What about Part exchanging players, loans to buy, disciplining players, reserves, youth academies, unhappy players or players being poached and tempted buy other clubs, better general player management ie, players unhappy at being played out of position and getting feed back from players themselves, ground upkeep and development.
There are so many things that could be added...
Yeah, the finance section of MM worked on the PC. We also got Pre-Season Friendlies on the PC, but everything else was partitioned out to Next-Gen platforms.
But Chris, how long would it take a programmer to put in the option to manually select a few teams to play friendlies against? It's just an example of how some really basic things are being skimmed over for another year.

Also, I get the impression from that interview that players are still going to be fucked after 3 or 4 games when in real-life many professionals can last a whole season without having to be rested.

Yep, adding friendlies would take no time at all and again adds little to the game, it's nice to have it but it's not a years work...
What about Part exchanging players, loans to buy, disciplining players, reserves, youth academies, unhappy players or players being poached and tempted buy other clubs, better general player management ie, players unhappy at being played out of position and getting feed back from players themselves, ground upkeep and development.
There are so many things that could be added...
Part exchanging players - I've never even done that in FM, how often do you see it happen?
(Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it shouldn't be in, but it's not something that would disappoint me if it was missing)

Loans to buy - agreed but you can buy them after a loan if you want to anyway so it's hardly broken the way it is now.

Disciplining players - why would you want to do that in FIFA? To me that's something that doesn't need porting over, I can only see it becoming a frustration.

Reserves - agreed but it won't add to your experience as a first-team manager, bar telling you who's playing well and giving a few extra injuries.

Youth academies - agreed purely for regens.

Unhappy players or players being poached and tempted by other clubs - this will be in I'm sure, the morale of players and their form along with other conditions at the club can make them want to leave (and if they do clubs will come in for them).

Better general player management i.e. players unhappy at being played out of position - agreed, although if you play them out of position and they play poorly I think that will bring about the situation above.

Getting feedback from players themselves - to me that's a step too far for a football game, what are they going to say? "We're playing shit" or "you should be putting me ten pixels further forward in the formation editor"? I can kind of see your point but it would need a lot of development to be any good.

Ground upkeep and development - what like a lawnmower simulator?! Ground upkeep costs on your financial screen maybe yeah, and as for development, I 100% agree with that one. Would be good to create a new stadium if you become mega-rich but I think that would take a lot of development, I'd rather they focussed on the fundamentals.

I'll pass all of your points on though, just to see what they think.
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no one has addressed the most important thing in MM, the shit computer AI... that is the biggest issue with this game, after 5 games it feels like your playing the same team every single game... players dont seem different, the cpu scores the same type of goals... etc.. hopefully that has been re-worked
no one has addressed the most important thing in MM, the shit computer AI... that is the biggest issue with this game, after 5 games it feels like your playing the same team every single game... players dont seem different, the cpu scores the same type of goals... etc.. hopefully that has been re-worked

That goes into gameplay, which has been changed
no one has addressed the most important thing in MM, the shit computer AI... that is the biggest issue with this game, after 5 games it feels like your playing the same team every single game... players dont seem different, the cpu scores the same type of goals... etc.. hopefully that has been re-worked
That's a gameplay change rather than an MM change. Without playing against the AI over a period of time there isn't really an answer to that (all games are brilliant on the first day aren't they, even if we had a one-hour MM playtest you wouldn't know for sure) but from the sounds of things it's promising.
Part exchanging players - I've never even done that in FM, how often do you see it happen?
(Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it shouldn't be in, but it's not something that would disappoint me if it was missing)

Loans to buy - agreed but you can buy them after a loan if you want to anyway so it's hardly broken the way it is now.

Disciplining players - why would you want to do that in FIFA? To me that's something that doesn't need porting over, I can only see it becoming a frustration.

Reserves - agreed but it won't add to your experience as a first-team manager, bar telling you who's playing well and giving a few extra injuries.

Youth academies - agreed purely for regens.

Unhappy players or players being poached and tempted by other clubs - this will be in I'm sure, the morale of players and their form along with other conditions at the club can make them want to leave (and if they do clubs will come in for them).

Better general player management i.e. players unhappy at being played out of position - agreed, although if you play them out of position and they play poorly I think that will bring about the situation above.

Getting feedback from players themselves - to me that's a step too far for a football game, what are they going to say? "We're playing shit" or "you should be putting me ten pixels further forward in the formation editor"? But I see your point in a way.

Ground upkeep and development - what like a lawnmower simulator?! Ground upkeep costs on your financial screen maybe yeah, and as for development, I 100% agree with that one. Would be good to create a new stadium if you become mega-rich but I think that would take a lot of development, I'd rather they focussed on the fundamentals.

