Fifa arcadey?

your a hard man to please if you think its arcadey, 09 is easily the best football sim there has been to date
yeah, i can't see it personally

maybe if it's played on the fast speed on fully assisted it feels arcadey, but i don't know anybody who does.
If real football matches had 5-10 minute halves like most games in FIFA I would say it's pretty realistic tempo in the game. That will always be a problem, to make such a short game seem like it is 90 minutes long. If they make player get tired really quick people woud complain how unrealistic it is when they only took a run for 4 seconds (which is much longer in game time) and so on.

Still they should slow it down like I think I read they've done for FIFA 10. Rutter also said they will punish sprinters more so they're obviously trying to find a good balance.

I also agree that the AI plays to much the same. They have the strategies and stuff not but it's like they don't use it. For example, Pirlo that is a playmaker in real life doesn't have a role like that in FIFA. I think that if the CPU could to tricks it would also add to the feeling of playing different. Gerard shooting all the time and so on. Lots of small things that also would help make each game more different.
Fifa 09 could be considered arcadey due to it being all attack-attack-attack, with little need for creative build up play when a through-ball will suffice. It's this that stops it from being a full sim in my opinion.
FIFA 09 is arcadey because all the players are two footed.
When I see a player like Henry in a 1 on 1 situation with the keeper and watch him comfortably curl the ball into the bottom corner with his left foot, it pisses me off. Such things would never happen in real life so why isn't it reflected in FIFA?

I'll have the ball on the right wing with Joaquin, he'll be in acres of space, instead of him putting a low and hard cross into the box. He decides to flick it in with the outside of his left foot. Again, such things would never happen in real life.

When I play Clubs and see Messi sprint down the right wing and put an inch perfect cross into the box with his right foot it pisses me off. I don't think I've ever seen Messi cross the ball with his right foot in real lfe.

On another note, what's the point of FK attributes in FIFA when everyone (regardless of their position) can blast them and score. If FK's were that easy to score then we'll see them week in week out across the football world during the season.

I want to be excited about the new game and I'm looking forward to the demo. If everyone is still two footed and there is no weaker foot accuracy/frequency stat like in PES then I won't be buying the game.

EA should make it a priority.

there is no weaker foot accuracy/frequency stat like in PES then I won't be buying the game.

Every player has a weak foot stat, it's simply hidden, like traits.

That said nobody will deny that the weak foot isn't weak enough, as I posted only yesterday on the internal EA editing forums:

Placebo said:
IMO weak foot has never been weak enough on next gen versions of Fifa, it's most noticeable when crossing, Chris Brunt for example even has the "no weak foot trait" yet I can hit perfect first time crosses with his right foot, which is one of the hardest things for any player to do, look at all the problems England have had over the years with having to have right footed players playing LM.

A player with very poor weak foot, or especially with the "no weak foot" trait, should almost never be able to hit perfect, first time crosses with his weak foot, he should miss the ball and fall over most of the time with the crowd jeering at him ;)

But that said, to say Fifa is "arcadey" simply because weak feet aren't weak enough, is utter nonsense.

If your so offended that Henry might use his left foot in Fifa, what you do is open his body shape onto his right foot and he'll use his right foot, don't make the effort to do that and you risk him using his weak foot, or are you expecting that even if you keep the ball on his left side, with his body shaped closed to the goal for his right side, you should press shoot and he will magically pirouette and use his right foot to shoot with?
I agree about weak foot accuracy - on 09 one-footed players can even take accurate free kicks with their weaker foot! (call a 2nd player for the free kick then hold LT and shoot, if it's on the wrong side they will kick it with their weak foot).
On several occasions I have got players into the correct position to shoot only for the player to insist on shooting with their weaker other foot. Every now and then the player will open up his body and slot it in but it doesn't happy enough.

There are other situations when the player will insist on the annoying outside of the foot shot.
This might be pessimistic of me, but I think the greatest evidence that 09 was more arcade in its approach was its acclaimed success. In the past arcade games (in any genre) have always sold more than the simulations.

Surely you guys must be aware that in the wider community as a whole, 09 is regarded as less realistic than 08 and that the series generally seems to be heading in an arcade direction.

Its a bit of a double edged sword though - increasing the reaction times and making it more playable will always result in a quicker, simpler and therefore more 'arcade' experience, but if they dont increase the reaction times its less playable for most and will be less successful as a result.

I can see why some will think its the best football game so far (08 is for mine) though - people always used to say "what if we had the PES style gameplay with FIFA authenticity" and thats exactly what we got with 09.

And yes I am a hard man to please. Ive always felt that looking at how far along in terms of innovation and gameplay some other genres are like 1st and 3rd person shooters, and even the NBA 2K games, that football is some way behind. I blame Konami for stagnating on their winning formula and never blazing the trail with new features and innovations.

On the plus it seems that this is what EA are doing now, i just don't particularly like the direction they are taking it.
This might be pessimistic of me, but I think the greatest evidence that 09 was more arcade in its approach was its acclaimed success. In the past arcade games (in any genre) have always sold more than the simulations.

Surely you guys must be aware that in the wider community as a whole, 09 is regarded as less realistic than 08 and that the series generally seems to be heading in an arcade direction.

Its a bit of a double edged sword though - increasing the reaction times and making it more playable will always result in a quicker, simpler and therefore more 'arcade' experience, but if they dont increase the reaction times its less playable for most and will be less successful as a result.

