FIFA 10 #NBALive10 gets 60 bugs fixed in its new update, #Fifa10 gets 20, anyone else see something wrong with that picture????

NBA Live 10 fixes:

Which games sells more? Fifa10, which games puts more revenue into the EA coffers? Fifa10, which game should get the most fixes? NBA apparently........
I will tell you why, cause live is chasing the greatest sports sim ever made, NBA2k, they are lagging behind in sales and 2k just announcend a HUGE patch to fix that games issues as well, so to keep up they need to release a patch. With fifa beating the pants off of PES and no other competition in sight, EA does not give a fuck anymore. Thanks for your cash. So this is another reason 2k needs to make a soccer/football SIM

can you insist to the point of brandishing small weaponry (a spork will suffice) that you get some hands on time with MM next time please? Even if you just sim the matches and get through a season, or a season and a half. Provided you keep banging the "stop passing, pressuring and first touches from being perfect, and get shooting physics right" drum I'm kind of confident that EA have so little that they need to actually add to make the gameplay spot on that the on-field side can take care of itself. An hour of an Emirates trip spent trying out the off-field additions and making sure the menus aren't like finding your way around a pitch black room with a laser pen would do a world of good.

I've been playing PES a bit tonight. Provided you ignore how bloody awful it moves and sounds, and the appalling keepers, it does at least seem at this early stage to be fairly balanced. Managed to beat a Man Utd player with A. Madrid just by keeping focussed and passing wisely rather than purely forwards. One-on-ones definitely favour the attacker too, which makes a change from FIFA. It'll be interesting to see how the game holds out when I start getting familiar enough for gameplay cracks to become visible...

They have definitely fixed the teleportation problem. By making button presses lag. I was seeing at least 1.5 seconds of delay against a Spanish guy earlier (he was Barca, I was A. Madrid again. Noticing a pattern from other players here?). Still, it's not entirely bad, seeing as button presses definitely still lag offline anyway.
I'm loving this game against random people in the lobbies on slow/manual... Some games you really can play great football and tear apart their pressuring and score some very nice goals (of course there are the odd games where you get no space at all and can't do anything, which leads me to believe there is some sort of AI handicapping/bias going on).

I'm ranked 2249 on the Head to Head leaderboards (978 in the UK), 73 wins, 22 draws and 14 losses.
It makes me laugh how ridiculously bad most people online are though when the game isn't doing 90% of the work for them, as well as showing up just how one-dimensional their tactics are and how they have no plan B when the exploits they would use on assisted no longer get goals.
I'm loving this game against random people in the lobbies on slow/manual... Some games you really can play great football and tear apart their pressuring and score some very nice goals (of course there are the odd games where you get no space at all and can't do anything, which leads me to believe there is some sort of AI handicapping/bias going on).

I'm ranked 2249 on the Head to Head leaderboards (978 in the UK), 73 wins, 22 draws and 14 losses.
It makes me laugh how ridiculously bad most people online are though when the game isn't doing 90% of the work for them, as well as showing up just how one-dimensional their tactics are and how they have no plan B when the exploits they would use on assisted no longer get goals.
Cheap.....;) That's how I'm gonna play ranked matches lol. Do those filters even work on 360? Tried it quite a few times and nothing.
Cheap.....;) That's how I'm gonna play ranked matches lol. Do those filters even work on 360? Tried it quite a few times and nothing.
Lol, it is a bit cheap :P.

The filters have worked for me whenever i've used them, if it doesn't find a game usually someone joins one I create within a couple of minutes. You have to leave everything default apart from changing the controls to manual though, i've never got a game when i've filtered for slow game speed or star ratings.

I don't use the filter much any more though because the last few matches i've played from it have been pretty dull - when the opponent is actually good at manual controls and still pressures like fuck and uses 5 star teams, it's crap and usually ends 0-0. I've had some great matches as well from it though, just been unfortunate the last few times I think.

Going to the lobbies and creating games means you can use the slow game speed (which seems to make pressuring less effective) and set a star rating limit for the teams.

A few of tips for people to combat pressuring:
The marseille roullette is great to skin onrushing defenders, timing is important.
Facing up to a defender on the wing and then using the right stick to knock it past him is also a good way to get by a defender.
If you are sprinting with a defender beside you, using the body feint and exit move (LT+right stick tapped to the side, then left stick moved to the same side) usually works, very useful to cut inside the full back.
The most effective move though would have to be just simply shielding the ball - hold RT and your player will automatically put himself between the ball and the closest opponent, you can then turn the opponent or move into an open space.

