Happening to me about 1 in 10 games at the moment. Not often enough to wreck the game, but combine it with the "press head and the player chests it" stuff, which results in your defender chesting it to a striker, and you've got some really frustrating moments.

Hopefully it's something they'll work on, it's one of those things you would imagine they have to tweak.

Does that still happen then? I thought I read someone else say it had been fixed now.

Would be next on my list of things to shout hard into EA's face until they patch it :)
Can someopne please tell me about 10v10 online - can you boot people out of the lobby yet?

You know how in 09, you had to wait 5 minutes for everyone to pick a side, and there is always some tit who just sits there and won't pick a side, and everyone has to wait the full 5 minutes, until with 5 seconds to go, he either quits or picks a side.

And then, when you eventually get to the next screen, same again - you have to wait 5 more minutes until the same fucktard picks which player he's going to go, and there's nothing anyone can do but wait the full 5 minutes...or quit.
can anyone with the game confirm that, like the demo, it's not possible to change the offensive/defensive mentality OR the quick strategy's while the ball is out of play?

this has only appeared since this demo so I presume it's something that's been added intentionally but I really can't think why !
can anyone with the game confirm that, like the demo, it's not possible to change the offensive/defensive mentality OR the quick strategy's while the ball is out of play?

this has only appeared since this demo so I presume it's something that's been added intentionally but I really can't think why !

Not possible and I don't know why either, frustrating too!
Well on corners and freekicks around the area it would make sense because the new set pieces are on the D-pad then right? Otherwise it does seem strange if they removed it for every other place on the pitch.
Hey guys do anyone knows if all the errors that they find on the uk copy of the game are fixed for the us copy when they come out.
OK this is really pissing me off.
In regards to clubs.

- You cant do any substitution before or during the match, there are just the basic 10 + your pro. For every human a CPU player goes away ofcourse.

- You can't switch any of the players' position. Like if you have a guy at LB, you cant put him CB

- All the players not controlled by humans are fake players, they dont resemble the real guys (I think)

- the fake players seem to change every match, one match I had small fast guys in the back, other match I had bigger guys

- It's harder to defend in FIFA10 lol

- If your VP is for example a CM and youre the any and somebody from your team chooses the CM position youre VP will be put in another spot on the pitch (you cant switch your VP's playing position which sucks lalala, so choose wisely when you choose your position).

- If youre ANY and nobody chooses your VP's spot he'll be put there

- Before the match just starts the screen will say Team name VS Team name , for example: Futebol Paraiso VS Fat Americans

- Game faces don't look like the ones generated on your PC at all lol, mine looked perfectly like bruce willis, now he just looks like the average joe on my PS3.

- Servers are already lalalalaed up, my teammate's internet went down and we didn't get result (Loss). Same goes for 1V1, I got a loss when some dude quit at 90th minute when I was 5-1 up. Prepare yourself for some RAAAGEEEE

- Remember when some EA guy said the CPU controlled guys would be rated 70? Well he lied, they low 60s. One of my defenders was rated freaking 56... I dont know if he was out of position because... I COULDNT SWITCH HIM TO ANOTHER PLACE...
Not possible and I don't know why either, frustrating too!

Thanks Kev. I kept thinking of you last night watching the Liverpool game - the little bugger who scored the two goals has a look of you :-D

Well on corners and freekicks around the area it would make sense because the new set pieces are on the D-pad then right? Otherwise it does seem strange if they removed it for every other place on the pitch.

It's becuase the d-pad is used for your created set pieces.

Damn good point Gab and Dusse - I should have realised that !
Thanks Kev. I kept thinking of you last night watching the Liverpool game - the little bugger who scored the two goals has a look of you :-D

hahaha I thought the same thing, difference is I'd have scored a hat trick :P

Still, you can't do custom throw ins so we should be allowed to change the tactics when the ball goes out for a throw in!
Played 5 games online and it is perfectly fine, only trouble is finding a manual match and the buggers quiting!

Anyone here fancy a manual game, gamertag: FastmanBlack
Sorry for being persistent. HAS ANYONE HERE DOWNLOADED FIFA 10 PATCH UPDATE version 1.1 for the PS3? Because I just did and I wanna know what the updates are. Thanks for the help.
There has been one red bar for servers tonight, and the lag has gotten progressivly worse as the night has gone on. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come...
Evening all. Its taken about an hour but i have finally read 2 days worth of posts to keep myself updated to all the goings on.
Im so proud of myself for being so patient this year. Not once have i had the urge to ring up GamePow! or whatever in TimBuckToo to see if they have copies. I sensibly reserved one for Friday at my local Blockbusters. Only £12 too as i traded in 09 and Tiger Woods.
I'm too scraed to power up my ps3 for another bash of the demo as i dont want to jinx it because it would be just my luck that it would break. Last year the drive went about 3 weeks into owning 09. God this week is dragging. Been having early nights too to try and make it go quicker but all i do is lay there fidgeting and thinking about this bloody game. How sad is that.
To those who have the game....i salute you!
If possible can somebody confirm the lettering on the back of the Arsenal shirts are lower case and not Capitals....pretty please. And how Arsenal feel in game. Happy gaming everyone.
There has been one red bar for servers tonight, and the lag has gotten progressivly worse as the night has gone on. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come...

Wait til Friday. Servers will crash and EA will say they never expected so many people to play the game. Just like last year.
There has been one red bar for servers tonight, and the lag has gotten progressivly worse as the night has gone on. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come...

EA are finding out just how big football can get. ;)
For me the ranked online 1v1 will be made, or broken based on whether people are using the filters for manual. If I can't at least find semi matches to play, I think I'll hate it. Assisted is still too easy.
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