I'll pass all of that on though, just to see what they think.
Are you working for EA PR now...:D

Those ideas (of the top of my head) are where I want to see FIFA going, I know some people on here are going "I never play MM, on line is where it is at" but what I'm after is an FM off field along with a FIFA on field, so every aspect of the managers career is taken into account if possible and relevant.

just to touch on some of your points, part ex'ing is in football all the time so it should be in FIFA, disciplining players and feed back could be implemented very well, with players moaning about not getting starts or too may benches or dressing room bust ups with new players etc, to dropping players to the reserves for getting sent off or dropping in form.

I want an immersing MM, I know I'm asking for the moon on a stick and EA are never going to get halfway near my hopes for FIFA, but I'd like them to at least get a step ladder about instead Of the barley standing up they are doing now...

:THINK: Hmmm not sure that analogy worked, but as my dear old great granddad always used to say whenever I saw him "Who the fuck are you"?

I should have visited more...
That's a gameplay change rather than an MM change. Without playing against the AI over a period of time there isn't really an answer to that (all games are brilliant on the first day aren't they, even if we had a one-hour MM playtest you wouldn't know for sure) but from the sounds of things it's promising.
yes my first 09 MM games were epic, then i realized after another go it was quite boring, so hopefully its like the old PES/We feeling
Nick, I'm not EA PR or I wouldn't have agreed with some of your points there (and admitted that there's no excuse for the scouting/loan systems staying the way they are). ;)

Don't get me wrong I see what you're saying and that's how you want MM to be, but as far as I'm concerned they can't add those things into the engine the way it is now or after a few games you'd stop playing it complaining about the stupid financial system ruining the game, the players always playing the same way with no form taken into account etc. (and so much work goes into those things that you won't find time for much else, you wouldn't believe how much work it takes followed by testing, followed by tweaking, followed by more testing because those tweaks broke something, trying to fix what needs fixing without breaking anything else, followed by more testing etc...). If they were all just fixes, e.g. you got a bit less money now and player form was random, then I'd be annoyed. But the financial system is totally reworked and the player form system is something new, which will have taken a lot of time to implement properly. Having less money and a wage budget to adhere to, along with players who are up and down in form, totally changes the game.

Again, don't get me wrong, I agree that things like picking your own friendlies should be there (especially considering that it seems a relatively simple thing to put in, combined with the fact that you can already do that in the current-gen game). And the scouting/loan systems need a revamp, I was disappointed about that. But with regards to player interaction etc., I'd want the game to get the basics right before they delved into that.
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I think we'll have to agree to disagree, Chris. All I'm hearing is excuses for why a multitude of small, but collectively important issues have not been addressed, and I don't see why this couldn't have been done within one development cycle, even with the supposed overhaul of finances and player form.

Seeing as I'm a 95% offline player the Manager Mode news leaves me thinking should I wait a further year or two to buy another Fifa, so that EA have 'more time' to perfect the mode that appeals to me the most?
yes my first 09 MM games were epic, then i realized after another go it was quite boring, so hopefully its like the old PES/We feeling

One can tell that you're American because you used "epic".

Either way, I do hope that this is changed. It's the old "unscripted" type of game that we're looking for. It's not going to be fully unscripted; even the old PES never were, but by the look of things it's going to be better.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree, Chris.
I think we'll have to, everybody's entitled to their opinion on it. At least we have some answers either way so we know what to expect.

Like I said before if anybody else has questions let me know and I'll pass them on.
Nick, I'm not EA PR or I wouldn't have agreed with some of your points there (and admitted that there's no excuse for the scouting/loan systems staying the way they are). ;)

Don't get me wrong I see what you're saying and that's how you want MM to be, but as far as I'm concerned they can't add those things into the engine the way it is now or after a few games you'd stop playing it complaining about the stupid financial system ruining the game, the players always playing the same way with no form taken into account etc. (and so much work goes into those things that you won't find time for much else, you wouldn't believe how much work it takes followed by testing, followed by tweaking, followed by more testing because those tweaks broke something, trying to fix what needs fixing without breaking anything else, followed by more testing etc...). If they were all just fixes, e.g. you got a bit less money now and player form was random, then I'd be annoyed. But the financial system is totally reworked and the player form system is something new, which will have taken a lot of time to implement properly. Having less money and a wage budget to adhere to, along with players who are up and down in form, totally changes the game.

Again, don't get me wrong, I agree that things like picking your own friendlies should be there (especially considering that it seems a relatively simple thing to put in, combined with the fact that you can already do that in the current-gen game). And the scouting/loan systems need a revamp, I was disappointed about that. But with regards to player interaction etc., I'd want the game to get the basics right before they delved into that.

I think you have been bashed enough for today Chris, so I'll leave it...

