic.

It's a huge misconception that when person A points out how much of an idiot person B is being, that person A is taking it personally. I only take it personally in the sense that reading similarly well thought out comments on Youtube should be taken personally - as a morbid reminder that civilisation is finite. The difference is that I have an account here.

An example of your valuable contributions is the remark about constant repetition, when the post Retri quoted was a week old and that particular topic hadn't been touched since. In fact, the majority of posts since then were other members 'bitching and crying' about other issues or discussing whether they were going to trade in their copy.
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Oh and Retri, I did actually watch the vid to the end the first time but was expecting something harder. It's a shame that that goal is seen as powerful for FIFA to be honest. Kind of pisses on the strawberries, as Super Hans would have it.
So Marcel actually replied to my PM, was so long ago I'd forgotten what I said to him:

Placebo said:

Can I ask what on earth went wrong? You spent months and months and months promising all these great things, promising that old bugs we'd had to suffer through would be fixed, and what do we find when we buy the game? Old bugs are not fixed, new bugs are introduced and the mode is completely broken, and to top it all off you go into hiding and refuse to address all of the issues raised? Hardly seems fair after so many months of convincing us how great Fifa10's MM was going to be, I am very, very surprised and disappointed that you would hide from us all Marcel.



EA_MarcelKuhn said:
First of all a quick summary of how we got to where we are. This was my first year on FIFA 360 / PS3, we've inherited a very rigid and buggy system. That is also the main reason why no one has made any significant changes to Manager Mode for the last couple of FIFA's. From the day I joined 360/PS3, I was pushing to kick-start a Manager Mode re-write as it is my favourite mode in the game and I simply didn't enjoy last years version. That being said, there is a lot of legacy code and we can't change all of it in one year. Therefore this was step one and despite being a wobbly one, it was just the beginning.

Are there several issues that I would have liked to find and fix before we've released the game, yes. Is the mode "completely broken" and unplayable, no. I play the mode and I am enjoying it way more then last years and I hope that the majority out there does as well. That does not mean that there aren't many many issues left to improve on - I am definitely with you on that one.

As far as adressing the issues raised - we did release two updates and I made sure we fixed as many issues as possible in these two updates. Unfortunately that is all I could do. I am also not hiding voluntarily as I enjoy talking to you guys. There're reasons why I couldn't post for a while, but let's focus on what's important, I am back.

We have plans in place to keep on rewriting more of the modes subsystems, which will increase its' quality and depth for coming FIFA's. I hope you tag along and help us to improve the mode.


I of course replied:

Placebo said:
Marcel everyone knew that you had very limited time to improve the mode, everyone knew that the last two manager modes were still the remnants of the copy and paste from Fifa07 on PS2, this is not news, what I find staggeringly incomprehensible is that the time taken to improve Fifa10's manager mode would be so poorly used.

Take for example the assistant manager, firstly why on earth was the dev time taken to implement such an unnecessary feature? How does that help anyone other than the most lazy of people? Secondly, it was implemented but completely doesn't work anyway, the selections he makes are ridiculous and seem completely random, he'll move a slow CB to LB when there's a fit and ready LB on the bench for example, he'll put out an out attackers on the wing when there are fit and ready wingers on the bench, he'll put attacking midfielders in defensive positions, etc. etc. etc. not to mention the fact that if you have only 1 goalkeeper he will put outfield players into goal, this was promised to be the MM of authenticity, how on earth is the assistant manager in any way adding authenticity to the experience? And to top it all off of course, he can't be turned off, when you buy or sell a player your lineup still gets completely messed up.

