wait a second. wasnt a lot of people hear praising UT when it was first launched? i thought it was pointless imo and thought fixing stuff like the BAP clubs and manager mode is more important then the UT mode
Ultimate team was developed on the side for a whole year (not using the main resources for patch making later on). It was also very successful in terms of sales/users. I never even bother with it, not something I care about, but it was obviously not useless if that many people liked it.

And if anyone believe that they could make the "total football experience" if they wanted in a year you need a reality check, oviously marketing talk (like in the PES news release where they said that PES 2010 will be as much of a simulation of the sport that the current hardware can handle... orly).

Coming from PES to FIFA all I can say is that I am truly amazed how much they add to the game each year. The result of this obviously was that the amount of bugs got worse, but that is the risk you have to take when changing so much in so little time.

People that don't think they add much probably don't know much about the process in making a game/software. What seems to be a small thing can, and often will, take a long time to implement correctly.

Also it is obvious that MM will be pretty much like last year but with some added things they've mentioned already. They've been pretty clear that this mode won't blow anyone's mind this year.

Patches would be nice but they would have to balance this, like they're already doing (problem is that 09 has so much more bugs than normal). You can't expect patches in the same amount like other, non-sport, games. They have to start working on next years version straight away, so by spending time trying to correct bugs in the game (which can take forever to solve) they would get a lot less time on next years version, thus making everyone whine like fucking cunts that they didn't add enough new content to the game.

It would be very interesting to know how many bugs they knew about from play testing, because the amount of bugs in 09 makes you wonder what kind of retards that did the testing. Could just be that they ran out of time to fix them, one will never know.
And if anyone believe that they could make the "total football experience" if they wanted in a year you need a reality check

I don't think anyone seriously feels this way, but more the fact that Fifa10 will be the third (or maybe fourth if you count Fifa07) iteration of the current game engine and still some of the basics that we've been asking for have not been addressed. Seeing as this year will be more about gameplay tweaks rather than any massive innovation I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a more comprehensive manager mode and more attention to detail in general (things like goalie kits, shirt fonts, boots etc...).
That Murkurial bloke's post might have been the best I have ever seen on this forum, ever. I completely agree with everything he said, and his persuasiveness was furthered by a good organisational structure, sound reasoning, and flawless grammar and spelling. That is always important in a compelling post.

The Ultimate Team seems to me pretty unfun. It's basically an Online Mode with created teams, combined with that aspect of Barclay's Fantasy Team competition that I oh so despise. Plus, it's only on new-gen consoles! The LS was a better use of my money, because it's real and not fantasy, and actually adds many aspects to the game, especially online. Given, it wasn't a completely new game mode, but then again, would you rather have customised celebrations for 10 (or however much) quid, or form changes for all the leagues for that same amount (I don't know the exacts, my dad payed for it)?

Frankly, I'd go for the latter.
I don't think anyone seriously feels this way, but more the fact that Fifa10 will be the third (or maybe fourth if you count Fifa07) iteration of the current game engine and still some of the basics that we've been asking for have not been addressed. Seeing as this year will be more about gameplay tweaks rather than any massive innovation I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a more comprehensive manager mode and more attention to detail in general (things like goalie kits, shirt fonts, boots etc...).

Yeah but it would be more reasonable to ask for that if they didn't focus on gameplay like they are now (as far as I see it, gameplay is only what is happening on the pitch). If they feel that the gameplay is pretty much where they want it in FIFA 10, then they could focus on the socks and jerseys for the next version.

I think everyone wants as much as possible but personally I think this strategy is way better in the long run. You'll get so much further by focusing on gameplay now than doing a little on it from time to time.

It's probably because I don't play MM that I don't really understand this frustration though. If they didn't touch BAPS for a couple of years now I would probably be in here moaning too :SMUG:

Edit: Updates on the FIFA website tomorrow, sorry if everyone knew it, but I didn't.
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Yeah, just keep in mind, and I can copy and paste my post from EA's FIFA 10 forum over here as I said a fair bit more, that there are still glaring omissions in terms of gameplay and MM and yet we still get Ultimate Team a few months after FIFA 09's release. There were tons of complaints about MM freezing, online play being destroyed and yet we still get a $10 dollar add on that actually appeared to add more problems to the online mode after its release.

You can say only focus on the gameplay and berate those who ask for what you'd consider to be silly little details but just realize that those little silly details hardly ever make it in and we still have gameplay issues. And we still get modes like UT which added what? Tattoos, bandanas and hats to your created player to put on what was essentially a created team? Why not just work that into the actual game for the next year? Contrary to popular belief, the tiny authentic details alone might not mean much, but collectively they can really add to the "Total Football Experience" that EA have been promising. Just see the new additions to Madden 10 this season as an example. Players getting carted off the field, coaches on the sidelines with clipboards, hand towels for receivers and QBs, team-specific gloves and shoes, IN ADDITION to the gameplay overhaul that the title's seen this year.

