Good stuff nerf. I don't mind marking like that around 50 yards out, but there doesn't seem to be that mentality of holding any sort of line around the box. I do think EA should pay to send all of their gameplay designers to some sort of FIFA approved coaching course, even if they just cover the tactical modules (though everything would probably help). A lot of the solutions to problems they have faced in the past seem to have been assigned only a small amount of time to fix, forcing them to treat the symptoms rather than the disease.
Re: Defending, loose marking and inertia

When I played the demo on first days I posted in these forums what my feelings were about the game and I said many times that the following were totally ruining the game:

- Marking inside the area was terrible
- Constant pressure of the cpu
- Constant counter-attacking by both teams because of terrible positional play in midfield. Players hardly track back when playing a long possession, so when you cross or shoot your midfielders are gone and there's a hole in the midfield where the opposing striker is, of course, unmarked to receive everytime.
- Double pression is too powerful and strength is overdone in the game, making skilled players that are not uberfast useless.

This didn't change at all in the final game and to this moment are the things that make this game be a 7.5 in my oppinion, when it could have easily been a 9.5 if they fixed this things.

So, I'm with you and finally I've started to be annoyed all the time when playing it.

You're right but you forget to mention the AI (expect positional play in midfield, you mention this).

The AI is a huge part of the problem. They always move the same way, there is way to less variation. Players need to change position more often, they need to make more creative runs, not always the same. You can play this game with blind eyes after a short time, because players always stand on the same spot waiting for a pass or waiting to start the same run as always.

The Opponent (CPU) AI always react the same way too. You rarely see a CPU player left/loose position. They stand on the same spots the hole game long.

Really, it feels very scripted from this (AI) view. EA need to work badly on this, AI is such an important part of the game. As long as every game feels the same because of the movement, positioning and reacting of the AI it will be an annoying experience. Even if they sort out the terrible marking and the stupid pressuring (and the uberperfect CPU passing, crossing and shooting of course.).
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I'm genuinely concerned about how little I'm playing the game now. Even though I think it's a better game than FIFA 09, I'm just not touching it - not because the other games that have been released are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but because... Well, if I start Manager Mode and want to move to another club, no matter what I do, they will be millions in debt. Whether it's Arsenal or Accrington Stanley. The fear of that kind of thing is enough to put me off pouring serious time into it.

That defensive video is an excellent example of what will help EA tweak the game - I think endless people on the EA forums saying that whatever part of the game they're complaining about is "shit lol" doesn't help, and even people explaining what the problem is (especially when it goes into pages of detail) doesn't help because the guys making the game will skim-read it and dismiss a lot of it I'm sure. But by putting in a YouTube video like that, it takes you ten seconds to go "oh wow, actually, that's quite bad".

So in short, MAKE SOME MORE NERF! ;)

the game's got plenty of room for improvements but I honestly don't see why you're complaining so much. Get real, the game's good, fucking good; the AI might not be perfect (still, I'm 15 matches into my first MM on Professional level and I've yet to come across the "you get no time on the ball" and "you can't dribble the CPU worth shit" issues you guys have been mentioning) and there's a truckload of glitches afflicting the menus and stuff, ok, but once you're on the pitch the gameplay makes up for all of it.

Have you tried playing it in local multiplayer with friends or online in a Semi/Manual league? I've been one of the biggest detractors of the series up until now but boy, did they get this right this time around, the game's so fun under those circumstances it's unreal, seriously.

if you don't like FIFA 10 odds are that you've probably either grown out of videogames altogether or gotten ridicolous, hype-driven expectations during the development. Either way stop playing it and find a different hobby asap, mate.

I've been playing the J.League Winning Eleven 200x Club Championship series for the past 3 years and I can tell you that even if it's an unbelievably well crafted game (its Master League mode is basically perfect aside from the fact that you cannot get signed up as manager from another team, the animations are as organic as it gets, the broadcast'ish presentation really adds to the experience making FIFA 10 look pretty awkward in comparison at times, individuality is there and the players' characterization is life-like, leaps and bounds better than FIFA's), most likely one of the best football games to ever hit the shelves along with this FIFA, Football Kingdom and Sensible World of Soccer, the series just pales in comparison to FIFA 10 because the gameplay doesn't quite stack up.

