The worst thing is the FIFA10 Demo on PSN will won't hit for a few hours. then we'll get a announcement its been delayed and then it'll launch on the US PSN at midnight.
Created a few Owls players, doubt many people who aren't Owls fans will recognise them though :)


Purse was at The City until this year but I would never have guessed it was him tbh.
Still, it's a great feature. Hope they do look as good ingame.
The faces are almost as good as, sometimes maybe even as good as the ones already in the game. It's a really good feature, just a shame we can only use it for one player at the moment, a good sign of things to come that we can have such good face generation though :).
Tbh unless Live Season does more that just edit some attributes each week then I won't bother with it unless it's free. The attributes make no difference in the game anyway so you're just paying to see red and green arrows on the squad selection screen...
They must have implemented some new stuff though to call it "2.0", but then again, PES 2010 had "Teamvision 2.0" :P.

they do to me, a lot.

but i hate live season anywayz, i dont think players should be rated by weekly performance.
I've pre-ordered Championship Manager 2010 for £2.51 so that when I've played the FIFA 10 demo to death on Thursday, at midnight I can download CM 2010 and play that to death while I wait for FIFA 10 and then Football Manager in October which I know will shit on Champ Man from a great height.

I think the wait until the full game is going to kill me.

This my exact same plan. I'm not expecting anything from CM2010, but FM09 and Fifa 09 have finally worn out for me, so i just need that something new to keep me going till October 2nd, no matter how bad it is going to be!
I have a question, I want to play the game on my XBOX360 but I know for a fact that if I buy it here I won't have English commentaries so which site is the best to preorder FIFA10 from France ?
Still having Gameface troubles......heres a pic of me attempting one at the facemarker stage using the same pic I had previously used to make one succsessfully.....

examplei.jpg you can see on the pic of House theres no marker for right cheek like there is on the sample.........

any ideas?
I ordered a couple of games from ShopTo - GRID and Burnout Paradise, they should get here tomorrow and I probably won't even play them much after that for a few weeks because of the FIFA demo! :LOL:

I also pre-ordered FIFA 10, best site for pre-orders imo :).

Both great games frankly, also bought both of them long after release, and loved both.

I have specically bought nothing because I always think to myself: FIFA.
they do to me, a lot.

but i hate live season anywayz, i dont think players should be rated by weekly performance.
The only ones I really see are; sprint speed, accelleration, strength and shot power. I wish the other ones made much more of a difference.

I agree that it's silly to rate players on weekly performances - if Liverpool won you'd have a 95 rated Torres and Gerrard, pretty ridiculous.

A bit late now, but that trailer released a while back that showed some features (not the Mexico v USA one), did anyone else not like the look of when it said "Defensive urgency" and had the defender spinning round and kicking it off the strikers head? This happens too much in 09 as it is, you put in a good cross and then it gets kicked away by the defender in some impossible way...

Both great games frankly, also bought both of them long after release, and loved both.

I have specically bought nothing because I always think to myself: FIFA.
Good to know, thanks :). Both were only £15, thought they would be worth a go!
I have a question, I want to play the game on my XBOX360 but I know for a fact that if I buy it here I won't have English commentaries so which site is the best to preorder FIFA10 from France ?
ShopTo. (Cue shouts of "CREDIT CARD CLONING OH NOES!!111!1one")
I used to use, now their service is crap with me recieving 2 games a week late and once they put the wrong game in the box!

I'd avoid them tbh, they're not even that cheap any more either.
The worst thing is the FIFA10 Demo on PSN will won't hit for a few hours. then we'll get a announcement its been delayed and then it'll launch on the US PSN at midnight.

Well thats actually impossible this year since the FIFA 10 demo is only releasing on the North American PSN next week. So if it does get delayed you wont be able to get it from their PlayStation Store either!
ShopTo. (Cue shouts of "CREDIT CARD CLONING OH NOES!!111!1one")

how is shopto a good option? They keep being listed but they require someone to sign for them. Does everyone live with their parents/work from home/have their wife chained to the oven? They never seem to deliver early for me either. In fact I keep trying different people only to receive the game at the exact same time; at least when deliver on Friday I don't then have to head back into town to pick the thing up.

Anyone from Brighton who actually gets stuff early?
They've always delivered a day early to me - Gears of War came two days early actually (which is funny because Gears of War 2 then got lost in the post, but considering I've bought something like 50 things from them and I got a replacement I'll let them off with that one).