Simply doing through balls and sprinting isn't so effective now, especially now pace isn't so extreme.
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What I've noticed about assisted controls is that it actually encourages people to sprint pressure. What a fucking joke. Every freakin' ball gets the perfect placement and power, and there's no incentive or ability to even intercept a pass until it's in your final third.
When I play online matches with manual settings and slow pace, I find the only thing left to ask for the opponent is not to mash the pression button all the time. That makes matches shit.

There's a great difference on wether people uses it by norm or not. I play this game as if it was a RPG,, trying to replicate things we see in the tv or we do in the pitch. It annoys me when someone plays manual / slow and stills try to do pression all the pitch. If only stamina was affected a lot more by this, we would have the perfect game to plaay all the year long.
I'd like worse players to still be able to hit good shots - when playing with Stuttgart there's no point shooting from outside the box unless Hitzlsperger or Pogrebnyak have the ball.
This may be "individuality" but in real football, any professional footballer can strike the ball cleanly, it's mainly their consistency in doing that which differs.
I'd like worse players to still be able to hit good shots - when playing with Stuttgart there's no point shooting from outside the box unless Hitzlsperger or Pogrebnyak have the ball.
This may be "individuality" but in real football, any professional footballer can strike the ball cleanly, it's mainly their consistency in doing that which differs.

Agree with that. Thats why I dont buy into the PES 'Stats are everything' mantra.
I'd like worse players to still be able to hit good shots - when playing with Stuttgart there's no point shooting from outside the box unless Hitzlsperger or Pogrebnyak have the ball.
This may be "individuality" but in real football, any professional footballer can strike the ball cleanly, it's mainly their consistency in doing that which differs.

Agree with that. Thats why I dont buy into the PES 'Stats are everything' mantra.

That's what gets me when playing with lower league teams, players can still be quick and hit decent balls, they can't just be dumbed down...
Can anyone who has FIFA on PS3 give this a whirl? It's supposed to improve the graphics and two people have come back and said it works, but they've only tried it with 1080p TVs.

I have everything but 1080i ticked on my PS3 on a full 1080p TV Chris, I thought the game was 720p naturally though?...

Does it force upscaling?... I'm going down to try it...
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When I play online matches with manual settings and slow pace, I find the only thing left to ask for the opponent is not to mash the pression button all the time. That makes matches shit.

There's a great difference on wether people uses it by norm or not. I play this game as if it was a RPG,, trying to replicate things we see in the tv or we do in the pitch. It annoys me when someone plays manual / slow and stills try to do pression all the pitch. If only stamina was affected a lot more by this, we would have the perfect game to plaay all the year long.

You are right but there are some teams in reality that rely heavily on pressure because they are not so technically gifted. Pressure, interceptions and tackles are a huge part of the game.
Can anyone who has FIFA on PS3 give this a whirl? It's supposed to improve the graphics and two people have come back and said it works, but they've only tried it with 1080p TVs.


I have everything but 1080i ticked on my PS3 on a full 1080p TV Chris, I thought the game was 720p naturally though?...

Does it force upscaling?... I'm going down to try it...

Well according to the TV it was getting a 1080p input signal from the PS3 which is supposed to be a 720p title?, as for a better picture it's hard to say...
Cheers for that Nick.

I was told by two people with 1080p TVs that they had their PS3 set with all the display options ticked (obviously because their TV is compatible with them all), but unticking all allowed options bar the 1080p option has made the FIFA 10 graphics much sharper for them (confirmed on two TVs).

They reckon it's instantly noticeable when it comes to the sharpness of the names and numbers. Apparently it's working for other people as well. But then not everyone seems to be suffering from them being worse than the 360 in the first place, it's very weird.
Cheers for that Nick.

I was told by two people with 1080p TVs that they had their PS3 set with all the display options ticked (obviously because their TV is compatible with them all), but unticking all allowed options bar the 1080p option has made the FIFA 10 graphics much sharper for them (confirmed on two TVs).

They reckon it's instantly noticeable when it comes to the sharpness of the names and numbers. Apparently it's working for other people as well. But then not everyone seems to be suffering from them being worse than the 360 in the first place, it's very weird.

Well if it's a difference between 1080i and 1080p I would see it more than 720p to 1080p I'd think, it looked good in the arena I must admit, I noticed the dirt and grass being kicked up on shots and I'd not noticed that before TBH.
Plus I only hit a quick exhibition game.