I can see why some will think its the best football game so far (08 is for mine) though - people always used to say "what if we had the PES style gameplay with FIFA authenticity" and thats exactly what we got with 09.

And yes I am a hard man to please. Ive always felt that looking at how far along in terms of innovation and gameplay some other genres are like 1st and 3rd person shooters, and even the NBA 2K games, that football is some way behind. I blame Konami for stagnating on their winning formula and never blazing the trail with new features and innovations.

On the plus it seems that this is what EA are doing now, i just don't particularly like the direction they are taking it.

Disagree with this, MLB the show and NBA 2k have both become renowned for strong simulation gameplay, and have been very commercially successful. I think people have definitely started trending towards the accurate sim. And I fail to see how constantly scoring near post goals, not heading the ball and instead taking the ball off your chest only for it to go into the hands of the keeper, being unable to shield anyone from the ball whatsoever (as it was in 08) is more realistic.
I still feel there missing the world football vibe in manager mode.
Being able to look at results and tables from around the world and not just the teams in your league :(
Disagree with this, MLB the show and NBA 2k have both become renowned for strong simulation gameplay, and have been very commercially successful. I think people have definitely started trending towards the accurate sim. And I fail to see how constantly scoring near post goals, not heading the ball and instead taking the ball off your chest only for it to go into the hands of the keeper, being unable to shield anyone from the ball whatsoever (as it was in 08) is more realistic.

Both of those sports however have very strong 'simulation' followings - while football will always have that as well, the global and all-encompassing nature of the sport always ensures there are those who watch it for the kits, the tricks, and the goals. Like it or not, there are a lot of football 'fans' worldwide who rarely sit through an entire 90 minutes. Like it or not, a lot of these buy FIFA games for the reasons above.

Look at how FIFA always sold well despite being known for its crap play - PES was there and yes sold very well (to the sim followers), but FIFA was always a strong contender as well despite offering much less of a package. It did, however, have licenses, better graphics and better overall authenticity. There is definitely an 'arcade' market for football games.

As for the things you noted about FIFA 08 - I can understand the frustrations as it was relatively incomplete - I was just saying I enjoy playing it more and think it represents real football more accurately - primarily due to its slower speed and differing balance between attack/defence.
PES still sells well and plays like complete shit, so it is no difference at all compared to the old FIFAs. All the real sim followers have switched side so it's only arcade people that still play PES, because it's more "fun".
I think 08 was more of a sim but then 09 is stil a sim which has little issues which ruin it and make it arcadey at times. The speed being one, FIFA 08 Speed with the "closing down/constant pressure" being revamped would be perfect and would allow the best passers and ball movers being the best players which is should be rather than what is at the moment, in real football people gain the ball back through interceptions rather than tackles in most cases.
One really cool thing is, that when the CPU is playing a game it thinks of as lower importance, i.e. Manchester United playing a 1st round cup game, it will rest it’s better players so they’re fit for the more important matches. You will see different CPU line-ups and better rested CPU players as a result.


Disappointing that scouting hasn't changed though, that's one of the worst parts of MM.
in real football people gain the ball back through interceptions rather than tackles in most cases.

I know. I was recently watching a match (Spain-Iraq in the COnf. Cup) and I realized that that is a big part where FIFA kind of takes its foot off the pedal. Too many standing block tackles give control off the ball to the tackler, while in real life a change in possession usually comes via an interception or a perfect sliding tackle.
The only thing with playing against the AI on a decent level is it very rarely makes a bad pass and as the ball virtually never runs free(it's always going directly to a player even after a tackle or lashed clearance), it would be impossible to play that way...
The only thing with playing against the AI on a decent level is it very rarely makes a bad pass and as the ball virtually never runs free(it's always going directly to a player even after a tackle or lashed clearance), it would be impossible to play that way...

i never play againts the ai. never. i prefer to play againts real human players online.

your post basicly shows why plaing againts an ai is shit
i never play againts the ai. never. i prefer to play againts real human players online.

your post basicly shows why plaing againts an ai is shit

Jonney, I know FIFA has it's faults but it's still a decent game, the same as the older PES's were, once you knew their scripts it would bug the hell out of you, have you played 2vAI or more, it's a great laugh, bugs or not...
Online as with any game unfortunately you get cheaters and bleaters, nearly every game played online from FPS to FIFA gets ruined this way...

We need a EVO-WEB online fair gaming league, with instant life time bans for cheaters and hackers... :D
i never play againts the ai. never. i prefer to play againts real human players online.

your post basicly shows why plaing againts an ai is shit

What a hypocrite you are. Criticising the A.I's ability to not misplace a pass, whereas you prefer online where it is all fully assisted controls which achieves the exact same outcome. Think before you open your mouth, son.
Pes5,6 smell shit after few matches with Fifa09 for Playstation. I means Pes is arcade game , fifa is now sim ( with manual settings of course ;P )

I think playing vs AI in fifa 09 is better than online pes5 and 6.
Just read the sweetest thing on another forum:

PES 2010 will wipe the floor with FIFA. Last years PES was so sh1t because theyve been putting everything into PES 2010 way before last years PES came out. Can't wait for PES.

Will try this new FIFA but i'm expecting PES to take the crown back this time. Last years FIFA was shite anyway

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