Hence why I'm buying PES5 this week. I would love a good PES again cos it's got that special place in my heart Fifa will never fill ;)
Don't know if everybody's already seen it, it's nothing huge but there's a screenshot of one of the transfers Marcel experienced in testing out Manager Mode HERE.

Nice to see how close it is to reality (although I can only comment on the top transfer, not too sure about the Doncaster one).
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They should have geographic accuracy too, where lower league, say, Spanish or Italian players won't be moving to Dagenham.
Originally Posted by jonneymendoza
i never play againts the ai. never. i prefer to play againts real human players online.

your post basicly shows why plaing againts an ai is shit

What a hypocrite you are. Criticising the A.I's ability to not misplace a pass, whereas you prefer online where it is all fully assisted controls which achieves the exact same outcome. Think before you open your mouth, son

And adding a spellcheck after that would be briljant. :D
Well, 40 minutes passed with the spelling issue. Still 105 days and 10 hours to go...

Anyone have a time machine? Anyone??

The wait is allready killing me... I'm that excited! :(
What a hypocrite you are. Criticising the A.I's ability to not misplace a pass, whereas you prefer online where it is all fully assisted controls which achieves the exact same outcome. Think before you open your mouth, son.
Does this lad ever think before he chomps?:R1(jonney)
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What a hypocrite you are. Criticising the A.I's ability to not misplace a pass, whereas you prefer online where it is all fully assisted controls which achieves the exact same outcome. Think before you open your mouth, son.

i dont play full assist any more son. try again
How was he supposed to know that when all he's got to go off is your recent rant about how you don't care that you play assisted because it's a game and you'll play it how you want etc etc blah blah?

Oh sorry jonney...

how woz he suppost to no when all hes got 2 go of is ur resent rant about how u done care that u play ful assit cuz its a game innit n u play it how u want n all dat.

@ Mokbull, I screwed up there, spelt it in Dutch (brilliant = briljant). Although it's probably easier to understand than jonney's english.
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Round 2 of Q&A from Wepeeler posted on Fifa forum.

Wepeeler said:
Here's Round #2 for you all to enjoy. Again, SUPER SPECIAL THANKS for Marcel for all his hard work!

...dissapointing that he (Marcel) didnt confirm, the addition of "banners, scarves, flags." The real problem with manager mode was it was plain boring

[Marcel Kuhn] - "Details regarding the presentation changes will be released at a later time. But I can tell you already that the different weather conditions in Manager Mode, including my favorite “Rainy night for mid-week cup games”, look amazing!"

"We’re aware that the emotional involvement within Manager Mode was lacking a bit in the past. We’ve started several initiatives to mitigate that problem and to create an immersive game mode, i.e. club branded screens, transfer rumors, CPU squad rotation and more depth in the sim engine that allows you to out-coach the opponent. Would love to hear from the users what they’d like to see in the future in order to make the Manager Mode even more exciting."

Will player morale play a larger role in this year's game? Like if a guy doesn't feel like he's getting the proper playing time he will actually demand a transfer and keeping him in the team might screw with team chemistry. The morale meter is always there but it never seems to affect anything.

[MK] "Morale is not a concept that has been expanded on in FIFA 10. We’ve introduced Form and revamped Player Growth, these two features will have a big impact on the players and the way the user selects his squad."

"Players that are not getting any playing time will slowly see their form decline and as a result their attributes will suffer. Therefore the user has to make sure to rotate his squad at the right time and for the right amount."

"Playing time will also play a role in determining how fast a player grows, therefore it is always important to give young players with a high potential a chance to develop by giving them plenty of playing time."

And how about more players in the 33+ range maybe randomly retiring sometimes before the end of their contract?

[MK] "As far as I know older players randomly chose the point when to retire, if there is a specific issue with this let us know and we’ll try to address it. The reasoning behind playing until the end of the season/contract before retiring is to allow the user to plan accordingly and look for a replacement."

Also, is there a difference playing a rival team, then there is playing a normal team.

[MK] - "There are several differences in the atmosphere of rival games, which is conveyed mainly via audio. There are rivalry specific commentary intros and the crowd is hyped up, in addition goals will be celebrated more frantic."

In MM, how many seasons are you able to play??

[MK] - "We’re aiming to have the Manager Mode last for 15 seasons. With the amount of new features, new logic and tweaks we’re adding this year, it is a big challenge to get everything balanced and tested properly. But at the moment we’re tracking well to reach 15 seasons again, if anything changes we will let you all know."

Can we manage International teams? or just clubs? and also do we get approached by bigger clubs if we are doing well in the season?

[MK] "Just clubs, we’ve looked hard and long at the this feature. But we had to cut it early on, as we had to admit that the amount of work that needed to be done to make the Manager Mode fundamentals work has to take priority over new features. Personally I still like this feature a lot and we might try to include it in future FIFA’s."

Any news on how long we have to wait until we find out if we have had our transfer bid accepted or do we still need to wait until after the next game?

[MK] - "The club and player you are negotiating with will still be taking a week to get back to you. That being said, we’ve removed the restriction of “Available bids”, so as long as your club and wage budget allows you to negotiate with additional players you will be free to do so. Also we’ve added a new feature where, after you successfully negotiated with a player, you don’t automatically sign him. You as the Manager still have to approve the transfer. This allows you to negotiate with multiple players on the same position and if they all accept your offer, you can individually accept or decline their transfer requests."

Did he say anything about loans? And what about getting sacked and having to search for work, or can we sadly pick any team we want after each season?

[MK] - "We didn’t have too much time to work on loans, it’s something that we will have a closer look for coming FIFA’s. The initial choice of club is free, with the trade-off being that higher rated clubs expect silverware and you won’t have the option to lose too many games. These clubs will fire you at the first sign of failure. Once you’re fired you are on your own, your reputation will take a bit hit and the few new clubs that will offer you a job will make their decision based on your reputation."

...did he give you any info about the time in-game spent in the menu? Or it always passes directly to the day of the game? I hated that for transfers.

[MK] - "The Manager Mode will still have a match-to-match rhythm, that being said we’ve added friendly matches to allow you for some more time to fine-tune your club at the beginning of the season and to negotiate with potential new signings."
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