Playing this again today after a week.
At 1st I was really getting into it but 4 or so games later I was bored of it.

I'm still gobsmacked at the rave reveiws this game got. There are so many glaring faults that kill the game off completely.
- Individualism
Every player is the same. Messi IRL is characteristic because of his technique and low centre of gravity, which is pretty non existent in Fifa 10.
- Shooting
Is horrendous, kicking a ball in FIFA is as frustrating as trying to kick a balloon 5 m in a gale force wind blowing in the opposite direction.
- AI
N. Korea=Italy=Orlando Pirates=Barcelona
- Scripting
I play on semi passing and can push it around pretty well but for some perculiar reason when I am close to goal the CPU decides where my pass should go i.e. the opposition defender.
Also when I concede a goal it doesn't feel as if I could have avoided it in any way at all.
- Ball physics
There's also the matter of a ball swerving in insane directions particularly when crossing close to the goal line.
When I take a throw in along the touchline I am sure the receiver is also out of play.
- Animations as great as the animations are it's crazy the way Goalkeepers dive at a balloon that they could've walked up to and collected. Also players tend to bounce 3m away when tackled.

I think I have given this a fair go now and would say that this is a 7/10
Well done EA for selling this crap by the bucket loads on hype alone.
Individualism - Sure and there is a price you pay when FIFA has so many leagues. But then PES because it has so few leagues has an ML that has teams from different countries playing in the same league. That is laughable.
Shooting - WTF are you talking about?
AI- True.
Scripting - Oh so PES has none whatsoever? They both have their fair share of moments where you know you are going to lose.
Goalkeepers - Do not say anything about the goalkeepers when PES' are even worse.

Well... Is this Adam from WENB? They both are flawed, but FIFA is doing more right than wrong at the moment when compares to PES.

FIFA IS better than PES even with it's flaws.
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@ anton
Nope. This is Zeemeister from evo-web I happen to be banned from WENB.
I don't have PES 2010 and haven't played the demo but have been a fan of the series for 12 years now. Haven't enjoyed all of them but in general tend to enjoy Konami's interpretation of the sport, I have played, watch everyday and absolutely love.

If you having problems understanding my comments on the shooting. Get a balloon from your leftover party toys then take one of your crayons and draw a line 5 big people steps away.
You then stand on the on line and try to kick your balloon to the other line with the wind blowing in your face... Then tell me how frustrating it is.

Btw where the fuck did I compare this to PES2010?
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@ anton.
Nope. This is Zeemeister from evo-web I happen to be banned from WENB.
I don't have PES 2010 and haven't played the demo but have been a fan of the series for 12 years now. Haven't enjoyed all of them but in general tend to enjoy Konami's interpretation of the sport, I have played, watch everyday and absolutely love.

I hope PES 2010 is not worse than this.

Then the conversation ends there. The grass is certainly not greener.
I've been doing that thing where you create a game in the lobbies and wait for people to join recently rather than just searching for manual games, this is because you can set the game speed to slow and have a team star limit as well as manual controls and still actually get a game :).

I've been using Stuttgart (the team i'm using in the league), Pogrebnyak is a beast and Hitzlsperger has a rocket of a left foot! I scored an absolute rocket with him, must have been around 35 yards out right into the top corner!

14 game win streak at the moment, albeit against people who have probably never used manual in their lives, but it still takes a bit of effort to move the ball around their ridiculous pressuring :).
I must admit though, I have used the chipped through-ball shot glitch a few times when i've been pissed off by their pressuring...

I think it's pretty funny though how people with 3000+ points and/or ranked players are REALLY shit when they are actually put in control of their passes, crosses and shots. All they do is try to ping-pong it round first time and then break through with a strong player, then chip the keeper (which 99.9% of the time fails on manual).

I've had a lot of angry messages after games from people moaning about having to use manual, saying i'm cheating by messing up their passing... I just tell them that the game was on manual and the passes went where they aimed, so they fucked up the passes not the game and that they are shit without the CPU helping them :LOL:
I even had one guy say I had a team full of Virtual Pros, just because I was playing as Coventry and had Gunnarsson do a giant throw (which I scored from) :LOL: I just gave him this link and he shut up:

YouTube - Aron Gunnarsson debut ccfc 09/08/08

@Murkurial - I agree that it's crap you can't kick people from BAP matches... There's too many idiots in them for it to be worth playing really which is a shame, if you were the captain of a team on 09 you could just kick people who were being stupid.
You might want to try doing what i've been doing, going to the lobbies and creating a slow manual game with a star rating of your choice, you normally get games pretty quickly.
It's weird that the manual filter doesn't work for you, i've got a game every time I wanted one whether it finds one or I have to create one. Maybe a router problem?

I sort of agree on the point that manual may have a bit of assist in it, because my manual shooting has improved massively from 09 and I don't think i've improved that drastically... I'm unsure though, maybe it is still completely manual but the the 360 degree dribbling has improved the way you can position your player to get a better shot off or made the aiming feel better, or maybe the passing/shooting has become 360 degrees as well as the dribbling (well, shooting isn't 360 degrees because you can't shoot at your own goal, but you get the point :)))).

