yep just got fifa 10 and im disapoint by the CPU, im playin on world class right now as im learning the game but the cpu NEVER fouls you

As you get the hang of dribbling more you'll get fouled more, I quite quickly mastered the art of sucking the AI into a tackle and moving the ball away at the last second so they foul me.....
But it's only English teams under the EPL that have 70's set I think? I'm sure all other leagues have correct tactics set (and you still get pressured by the sprinting AI regardless of the tactics set).
The more feedback I read, the more convinced I am that EA royally screwed up with the Custom Tactics. I think half of what people complain about in terms of AI is usually caused by badly set default CT, or at the very least could be improved by better CT.

Take lazyForken's post as one example (and there have been many more):
70 Pressure?

70 Build Up Passing, and probably a high Build Up Speed too?

Defence Line set to Cover?

70 Aggression?

All valid complaints that are probably caused just because EA messed up the default Custom Tactics, which are much easier to fix than if it was an integral AI code issue. It's my bugbear at the moment. I'm going to go ahead and fix it myself, I don't have the confidence that EA will do so in their next squad update (which could still be weeks away).

Good point indeed, LazyForken edit one team to be say all 30 with shooting at 60, play against them, spot the difference?
But it's only English teams under the EPL that have 70's set I think? I'm sure all other leagues have correct tactics set (and you still get pressured by the sprinting AI regardless of the tactics set).

There are quite a few more that have 70 for pressure and aggression, all Aussie teams, Brazilian teams also IIRC.
thanks for the infos guys but can I still edit those custom tactic in epl teams and still have them registred in my manager mode or ill have to start another one?
Even if the teams have 70 everything in custom tactics that should just represent how they try and play, not how successful they are with it. CT's are only half of the problem.
ive edited all epl teams and started a new manager mode and I got to agree the gameplay feels better... im just so frustrated about the lack of fouls, I mean like placebo said yea im learned to draw fouls... but theres plenty of fouls animations and bullys off the ball and player going down but NO FOUL is CALLED on those... and its just so frustrating.. I mean theyve put some good foul animation and they dont get called...

And one thing I found quite...interesting is CPU taking some quick free kick when they are like 20 yard away from goal...instead of taking the free kick?? I mean what is this no ref would allow such a thing.

and in manager mode im selling players but my wage budget keep going up, is this a bug?
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Sprint pressuring someone and completely bulldozing them without a foul is complete BS IMO. There's no incentive to hold back on a tackle, because it'll NEVER be called. If I pass up to my striker for him to hold the ball for even a second, he gets taken out by a ridiculous hacking down from behind without a foul. Stupid stupid stupid...
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wow... this game is killing me, I liked it and now its just bullshit to me, online game suck with that bulldozer pressuring and its make the game look arcade, EA have failed once again...I tough id buy a good football game but I guess I was wrong...there no point at all, there no point at all cause everything you do is wasted cause of that instant bulldozin pressurin standin tackle, the opponent can be like 10 yard away from and in an instant he got the ball off you...
wow... this game is killing me, I liked it and now its just bullshit to me, online game suck with that bulldozer pressuring and its make the game look arcade, EA have failed once again...I tough id buy a good football game but I guess I was wrong...there no point at all, there no point at all cause everything you do is wasted cause of that instant bulldozin pressurin standin tackle, the opponent can be like 10 yard away from and in an instant he got the ball off you...
That's why you have to pick your opponents. ;)

As you get the hang of dribbling more you'll get fouled more, I quite quickly mastered the art of sucking the AI into a tackle and moving the ball away at the last second so they foul me.....
Pass your knowledge, please.....
Maybe it's because I get a better view and better sense of control with dribbling, but I find that I have no problems drawing fouls when I'm playing in ZOOMED IN camera angles. But whenever I play the default Tele, I can almost never draw any fouls... weird. Luckily I like my games more zoomed in than some (about as same as Pro Evo's wide cam) and good enough amounts of fouls get called my way. Of course there are still a lot of situations where AI seems to ruthlessly hack you down and no foul is called.
That's why you have to pick your opponents. ;)

Pass your knowledge, please.....

There really is no knowledge to pass on as such, just learn to use slow close control dribble, watch for when the AI is about to tackle and move your direction away from the opponent to push the ball away so he tackles your leg and not the ball.
I actually didn't rate the Custom Tactics before but after the recent Edit thread and Custom Tactic one I find them brilliant. make a big difference IMO.
There really is no knowledge to pass on as such, just learn to use slow close control dribble, watch for when the AI is about to tackle and move your direction away from the opponent to push the ball away so he tackles your leg and not the ball.
Using L2? Or L2+R2? What's the difference between those two anyway? :YAWN:
I'm loving this game against random people in the lobbies on slow/manual... Some games you really can play great football and tear apart their pressuring and score some very nice goals (of course there are the odd games where you get no space at all and can't do anything, which leads me to believe there is some sort of AI handicapping/bias going on).

I'm ranked 2249 on the Head to Head leaderboards (978 in the UK), 73 wins, 22 draws and 14 losses.
It makes me laugh how ridiculously bad most people online are though when the game isn't doing 90% of the work for them, as well as showing up just how one-dimensional their tactics are and how they have no plan B when the exploits they would use on assisted no longer get goals.

Cheap.....;) That's how I'm gonna play ranked matches lol. Do those filters even work on 360? Tried it quite a few times and nothing.

Nah, they don't. If you change any of the default search filters you'll never find a game. Online lobbies is the way to go and honestly, manual passing isn't even really manual anymore so the randoms you get probably won't even be at that much of a disadvantage unless ALL they do is play assisted ping pong. I've seen a few of those guys and they are terrible. I racked up nearly 65% possession in a game on someone before. And because the manual passing seems to have a bit of an assist in it this year, they don't realize that it's on manual before the 3 minutes quit period is passes.

