I've applied my Gameface to my VP and the game has turned me into a white male with a black face!


EA is so politically correct these days.

This pretty much sums up the MM issues, taken from the EA forum:

1. Players i sign will leave the club without warning before/during the next window (sounds like a bit of a Campbell to me )
2. I cannot renew my players contracts or offer them an extension on their current deal until the end of the season, therefore the automatic deal may take up a lot more of my wage budget (at a club like Torquay it will be small so i don't want to use it all up on renewing a few players contracts)
3. Even before i consider numbers 1 & 2 i have to be aware that it may not be possible to sign any players on mananger mode (have EA included the transfer embargo given to Chelsea on all teams now?? )
4. I will have to play a lot of my manager mode games at night (being a Torquay fan this does not really bother me as we've recently come up from the BSQ Premier where a lot of games are played at night)
5. A cup final if/when i get there will be played at night, what is that all about, maybe EA are looking to the future of football (Saturday night cup finals)
6. If i happen to win league 2 and maybe the league cup, Torquay will all of a sudden become better than Real Madrid overnight with my players/team ratings shooting through the roof.

FA Cup finals being played at night? :SHAKE:
More from the other thread in the "Fifa10 Launch Feedback" forum:

All the bugs I've experienced in MM (after 5 days)

- No matter where I am in the league table, as the players are coming out at the start of a match and the league table flashes up quickly, it ALWAYS says I'm 6th. Even if I'm near the bottom of the league, it will still say I'm 6th

- Snowy matches should give you an orange or yellow ball. Also, it's very hard to see the touchline on a snowy game.

- No one will sign a new contract... would this change if I spent points on upgrading the Negotiator in staff upgrades?? This is very disappointing because I'm going to lose half my team at the end of the first season.

- I put 6 past Villa, I put 6 past Man Utd, well placed at 3rd in the league, yet I still get told at the start of every game that my position as manager is under-threat.

- About 10 games into my first season, with my manager rating at half a star, I get board comments saying "a manager of your caliber should perform better in this league"

- I loaned out a few of my youths in the summer window, then in the Jan window I noticed my loanee's were being sold on (their names came up in the transfer summary window after a game) - I haven't reached the end of the first season yet, but when I do, if they do not come back, it's not really a loan is it? I've basically sold them for free - against my will.

- I haven't experienced this yet but someone has mentioned players just leaving the club without any transfer negotiations? IF this happens to me then MM is over, because I play as Everton with all the current squad etc I try to keep it as realistic as possible.

- Half empty stadiums is a big let down, I haven't once experienced a good match atmosphere as of yet. Maybe this gets better as your manager rep goes up??
All these bugs are pretty ridiculous.

Surely they must test this stuff?!

Jsut get one of them to play one season of MM to see what happens?! then fix the stuff that don't work. Very stupid.

Also the snow bug?! just any of the development team playing 1 game in the snow, then one fo them realises, oh we should really let them be able to choose a ball they might actually be allowed to fucking see properly!!!

Really shoddy when stuff like this happens.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I haven't played FIFA 10 yet, was going to have a good session tonight, I really love playing the Manager Mode, reading these bugs there is no way that I can start it just yet. Hope that they get a patch out soon, what is more alarming is that some of these bugs got through the QA process.
Ouch - all these bugs are terrible if true.

Anyways, managed to snatch a couple of games at lunch. Really pleased with how it plays now. Teams ARE different at last.

Southend v Colchester - local derby and ColU pressed me all over the park, very little time on ball.

Southend v Norwich - Norwich stood off and played a passing game.

Wigan (me) v Fulham - Brilliant premier league game. Won 2-0, but lots of good passing, attacking and movement. Plenty of time on the ball, with Fulham pressing in the right areas (i.e. not when you have the ball at the back).

You just get the feeling with this game that there is so much to discover and learn (playing skill wise - not new features) and its going to have real lasting appeal v 09.

Finally - SOOOOOOO glad I went to ASDA last night now as Royal Mail didnt deliver from ShopTo again today.

I agree with the poster above about Game. The stores know the situation - and know to most hardcore gamers, getting the game at the VERY MINIMUM on the morning of the release date is a must (anything before is a nice bonus) and in the current climate should have sent it Monday/Tuesday - reaching us Thursday/Friday.

Poor show and ShopTo will be getting my FIFA back when/if it arrives.
May have to hold back on the MM mode for now. Reminds of me Football Manager. I dont buy that at launch and wait for the patch as it always has bugs.
Wigan (me) v Fulham - Brilliant premier league game. Won 2-0, but lots of good passing, attacking and movement. Plenty of time on the ball, with Fulham pressing in the right areas (i.e. not when you have the ball at the back).

