What? Did you actually mean to quote me as I have absolutely no idea how that relates to defending/tackling.
I think it's because at the start of your post you said the game needs to be less "automated".

An interesting point about defensive timing though (this is something I agree with you on as well) - a few people playing FIFA 10 at Gamescom have said they conceded headed goals because when controlling the defenders, they pressed the header button too early/too late.

I don't think it's a case of them jumping up like an idiot if you press it as soon as the corner's taken, I think they've just tweaked it so that if you time it right you can defend a lot more easily than if you just hammer the button.
I think timing should be everything when defending - I liked the system some old games used to have (old FIFA games I think) where you had a "standing/block tackle" button, when you pressed it your player would stick his leg out in the direction of the ball even if he wasn't close to it, holding this button did nothing.

With something like that, you would have to move the defender yourself and not just hold a "close down" button and if you mistimed a tackle, tried a tackle from an impossible angle you would give away fouls, get booked or even completely miss the ball and concede loads of goals.
This would also help with attacking play, as you could anticipate a tackle and change direction etc.

I don't understand why both FIFA and PES have the "hold sprint and a button or two until you get the ball" type of defending... it's shite.
If you lot want my mrs is polish, so can get her to translate it properly later. She loves footy too, so will understand it all
Fucking shopto! Cancel my batman preorder and then charge me anyway! +£30 for courier delivery


This email is to confirm a charge to your account on ShopTo.Net.
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Shortly you should receive an email with the details of your order, in the event the email should not arrive in the next 5 minutes please Login to your account and click the Order Tab.

If you were not expecting this charge please contact us immediately.



I replied:

I cancelled this pre-order earlier today, I sincerely hope you have not charged my credit card for this? If you have there will be a formal complaint issued.

This is extremely unprofessional of your company, first you cancel my existing pre-order at 2 days notice, I select pre-order again simply to see how much the additional postage is, see how exorbitant it is so cancel the pre-order right away, (I have actually ordered it now with another company that somehow manages to ship it to me in Sweden without trying to stick on £30 for a courier), and now I get this Email saying you've charged me the £85.59, this is completely unacceptable, please cancel the order ASAP and if you have charged my credit card I expect the money to be returned immediately.


Paul Statham.
The game looks better by the day, after some initial worries i feel confident this is gonna be another game that will keep me company for the months to come.
Fucking shopto! Cancel my batman preorder and then charge me anyway! +£30 for courier delivery

Hi Paul

I have heard nothing but crap from shopto. I decided to cancel all my pre-orders (about £250) and delete my card due to the cloning issue and now this.

Your experience is the third time I have heard of them trying to charge you when its cancelled. just make sure that all cancellation emails are stored as proof that you did cancel it...................but I'll never use them, completely untrustworthy.
Hi Paul

I have heard nothing but crap from shopto. I decided to cancel all my pre-orders (about £250) and delete my card due to the cloning issue and now this.

Your experience is the third time I have heard of them trying to charge you when its cancelled. just make sure that all cancellation emails are stored as proof that you did cancel it...................but I'll never use them, completely untrustworthy.

Yeah I definitely won't be using them in the future, they lost out on £149 today that went to instead for the Assassin's Creed Black edition and Batman collector's edition.
Yeah I definitely won't be using them in the future, they lost out on £149 today that went to instead for the Assassin's Creed Black edition and Batman collector's edition.

So that's £400 of orders just from you and I!!! shows how damaging a bit of bad publicity can be.
Is it me or have the steal cage nets made an infamous return??

they all seem very rigid when the ball hits in the videos on FSB.

? the nets looked great to me. didn't bulge too much, but then again none of the shots have been blasts yet.Move realistically on the pens. you can even see a slight ripple effect but not overdone like some other games...

regarding 360 dribbling combined with the new close control dribbling.. check out 1.20 - 1.27 in this vid.

YouTube - GamesCom Fifa10 ps3 - Gameplay

created space for the pass. so awesome.

Also i just saw 2.09 there's a whipped cross and a thumping header. Things to complain about: Dwindling.

I've not seen a long range blast go in yet but that will be the final thing to confirm the awesome.

