I agree
- 6 April 2009
Are you holding any other button (LT?) or just tapping the left stick ever so slightly? The ball normally flies away from me when i do it. Nice dribble.
Might have held down close control on the first one (might also have released it just before the tackle, don't remember), the second one is just a flick with the right stick. The right stick is contextual now so when you time it like in the video you will get that type of result where the player almost jumps away from the situation with high speed.
The reason you couldn't do this in FIFA 09 is because you don't have as many touches on the ball as you have in FIFA 10. You obviously can do the first one, but only if you are lucky enough that he will actually make the touch. In FIFA 10 is not down to luck, it is skill based mostly and then up to the players attributes.