@zeemeister - I don't think FIFA is for you... you seem very much a PES man and for some people FIFA does nothing for them...
There's nothing wrong with that - i'm the same with PES, which does absolutely nothing for me and it seems to just sell on hype and a loyal fanbase. I just hope you enjoy it :).
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I've been doing that thing where you create a game in the lobbies and wait for people to join recently rather than just searching for manual games, this is because you can set the game speed to slow and have a team star limit as well as manual controls and still actually get a game :).


14 game win streak at the moment, albeit against people who have probably never used manual in their lives, but it still takes a bit of effort to move the ball around their ridiculous pressuring :).


I think it's pretty funny though how people with 3000+ points and/or ranked players are REALLY shit when they are actually put in control of their passes, crosses and shots. All they do is try to ping-pong it round first time and then break through with a strong player, then chip the keeper (which 99.9% of the time fails on manual).

@Murkurial - I agree that it's crap you can't kick people from BAP matches... You might want to try doing what i've been doing, going to the lobbies and creating a slow manual game with a star rating of your choice, you normally get games pretty quickly.
It's weird that the manual filter doesn't work for you, i've got a game every time I wanted one whether it finds one or I have to create one. Maybe a router problem?

I also agree on the point that manual may have a bit of assist in it, because my manual shooting has improved massively from 09 and I don't think i've improved that drastically... Maybe it is still completely manual but the the 360 degree dribbling has improved the way you can position your player to get a better shot off or made the aiming feel better, or maybe the passing/shooting has become 360 degrees as well as the dribbling (well, shooting isn't 360 degrees because you can't shoot at your own goal, but you get the point :)))).

The online lobby thing is what I've been doing lately as well mainly because nothing else works. I've been playing some OTP matches today and haven't yet played a 1 v 1 but I hope I don't experience what I got in playing those. Me and a buddy went to the 2 v 2 lobby and created a manual match on slow speed and pressure seems to be killing everything now. Even on slow. It was bad before during my 1 v 1 matches but I was still able to cope and thrash quite a few guys (3-0 Bordeaux over Marseille before he quit) but it got out of hand in the OTP matches that we set up. My opponents couldn't score but we certainly couldn't even get close to their goal. It feels like you have to play the same way to around the pressure with every team that you use. I still don't understand why EA would make it so simple for players without the ball to cover so much ground so quickly. Yes you should slow down with the ball but the man off the ball (and on defense) shouldn't be able to run singlehandedly cover two players.

I can't tell you how many times I've had a guy run at me as I approach the penalty box, hit him with as soft a chip through ball as I can to my buddy running into the box so as to not hit it all the way to the keeper, and have him somehow just slide backwards and head the pass away. Holding A still follows the ball to accurately and still allows guys to toss momentum out the window when it comes to actually turning around and running in another direction.

And I swear I saw a guy fire a long pass across the field and, I kid you not, Malouda first-time crossed it into the box. You remember that video I posted here laughing about the one-touch field switching in PES? You can do it in FIFA too, lol. Couldn't believe it.

As for the manual matches, maybe it's a US thing. I wish they'd mention something about it but the devs aren't talking about any of that.

Quick question, when you search for a quick head-to-head match in FIFA and you leave the control scheme at "ANY," what do you take that to mean? What type of control scheme can you then expect to find when you do get into a match? Or rather, do you take it to mean that you can conceivably get thrown into a match that uses ANY of the available control schemes?
ANY means both sides can use whatever they want. It doesn't mean you get matched to someone with Assisted, or Semi, or Manual settings. Any is treated as a fourth possibility, not a combination of the three.
the bug when you doing well but then get sacked is still in the game?

And this wasnt something that EA thought was important enough to fix! :RANT:

"from the back of the box"

50+improvements, including true-to-life player development and more realistic transfers, deliver an experience that mimics the real world game.

If that isnt false advertising than what is
i'm about to get the game next weekend but look like i will have to wait again..fix that bug EA for god sake..:MAD: :RANT: :CURSE::CENSOR::BRICK::BLEH::TD::SHAKE::NONO::R1

ps:smilies in evo web is the best:LOL:
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If you stick the board difficulty onto the lowest setting, it's not as much of a problem IMO. Shouldn't have to do it but at least it's available as a quick fix.
I'm disappointed from FIFA10 by now. First i thought it would be a fantastic game but after playing it for 2 weeks now it is a big let down. It is fun against mates, because normally my mates trying to play it the right way, trying to play footbal. And then it is fun.

But online it is shit, because of all the assisted pressure maniacs out there. And against Com it is shit, you all now the reasons. It is written a thousand time before in this thread.

Most crucial and a real fun killer for me is the AI. I really hate it that there is no midfield game at all. 3 passes and it goes from one box to the other all the time. Even if you play patience you are quickly near the box with 3-4 passes. Of course you could play it around your defense to give yourself a feeling of real football but that doesn't make sense because you now it is not necessary at all. You are just fooling yourself this way. And it looks stupid too if you see your Com AI opponent never plays a pass back to a defender on the other hand. You may try to play a Simulation-Style but to get the feeling of a Simulation it takes two sides. And that is missing.