I felt bad early on, but when pressure still seems to be very good for dispossessing people and that's all that they use, I couldn't give a fuck anymore.

Sprint pressuring someone and completely bulldozing them without a foul is complete BS IMO. There's no incentive to hold back on a tackle, because it'll NEVER be called. If I pass up to my striker for him to hold the ball for even a second, he gets taken out by a ridiculous hacking down from behind without a foul. Stupid stupid stupid...

That's all that happens to me online. I basically just have to pass, hold the ball up, and turn on him.

Played a guy who had Inter. Tricked him into an all manual/slow game. Couldn't get past midfield to save my life. He definitely had some sort of custom tactics and formation. One of his set pieces had like 5 guys in my goal and then when he raised his hand they'd all run out and one dude would always be open. Nobody would cover them. Sent me a message during halftime that read: "you shit!" when he found out what I'd done.

I get the ball with Nani in the penalty area, hit Maicon with a couple of step overs and move towards goal. His player runs through me, clips my leg, I go down. NOTHING. No penalty, no yellow card, not even the adavantage sign.

It's running for your life for 90 minutes.
L2 is a slower, close control dribble. L2+R2 is more about jinking to the side, slightly slower than standard dribbling but with a higher resolution of touches provided you aren't just trying to go straight ahead.

Like some of the recent posters I'm doing a good job with these dribble types now, as well as with the right stick knock on to beat people (which is a lot more powerful a tool in rainy matches). I've not played online for a few days now but I have to say I haven't found pressuring as much of a problem as people here. It is obviously too much, but while it can be quite frustrating I haven't been driven to as much of a rage about it as Murkurial. I've been able to beat these types quite effectively of late 9by retreating and then readvancing), which is perhaps why - if I was losing I imagine I'd be a lot more annoyed by it.
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I've managed to get my dribbling under control i think. I'll post some vids in the video thread. they're already in my sig but i may as well pretty up that video thread instead of here. :)
Is Manual more assisted this year? I have played some games online and my passing generally sux. I'm not that accurate at all. Play so many misplaced passes.
To draw a foul I'll sprint, get the defender chasing me, slow down using close control and then just as the defender is ready to tackle I sprint off again.

Draws tons of fouls.
i have tried that graphical tweak for the ps3. At first i didnt see an improvement but after switching back and forth a few times i now do see an improvement. Worth doing. As i have never seen fifa10 run on a 360 i cant really compare it to one. Interesting to get some feedback on here.
I managed my first (attacking) header from a corner last night. I was beginning to think it wasn't possible. It missed the target though.

In general, i appear to win most defensive headers at corners and don't seem to get any attacking headers from corners (one so far).
Ive never had any problems with fouls. fairly even and a decet spread. In fact it can get quite niggly. I play on tele cam three from the left height and three from the right zoomed.

I had to stop playing pes because fifa became easy!

When i went back to Fifa because the play is so open and variable i could tackle the cpu easier compared to having to press and fouled in pes because the computer just pass, pass and passes. It gave my arm RSI!

So started playing again last night and took me a while to get into it. Its one of those games where you might have two unsatisfactory games to start with but then something clicks.

I play on full manual but with semi crossing on professional and i find fast/normal better for me and plays a more fluid game once you get in the groove.

Ive customised loads of teams custom tactics by setting up 28 slots worth of teams with varying styles and dishing them out to different clubs. Now playing Burnley they are fairly attacking and pass minded but weak at the back, yet Bolton are aggressive and sit deep and look for Davies.

Played a great game last night Burnley vs Fulham. 0-0 at half time with only Danny Murphy snap shot wide and a Schwarzer block being the only chances. Then second half i get Pantsil sent off for two bookable challenges and Burnley pour forward. I switch the big central midfielder guy Etuhu into the back four and Schwarzer makes a great one handed stop from a header to keep it 0-0.

The cpu then makes a mistake in defence and Johnson is away i manage to draw the keeper while fending off a defender, do a fake shot and slip it under the keeper from the side to make it 1-0!

Then as the pressure mounts Duff gets away on the break 3 on 2 as i get to the box i notice Kamara pulling away and loft over the ball for a sweet header past a stranded jensen 2-0.

Still time for Burnley to get another great header with Schwarzer making a double save. FT 2-0.

And thats what i love about this game. it plays out games like real football. It doesnt force me to play a certain way like Pes does. When i was through with Johnson i made a decision early of what to do and i executed it, same with the Duff break. It doesnt always come off but thats the beauty, when it does its gratifying.

And another thing the game showed taht the game can change on certain key moments, my keeper made a few great stops, if Burnley had scored while at 0-0 and at 10 men i might not have recovered. The balance of the game is just right.

The only faults i can level is the chest/header which is not quite right 100% of the time and when a team wastes time near the end of the match unless they are losing.

But it does take the custom tactics to be tweaked to open the game up. Unless you set teams to 80+ shooting they wont have a pop from outside the box. Keith Andrews scored a lovely 25 yarder past me the other night.
i have tried that graphical tweak for the ps3. At first i didnt see an improvement but after switching back and forth a few times i now do see an improvement. Worth doing. As i have never seen fifa10 run on a 360 i cant really compare it to one. Interesting to get some feedback on here.

Brunnoce would be a good reference as he has both and says the PS3 version looks much worse.
I managed my first (attacking) header from a corner last night. I was beginning to think it wasn't possible. It missed the target though.

In general, i appear to win most defensive headers at corners and don't seem to get any attacking headers from corners (one so far).

Create your own set pieces. It works (not all the time)
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