Once you've tried FIFA 10 freedom of control and flow you just can't go back to JWE stiffness, no matter the contour.
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the game's got plenty of room for improvements but I honestly don't see why you're complaining so much. Get real, the game's good, fucking good; the AI might not be perfect (still, I'm 15 matches into my first MM on Professional level and I've yet to come across the "you get no time on the ball" and "you can't dribble the CPU worth shit" issues you guys have been mentioning) and there's a truckload of glitches afflicting the menus and stuff, ok, but once you're on the pitch the gameplay makes up for all of it.

Have you tried playing it in local multiplayer with friends or online in a Semi/Manual league? I've been one of the biggest detractors of the series up until now but boy, did they get this right this time around, the game's so fun under those circumstances it's unreal, seriously.

if you don't like FIFA 10 odds are that you've probably either grown out of videogames altogether or gotten ridicolous, hype-driven expectations during the development. Either way stop playing it and find a different hobby asap, mate.

I've been playing the J.League Winning Eleven 200x Club Championship series for the past 3 years and I can tell you that even if it's an unbelievably well crafted game (its Master League mode is basically perfect aside from the fact that you cannot get signed up as manager from another team, the animations are as organic as it gets, the broadcast'ish presentation really adds to the experience making FIFA 10 look pretty awkward in comparison at times, individuality is there and the players' characterization is life-like, leaps and bounds better than FIFA's), most likely one of the best football games to ever hit the shelves along with this FIFA, Football Kingdom and Sensible World of Soccer, the series just pales in comparison to FIFA 10 because the gameplay doesn't quite stack up.

Once you've tried FIFA 10 freedom of control and flow you just can't go back to JWE stiffness, no matter the contour.

The point is that it isn't fucking good. It's merely good, and that's if you ignore the huge swathe of off-pitch issues you have to deal with. There are a number of crucial flaws that completely sap the depth out of the on-pitch gameplay, and almost all of these flaws are down to a lack of common sense when trying to fix previous issues, rather than something that EA couldn't possibly have foreseen until it was too late.

I'm happy for you that you're really enjoying yourself, but it's woefully trite to suggest that our disappointment is down to not liking games anymore. Giving half star players the same first touch as 5 star players, making defences defend as in the video posted earlier, and counteracting that by making shooting at an angle piss weak (to list just three fundamental flaws) is not about coming down after riding a wave of hype. It's something the work experience kid could have told them was wrong.
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Once you've tried FIFA 10 freedom of control and flow you just can't go back to JWE stiffness, no matter the contour.

And one you realize you can play the same way with Giampaolo Pazzini as you can with Messi you realise, this is an arcade game :)

Not to mention most people who only shoot at certian angles because it's the only way to score (this includes full manual.)
Gotta love online play...
Started a full manual session, and got a player straight away. He quickly selected United and kept pressing X, to move forward to the game. Usually when I play against people in full manual, they tend to vary teams more. But I kept going anyway.
The game started and I outplayed him in every conceivable way, only to hit the post two times and have three miracle saves. It ended like this:


64% possesion for me.
44% pass accuracy for him, and 12% shooting accuracy.
I tried to go into extra time, but he quit abruptly. Shortly I had this in my inbox:


Well, this year is much more easy to find manual only games, but, from time to time I get a guy like this. I believe he didn't even saw that it was a full manual session.
And one you realize you can play the same way with Giampaolo Pazzini as you can with Messi you realise, this is an arcade game :)

Not to mention most people who only shoot at certian angles because it's the only way to score (this includes full manual.)

The point is that it isn't fucking good. It's merely good, and that's if you ignore the huge swathe of off-pitch issues you have to deal with. There are a number of crucial flaws that completely sap the depth out of the on-pitch gameplay, and almost all of these flaws are down to a lack of common sense when trying to fix previous issues, rather than something that EA couldn't possibly have foreseen until it was too late.