I'll have a longer go on 720p then to 1080p to double check, TBH I'm amazed it came up as 1080p input, if the game will run at that natively why not have it on the damn box?...
You are right but there are some teams in reality that rely heavily on pressure because they are not so technically gifted. Pressure, interceptions and tackles are a huge part of the game.

Yes they do but in real life you find most teams cant to it for 90mins without getting tired from all the running they do. The FIFA team have still made it too easy for teams to pressure all game as fatigue is still not effective enough.
I'd like worse players to still be able to hit good shots - when playing with Stuttgart there's no point shooting from outside the box unless Hitzlsperger or Pogrebnyak have the ball.
This may be "individuality" but in real football, any professional footballer can strike the ball cleanly, it's mainly their consistency in doing that which differs.

Man, I saw your posts about Hitzlesberger firing a rocket and immediately started a MM with Hamburg and signed him up. (I chose Hamburg because the atmosphere in game is loud and never ending... kind of like Porto)

That dude can fire a laser beam from outside the box. I haven't scored a goal but he is definitely a player you should have in your MM just for the long range bombs.
Yes they do but in real life you find most teams cant to it for 90mins without getting tired from all the running they do. The FIFA team have still made it too easy for teams to pressure all game as fatigue is still not effective enough.

Kobashi can you publish the edge review of pes?
Kobashi can you publish the edge review of pes?

Edge review

A scan of Metacritic reveals the intersecting fortunes of Pro Evolution Soccer and its long-term rival, FIFA. Plot the scores on a graph (to fill a rainy afternoon) and the spidery 'X' that emerges tracks FIFA's recent revival against PES's unexpected decline. And the trend continues. FIFA 10 (reviewed in E207) has taken a confident step forward with the introduction of 360-degree dribbling and a swathe of new animations and gameplay tweaks, and PES 2010's response is unconvincing.

The bottom line is that when measured against the fluidity and possiblilty of FIFA, PES 2010 comes up short. It answers FIFA 10's introduction of 360-degree movement with an expanded dribbling system of its own, but as the game's producer, Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, has admitted, this feature was brought forward to the current game only following the announcement of FIFA's innovation. Konami's game doesn't offer full rotation, with players still noticeably locking into rigid paths as they turn-there are now simply 16 of these rather then eight.

A bigger issue is the relationship between ball and the player, which is stretched by this new development. Extra touches are taken as players move around the ball - an odd double-touch animation has been introduced - and as they turn through the less familiar running angles the ball has a tendency to drift unnaturally to the side. The result is that passing and working attacks through the midfield feels mechanical rather than fun.

It feels like an ageing engine pushed too far - an upgrade too many for a system that needs revolutionary rebuilding. Where FIFA is robust enough to present a physically independent ball to 22 free-running players and let football happen (or, crucially, is good enough to at least convince us that's what's happening), PES is still openly pulling strings and cranking levers. When chasing though balls players will frequently refuse to run or, worse, stuter ridiculously in and out of their sprint animation in order to arrive at what the game deems the right time. We've also seen defenders shunted impossibly sideways when charging down shots and goalkeepers still palming tame shots into the path of onrushing strikers.

Through all this there are frequent eruptions of what once made the game so great. Beating a man with the ball - cutting past a defender on the wing or on the edge of the box - is still enormously gratifying, and more a matter of skill and timing than FIFA's less precise 'do a trick and floor it' approach. And while the passing is slightly automated, this lends a clipped satisfaction - there's something gratifying about creating neat triangles and breaking down defences with angles through balls.

But it also means you never shake off the looming awareness that this is a game of football, an increasingly predictable set of football-like things with patterns and rules and limitations. Where FIFA has pulled together a sophisticated system of autonomous physics and AI that give unprecedented variation and a exceptional illusion of organic play, PES 2010 might still be proficient, but it's robotic and methodical, and firmly in second place. [7]
You are right but there are some teams in reality that rely heavily on pressure because they are not so technically gifted. Pressure, interceptions and tackles are a huge part of the game.

As kobashi said, pressure is something you can't do for 90 minutes. Besides, in reality, teams that do a lot of pressure doesn't necessarily involve superhuman players like Essien.

Take Barcelona, for example, the pressure it makes to its rivals is brutal, in Liga matches you will find that the opponents hardly cross the halfline. Messi, Xavi and Iniesta are not strong and "stamined" players, it's just they have a great vision of play and tactical sense and they know where they should be and when they should run.