I played Wigan v Aston Villa as a Live Season 2.0 friendly, I like Wigan anyways so know their team pretty well, surprised to see they have 3 or 4 real faces in the game, including Rodallega who looks fantastic in Fifa10 with his boots, hair, wristbands and real face, looks spot on and I really enjoyed using him, has a great long range shot just like real life :)
I'm hoping David Rutter or someone in the EA hierachy comment on these bugs, like they did with the first ones. The sooner the better, just so we know they'll be addressed or they're at least looking into sorting it out.
Well they said they had some bugs to sort out with the first patch along with the couple pointed out to them, if these bugs are correct(I'm sure the 6th thing was in 09 too), it's damn shoddy and it's sack the play testers time...
I played Wigan v Aston Villa as a Live Season 2.0 friendly, I like Wigan anyways so know their team pretty well, surprised to see they have 3 or 4 real faces in the game, including Rodallega who looks fantastic in Fifa10 with his boots, hair, wristbands and real face, looks spot on and I really enjoyed using him, has a great long range shot just like real life :)

Yea, I'm the same - have a soft spot for Wigan, even more so now they have Martinez in charge and Jordi Gomez who I think is class.

And like you, think some of their players are spot on - Melchiot had a stormer for me and from a distance looked spot on too. I know its pretty easy as he has a distinctive look, but his height, weight, movement and style of play was perfect.

Might do a MM as Wigan :)
Why the hell can't you use a custom camera for Training Mode ffs?! I prefer to use Tele zoomed in and tilted slightly.
I'm hoping David Rutter or someone in the EA hierachy comment on these bugs, like they did with the first ones. The sooner the better, just so we know they'll be addressed or they're at least looking into sorting it out.

He said "I'll look into it, not promising anything" or thereabouts.
Went to asda last night at 11.50pm thinking there will just be a few nerds there queuing up OMFG what a mistake, there was about 500 queuing up! Managed to get a copy after queuing for 1hr, and played for about 2 hours last night. In work today....bas#*rd !

Very impressed, love the practice mode, the high cross field passers, the headers at goal are a lot better. So much better than the demo.

Next year I am defo pre-ordering with asda (bargian £26) and I hope EA improve the graphics (pitches, faces,kits) and I hope they also let us edit more (Torres looks like he has brown hair from a distance).

Cant wait to get back on it.
Went to asda last night at 11.50pm thinking there will just be a few nerds there queuing up OMFG what a mistake, there was about 500 queuing up! Managed to get a copy after queuing for 1hr, and played for about 2 hours last night. In work today....bas#*rd !

Very impressed, love the practice mode, the high cross field passers, the headers at goal are a lot better. So much better than the demo.

Next year I am defo pre-ordering with asda (bargian £26) and I hope EA improve the graphics (pitches, faces,kits) and I hope they also let us edit more (Torres looks like he has brown hair from a distance).

Cant wait to get back on it.
I looked at pre ordering, I guess you have to do it in store though as opposed to online...:CONFUSE:
What does the squad update do? I thought all the transfers etc were done?

Cut off was before the transfer window IIRC so some transfers and especially some loans are missing.

Neil to Everton wasn't done as it was only from last week so needs doing yourself, unassign from Australia, transfer from free transfers - Everton.
I just managed to play 3 games at lunch time in the nearby finac....(full version).

Off the ball moves are simply amazing, animations and core gameplay very enjoyble.

One thing i noticed though is that crossing is a bit unnatural, it almost feels like they responded to the floaty balls criticism by boosting crossing in a scripted not natural way.

Visuals are really meh both in texture and player models (i feel my rugby 08 on the pc has better visuals) and the thing that you dont' really see the crowd during gameplay is probably a good trick to focus all the horse power into the gameplay but takes aways a lot from the game as every pitch feels the same. It would be nice to see the stadium in the background.

Still i think the longevity of this game seems excellent, it feels very smooth and gives you that sense of fullfillment when you play it.
I have got FIFA10...been on it for nearly 4 hours now....I stopped playing because my fingers are tired..damn it.

Its true indeed...The Beautiful Game is here...its FIFA10.
Guys, I need to know how to push other players specially when running or trying to head an aerial ball. Thanks in advance.
I played this game the last two days and it's way better than FIFA 09. I think you really need to play this game with at least semi-controls. Playing it on auto-control is so unambitious. It takes so much away from this game. But with manual or semi it is truly gorgeous. Loving it so far.

Of course i found one or two things that i don't like and there is still much room for EA to improve this game, but at this point it's just fun to play.

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