I'm happy for you that you're really enjoying yourself, but it's woefully trite to suggest that our disappointment is down to not liking games anymore. Giving half star players the same first touch as 5 star players, making defences defend as in the video posted earlier, and counteracting that by making shooting at an angle piss weak (to list just three fundamental flaws) is not about coming down after riding a wave of hype. It's something the work experience kid could have told them was wrong.

You all sound like pretentious spoiled brats to me. You've either grown out of videogames because you got too old or never actually been a gamer when football games were 8x8 pixels, 4 colors sprites hovering onto a monochromatic field.

As far as I recall most if of the problems mentioned above are shared among all of the football games, no matter the system/developer/date of release; even the best "PES" ever produced (which is JWE2009CC on PS2) got plenty of them. SWOS got some of them as well and so does Football Kingdom.

Are you really trying to tell me that your benchmark for a hypothetical FIFA 10 evaluation is an ideal, utopistic videogame that doesn't even exist yet? Or better still, is it real football?

That's flat-out ridicolous, it's a videogame, an electronic game shaped up to look like a broadcast of a football match, which follows its own rules and merely imitates the sport it revolves around: the sports theme is just an aesthetic gamers can identify with, a familiar concept that appeals to the masses and is easily accessible, nothing more, nothing less, therefore try to enjoy it for what it is.
Opinions are bespoke to the individual. I've got my opinion, everyone else has theirs.

My opinion is I really like FIF10.

It's a videogame representing the worlds most popular sport, nothing more...
You all sound like pretentious spoiled brats to me. You've either grown out of videogames because you got too old or never actually been a gamer when football games were 8x8 pixels, 4 colors sprites hovering onto a monochromatic field.

As far as I recall most if of the problems mentioned above are shared among all of the football games, no matter the system/developer/date of release; even the best "PES" ever produced (which is JWE2009CC on PS2) got plenty of them. SWOS got some of them as well and so does Football Kingdom.

Are you really trying to tell me that your benchmark for a hypothetical FIFA 10 evaluation is an ideal, utopistic videogame that doesn't even exist yet? Or better still, is it real football?

That's flat-out ridicolous, it's a videogame, an electronic game shaped up to look like a broadcast of a football match, which follows its own rules and merely imitates the sport it revolves around: the sports theme is just an aesthetic gamers can identify with, a familiar concept that appeals to the masses and is easily accessible, nothing more, nothing less, therefore try to enjoy it for what it is.

If the bolded part is going to be your response to everyone who (quite justifiably) criticizes FIFA then I'm going to leave it. At least when I talk to the vegetables in the garden they grow.
You all sound like pretentious spoiled brats to me. You've either grown out of videogames because you got too old or never actually been a gamer when football games were 8x8 pixels, 4 colors sprites hovering onto a monochromatic field.

As far as I recall most if of the problems mentioned above are shared among all of the football games, no matter the system/developer/date of release; even the best "PES" ever produced (which is JWE2009CC on PS2) got plenty of them. SWOS got some of them as well and so does Football Kingdom.

Are you really trying to tell me that your benchmark for a hypothetical FIFA 10 evaluation is an ideal, utopistic videogame that doesn't even exist yet? Or better still, is it real football?

That's flat-out ridicolous, it's a videogame, an electronic game shaped up to look like a broadcast of a football match, which follows its own rules and merely imitates the sport it revolves around: the sports theme is just an aesthetic gamers can identify with, a familiar concept that appeals to the masses and is easily accessible, nothing more, nothing less, therefore try to enjoy it for what it is.

No, mate your missinng on key factor which is you didn't play fifa 08.

Go out, buy that game (it will be cheaper now) and play it and see just how FAR EA have gone backwards in terms of football in the gameplay.

This is was the year EA absolutley destroyed PES. The gap in realisum between the games were huge, even if FIFA 08 was rather basic.

Go back and see how in this game you could score from ANY angle, apart from those silly cutback people, see how players would try and play football and score from the chaces they were given.

How playing on assisted dosen't give you much advantage vs manual players since you have to play good football to make your way up the field. FIFA 10 is built for assisted play, manual is just something EA stumbled on and have left in the game because they hear some people like it.