In fifa, all this mental aspects (I reckon is hard to implement in the game) are ignored, and a team with 10 average players can succesfully do pression the same as Chelsea. And pressing a lot should affect not only stamina (that should get depleted VERY quickly when pressing) but also the consistency of your team, so when average tactical brains are involved, gaps are created.

It's difficult to implement, we agree, but while they do, they should either tone down a lot the pressure or make it specially dangerous in terms of stamina. Chasing a ball being passed through 2 players is far more tiresome than sprinting the whole pitch in a given play (if you can rest a little after sprinting, that happens a lot in reality).

EDIT: What a great reivew from edge. Very very well written and explained. Kudos for them.
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As kobashi said, pressure is something you can't do for 90 minutes. Besides, in reality, teams that do a lot of pressure doesn't necessarily involve superhuman players like Essien.

Take Barcelona, for example, the pressure it makes to its rivals is brutal, in Liga matches you will find that the opponents hardly cross the halfline. Messi, Xavi and Iniesta are not strong and "stamined" players, it's just they have a great vision of play and tactical sense and they know where they should be and when they should run.

In fifa, all this mental aspects (I reckon is hard to implement in the game) are ignored, and a team with 10 average players can succesfully do pression the same as Chelsea. And pressing a lot should affect not only stamina (that should get depleted VERY quickly when pressing) but also the consistency of your team, so when average tactical brains are involved, gaps are created.

It's difficult to implement, we agree, but while they do, they should either tone down a lot the pressure or make it specially dangerous in terms of stamina. Chasing a ball being passed through 2 players is far more tiresome than sprinting the whole pitch in a given play (if you can rest a little after sprinting, that happens a lot in reality).

EDIT: What a great reivew from edge. Very very well written and explained. Kudos for them.

Great point. Pressure is not simply getting close to players and kicking away at the ankles to try and steal the ball. In fact many midfielders hardly tackle and its so much more about blocking passing lanes and stealing posession that way. Making oppossing players make mistakes rather than the need to get in there face.
Quick question... I may be missing something, but wasn't there some button you could press in game to switch the ball to the players other foot while dribbling to get a better strike?

Is this in the game?
yep just got fifa 10 and im disapoint by the CPU, im playin on world class right now as im learning the game but the cpu NEVER fouls you, i get like 2-3 foul per game, too many standin tackle going on...just feel unrealistic when you see striker tacklin so up in the field...cpu chance creation are many long balls and passes that create one vs one situation to the keeper...rare offside, defender even play strikers on...

maybe its just my first day or im playin on world class but to me fifa 10 is backward in term of gameplay, but in term of animation, its a revolution, im stunned...

Online play feels good tough I dont know why, I found online play to be more balanced and actualy fun, ive played against some good people even with assisted control playing the game properly winnin 1-0 or 2-1 with some exiting matches...

the most frustrating thing is when i get down on the wing and Right back actualy going forward to tackle me instead of runnin jockey backward, I just finds it annoying and unrealistic...

but im enjoying it so far, but im already tired of manager mode cause of the CPU
I've said in something I sent to EA via Chris, the reason why pressuring is so powerful and physicality so important is to counteract how accurate and fast the assisted passing and ball control always is regardless of the passing conditions. If passing was more likely to miss the target when rushed or on the weaker foot then you wouldn't chiefly win the ball through tackling and could rely on intercepts far more. Pressuring could then be toned down as positional play becomes more important, and passing lanes that are slightly blocked now become something for the other player to think twice about using that route.
The more feedback I read, the more convinced I am that EA royally screwed up with the Custom Tactics. I think half of what people complain about in terms of AI is usually caused by badly set default CT, or at the very least could be improved by better CT.

Take lazyForken's post as one example (and there have been many more):

just feel unrealistic when you see striker tacklin so up in the field...
70 Pressure?

to many long balls and passes that create one vs one situation to the keeper...
70 Build Up Passing, and probably a high Build Up Speed too?

rare offside, defender even play strikers on...
Defence Line set to Cover?

the most frustrating thing is when i get down on the wing and Right back actualy going forward to tackle me instead of runnin jockey backward
70 Aggression?

All valid complaints that are probably caused just because EA messed up the default Custom Tactics, which are much easier to fix than if it was an integral AI code issue. It's my bugbear at the moment. I'm going to go ahead and fix it myself, I don't have the confidence that EA will do so in their next squad update (which could still be weeks away).
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