So instead of an assistant manager, was there a simple thing you could have worked on that would have actually improved the experience for gamers? That would have actually made Fifa10's MM a more authentic experience? Of course there is, it's called the finance system, a fundamental part of managing a team, I know you said that a lot of work had been done on the finance system and it was improved, but from my experience this is another misappropriation of the facts, an example from me, first season I finish second in the Championship with Sheffield Wednesday and win the FA Cup, guess how much prize money I get for finishing 2nd? Correct, ZERO, guess how much prize money I get for winning the FA Cup? Correct, ZERO, where's the authenticity in that Marcel? Surely everyone knows that winning the FA Cup gets you £2m prize money, why couldn't you have implemented that simple reward system? So moving on, I end the season 2nd as I mention, I have £2.8m in the bank when the season ends, guess how much I have in the bank when my new premier league season stars? Go on I bet you can guess? No? Well here's a clue, I've taken an average Championship team and got them promoted + into Europe, so to survive I need a big pot of money to buy in lots of decent players, so surely now you can guess how many millions and millions of £ extra I received? No? Well if you give up the answer is........... £0 that's right, a big fat zero, I end the last season with £2.8m and start the new Premier league campaign with £2.8m same as Fifa08, same as Fifa09, but wait, you promised finances were improved in that Q&A thread didn't you? You promised that promoted teams will receive a cash boost to help them survive in the new league didn't you? So it must be true, that'd be the authentic experience, that'd be an improved finance system, so what went wrong?

Yes I know bad old code, first year on the team, etc etc, why make so many promises if you couldn't keep them? Why did you and David Rutter promise this was the year that MM was an authentic experience? How is it remotely authentic?

You say that you're still around, but that's hardly true in comparison to how many posts you made when trying to sell us this bill of goods, you made one post to laugh at us because the mode is completely bugged, then you made another post to say "oh yes injuries really are fixed", when they're absolutely, unquestionably not fixed what happened there Marcel? You knew how important medium/long term injuries were to all of us MM fans, we kept asking about it in the Q&A thread so much you started to get rather sniplalalala in your replies, and yet again you failed us and did not fix the medium/long term injuries issue when playing matches, was this some deliberate decision? Did we annoy you asking for the same thing over and over you decided to punish us for being so boringly repetitive? We ask the same thing over and over because we care about it and are so disappointed it's not implemented in Fifa08, and Fifa09, and now in Fifa10.

You say the mode isn't completely broken and unplayable, well I won't give you one reason why it is, I will give you 2.5billion reasons why it is, you get my subtle clue there? ;) You say the mode's more enjoyable than last year, that's like saying that spraining my ankle this year is more enjoyable than breaking my leg last year, it's hardly a statement with any credence. Saying "well we fixed as much as possible in the 2 updates so far" is a statement that holds absolutely no voracity or strength because you still left in a good 20 - 30 other bugs, or don't you consider 2.5bn debt a bug? 2 of the same team in a division a bug? The game freezing up completely a bug? I could go on but what's the point? You still have your job and it's obvious by your replies you really don't care that we feel let down by the 8 months of promises you made to us. You hope I tag along to see what the future holds? Of course you do, you want my 699Sek after all.


Nice one Placebo, Lets see him skirt around that reply!

What an Arse, he said that things were definately in and improved and he has basically been proved a liar. Now he is blaming the code before, Which I know will be a problem, but he could have fixed so many little imprortant things so easily.

The main fact here though is false advertisement, he said that loads of stuff was in and fixed to a degree. This made us buy the game, then we found out he lied and they have our money because of these lies.

If he doesn't realise this he is either a fool or an ignorant fuck wit who doesn't give a shit? my money is on the latter.
kind of unrelated however it looks like the "injuries glitch" either wasn't really a glitch (as I've been getting 2~3 weeks injuries here and there as well...they do not happen as frequently as they should but they're definitely there, most likely working as intended) or was patched somehow along the way, take a look at this screenshot a friend of mine posted on an italian website (I asked him and he wasn't simulating the match wherein this occurred):


The magazine cover roughly translates to "Injuries overload! N. Subotic has been knocked out for good and we have no clue about when exactly he'll be able to get back in shape".

Apparently the injury notice stated that the player was facing a 16 (sixteen) weeks stop.
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