Go back and see how almost perfect the ball physics were and how shots could actually 'dip' from range, when players put top spin on the ball rather than on FIFA 10 where every shot seems to be hit with backspin and constanlty rises.

Go back and see how chipping the keeper wasan't just a simple task which every player is a instant expert of doing.

Go back and see how defences didn't push up ridiculously high unless you instructed them to do that.

Go back and see how defending was very much a skill. How high pressure didn't work against everyone since they would just pass the ball around you like watching a dog chase after a bone.

I can keep going on if you like but the main point is, Rutter is trying to make this game arcadey and fun to get kids to buy it, marketing play by ea here. They know nice animations = high scores = money.

Why i hate this gameplay so much is because how for in football terms ea have gone backwards since 08 in pure gameplay. How ea have dubbed so many realistic aspects down to make way for an arcadey game. Why is it most the games on FIFA 09 and most the games on FIFA 10 felt like i was playing Ice Hockey?

Talk about the exploits of games like PES 5,6 2010 and even FIFA 08 but it always felt like football.

The only thing i can enjoy in this game is Clubs and Virtual Pro. It's fun, and its fresh no matter how silly the gameplay is.
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If the bolded part is going to be your response to everyone who (quite justifiably) criticizes FIFA then I'm going to leave it. At least when I talk to the vegetables in the garden they grow.

red herring syndrome much? You haven't addressed any of my points and resorted to personal attacks instead in order to divert the argument somehow, now that's what I call a witty retort.

Enjoy being overly critic while I enjoy videogames, mate.
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No, mate your missinng on key factor which is you did play fifa 08.


Talk about the exploits of games like PES 5,6 2010 and even FIFA 08 but it always felt like football

The only thing i can enjoy in this game is Clubs and Virtual Pro. It's fun, and its fresh no matter how silly the gameplay is.

The sheer fact that you'd pick FIFA 08 and PES 5/6/2010 (2010? Are you for real?) as paradigms of electronic football over stuff like JWE2008/2009CC and Football Kingdom means that you're just tasteless and rather ignorant when it comes to football games, thus not really worth arguing with.
red herring syndrome much? You haven't addressed any of my points and resorted to personal attacks instead in order to divert the argument somehow, now that's what I call a witty retort.

Enjoy being overly critic while I enjoy videogames, mate.

Hypocrisy at it's finest. Very well done. Have a biscuit, and ten minutes on the tyre swing.

You've dismissed the points everyone else has already made as being those of pretentious spoilt brats who don't enjoy videogames or were expecting the moon on a stick, and have asked the senior editor of FIFA Soccer blog if he has played the game against friends, or using semi/manual controls. How else were you meant to be taken except not very seriously at all?

edit: ah yes, and you've tried to mock someone for not having played the more obscure versions of WE, or Football Kingdom. If you don't see fit to drop the pretentious slight now - given that you've completely ignored that spending money on foreign imports only proves that you know how to spend money on foreign imports (and let's not forget klashman didn't even say that these were the best examples of football games) - then you are obviously just here for our amusement.
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The sheer fact that you'd pick FIFA 08 and PES 5/6/2010 (2010? Are you for real?) as paradigms of electronic football over stuff like JWE2008/2009CC and Football Kingdom means that you're just tasteless and rather ignorant when it comes to football games, thus not really worth arguing with.
PES5 gameplay (not animations or anything) is better in every way to FIFA 10, except for the lack of manual controls... In my opinion, does this make me tasteless and ignorant?
PES5 gameplay (not animations or anything) is better in every way to FIFA 10, except for the lack of manual controls... In my opinion, does this make me tasteless and ignorant?

Except I prefer the lob passing in FIFA 10 ;). That could well just be me though.
No, mate your missinng on key factor which is you didn't play fifa 08.

Go out, buy that game (it will be cheaper now) and play it and see just how FAR EA have gone backwards in terms of football in the gameplay.

This is was the year EA absolutley destroyed PES. The gap in realisum between the games were huge, even if FIFA 08 was rather basic.

