What does holding the Sprint button do when your goalie has caught/collected the ball and is holding it in his hands (like before he throws it or shoots it), he does this little animation which turns his back to you (if you're playing tele cam), can't really figure out what it's for or the purpose??

Anybody? ;)
Unfortunately i'm on PS3.

Add me Robbery. We have the same opinion regarding how to play online. I play semi mainly but will always play manual if somebody wants too. I played Blaccat the other night in a really good manual. He beat me 3 nil but the scoreline definately flattered him ;). It was a very good game though.
been playing pes2010 all week, really enjoying it

played fifa 10 last night, two games online and loved it

don't understand all the moaning, both games will never be perfect....i'm talking about gameplay here not MM etc
Gameplay wise for me, its getting better and better with more plays. Learning when to hold, when to shield, when to lay off etc.

And I've dropped down from Legendary to World Class now and gone back to semi passing, semi shooting and the rest manual and starting to not only score goals, but win games now.

I will get back into a MM and see how that goes.
Add me Robbery. We have the same opinion regarding how to play online. I play semi mainly but will always play manual if somebody wants too. I played Blaccat the other night in a really good manual. He beat me 3 nil but the scoreline definately flattered him ;). It was a very good game though.

Going to add you as soon as i can go online again. I play semi too with 2 things on manual but playing everything on semi is fine for me. So we are going to play semi. Looking forward to it :))
Abhi, with everything that they've added there is massive potential, but nearly everything they've added is buggy as hell (board confidence meaning you can get sacked when you're top of the league, player form being mental and resulting in ultra-fast players becoming as slow as slugs, etc.) - BUT...

The new patch fixes the most pressing issues, although it's only 6 fixes out of a list of 73 (not all of those are bad issues but I would have liked the top 20 to be fixed to be honest, all English games being played at night in the rain is horribly repetitive and it's as bad as it was last year, despite promises that it was far better).

I'm still enjoying it but you can't help but wonder after every final whistle, "am I going to get away with it here or am I going to see something weird, am I going to get the sack or is one of my players going to disappear"...
I'm halfway through my first season and don't have any complaints. I've not been sacked yet!!

A lot of the bugs posted are actually just things that we think are done wrong interspersed with genuine issues. The annoyance people have with it is that we felt like when everything was being described, we thought it'd be implemented perfectly, when that is rather wide of the mark. I think the player signing system is pretty good, if a bit of a shock to the system to see very good players not want to sign for lesser clubs.

The form keeps marking my players down despite being in the top 3 as Everton, presumably because I'm playing with semi controls and am more likely to misplace passes, but in truth the stat reduction seems pretty small. Certainly not enough to anger me or make me want to switch to fully assisted. I haven't had anyone get a stats boost though, which grates a tiny bit. Perhaps a more telling annoyance will be how this marking down will affect the growth of my younger players. Most of my players who seem to be having a decent game then get rated 5 or 6 out of 10 when I'd have had them as a 7.

I'm playing more night games than I'd expect but rain seems fairly consistent with the time of year. I had a snowy game vs Fulham in October, but that's North London for you...! :/

I'm definitely having fun, and teams do seem to have some individuality. I'm using the tactics to fairly good effect and have a pretty good formation going with Yakubu as a left winger coming inside, my VP as a 'central' midfielder on the left covering him and Alexis Sanchez on the right causing havoc.
Online with the right people is immense. 2 vs 2 full manual is a blast. Can't stop enjoying it.

If you're on the 360 can you add me then? I tried 2 v 2 all manual and the only way to get that (with slow game speed of course) is to go into the 2 v 2 lobby and, once again, trick fools into a game. They all end up quitting 15 minutes into the match though and then it's us against the CPU who play the worst brand of football I've ever seen. Seems like they've up the difficulty when playing against the CPU to legendary online because they play the fastest brand of soccer ever. It was so bad that I didn't even notice that the guys had quit. The CPU was pressing and ping pong passing just as much as they were. This certainly didn't happen to me in MM in 09. They really run at you incessantly.

