Saying that you had your most realistic football experience playing manual in 09 just means it was your most enjoyable football experience - fast, goal fest, and excellent animations.

Every match in FIFA 09 is a goal fest on fully manual? If it is that for you then I would love to play a fully manual game against you, because it would be pretty awesome to see those skills in action.

On another note, yeah I'm also pretty sure the simulation of controller for CPU was in 08 too. Doubt it's new in 09 but they are probably changing it to be more realistic. And how about showing the CPU the fucking trick stick already!?
With all due respect, thats crap. Fifa 08 and Fifa 09 are VERY similar in most all aspects of gameplay (and the ones that matter definitely). You cant love one and hate the other.

All your post illustrates to me is that - if you found fifa 08 crap and pes 2008 good and fifa 09 good - those two 'good' games must have a hell of a lot in common, which coincidentally they do. Fifa 09 is FAR too fast, FAR too easy and FAR too arcade.

My gut says given the success this formula gave them, fifa 10 will be similiar. Iterations will continue becoming more arcade until it reaches the point that PES6 did - where people realise it (too arcade) and turn to the less accomplished but more realistic competitor. Then the cycle begins again.

Saying that you had your most realistic football experience playing manual in 09 just means it was your most enjoyable football experience - fast, goal fest, and excellent animations. It might have seemed realistic because 09 does have excellent animations all around. Go watch youtube highlights if you want a goalfest.

There is no doubting that 08 is far more realistic (the more informed community agrees on this point), while being built on essentially the same gameplay. The key differences are the speed of the game, the ease of tackling (harder in 08) and the smarter defenders in 08.
have you ever played 09 on fully manual? fast and goal fest are the opposite to what happens. we played 7 min halves and the highest scoring game was 3-0 and you have to play a slower style (sometimes) to pick out the passes.

i've always been totally unbiased in the whole PES v FIFA arguement and i share my view on the transition from being a PES player 2008 (because i didn't like fifa 08) to FIFA in 09 (because i didn't like pes 2009) and i get told i'm talking crap, behave yourself mate who do think you are expressing your opinion about mine!

i think fifa 09 is alot better than pes 2008, i don't class them in the same league.
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I'm pretty skeptical about whether single player can actually be any good on FIFA (on this generation anyway).

No sports game AI i've played against has been able to give a challenge while maintaining human-like responses and making realistic decisions (sometimes wrong).

FIFA 08 and 09 have both been shite offline (maybe 09 more so), I only play 09 now for Clubs mode and sometimes the odd forced manual game online.
None of the AI players can shoot in BAPS, the defences all push up too much meaning loads of counter attack goals are scored (I shouldn't have to go on every team and move their defences back on team management) and the way they react instantly to tricks and turns you do are the most annoying things.

They can say what they like about it "having to play with a joypad" but personally I don't believe it will make much difference, single player needs too much work to be a decent experience in FIFA 10 I think.

Something else they should do is make the "pressure" button just do an animation for a tackle, and if you're too far away, mistime it or are in the wrong position to get the ball, you miss the ball or give away fouls!
Imagine on UFC or Fight Night you just held down a block button and your guy moved his hands instantly to stop every punch even if you didn't hold a direction, that's basically how FIFA 09's defending is.
There's no skill to defending at all and now with 360 degree control there's no excuse to have to have the AI control your player to go to the ball.
Even if the AI plays "with a pad" so to speak, there's nothing stopping the game from magically raising a players stats to 99 whenever they might need a bit of a boost (or 135 for that matter). And even though the AI might be using a pad, it would obviously be able (if allowed) to calculate exactly where to aim the analog stick to make their "135 shooting skill" shot hit the top corner.
Or to know which direction you are moving the stick even before your player makes the surprise 180 turn to try and shake off a defender.

The statement is nice, but I have this feeling I've heard it before somewhere.