Go back and see how in this game you could score from ANY angle, apart from those silly cutback people, see how players would try and play football and score from the chaces they were given.

How playing on assisted dosen't give you much advantage vs manual players since you have to play good football to make your way up the field. FIFA 10 is built for assisted play, manual is just something EA stumbled on and have left in the game because they hear some people like it.

Go back and see how almost perfect the ball physics were and how shots could actually 'dip' from range, when players put top spin on the ball rather than on FIFA 10 where every shot seems to be hit with backspin and constanlty rises.

Go back and see how chipping the keeper wasan't just a simple task which every player is a instant expert of doing.

Go back and see how defences didn't push up ridiculously high unless you instructed them to do that.

Go back and see how defending was very much a skill. How high pressure didn't work against everyone since they would just pass the ball around you like watching a dog chase after a bone.

I can keep going on if you like but the main point is, Rutter is trying to make this game arcadey and fun to get kids to buy it, marketing play by ea here. They know nice animations = high scores = money.

Why i hate this gameplay so much is because how for in football terms ea have gone backwards since 08 in pure gameplay. How ea have dubbed so many realistic aspects down to make way for an arcadey game. Why is it most the games on FIFA 09 and most the games on FIFA 10 felt like i was playing Ice Hockey?

Talk about the exploits of games like PES 5,6 2010 and even FIFA 08 but it always felt like football.

The only thing i can enjoy in this game is Clubs and Virtual Pro. It's fun, and its fresh no matter how silly the gameplay is.

I agree 100%. I loved Fifa 08, and I loved Euro2008 even more. The response issues were the only real let down in Fifa08, but apart from that it was a solid game in every respect and it kept me going for 12 months. The ball physics were the best in the game so far and it's been downhill ever since. The curl on free kicks in Fifa 9 & 10 is case in point.

I scored some great goals from all over the pitch on Fifa08. The passing and tackling, and pace of the game in general, just felt right. Just as Konami have had to go back to go forward (or at least that's the theory), I think EA need to do the same. They should go back and play Fifa 08 and then ask themselves if Fifa 10 really is an evolution. Apart from fancy animations and gimmicks I think the game is not as strong on and off the field.
Except I prefer the lob passing in FIFA 10 ;). That could well just be me though.
True, they are must better than they were in PES but that could just be down to the manual controls - if they were manual in PES5 they may well have been just as good as they are in FIFA 10, the 8-way control killed PES lobbed passes.

The one other thing FIFA has over PES5 is tricks. So that's only two or three things

The teammate AI (attacking and defensive), opposition AI, variety of goals, player switching, ball physics (on free kicks, crosses and shots), set pieces, goalkeepers, defending system, individuality, dribbling (except for tricks), more effective/responsive super cancel, assisted pass/shot accuracy, headers and volleys at goal (no locking on and players would throw themselves at the ball), goal line scrambles/action in the area, physical battles and refereeing ARE ALL MUCH MORE REALISTIC IN PES5 THAN THEY ARE IN FIFA 10.

Two or three gameplay advantages for FIFA 10, sixteen for PES5 off the top of my head.

It's incredibly stupid to say anyone who isn't impressed by FIFA 10 has gone off video games or is a spoilt brat... We actually have justification for our opinion that FIFA 10 is a disappointment. All Retri has to say is basically "it's fucking good" and "i've played football games for so long so I know best".
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True, they are must better than they were in PES but that could just be down to the manual controls - if they were manual in PES5 they may well have been just as good as they are in FIFA 10, the 8-way control killed PES lobbed passes.

The one other thing FIFA has over PES5 is tricks. So that's only two or three things

The teammate AI (attacking and defensive), opposition AI, variety of goals, player switching, ball physics (on free kicks, crosses and shots), set pieces, goalkeepers, defending system, individuality, dribbling (except for tricks), more effective/responsive super cancel, assisted pass/shot accuracy, headers and volleys at goal (no locking on and players would throw themselves at the ball), goal line scrambles/action in the area, physical battles and refereeing ARE ALL MUCH MORE REALISTIC IN PES5 THAN THEY ARE IN FIFA 10.