I said a bunch more on EA's forums though but that's the gist of my argument. You say EA need to focus solely on the gameplay. But they clearly don't. There are still inexcusable things missing from MM and it really doesn't even look like they've done a whole lot to change it this year in the first place. But they seem to have the time to create a completely superfluous Ulitmate Team mode. Why not put that effort towards actually getting the minute authentic details like proper lettering for La Liga, the Prem, the Championship, etc., etc. Bring some of those customization options that people have to pay extra for into the actual game in the form of either more boots or, and this is just a suggestion, a color palette that'll let us change the colors of different sections of boots. Add additional stadiums, put managers on the sideline, I dunno.

The effort being put into useless modes like UT can be better spent elsewhere and if they're going to add all of those tiny customization options in UT, they can (and should) do something about the regular game as well.

I can definitely see what you're saying, but I believe Ultimate Team was developed by a different bunch of people not directly involved in the FIFA 09 release - the way I saw it was that once Rutter and co. has released 09, they take leave for a while and return later to make the next version. UT was an additional add-on that was purely an experiment to see how successful the game mode would be (given the FIFA's on next gen platforms didnt have a great following when UCL was out)and an opportunity for the multiplayer guys to show themselves as independent developers.

Thats how I saw it - the reason that it wasnt a 'FIFA 09 enhancement pack' or something similiar was because once the devs are done for a version of the game and preliminary bugs and patches are out, they take a backseat to the maintenance guys who will handle the game until the actual developers start putting work into FIFA 10.

Note that I didn't rule out small changes completely - I simply said that the furore that was sparked on the EA forums when something as small as numbering went haywire was enough to convince anyone that the people out there care about this stuff MORE than the actual gameplay. Of course, you could come at this point and say they only complain about the small things because for many, the on-field play is as well sorted as they've seen.

Nevertheless - I think it's highly unrealistic to expect the devs to work on the minute aspects of the game you have highlighted. Ultimately, they want to be developing new features that can be written on the box and will earn them points with Mr Moore. He's never going to notice if a crest isnt on the premier league kits, or if the boards at the Emirates are grey instead of red - it just wont matter to them. You have to remember that it's fundamentally a business - and EA will ultimately do what is going to reap the economic benefits. As such, they rightly spend their time on things like 360 degree dribbling and online features & modes - because THESE are the things that will convince people to buy the game. Having an incorrect lettering style might displease some people after they have bought the game - but obviously at this point that disappointment is effectively meaningless since the sale has been made.

They have to concentrate on doing their jobs first and foremost. In a perfect world, they would all be completely nuts about the game and work day and night on it like we all do on things we love, but it will simply never be a reality.

Your example of Madden is a good one and similar in many respects - the key differences being that 1) Madden has had exceptionally strong gameplay for a lot longer than the only recently successful FIFA (and hence has had far longer to nail the gameplay and begin working on smaller issues) and 2) Its far more 'focused' on a title - a high proportion of its sales are in North America, the market is well defined, with consistently strong sales and the feedback channels are proven. EA's efforts with FIFA are admirable, but they ultimately cant take requests from all over the world. Football is a very 'blurry' market in this sense and the feedback they receive will always be disparate, inconsistent and hard to clarify - simply because for so many people, football is such a different game.
Madden and NHL have so few teams so it's much easier for them to make sure kits is correctly done. If FIFA only had Premier League and the championship I bet the kits would be way better. It's just too many teams, it's not worth the time that it would take for them.
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plus pes only has about 9 teams, its easier for them to make the kits better
I would never buy UT again

Its just a novelty thing with no longevity at all
Yeah I really hope shooting is improved in a good way, but the guys that played it didn't seem to notice that much difference yet.
I hope the "outside of the boot" shots don't occur as often as in 09. It was soooo unrealistic. Players in real life rarely do it, yet in 09 every other shot was with the outside of the boot - it looks good on the eye and I'm not saying it should be completely removed from the game, it just needs to be toned down.
Shooting is to be split in two, on the meter which makes no sense to me, they need to put a lot of work into it TBH, it's a big part of what annoys me about the game play, I don't remember PES being so damn awkward...
I'm sure I heard someone mention it before, but has it been confirmed in some way that FIFA10 will take advantage not only of 360 angles, but also stick tilt angle?