Yes, feel the same. I think most of us are a little bit dazzled (is that the right word?) by the great look of the game. The fantastic animations, the beautiful physical aspect of the game, just the feel of the game at first.

But under the surface there is a lot work to do for EA. The Gameplay (witch includes the AI) needs a lot of improvements if it should end as an Simulation-Style-Game.

It is still a good game and as we all now, against mates it is brilliant.

The phyiscal aspect is the worst part IMO. When Ibra gets barged off of the ball by the likes of Sneijder, I fail to see how that can be applauded. The defender catch-up is atrocious as well. So many time where I should be clear through on goal and they always, ALWAYS catch up to faster players and just push them over. And it's NEVER a foul.

It's to the point where I have to basically pass up to a striker (who's always in the same place btw) and stand the ball up until the pressure whores run towards me and then I turn on them. Same tactics every time I play online. Every time.

If you're on the 360 add MercSqd. Although this should never be the case, if the only way to get a realistic match is to ONLY play with and against likeminded people, that's what I'll have to do.

I would love to have the same fun online. But i can't stand all of these f****** pressure maniacs at all. I hate it so much. Every time i play online i get forced to play ping pong style. Online, that kills the game for me. I want to play football. No compromises here. For me it is not about winning at all cost. For me it is about playing football. If i need to play ping pong style i can't enjoy winning.

This is the worst part. I'm siting on 29 wins and 6 losses and I haven't felt good about any of the wins. It's not fun to play. I celebrate the fact that I was finally able to get to a team's penalty area more than I celebrate the fact that I scored because I always have to take the same route to get there it seems. Cheesers dictate the flow of the game as I basically have to run for my life and just pass to anyone that I can find open.

And even the people who I essentially trick into a manual match online seem to be experts at manual passing. Not possible. Someone mentioned that perhaps manual is more accurate because of the 360 dribbling allowing you to point in any direction but that'd create an even greater margin of error and certainly doesn't explain why I can try to slow the game down and pass around a packed box and my opponent, upon murdering me, can, once again, just fire a long pass up to an Eto'o and start running.

And skilled dribbling does not equal ice-skating. Someone should tell EA that.

Add me to your friends list and we can have some games when you see me online? thats if you have a 360?

I'm sure there are other guys on here that play manual and don't press constantly, that would like to play somebody like yourself aswell.

Right here, add MercSqd and give me a shout if you wanna get some 2 v 2 going.
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Right here, add MercSqd and give me a shout if you wanna get some 2 v 2 going.

Me and my bro both play semi, and are under the same roof so easy to get some 2 v 2s going if you're down... I've been itching to play some 2v2. Are you 360 or ps3? my gamertag is stilts1844
I am starting to get the shits with referees getting in the way and keepers coming out when ever they fcking feel like it and conceding some retarded goals.

Mind you FIFA is not a bad game at all it's just there is some bugs that makes the game less enjoyable.
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I am starting to get the shits with referees getting in the way and keepers coming out when ever they fcking feel like it and conceding some retarded goals.

Mind you FIFA is not a bad game at all it's just theirs some bugs that makes the game less enjoyable.

i've seen it happen against cpu teams a few times, in my favor.
not a bug, as Martin Tyler always says the same line about the ball hitting the ref. :(
If you're on the 360 can you add me then? I tried 2 v 2 all manual and the only way to get that (with slow game speed of course) is to go into the 2 v 2 lobby and, once again, trick fools into a game.

Unfortunately, I'm on PS3. To robbery and wildster, I tend to play full manual games now and then on ps3. PSN: Drekkard.
i hope the 10 previous posters don't mind that I sent them all friend requests. kinda tired of 'testing' people online to see if they're FIFA tards or not; I just want to play a decent game. If anybody else is up for a game of semi on 360 add me please.
On the weekend everytime I searched for a semi assisted match online I couldnt find one. The only one I could get is against the Man Utd/Barcelona gang. I then tried to find manual games and had no luck either. Usually I find semi matches all the time but over the weekend couldnt find any.
Also anyone noticed when you set the game to slow you will play one game on the slow setting and even if you leave it on slow your next match will be played on the normanl setting?