Two or three gameplay advantages for FIFA 10, sixteen for PES5 off the top of my head.

It's incredibly stupid to say anyone who isn't impressed by FIFA 10 has gone off video games or is a spoilt brat... We actually have justification for our opinion that FIFA 10 is a disappointment. All Retri has to say is basically "it's fucking good" and "i've played football games for so long so I know best".

I know this is all ground we've covered over the past 30-50 pages or so, but the free kicks are what sum up FIFA 10. The ball physics has absolutely no relation to normal shooting, and has become overpowered presumably to try and discourage people from professional fouling. However it is bloody easy to win FKs just through heavy use of the L2/T dragback. Consequently scoring a hat trick of FKs is entirely possible with your VP.

Free kicks have become such an exploit, but you can only score by driving the ball with L1 (especially under the wall, which is ridiculously easy) or holding up on the left stick to put top spin on it. Add some swerve and you can have genuinely bad (40-50 rated) FK takers scoring 20-25 yarders 7 times out of 10.

Meanwhile trying to score a FK without top spin or by holding down on the left stick is a complete and utter waste of time, and is only worth using to cross the ball in. Instantly any ambitions of depth crash to the ground in a screaming ball of flames.
PES5 gameplay (not animations or anything) is better in every way to FIFA 10, except for the lack of manual controls... In my opinion, does this make me tasteless and ignorant?


Scripted , momentum , MYTHICAL random in goals , MYTHICAL random in gameplay , scripted pathways etc. pes5 better than fifa10 ? ha ha ha :YAWN: open your eyes ;)

pes5 is good but Fifa10 has way ,way better gameplay.

Jamenzinho : I'm not surprised , you allways AGREE with guys who loves pes and dont like Fifa ;) In fact that you like Fifa08 shows your passion to arcadish ,scripted games like example Pes2010 ;) .

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Scripted , momentum, scripted pathways etc. pes5 better than fifa10 ? ha ha ha :YAWN:
FIFA 10 has the exact same sort of scripted momentum... In fact i'd say it's even more apparent in FIFA 10 because in online games when theres a one goal difference going into the last 10 minutes of a game the losing side ALWAYS has a strength/speed/responsiveness advantage, this happens both for and against me.

Scripted pathways? Don't really know what you're on about there, sorry.
If you mean the way players run off the ball, that's nonsense as the off the ball movement was far better in PES5.
If you mean the directions you can pass in, again that's a silly thing to say as FIFA is even worse on assisted in that respect.
If you mean the amount of directions players can run in, all football games have been 8/16 directional since FIFA 10 and 360 degree movement hasn't exactly been an absolutely groundbreaking feature anyway, especially as shooting from any angle apart from straight on to the goal almost always results in a crap, weak effort and passes are the same accuracy at any angle.

And what's this "mythical random" you go on about in your edited post? It's just stats coming into play, i'd rather have players misplace passes and blast the ball over/wide for the sake of realism than have every pass inch perfect and every shot go into the corner of the goal...

pes5 is good but Fifa10 has way ,way better gameplay.
Elaborate? In what way is it better?

You can't go using the "fail" smiley on my post and then only come up with silly remarks about scripting and a "this is better than that" comment...

To laugh at my opinion and say that I need to open my eyes is such an idiotic thing to do, i'm the one here who has justified my opinions...

How is FIFA 10 gameplay possibly better than PES5's? I've given valid reasons for my opinion in post #9563, if you can disprove them or come up with a better list for the advantages FIFA 10 then go ahead, I doubt you or anyone else will be able to...

