League 1
- 21 August 2008
Does stamina affecct Barca in this game? I just played a guy online about 5 times, he was always Barca and he appeared to be constantly holding down the pressure buttons. I never had any time on the ball before he would just run into me and take it away or just intercept my rushed 1 touch passes. He managed to keep this up for 90 mins each time and whilst my players were clearly starting to tire in the later stages of the game he just continued his gameplan to greater affect as his players did not seem to be at all fatigued. The most annoying thing was I would try to time my tackles, not slide tackles just stickng a leg in to take the ball, and they would almost always result in a foul, but he would just run into me, knock me over, take the ball and the ref does nothing.
I have not enountered anyone else using this tactic so far but as it appears to be very affective it is no doubt just amatter of time until it is common place.
Do I just need to take more time to adjust to FIFA and then most of the things will go away or is the game just not as great as I first thought?
It's just not as great as you first thought. I think people are just riding the hype wave still and trying to make excuses for the game. Online has been like that since 09 and it looks like it won't change since the fouling system is so shit and stamina obviously hasn't been tweaked.
For all the "gameplay is superb" comments, we still have pressure issues, cheating AI, terrible shooting mechanics (after they were actually pretty good before the patch) only a few ways to score, midfields still not meaning much (unless you simply want to pass around in the middle for a little while to make it look like a real game of football).
Maybe the EA can stop paying reviewers for favorable write-ups and make them actually play the game. I'd only really trust a UK-based mag anyway (provided they weren't biased against/for any specific game). Every single review I've read from U.S.-based mags and websites are singing it's praises and they clearly don't konw what the fuck they're talking about considering the reviews are only like 4 paragraphs long and they don't mention ANYTHING that we've found.
In some instances I really don't understand how they can explain things. The injuries being the prime example. They were said to be a lot more frequent, and last a lot longer. 100% not true, it's exactly the same as FIFA 09, no better, no worse... I'm really interested to hear the explanation but let's face it, on points like that, we won't get one.
As long as there's a patch and it fixes the first half of that list then I'll stop annoying them.
I've heard some people say that they had guys injured for 15 weeks over on the EA forums. Nobody's experienced injuries longer than a week here? I also wasn't buying the bullshit about there being some bit of code that was left inactive that was supposed to allow for long-term injuries in 09. Fucking lies by EA.
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