To change the topic a bit, we all know they've improved the goalkeeper behaviors and such. But am I the only person that really hopes that they've done something about the FIFA09 goalkeepers and their constant ability to save balls that are 30-40 cm from their hands? I played FIFA09 a bit with my brother last night and by god it's frustrating to see an awesome strike get saved, and you immediately going "... hang on a minute...", cue replay and and what to you know, the goalkeeper isn't near it. I can tolerate it happening very mildly from time to time, but FIFA09 is quite crap in this aspect. It's especially crap considering how absolutely pristine the deflections are in general, for example when you deflect a shot on the goalkeepers body, the ball getting stuck under the goalkeeper and bouncing very realistically on alot of body parts and
such. The ball deflects the second it touches the goalkeepers body, no sooner and no later. Yet as soon as you get scripted "save" animations there is something completely different (and much more crap) taking over. Blah. Why not just have balls deflecting off the goalkeepers hands, with maybe some light scripting to make the goalkeeper look like he professionally punches it in an intended direction rather than just pure physics with no intention.

I sound negative, but I'm really not. :)
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With all due respect, thats crap. Fifa 08 and Fifa 09 are VERY similar in most all aspects of gameplay (and the ones that matter definitely). You cant love one and hate the other.

All your post illustrates to me is that - if you found fifa 08 crap and pes 2008 good and fifa 09 good - those two 'good' games must have a hell of a lot in common, which coincidentally they do. Fifa 09 is FAR too fast, FAR too easy and FAR too arcade.

My gut says given the success this formula gave them, fifa 10 will be similiar. Iterations will continue becoming more arcade until it reaches the point that PES6 did - where people realise it (too arcade) and turn to the less accomplished but more realistic competitor. Then the cycle begins again.

Saying that you had your most realistic football experience playing manual in 09 just means it was your most enjoyable football experience - fast, goal fest, and excellent animations. It might have seemed realistic because 09 does have excellent animations all around. Go watch youtube highlights if you want a goalfest.

There is no doubting that 08 is far more realistic (the more informed community agrees on this point), while being built on essentially the same gameplay. The key differences are the speed of the game, the ease of tackling (harder in 08) and the smarter defenders in 08.

I agree with this (apart from the goalfest bit). Fifa 08 and 09 are more similar than I first realised. Once the intial impact of the fantastic animations and improved response times died-down then it became quite clear that Fifa 09 is basically the same game as Fifa 08 in every aspect except the shooting is worse. My expectations of Fifa10 are not that high, to be honest.

Also, on the subject of the AI behaving like they are using a pad, anyone remember '1000 decisions a second'?
I agree with this (apart from the goalfest bit). Fifa 08 and 09 are more similar than I first realised. Once the intial impact of the fantastic animations and improved response times died-down then it became quite clear that Fifa 09 is basically the same game as Fifa 08 in every aspect except the shooting is worse. My expectations of Fifa10 are not that high, to be honest.

Also, on the subject of the AI behaving like they are using a pad, anyone remember '1000 decisions a second'?

Yes, I think that means the AI has over 1000 possible options each second. The lack of variation in the AI is terrible. with free kicks in Fifa 09 it seems the AI has only around 2 options even on Legendary. Either hit it way off target or straight at the goal keeper. very occasionally they score but this is literally only about once in 1000 matches. Players in 1v1 situations with the GK act like they've got a blindfold on most of the time, players shoot weak in the box even when they aren't tired, crosses are to lofty and predictable and easy to defend against.

Fortunatly the defensively AI in Fifa 10 should be improved, someone who played the game said it's much harder to run straight from kick-off now to score. hopefully offensively there will be much improvement.
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who plays sports game with the AI? The ai will never be good in a sports game. not this gen anyway. play online lads. thats where all the fun is
who plays sports game with the AI?

I do, as do many others, so don't be so condescending. Why do you think there are so many people asking for Manager Mode improvements if everyone was online?

jonneymendoza said:
The ai will never be good in a sports game. not this gen anyway.

The AI will never be as good in a sports game? I play Madden 09 and NBA2K9 and the AI is fantastic in those games. It's very challenging.

jonneymendoza said:
play online lads. thats where all the fun is

Apart from playing a few friends, I play offline to avoid the Man Utd/Barca whoreing bell-ends that populate Fifa online. Not much fun to me.
At least in FIFA10 you can set a max star limit for online games :)). They are both as bad as each other to be honest - offline is instant reactions and cheating AI, online is full of dickheads who just want to win at all costs. So a bit of both is probably what I'll do on FIFA10.
Ditto, now that the star limit is in I'll be able to mix it up online, so if you watch Match of the Day and you want to be a PL side then you can, then if it's too much of a farce like it is in FIFA 09 now then you can go a Championship side and give yourself a chance.

