I played against 'MancMUFC' the other day...he was Liverpool! :CONFUSE:

LOL...all those huge clubs have thousands of glory hunters between their fans...and every single one of them claims he's a genuine fan...

About shots from outside the box: i scored one yesterday with Josico (Las Palmas) against Murcia in my MM.
LOL...all those huge clubs have thousands of glory hunters between their fans...and every single one of them claims he's a genuine fan...

About shots from outside the box: i scored one yesterday with Josico (Las Palmas) against Murcia in my MM.

I scored from 30 yards yesterday with Cadiz in my MM against Las Palmas, so I guess we're in a draw.
Another stupid thing with online games - you get Liverpool "fans" using Man United, you get AC Milan "fans" using Inter etc. That would be like me using Leicester City, I wouldn't do it!!!

I use Cardiff as much as possible but do change about now and then.

When at team selection time and I pop up as Cardiff, my oppo chooses Real and I keep moving left and back to Cardiff so they go to unready. They still keep selecting Real!!! Do they not realise I do not want to play against them. I'm a 3 star team ffs. Fair enough people might fancy playing with a higher level team now and then aswell but when it keeps happening!!!

The filter thing never finds anything so I have no choice but to use Any level / config etc. in the search engine. Bloody shame more people won't "Man up".
Calling all West Ham supporters!

I need formation and regular starting 11 with positions please.


Their you go mate.

Go here if you need any others.

Awesome site.
Thanks YG. My Fifa10 plays so much more realistic now ive edited all my teams. And reducing the pressure of most teams has raised the bar as to how this game now rates with me. EA really need to think about opening up the editing side of things in Fifa11.
Just changed the settings of Arsenal & Spurs to the ones on the website youngun posted and played a couple of games on legendary... AWESOME!

I played as Arsenal first and enjoyed the game, It did not really feel like I was playing the CPU, more like a game online against someone who has mastered the game.

I rarely watch Spurs play so I could not tell if the way the CPU played was realistic, but when the CPU had control of Arsenal, they were bang on.

I only play a single player mode here and there at the moment, usually when I can't get a game online. If EA were to sort out all the teams like this I would probably play the single player modes more than online.
The only thing ruining the game then will be the AI being able to decide what action to take and preforming it in nano seconds,bad team mate AI, atrocious player switching, overly physical play and manual passing distances being erratic, other than that well done EA.
Originally Posted by EA_PWride View Post
If I get asked for a report detailing community requests for FIFA11 I will be sure to include this (given that it was meant to be in 10) but at the current time with no plans for any additional updates to FIFA10 it looks unlikely to be amended straight away I'm afraid.

This is in reply to many, many posts regarding the lack of injuries I have made on the EA site...

At least it may get asked again and someone will realise it's foiked... :PIRATE:
Im enjoying the game and Not enjoying it at the same time...I mean with custom tactic edited, its feel better but still, The game is all about Tackling, I dont see any point of doing some tactic change cause I just dont see the players differences, the individualitys...theres too many standin tackles its ridiculous...

Same, the custom tactics and editing the players to make them slower won't stop the endless one on ones, or bring out any player individuality.

Infact it will just make the game easier.
No news on the patch... I don't think there is even confirmation there will be a tactics patch to be honest. Rutter had just mentioned something about wanting to do it and has disappeared since.

I am having a very hard time enjoying this game and the MM, which is all I play. I have done the tactics and it plays better but the whole atmosphere of the game is ruined with all night or rainy games. I still can't believe they've screwed this up and refuse to do anything about it.

I think I am done with the game - I have other things I can be doing and I am getting zero enjoyment out of it. It's a shame really, but since I switched to PS3 I have always thought they screwed something up. I played 09 for nearly 9 months, but this game seems worse than 09 in all facets of the game. In 08, all games were in the same stadium in daylight. In 09 where it was basically the same MM with some new stadiums. This year is an abomination of epic proportions by what was promised and what was delivered... I hope sales suffer next year in a big way before people buy the game.

I should have stayed with PS2 - It probably plays better.
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No news on the patch... I don't think there is even confirmation there will be a tactics patch to be honest. Rutter had just mentioned something about wanting to do it and has disappeared since.
The tactics update has been confirmed at least three times on the EA forums now - it is coming, they're just taking their time on it to make sure it doesn't screw anything else up (which wouldn't surprise me at this stage)!

They're also looking at the tactics that the community have suggested so hopefully, if it's more than just a fix for the lower-leagues and an updated Arsenal, we could see global changes.

Saying that, I'm probably expecting too much.
Saying that, I'm probably expecting too much.

I guess you are. I expect minor changes like fixing the 70/70. The rest will be left and then sold as part of the new and revolutionary team evolution for FIFA11. (I can hear them "Now teams play like they would play in real live). All they do and done before is bug fixing, they will not give you new things. All for FIFA11, because FIFA10 has already done the job for EA.
I guess you are. I expect minor changes like fixing the 70/70. The rest will be left and then sold as part of the new and revolutionary team evolution for FIFA11. (I can hear them "Now teams play like they would play in real live). All they do and done before is bug fixing, they will not give you new things. All for FIFA11, because FIFA10 has already done the job for EA.

I agree. I expect they'll just iron out the error that resulted in all the English football league teams getting all-70s. I don't expect them to start implementing and balancing better custom tactics across a wide range.

Since I've already done that myself, I'll just plough on with my current MM.
These tactics have made a massive difference to the overall enjoyment of the game. However the MM remains unplayable due to the bugs - so I heavily recommend doing a tournament that is the league. Fine, you lose a lot of the management stuff, but it plays sooo much better.

I think EA should give me back a percentage of my hard earned money, as the MM is not really a mode in the game...

Is there some kind of consumer standards board?
What annoys me is how perfect live season is. You have the form working perfectly as well as injuries. You can actually feel your team playing well with form and cause it's based off of real life you can't moan if it goes down for the next game. With injuries it's the same. Based on real life so you're without a few members of your squad (not just one for 1 day/week). EA have a gem of a game hidden somewhere in all this fuss, i swear.

Agreed. Live Season is perfect. I'm really enjoying mine.
Cheers Nick. Damn.

Probably release it to buy.

Which brings me around to the store. Are they gonna release stuff into it anytime soon.

What's the point of the store? I keep trying to download the Bernabeau and it never shows up in the game.
Posted this in the sticky "custom tactics" thread and didn't hear anything, reposting here;

Anybody else had this happen? I did some of the custom tactics mentioned above for a few of the sides to see how it worked, everything was great. Turned off my XBOX, came back to play tonight, and all of a sudden the custom squads are completely f****d. Strikers in goal, starters missing (Friedel on Villa completely gone?), and the tactics missing. Right now I'm looking at the Reserves screen with 7 GKs, all #64 with a rating of 25. EA can't be serious?
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