Until tomorrow... :D

:JAY: Come to the PR side Luke errr Chris...
I agree with gomito - the most important thing in MM is the AI you play against.
I know it's a gameplay aspect but there's no point having a very realistic Manager Mode if when you start the match it's the same every time.

That's why i've never completed a season on 08 or 09, after a few games you've seen everything the AI will ever do.
I agree with gomito - the most important thing in MM is the AI you play against.
I know it's a gameplay aspect but there's no point having a very realistic Manager Mode if when you start the match it's the same every time.

That's why i've never completed a season on 08 or 09, after a few games you've seen everything the AI will ever do.
Rob try a 2vAI season it's far better than 1vAI and more fun...

The AI still sucks but it's somehow different and harder...
Rob try a 2vAI season it's far better than 1vAI and more fun...

The AI still sucks but it's somehow different and harder...

I'll second that, I play MM regularly with 4vAI and for us it never gets boring, but I could see how it would if I played it single player.
Rob try a 2vAI season it's far better than 1vAI and more fun...

The AI still sucks but it's somehow different and harder...

I'll second that, I play MM regularly with 4vAI and for us it never gets boring, but I could see how it would if I played it single player.

I third it :LOL:

I have done it with 3-4 people and its not easy at all

I think mainly that's because when there's 4 of you its hard to keep your positions (when you don't have the ball) so your pulling people all over the place unlike the AI when your on your own
What's all this 2vAI and 4vAI?
A number of human players controlling the same side, against the AI. Specifically in Manager Mode.

This is how I prefer to play it now, it makes the game a lot harder (especially if you have different playing styles).
have you ever played 09 on fully manual? fast and goal fest are the opposite to what happens. we played 7 min halves and the highest scoring game was 3-0 and you have to play a slower style (sometimes) to pick out the passes.

i've always been totally unbiased in the whole PES v FIFA arguement and i share my view on the transition from being a PES player 2008 (because i didn't like fifa 08) to FIFA in 09 (because i didn't like pes 2009) and i get told i'm talking crap, behave yourself mate who do think you are expressing your opinion about mine!

Saying it was a goal fest was the wrong way of putting it - its NOT (so long as the players are on manual - online this is obviously not the case), but what i meant is that the ebb & flow is not at all representative of real football.

Its constantly attack attack attack, speed plays a far too major part in gameplay and if it wasnt for the superhuman goalkeepers and difficulty of the manual shooting, you'd find that it would be a goal fest. Its the number of shots/opportunities (dont necessarily need shots) that I feel is unrealistic.

I play on fully manual (have done since release day) and apart from the difficulty of the shooting, I feel that at any time, I could generate a fairly good scoring chance by playing the way FIFA encourages you to. This isnt because im particularly good at the game - its just the patterns in gameplay that emerge around player movement and angles. Too often I feel as if im playing realistically without real reward, playing realistically for the sake of playing realistically, and it doesnt translate to a better number of scoring opportunities or necessarily a more solid defense.

Kind of hypocritical of you to say i cant express my opinion about yours - the idea of open discussion is that opinions can be freely exchanged, whether about the topic at hand (fifa) as you have or about other people's opinions. I apologise for saying that your post was absolute crap. I meant to say that i disagree.

However I still dont think you can hate 08 and love 09. Given that the things they added in 09 that werent in 08 were:
-increased speed
-quicker animations
-easier to play
-more tricks
-improved animations (including the great physical system)
-fundamental advantage given to attackers always (despite the ease with which you can chase around a player all day...)

There were other changes (custom team tactics, interface, features), but i think its fairly obvious that from the list above 09 was designed to be more accessible and arcade - hence the similarity to PES and you finding it a better game than 08. It is however still VERY similiar in terms of general gameplay - 09 just has a few more weapons, features and animations up its sleeve. It remains the fact though that anything you can do on 09, you could do on 08 -It just might not look as nice and would take longer. The opposite is not true though - 08's flow was far more realistic overall and things can be done in 08 that cant in 09. 08 was let down by poor reaction time and animations.

Im expecting FIFA 10 to again be similar (due to limitations of the engine), but to continue down this arcadey path, and hence my expectations are not very high.
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Fifa arcadey?

your a hard man to please if you think its arcadey, 09 is easily the best football sim there has been to date
Kind of hypocritical of you to say i cant express my opinion about yours - the idea of open discussion is that opinions can be freely exchanged, whether about the topic at hand (fifa) as you have or about other people's opinions. I apologise for saying that your post was absolute crap. I meant to say that i disagree.

i think i worded it wrong, i didn't mean you couldn't express your opinion (an opinion is an opinion after all), but to disregard my opinion as crap is wrong, but i see you meant to disagree, so thats fair enough.
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