Every time i play a game against COM i find myself thinking about "lets get patience, play it the real way, pass it around, hold possession etc". Then i lost the ball (it is part of the sport) and COM goes into Counter Mode with 4 Players who suddenly comes out of nowhere. They run into my half, try to get on the wings, try to make a cross. Sometimes i managed to stop them near halfline, sometimes i stop them on the wing, sometimes they land a cross and score a goal.

If i stop them, everything starts again. Lets play patience, pass it around to a WB, then back to a CB, then to a CM, up to the LM, back to the CM and then it finally happen i decided to start my attack and speed up things. All the passes before wouldn't be necessary because i could have passed it already to my attacker with 2 short passes and the result would have been the same, because the Com already is in position. The COM is always in position, no matter what you are doing and it doesn't change much. Only if you start running, it is different. But i don't want to run the hole time.

Really if you play this game against com your hole build up play feels always the same.That has something to do with the positioning of your own players. The always in the same position, until you are near them. I play a 4-3-3 with a LF and RF and both are always on the same spot, at least as long as i'm in my own half. I can pass the ball to both with blind eyes. It feels very static now, after you find out how your players make runs. I now i can make them run but that is not the way it should be. And they only run in straight lines if i make them run.

I don't now. It feels boring. I don't see any surprising things and it is so easy to get from one box to the other, Then it is hard, cause finding space is a pain. But to get near the box is a joke. I don't now but i think the field is just to small. 1 Pass and you are at the halfline, one more pass and you standing near the box.

Maybe it is all my fault and all depends on tactics and on formation. But i doubt it. I play a lot around with custom tactics but i never find a tactic that gives me some midfield game. It always needs just 2-3 passes to get from one box to the other. Any ideas or thoughts about it?
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Played last night again to test online with a boardmate, Azzur, and found love with the game again. Playing manual with the right people makes this game an incredible experience. Really. Past beyond anything you could have expected some years ago.

The problem for em is the rest of the modes. Now I'm unalbe to join my online club by no reason, so after a month with the game I've been unable to complete a club match in any way.

EDIT: I share most of your oppinios, robbery, it's just that when you can play with someone with brain and let the pressure out, the game is joy. They should erradicate pression button for online and let it only for single player to stop the cheating com.
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I'm hoping semi-pro is enough to avoid it. Is it possible it's not as much of a bug as people think though. Maybe because you have low prestige. So if you pick to start at Man U as a half star manager you would get less time to prove your worth than a 5 star manager. It's probably so people start off in the lower leagues. Or not, just a theory as I haven't started MM properly yet.

I did a test run though and the assistant coach still changed my team after being turned off. This was even when I played the game aswell. Annoying if not game breaking.

I've still got some free-agents to create before starting properly.
FIFA 10 is at its best when you use semi-assisted or manual controls. Absolute fun, absolute joy.

I lived through all the things that's been mentioned here before; 10+ lvl online players who constantly press and ping pong pass, boring matches against cpu etc.

But after using the manual controls, the game started to shine. I mean it; I never felt like this till PES5. It is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever seen.

Online, you play "football". No constant pressure (if they try, you simply make them regret it), no ping pong pass. Against cpu, you get that "randomness" that assisted controls lack.

That's my two cents, but sooner the better; try playing the game with semi-assisted or manual controls...
@ Tyler,

Ive found that that happens in the early part of the season, but once you play proper matches the squad/team remains how you had it set. It's like EA have had it set so that during the friendlies the assistant will always do his job even when you don't want him to! But after that it's gone. Atleast it has been for me.
Does anyone else play shit when attacking towards a certain side of the screen?
I play much better from left to right and play absolutely crap from right to left... it's pretty annoying.
Does anyone else play shit when attacking towards a certain side of the screen?
I play much better from left to right and play absolutely crap from right to left... it's pretty annoying.

Na, one of the few things that don't happen to me. I play constantly shit, lucky me uh? :))
lol :D
I've been the same since I started playing football games, must just be how my brain works (or doesn't :P).

My favourite player on FIFA 10 at the moment is Thomas Hitzlsperger, some of the long range goals i've scored with him online have been spectacular, I wish I had a capture card or the game let you save online replays...
For me it depends on who the wingers are, so right to left means Im mostly using the leftside of my team yet the other way the right side. Although playing with Liverpool (Kuyt and Reira) means I mostly play through the middle. :D
Anyone else come across the guys online that use PES tactics?

I just had the misfortune of playing 2 in a row, I had to turn the game off after.

They were using Chelsea & Arsenal and were getting the ball to the wide men just past the half way line and running down the wings & putting in crosses or cutting inside and trying cut backs. There was no variation to their play and it was so boring, it also did not work. I was using lower league teams and they were too fast for me to catch, I had 180 mins of them running down the wings on the counter. I manged to beat Chelsea with LA Galxy but got beat by the Arse' beause of a own goal that was total AI BS, very frustrating.
Does anyone else play shit when attacking towards a certain side of the screen?
I play much better from left to right and play absolutely crap from right to left... it's pretty annoying.

I don't but I tend to play more on the side where the radar is. And I think most of us do :).
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