Anyone notice the new physics stopping flattrack bullies from tapping the ball ahead and outpacing your wingbacks? And i've also seen leftbacks and right backs dropping to anticipate the throughball in one vid. I nearly clapped ... i was at work lol
i LOVE the cross, run and finish on 1:46!

and the keepers punch on 3 mins too!

This is a good vid - the way movement is being circled/highlighted is good.

well done you!

This is how a goal like this should look
Compare that too the Messi cross and Henry goal in the Pes 2010 vid that caused so much controversy
The nets honestly look fine. Check the penalties in fullscreen and the entire net has great physics when the ball hits it. Even from a front-on angle.


the official site updated.

Darren (a football writer and Deputy Editor of MATCH magazine) played Fifa10 and here are his impressions:

Playing FIFA 09 for those first few minutes really hit home to me what a fantastic game FIFA 10 is, and that’s the really clever thing about it – the changes in 10 are subtle enough so that the game doesn’t feel in any way alien when you play it for the first time, yet significant enough to make you realise just how impressive and vital they are, once you go back to a version without the improvements. The 360-degree dribbling, for example, feels instantly natural to you when your player picks the ball up. It takes no time at all to get used to, which is a pretty incredible achievement from a gameplay point of view considering how many more options you now have, literally, at your fingertips.

The PS3 and 360 versions of the game had barely been running for 30 seconds before someone jumped out of their seat following a shot at goal or, in my case, to say nasty words about the referee. And that’s the other really, really good news about FIFA 10 – for all the improvements, of which there are many, the game is still packed with jump-out-of-your-seat moments. I honestly can’t recall anyone being bored while playing, even for a few seconds, and I’m talking about journalists here remember.

That doesn’t mean all the matches were frenzied goal-fests either. In some ways the games that went goalless for large periods were just as entertaining as the high-scoring clashes, as players made use of the improved passing to zip the ball around and wait for an opportunity, or goalkeepers demonstrated their improved reaction times by making incredible double saves that simply weren’t possible in 09. Even the referees did their bit to keep things fast-paced and exciting, by awarding free-kicks and dishing out cards or tellings-off in-play, without using cut scenes.

...In between games, we got to speak to the team behind FIFA 10 about how they keep a track of thousands of players’ real-life attributes to ensure they’re properly represented in the game, how they take real crowd sounds from footy grounds and bring them to your TV and how they motion capture stars like Wayne Rooney to make sure the players move as realistically as possible....

Everything about the trip to FIFA central was impressive, but, for me, most impressive of all was the way the game played. It just felt right. Don’t forget, we’re not even talking about the final version here. That’s how good FIFA 10 is going to be.

they seem to finally have put some work into the fonts, accurate size, what looks like accurate EPL letters and the bayern font definately is the real one.

nice job ea.
To anyone that have played FIFA 10:

When you sprint, let go of sprint and press close control directly, will it allow you do to a quick touch to the side for example? I guess what I'm trying to ask is if it is possible to use some bits of the new 360 dribble while "running". Or is it only possible to use while pretty much standing still?

I used to like that is PES you could use rb (I think) to make a quick touch to the side even when sprinting, this way you could get around defenders that didn't time their tackle.
Some nice videos there,

Am I the only one that isn't liking the new yellowcard highlight on the cursor? I always thought just changing the letter colour at the bottom of the screen was enough. Now it seems really OTT, but maybe its just the videosize/compression/etc that make sit look bigger then it really is.

Liked the goalie slide/parry, really he should have slid across the goalline a bit so that would have justified not holding on to it. Still better then just walking back as it is now (if he even does that).

You could really tell the importance of the 360movement on the sidelines when normally adjusting your angle would mean the 16/360 angle which would usually enable the defender to get close or inbetween you and the ball. Now you can really do a gradual angle to set yourself up better whilst keeping the defender at bay.

Has there been any negative publicity yet for F10? Everyone seems to be raving about it, well besides us who havent played it and are looking at crap videos. :D
Sorry if this was answered before but is 360 passing in? In 09 I can't seem to feel the 360 passing.
I don't know, seems 360 to me in 09 already. I feel the same about shooting but there are people saying shooting is only 8 directions so I don't know. Some even say off the ball in 09 isn't 360 degree movement, which it is. Some people that played FIFA 10 said there isn't 360 movement while jogging ;) Seems hard to tell.

It doesn't always go where you aim but that it because of attributes and positioning.
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