Kouroux is in France though so on second thoughts maybe they aren't a good option for him, I remember Placebo (Sweden) talking about the astronomical shipping cost they decided to tell him about on the day that they sent his stuff.

Perhaps then (I don't like but then they're based in Jersey, which is as close to France as you can get without being attached, so there you go).
A bit late now, but that trailer released a while back that showed some features (not the Mexico v USA one), did anyone else not like the look of when it said "Defensive urgency" and had the defender spinning round and kicking it off the strikers head? This happens too much in 09 as it is, you put in a good cross and then it gets kicked away by the defender in some impossible way...

Yeah I know what you mean. The problem with the clearances in FIFA is that they feel so scripted. The ball always end up in the same places and never being mishit even if they are throwing themselves at the ball with no control over their bodies.

I'm afraid that the new blocks we've seen also will feel scripted so that you'll know where the ball is going to end up. Some things doesn't feel random enough in FIFA 09 but hopefully it will be better in 10 :PRAY:
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Yeah I know what you mean. The problem with the clearances in FIFA is that they feel so scripted. The ball always end up in the same places and never being mishit even if they are throwing themselves at the ball with no control over their bodies.

I'm afraid that the new blocks we've seen also will feel scripted so that you'll know where the ball is going to end up. Some things doesn't feel random enough in FIFA 09 but hopefully it will be better in 10 :PRAY:
Yep the clearances are very predictable and are ALWAYS struck well, going to a teammate most of the time. Almost all corners look the same because of it (headed out to the player on the edge of the box who then gets tackled by a defender).
If anyone still plays 09, try it yourself - when a cross comes in, select the nearest defender and just mash B/circle (shot button) and your defender will do a huge leap and head it away or somehow kick the ball away even if he's the wrong side of the striker, with the striker falling over 90% of the time. Another thing your defender can do is perfectly time a volleyed clearance from a driven cross with his right foot when he's facing the wrong way and the ball has just come over his right shoulder...

Don't get me wrong, i'm looking forward to the demo, it's just that I don't think these things will be sorted judging by that trailer.
Please lets hope there is no big Rock Band update planned for Thursday or we can all kiss goodbye to the demo til Friday. Last year my wife nearly kicked me out because i was checking the playstation store every 5 minutes from when i got up until i went to bed and i had the right hump. At least this Thursday im working til 1pm so wont be tempted. Is it right that psn store updates at 5pm because i thought it was 11am. I cant take 360 owners gloating over the demo again this year.
They also need to introduce a bit of randomness when keepers rush out to kick the ball clear and get it right 100% of the time. There should be slices, miscues and general fuck-ups as well
The only ones I really see are; sprint speed, accelleration, strength and shot power. I wish the other ones made much more of a difference.

I c what u mean...but for me u can add to those: reaction, dribling, and ball control...I can really dribble better with players like robinho than with Leon Osman for instance...the diference is huge...imo

I agree its not up to par with WE yet, but its getting there, each year i can feel more diference between players... passing is something that really needs more difernce, i can only feel diference of passing between jagielka and areteta for instance, only huge ones.

Id also like mental atributes such as positioning and reaction to have a strongher influence in the game though.
I think the point he's making is that there's no fucked up/scuffed strikes of the ball, they are all perfect.

Even if you play on manual you still don't get them - if you aim in the wrong place you still get a perfectly well struck cross/pass/shot, just not to the intended target.
You've played around 8 or 9 seasons of Fifa10 MM now right? What's the worst injury you've had to a player so far in terms of the injury itself and length of recovery? Obviously only counting matches you actually played as long term injuries during simulated matches was never a problem in 09 and I remember you said you simulate your away games.

...broke his leg and was out for 16 weeks, another time a player broke his collar bone and was out for 12 weeks. There are longer injuries as well, but I haven't triggered one yet. I think that injuries are a bit more rare when you sim, but I am following up on that. :)

Good news :)
Didn't realise you were on about corners.

@ Rob - I've seen plenty of sliced crosses etc. but no none are ever scuffed like a David Dunn.

Even if you play on manual you still don't get them - if you aim in the wrong place you still get a perfectly well struck cross/pass/shot, just not to the intended target.

That just sounds like José Enrique.
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