DerleiPT said:
Jamenzinho : I'm not surprised , you allways AGREE with guys who loves pes and dont like Fifa ;) In fact that you like Fifa08 shows your passion to arcadish ,scripted games like example Pes2010 ;) .
The fact that you think FIFA 08 is more of an arcade game than FIFA 10 shows your lack of knowledge of what a realistic football game should be like.
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FIFA 10 is at least as scripted as PES - if every player is able to control the ball equally well and is able to hit even semi-assisted first time passes off 60 yard long balls with inch perfect accuracy, all defenders are going to stand off at least 5 yards while the opposition striker receives the ball level with the penalty spot, 9 out of 10 shots taken when not fully facing goal are going to be weaker than your average pass and free kicks along the ground are almost always going to go in, you can pretty safely call the game at least as scripted as any Konami game of the past 10 years.
FIFA 10 has the exact same thing...

no so much as Pes5. I played pes 5 over two years and i know what i say ;)

,, The one other thing FIFA has over PES5 is tricks. So that's only two or three things ,,


your arguments sounds like only your point of view and not ,,
Facts ,,

,, variety of goals ,,

Biggest pes 5 myth

,, ball physics ,,

What i can say ? Fail ? looks like balloon physic not ball .

,, goalkeepers ''

I think very similar - Gks in Fifa10 are one of the worst arspect of the game

,, dribbling ''

Say hello ... mementum in pes5 . Dribbling fifa10 pleased me more.

,, assisted pass/shot accuracy ''

more scripted than Fifa10 asissted seetings.

,, physical battles and refereeing ''

I must say FAIL

refereeing in pes5 is mistake ;) Physical battles ? ghosts , phisical battles looks like in 10 y old game ;) its awful

Sorry but i think you dont use own brain and you believe in myths too much ;)

You have advantages over me, you are from Uk and you know English lang better ;)
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The fact that you think FIFA 08 is more of an arcade game than FIFA 10 shows your lack of knowledge of what a realistic football game should be like.[/QUOTE]

There was good balance between def and attack but it doesnt mean that this game is good. Fifa08 is boring and scripted .
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I can say with 100% confidence that the variety of goals you could score in PES 5 and the number of different types of goal you'd see in a ten match stretch far outstrips what you can score in FIFA 10. It has taken EA 3 years to make long shots remotely worthwhile, and even then they had to release an emergency patch because they had overdone it. Needless to say, the patch has overcorrected again, simply because they've completely ignored how long shots are meant to move in the air. Some of the physics in FIFA 10 is quite good, but as a general rule it is still way off the mark.

The assisted controls were also far, far superior to their assisted (and semi-assisted) equivalent in FIFA 10 precisely because they were restricted by player ability. I don't know how anyone at EA could look at PES 5's ball physics with anything but envy either.

You can't just keep saying PES's of the past were scripted and completely ignore how unbelievably on rails FIFA 10 really is beneath its surface.
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It's incredibly stupid to say anyone who isn't impressed by FIFA 10 has gone off video games or is a spoilt brat... We actually have justification for our opinion that FIFA 10 is a disappointment. All Retri has to say is basically "it's fucking good" and "i've played football games for so long so I know best".

My point is that having such ridicolous expectations toward a sports game or taking real football as paradigm while talking about videogames is just...insane. You'll never get a 100% perfect game, get over it and try to get the best out of what you've got.

Moreover if you haven't at least gone out of your way to play the best football games that have been produced in the last 5~6 years (aka Football Kingdom and J.League Winning Eleven 200x) and got passively fed whatever the marketing departments kept throwing into your general direction instead you really have no room to talk because you know jack shit and have long lost a sense of perspective.

I'm curious though, if FIFA 10 has been such a disappointment to you then WHAT hasn't?

in before Halo or Modern Warfare.
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well, I played long enough in pes5 and i can say types of goal in pes 5 is limited and much more unique goals you can shoot in Fifa10 ( manual )
no so much as Pes5. I played pes 5 over two years and i know what i say ;)
Ah the old "i've played it a lot so I know what i'm talking about"... For your information, i've also played PES5 a lot, probably just as much as you have...

The "momentum" was always a part of PES, I won't deny that, especially in Master League in a cup final or game to clinch a title, but online the game generally left your players alone and let the best player win...
Not so in FIFA 10, some games you can have players like Pogrebnyak (very strong player) being shoved to the ground by people like Messi/Iniesta, and in other games you can have Baştürk pushing players like Terry and Ferdinand to the ground... It has worked in both my favour and in my opponents favour...

