I have to agree on the menus bit. FIFA's menu needs to become brighter instead of being black with the ocassional splotch of dark green. Granted, that is not something to judge a game upon. But I still favor the white and red screens of PES.
I played Fifa RTWC lastnight and i must admit i enjoyed it,some of the pitches looked great and one tackle animation should be in Fifa 10.It's that John Terry scissor style tackle which normally results in a foul but that's cool with me.Also the quick menu when you click the DB and you can choose a quick sub,or tacktics,soon as the ball goes out you can make the sub.
I played Fifa RTWC lastnight and i must admit i enjoyed it,some of the pitches looked great and one tackle animation should be in Fifa 10.It's that John Terry scissor style tackle which normally results in a foul but that's cool with me.Also the quick menu when you click the DB and you can choose a quick sub,or tacktics,soon as the ball goes out you can make the sub.
I just barely remember it; things like that quick access menu make me wonder, why did they take it out?
They took the quick menu out because of the engine change. FIFA RTWC was built upon old gen engines and hence had all the features already in from years of fine tuning. They never 'took it out', it simply wasnt there when they built the engine. They will add it in time.
tbh i dont give a toss about menus or presentation, dont get me wrong if it looks great then good but on the pitch is where it counts
The Fifa menus are atrocious, they need to be quick and snappy like in PES, not sluggish. Same goes for the formation and tactics screen, which is much clearer and more user friendly in PES.
tbh i dont give a toss about menus or presentation, dont get me wrong if it looks great then good but on the pitch is where it counts

We all think exactly the same, which is why we want to spend more time on the pitch and less time struggling through cumbersome menu systems.
Wanted to ask a question, will the PC version get the same engine as the PS3 and 360? Or is it still the old one.
Any news/hints on saving goals offline rather than EA sports world?

Sometimes when you score a goal you dont want to edit it there and then and attempt to upload it, though the upload does seem to be a bit better now.

I would like to be able to edit replays at a later date.
Its not the editing that ruins the option, its the fact when you've just scored against someone their not in the mood to watch the goal in slow motion for the next 10 minutes.
Some want this,the others want that.Konami or EA? If Tesco bring out a game Tesco super soccer' and it's the business we'll all love TSS,my point is give us a fucking great game now.:P
Any news/hints on saving goals offline rather than EA sports world?

Sometimes when you score a goal you dont want to edit it there and then and attempt to upload it, though the upload does seem to be a bit better now.

I would like to be able to edit replays at a later date.

The Glen guy that played FIFA 10 says that there will be no saving replays to hdd :( I really hope he is full of shit.
The Glen guy that played FIFA 10 says that there will be no saving replays to hdd :( I really hope he is full of shit.

This is a ridiculous situation. Saving to HDD should be a basic function. It's in Madden and it allows you to edit replays in your own time before uploading.
tbh i dont give a toss about menus or presentation, dont get me wrong if it looks great then good but on the pitch is where it counts

Yea, it's not about the prettiness of the menus, they could be the ugliest things in the world and I wouldn't care as long as they were fast and displayed information in a fashion that's easiest to assess
Mostly it's the fading in and out of the menus that makes them so bad. If you could still navigate while it fades it wouldn't be that annoying, because often you know in advance how to navigate without seeing the screen. Still the fading effect should be much shorter.

I'm a customization whore so I would like to see them add a shortcut tab/option where you can add your own shortcuts to menuoptions you frequently visit. So for example I could press a special button on the controller and my shortcuts popped up.
already seen this one, also another one with goalkeepers, ea still not really telling us something we don't already know, guess only thing now is to wait for gameplay as i don't think they'll be a shock announcement
New video out today discussing free-kicks (I know you'll all be fed up with all the interviews by now but don't worry, there's not many left ;))).

Was it someone at EA asking the questions? Fluffy questions = fluffy answers, nothing about quick free kicks (yes we know it's in but still, how will they be utilised?) and more importantly, nothing about quick change free kick taker, fucking farce to have to pause the game and go through 38 menus to switch to a different kick taker when Fifa07 on PS2 had this down absolutely perfectly.
All of those videos are made by EA Placebo, obviously all the community sites have a lot tougher questions than the ones that have been answered in them so far.

Now Ronaldo's gone to Real maybe we'll see some new teams online :BOP:
You mean one new team? ;)
guys we wont see saving replays on hdd for a long time if ever again. its not a technical problem. its EA pushing their shit video portal.
Naah I think it's a priority thing, they don't see how much it's wanted, same with MM, we begged for improvements but it took 3 next gen Fifa's before finally we got improvements, hopefully Fifa11 will see replays2HDD.
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