Klashman posted this in the custom tactics thread and I think he might be right. It would certainly explain why "slow" speed feels fast for me. Anyone else noticed this?
From the EA site...

To EA..
Injuries. When playing yourself there tends to be an injury once in a while, but they'll always be for just 1 week, no matter how badly the injury. Then while simming you'll get an injury and the player might be out for 10 weeks, which is more realistic.


DR - We’ve tested this – and you do sometimes get different lengths of injuries – but long term injuries are LESS frequent. Your’re probably simming more games than playing, hence that result.


How random can you get and answer nothing...
That's not what he's even saying...

Injuries are a huge part of the modern game, EA have once again failed to implement this in the game, it's yet another indication they have the wrong people making the decisions on the MM...:RANT::P

4. The question was with regard to the transfer budget being updated at the end of the season, with regard to trophies won and club standing. Will this be part of the budget fix in the new patch?

MK - Bonus transfer budget is only awarded when you get “Promoted” or you “Win the ECC”. The amount depends on your starting budget and the difficulty level, the higher the difficulty level the smaller the payout.

I don't really feel like having to play through another season only to find out I have 50 pounds to start the new season with. Thanks for any updates

MK - The budget refresh depends on your starting budget, difficulty level and board objective completion. There is also a maximum your Transfer Budget can grow every year to avoid clubs getting too rich too fast, so the growth is slowed down even if you massively over perform as a smaller club.

If there is a specific scenario that doesn’t work, please provide more detail, i.e. Team used, Starting Budget, Difficulty level played with, Board objective completion, Budget at the end of the season and Budget at the start of the new season.

There is no prize money given when winning trophies, there's is no additional budget given when promoted, this has been reported a number of times since the game's release, including by me.

I came 2nd in the Championship with Sheffield Wednesday and won the FA Cup, zero prize money for winning the cup, zero prize money for coming 2nd and being promoted, I ended the season on £2.8m and started the new Premier league season on £2.8m, the only addition was £12k wages, with that pittance I was expected to avoid the relegation zone and progress in the cups, including in Europe. Professional board difficulty. We were promised proper budget systems, prize money, additional funds when promoted, where are they please?

Injuries. When playing yourself there tends to be an injury once in a while, but they'll always be for just 1 week, no matter how badly the injury. Then while simming you'll get an injury and the player might be out for 10 weeks, which is more realistic.


DR - We’ve tested this – and you do sometimes get different lengths of injuries – but long term injuries are LESS frequent. Your’re probably simming more games than playing, hence that result.

There are zero long term injuries in Fifa10 when playing matches, this is based on playing 80+ matches myself and based on anecdotal evidence from dozens of other people over 100s of matches, there are also zero medium term injuries (I'd call 2 weeks - 1 month medium term), we were promised proper injuries after two consecutive Fifa's with silly 1 week injuries, where are the injuries please?
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Just had a look at the new Q&A List if you can call it that.

Talk about picking the crappest questions and answering with the most pointless answers, they really don't want to touch it further and what technical issues are stopping EA from fixing it? Patch size restriction?

Well if they are really wanting to fix it then just do it and release 2 patches one after the other.

God every year it's just all talk and no trousers.
Can we organize a whip-round to buy EA a copy of FIFA 10? It's obvious that they're spinning things to avoid having to work on another patch. Very odd behaviour. Q&A isn't enough to fix problems. You need that back and forth so that we can say "No, EA, two or more week injuries do NOT happen! No EA, constant rain is bullshit!"
I wonder when/if Marcel returns from his holiday and decides to comment his mess

I really can't hold my frustration back, when I look at his promises for MM.
Now that the game is out, he is not available.
I would like to hear about his opinion of rainy night games, and how many long term injuries they had during playtesting.

The official forums have threads like "Should EA add the 'Undershirt' Option to Edit Mode in an Update?".

All I want is to fix what they promised!
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