I just hope and pray they put a filter in so that you don't have to play the fully-assisted players, Rutter has said on the EA forums that nothing is confirmed yet so I hope enough people bombard the forums to force them to do it. Otherwise it'll be the same no matter what team you pick.
I just hope and pray they put a filter in so that you don't have to play the fully-assisted players, Rutter has said on the EA forums that nothing is confirmed yet so I hope enough people bombard the forums to force them to do it. Otherwise it'll be the same no matter what team you pick.

I've got a feeling this won't happen in Fifa 10 otherwise EA would have made more noise about it. The team star-rating limit will certainly get me playing online more, though.

Oh, and commiserations about John Barnes, by the way.
Cheers. :(

If the season goes how I think it's going to go I won't be using Tranmere after the 2010 transfer window update.
Online is shit, fully of glitchers just desperate to win at all costs rather than play a good game of football, rather play MM thank you.

cant argue with that...there are so many twats online and specially on ranked games that i cant bother evan trying to find a good game...

Unrakend macthes u can seldom find some legit players, but after EA allowed the custom teams on that mode some twats also moved there to play with their all'star teams. I cant understand the fun in winning with a team full of 95 players.
I definitely should try online some more with friends/EvoWeb contacts who I know will play a good game, just it's so much more convenient playing MM, you turn on the 360, load Fifa, load your MM save and in 2 mins you're playing a match, whereas against a human you have all the waiting around until you're both at the same point in your lives where your fates meet and you can play with each other.........
You should Placebo, when you want a game give me a shout. I'm sure others will volunteer as well (easy win and all that). ;)

Honestly though, you know I'm a big MM fan, but the most fun I've ever had with a football game is in the online leagues with Evo-Web people. The semi control league we're in now is great, the only downer being that because the game's been out for so long there's not a great deal of interest any more...

But it's so much better when you're playing against a real person, each with a different style, and none of them using the exploits (which is the key thing). IMO the game has a brilliant engine underneath the exploits and when you play against people who don't use them, it's an amazing experience. It's just a shame that there's no transfers etc. in online leagues the way they are now, it's just one game after another with no change, which I don't like.
Thats the good thing about live though. If your friends are on play them, if not play your offline mode.

Placebo/Chris, give me a shout next time you are on :)

The only thing I have heard from EA was that limiting the search criteria for games could make it harder to find a game.

Also, I wouldn't mind playing 4/5 star teams if I knew the other person was on semi too.

I also find if you play online games later at night you dont come across as many Man Utd, France etc. and I have had some good games with randomers.
Am I wrong or 2 weeks have already passed since we got those first screenshots?
Why isn't there any more news... shouldn't a gameplay video be already out there?...
It's strange. They were getting their mouths full about how early they were releasing info about FIFA this year but it doesn't really seem like that is true.
Am I wrong or 2 weeks have already passed since we got those first screenshots?
Why isn't there any more news... shouldn't a gameplay video be already out there?...
It's strange. They were getting their mouths full about how early they were releasing info about FIFA this year but it doesn't really seem like that is true.

I think the next news will be in PSM3, it seems that's when the next NDAs are geared for, I'm thinking they will have screens and details of the MM...

It seems PSM3 have an exclusive on the next batch of info, until it's out or someone breaks the NDA's we will not get any more news...
Online is shit, fully of glitchers just desperate to win at all costs rather than play a good game of football, rather play MM thank you.

random online is for sure. however i have mentionend this before, if the on-line leagues were setup in fifa properly and you got SIM players, online could be fantastic. You could setup league rules, i.e. no assist. no pressing while in your offensive third, no shots from half-way line, etc...

I am currently playing in nhl2k sim league and nba2ka sim league, with 2k's fantastic website interface and its mind blowing fun. Better then any ML or MM i have ever played. People dont cheat, if they do they are giving warnings and then kicked out. People who dont show up for games are thrown out too, but this site has been going on for a while so this doesnt happen often. The main thing is that people dont cheese... for the most part, at least not as bad as fifa... when fifa 10 comes out, i will setup a league at this site and invite you guys.... i strongly encourage you do to so
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