How was he supposed to know that when all he's got to go off is your recent rant about how you don't care that you play assisted because it's a game and you'll play it how you want etc etc blah blah?

Oh sorry jonney...

how woz he suppost to no when all hes got 2 go of is ur resent rant about how u done care that u play ful assit cuz its a game innit n u play it how u want n all dat.

Recent? i have not said a word about that for a good couple of months now. How was he suppose to know? by asking me?? is that hard to do?

Jumbo, why are you typing like a 5 year old retard?
Oh, it is.

But who on earth would want to play Fight Night Round 4

Two complete different games. Fight Night is a sports game and is all about the game play and realism.

Far cry 2 is about an open sandbox type game and while it is a sandbox type game with a very good game engine, the actual storyline and missions you do in the game are downright repetitive.

Would be nice if Arma 2 was built on that engine though ;)
Jumbo, why are you typing like a 5 year old retard?


You have got to be fucking kidding?
When are you going to start?

i have started already? i don't think i have made any typo's yet ;).

Come on Jumbo lets be serious, what's the point in insulting each other in a forum? its lame if you think about it and i think we should try and get a long and respect each other here.

Are we going to be cool now? no more insulting each other?:CRY:
Jonney can't you ask him in a PM rather than taking this thread totally off-topic? You're not going to win friends that way either.

I'm actually really disappointed in that follow-up Q&A as well, mainly the bit about player morale because I'd been told that players have demands now etc... Perhaps they're only club demands rather than transfer demands, who knows. I'll have to ask a few more questions. :BORED:
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Jonney can't you ask him in a PM rather than taking this thread totally off-topic? You're not going to win friends that way either.

I'm actually really disappointed in that follow-up Q&A as well, mainly the bit about player morale because I'd been told that players have demands now etc... Perhaps they're only club demands rather than transfer demands, who knows. I'll have to ask a few more questions. :BORED:

keep at them Chris...:TU:
Jonney can't you ask him in a PM rather than taking this thread totally off-topic? You're not going to win friends that way either.

I'm actually really disappointed in that follow-up Q&A as well, mainly the bit about player morale because I'd been told that players have demands now etc... Perhaps they're only club demands rather than transfer demands, who knows. I'll have to ask a few more questions. :BORED:

That's funny, because this time, I am actually ecstatic about the news. Especially, brace yourself, the morale thing. It's actually been improved (as opposed to the loan thing).:shiver:
The prophets of Doom are here again.If it's an improvement on 09 then cool and the motherf***ing gang.Come on lads jonney is broken,shall we put him back together? Or burn him?::CRY::P
I'm actually really disappointed in that follow-up Q&A as well, mainly the bit about player morale because I'd been told that players have demands now etc... Perhaps they're only club demands rather than transfer demands, who knows. I'll have to ask a few more questions.

Not sure how "clear" you would want it in your game. I think these demands are a natural development of played matches, form and player development. And that these tie in to the mentioned player demands you talk about during transfer negotiations. So a player with low morale due to lack of games will be cheaper/easier to sign than a player that's a 1st teamer with good morale. And that being added to the more obvious ones like Ronaldo not going to play for Tranmere. I hope that's how it will work, but I think you want the players' agents/coaches to send emails (or whatever method they use this time) to inform you that Tevez feels he isn't getting enough games and he would be very willing to leave if a good transfer offer comes in. Actually, can you pass that on as an idea for them to implement. Would be fairly easy aswell imo.
hey chris i have seen the Q&A about the manager mode
but one issue that is being forgoten about that in fifa 09 is like when you are a championship teamand you get promoted to the premiership...the logo does not change ie the ones on the sleeve it is still the championship logo rather than the premiership one...
and also like when you win the premiership the logo on the sleeve does not become a gold one at the start of the next season. as it is in real life ie manchester united

if there is anyway you know the answers to this or if you could as them it will be much appreciated. thanks
Really pleased that the match day realism has been adjusted ie. Midweek games now played out at night, and other forms of weather available.

However I remain dissapointed that the loan system has not been adjusted, it's such an important weapon to have for football league teams that compete on a shoe string budget. Surley it's something simple that could be tweaked by EA.

I'm a little concerned by the player morale response as well now, looks like they have made minor changes, that won't really affect the gameplay at all.
When I see a player like Henry in a 1 on 1 situation with the keeper and watch him comfortably curl the ball into the bottom corner with his left foot, it pisses me off. Such things would never happen in real life so why isn't it reflected in FIFA?