It's not really worth talking about whether the "momentum" is in FIFA 10 offline, as the AI is so terribly boring to play against.

,, The one other thing FIFA has over PES5 is tricks. So that's only two or three things ,,


your arguments sounds like only your point of view and not ,,
Facts ,,
Of course they are my points of view, but I can justify my points... You are still get to explain one of your points or give proper reasons for why mine are supposedly false.

,, variety of goals ,,

Biggest pes 5 myth
It's not a myth... The way the shooting system worked as well as the keepers not saving shots they shouldn't meant that a massive variety of goals were possible. Unless you did cutbacks all the time of course.

On FIFA 10, even on manual, I see a a lot of very similar goals, both in the build-up and the finish.

The defenders actually marked the opponents fairly well on PES5 if you set it up in the tactics before the match also meant that you would see a better variety of buildup (on FIFA 10 you can ALWAYS pass to the unmarked strikers).

,, ball physics ,,

What i can say ? Fail ? looks like balloon physic not ball .
I said the physics on shots, free kicks and crosses were much better on PES5, this can hardly be denied as they are all unrealistic on FIFA 10.
Shots don't dip (unless it's a volley) and are too weak from most angles, free kicks look like they are with an air floater football and crosses are way too powerful with too much curl on FIFA 10.

The physics for passes and deflections is far better on FIFA 10, but that wasn't my point.

,, goalkeepers ''

I think very similar - Gks in Fifa10 are one of the worst arspect of the game
How is it similar then if the GKs are so bad in FIFA 10?

The goalkeepers in PES5 were probably the most realistic in any football game... They had human-like reaction times (hit a powerful shot from close-range and they won't have time to react to it, they would "guess" it and sometimes go the wrong way), they would come out to grab corners/crosses and they could make some great saves (where it actually seemed like a good save, rather than the shot not quite being good enough) as well as the odd mistake (which is realistic anyway).

,, dribbling ''

Say hello ... mementum in pes5 . Dribbling fifa10 pleased me more.
Momentum? I thought you said that meant the scripting in matches, now you're using it for the dribbling?

What do you mean, players can turn too quickly, defying the laws of physics? I saw this as a problem in PES6 but not PES5.

The utterly shite defensive side of FIFA 10 is probably what makes the dribbling on it seem useless though,

,, assisted pass/shot accuracy ''

more scripted than Fifa10 asissted seetings.
Now this is the most stupid thing you have said, that's actually ridiculous.

The perfect ping-pong football you can play on FIFA 10 assisted is laughable, with every single pass being inch-perfect and perfectly weighted no matter what angle it's at or what player plays it.
Compare that to PES5 passing where it's almost impossible to play these sorts of unrealistic passing moves as they go astray if they are at difficult angles, or the ball arrives at an awkward height or the player has poor stats, and the only teams you can do quick first-touch passing with consistently well being teams like Arsenal and Barcelona, which is realistic.

The shooting... that's so scripted in FIFA 10 it's farcical, finesse shot at 45 degrees into the far corner = goal every time!

The reality is the complete opposite from your statement...

,, physical battles and refereeing ''

I must say FAIL

refereeing in pes5 is mistake ;) Physical battles ? ghosts , phisical battles looks like in 10 y old game ;) its awful

Sorry but i think you dont use own brain and you believe in myths too much ;)
Refereeing - The refs would actually give a foul when players barged straight through you (refs let this go too much on FIFA 10), and for niggly little trips which discouraged people from pressuring all the time. If you defended properly, a realistic number of fouls would be given...
Also, penalties would be given for tackles other than sliding tackles (in FIFA 10 no pens are given for standing tackles) and keepers could be sent off.

Physical battles - The animations for them are nice in FIFA 10, but they are way too exaggerated, players are pushed off the ball and fall to the floor too easily. I much preferred the way it was done in PES5 when using super cancel - the animations weren't as nice (still not like a 10 year old game though) but the outcomes were much more realistic than FIFA 10, and that's the point... gameplay.

I won't even bother responding to your last sentence, it's so hypocritical it's hilarious :LOL:.
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