Once they implement that one we can finally have the shot bar for power and stick angle for selecting what height we want on shots etc.
I seem to recall someone mentioning that the more you tilt the stick, the faster players will move. Or am I just making stuff up? :)
Yeah the tilt for speeding up the player isn't in. It will still be jogging or sprint with the sprint button. Don't know why they don't realise they could free up a button when the tilt is used for pretty much every other game out there to control speed of the player/character.
I'm sure I heard someone mention it before, but has it been confirmed in some way that FIFA10 will take advantage not only of 360 angles, but also stick tilt angle?

Once they implement that one we can finally have the shot bar for power and stick angle for selecting what height we want on shots etc.
I seem to recall someone mentioning that the more you tilt the stick, the faster players will move. Or am I just making stuff up? :)

Using the stick tilt angle for shooting height sounds very interesting. Haven't heard anything like that being mentioned mind you.

How do you suppose that would work Trance, I mean you couldn't use the rick stick for tilt whilst pressing the current shoot button.........possibly a trigger button for shooting?

What's your thoughts?
Using the stick tilt angle for shooting height sounds very interesting. Haven't heard anything like that being mentioned mind you.

How do you suppose that would work Trance, I mean you couldn't use the rick stick for tilt whilst pressing the current shoot button.........possibly a trigger button for shooting?

What's your thoughts?

Basically you could use the left stick for both shooting/longpassing height and direction.

You'd need a well-defined deadzone in the middle, since the stick isn't really useful when you tilt it only very small amounts from the center position.

Stick tilt 100% = Alot of height, more height possible for sidefoot-struck longpasses than laces shots due to nature of foot shape.

Stick tilt less than, say, 30% = Ground shot/longpass intended.

There should always be an uncertainty factor about height. You can't learn that tilting ~60% is bar-height and then put all shots there. While the stick tilt should indeed reflect the intended height (this part needs to be fixed so that you can communicate your intentions to the game as clearly as possible, meaning that in a hypothetically perfect situation the player would indeed put the ball at the same height every single time), the challenge will instead be learning that in most (all) situations you will more or less need to compensate for the relative movement of the ball to your players kicking foot, and compensating for bad player positioning/balance. In cases where the ball has just bounced up when shooting or such, you would need to compensate with less stick tilt to avoid the ball ballooning up (the ball is already on an upwards trajectory, and so you would need to almost intend to shoot downwards to avoid shooting over), and also holding off the shot power since more power usually means more ballooning).

I suppose you could think of the tilt angle as a way of shaping the players foot/body more or less, as one can in real life. Different types of strikes, for example using the shot button and longpass button, will have different "strike height potentials" due to them using different types of strikes, shots usually being laces or instep and longpasses being the toe part, simplified.

If one implemented this system in a game, and assuming that the human player plays with completely manual aim for all ball strikes, you wouldn't even really call them shot or longpass buttons, since the only difference is what part of the boot is used, and the general shape of the resulting trajectory aswell as curl. There would be nothing stopping you from striking a "longpass" side-toe backspinning shot towards the far corner, since you could learn to keep the height down and give it more power with the power gauge. Similarly you would be free to use the "Shot button" to strike low laces strikes as crosses into the box. You wouldn't need any more double-tap or triple-tap combinations to achieve certain trajectories (high, medium or low height cross), since you have power, height and direction, aswell as basic foot shapes available as separate controls.

You'd need to program it so that the "height potential" for side-toe "longpass" type strikes is bigger, since those strikes generally has the boot with a low profile hitting low down on the ball, and similar for the other strike types.

But all of the realism comes from you needing to time strikes so that you know how the ball will be moving when you strike it, and can compensate for it as much as possible. Using more power gives more uncertainty to the integrity of the strike.

On top of all this comes player ball strike accuracy/power/technique etc, which will ensure neverending variety by adding a layer of human randomness over all strikes.

Then we'd just need to figure out how to control curling in a good way, which is alot harder. :)
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Wait a minute - I thought it was confirmed that speed will vary via tilt stick angle?

Thats a massive let down if not
A guy that played the game, Glen, said on the official forums that it was the same when I asked him. He said it in a weird way though like "I didn't notice any difference". Maybe Chris could just confirm this by asking Suff about it?

I'm disappointed too, I wanted full control. Being able to walk with and without the ball and smoothly move around. Maybe next year...
The fact that the PC version will still be old generation drives me crazy.. and the excuse they give is literally making fun of PC users on their faces..
Yeah, if you assume everybody does piracy.. But they have a product and they should show respect for their customers.
Ahh, #71, we've already been over this. I was once a disgruntled PC user too, but then I gave in to the system and bought myself an Xbox, and it's been uphill ever since!
That looks very PC to me, Placebo. But yeah, I get what you mean, it really sucks when that happens, or when the ball goes through their hands.
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