I'll have the ball on the right wing with Joaquin, he'll be in acres of space, instead of him putting a low and hard cross into the box. He decides to flick it in with the outside of his left foot. Again, such things would never happen in real life.

When I play Clubs and see Messi sprint down the right wing and put an inch perfect cross into the box with his right foot it pisses me off. I don't think I've ever seen Messi cross the ball with his right foot in real lfe.

On another note, what's the point of FK attributes in FIFA when everyone (regardless of their position) can blast them and score. If FK's were that easy to score then we'll see them week in week out across the football world during the season.

I want to be excited about the new game and I'm looking forward to the demo. If everyone is still two footed and there is no weaker foot accuracy/frequency stat like in PES then I won't be buying the game.

EA should make it a priority.

Choosing Henry as an example for your point is bad because he's done it plenty of times with his left however I agree with you.
That's something really wrong in FIFA,playing regularly shooting with their wrong and dribbling with it.
An "off foot frequency" meter such as PES's would function very well I think. Now that PES know I like it, though, they're bound to remove it from PES2010.

But no, I have the same problems, and it's utterly obnoxious
Comon guys lets keep this on topic. Jonney has taken enough flak over the years and he keeps coming back to contribute his views. Give the guy a break.
hey chris i have seen the Q&A about the manager mode
but one issue that is being forgoten about that in fifa 09 is like when you are a championship teamand you get promoted to the premiership...the logo does not change ie the ones on the sleeve it is still the championship logo rather than the premiership one...
and also like when you win the premiership the logo on the sleeve does not become a gold one at the start of the next season. as it is in real life ie manchester united

if there is anyway you know the answers to this or if you could as them it will be much appreciated. thanks

I really don't think that's feasible at all TBH, a layer of realism that whilst nice would just need too much extra time when so many other areas require coding/art work.
Can anybody tell me if the MM in 2010 will let a mate take control of an opposing team or are we stuck with playing against the computer again.
Its such a basic thing but can really make a season far more enjoyable.
Comon guys lets keep this on topic. Jonney has taken enough flak over the years and he keeps coming back to contribute his views. Give the guy a break.

cheers :TU: Im trying to be respectful to everyone here but in return, i don't get that same respect back from a selected few in here.

To think that this current situation got developed all because i agreed about the AI not making a mistake in shooting and passing makes you wonder the lack of respect some members have in here.
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I really don't think that's feasible at all TBH, a layer of realism that whilst nice would just need too much extra time when so many other areas require coding/art work.

i agree with you...but it is something that they should think about for future FIfa's right?
I'd guess it would get quite complicated to implement. Take the english leagues as an example:
If you were in the Premier League you'd have to include the proper numbers. If that team were relegated, the numbers would have to change with the flashes (league badges).
Then think about European games on top of that. That would be another change...

It'd be a nice touch if they did it, but like Placebo said they aren't as high a priority at the moment.
Also how much of it would you see anyway? The opening scene and a couple of cutscenes a game. And we all skip those after a week anyway.
This is about Fifa 10 right? So for a person to interupt a topic by telling people that MM/offline is a waste of time and online is the only way to play is just bollocks.It's ignorant and immature to say the least especialy when some members are so passionate about offline,posting many times with their veiws.So if a person wants to chat about online/offline which is better? Start a thread about it.And if people want respect then they got to give it.(end of). Does anyone know if weather will effect the animation of the kits?mud etc.
This is about Fifa 10 right? So for a person to interupt a topic by telling people that MM/offline is a waste of time and online is the only way to play is just bollocks.It's ignorant and immature to say the least especialy when some members are so passionate about offline,posting many times with their veiws.So if a person wants to chat about online/offline which is better? Start a thread about it.And if people want respect then they got to give it.(end of). Does anyone know if weather will effect the animation of the kits?mud etc.
How is it ignorant? so i and others cant post our opinions of a game now? we cant give our views here anymore?

am i insulting members here who love offline mode? so saying that offline mode is a waste of time IMO is an insult?

So what's the difference between some manual players saying playing on automatic is a waste of time? if me saying offline mode is a waste of time insults people then so does people who say auto is a waste of time too.

Your right about the respect, so why am i not getting the respect from some people here? why no matter what i say there is someone here insulting my inteligence because i make a lot of typos.

here is an example posted recently as well. read the full thread and see where in that thread i disrespected jayrgim: i was having a discussion with placebo and jaygrim then posts that. great mark of respect.

He can't read........or is it type?

sorry to go way off topic but im fed up with a selected few showing next to no respect and constantly insult me for the fun of it
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