Damn bloody right, I'd make sure I'd get one of the Bayern players to kick fuck out of Solskjær and injure the cunt! :SMUG:

Could have sworn one of the FIFA games on PC, possibly FIFA 06 had Scenario Mode on it, I could be wrong though!
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Maybe you have someone posted up on the wing after Schmeichel leaves his box so you can make it 2-nil to Bayern.
You could do the Milan Liverpool final where Pool are 3-0 down but as there's no button to dive, Gerrard wouldn't be able to recreate his starfish and get the penalty :D
It would be great if there was a manual leaderboard for manual ranked matches (and a section for manual unranked would be nice as well).

If you went to online game modes there could be a manual section, maybe you could enter a lobby locked to manual controls, plus it would have the manual ranked and unranked match option.
Forget any side games or modes, concentrate fully on game play and making the best Sim they can on and off the pitch, then ad the gimmicks and fluff...

It's obvious that gameplay should always be the No.1 focus and I wouldn't expect anything less (unless they rested on their laurels due to a poor PES), but regarding the mess that is online, it can be limited to some degree by making it easier for manual players to find and play each other without jumping through hoops. Despite the flaws in this year's version (my main gripe is acceleration, sprint speed, passing speed being too fast and the ball physics being like a balloon), all manual matches can resemble a game of chess, and to some extent can balance out the niggles.

I can't even play public Fifa online anymore, it's ridiculous. This would be a simple and important addition, a meaningful one, not a gimmick :)
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It's obvious that gameplay should always be the No.1 focus and I wouldn't expect anything less (unless they rested on their laurels due to a poor PES), but regarding the mess that is online, it can be limited to some degree by making it easier for manual players to find and play each other without jumping through hoops. Despite the flaws in this year's version (my main gripe is acceleration, sprint speed, passing speed being too fast and the ball physics being like a balloon), all manual matches can resemble a game of chess, and to some extent can balance out the niggles.

I can't even play public Fifa online anymore, it's ridiculous. This would be a simple and important addition, a meaningful one, not a gimmick :)

Yep, sorry I was aiming this at the side stuff like scenarios and 5 a-side stuff, not at your post... ;)
Scenario mode could never be the new huge mode, it was already in Euro 08 wasn't it? Pretty sure I have played a mode like that so they couldn't call it a huge new mode unless they want to be called a bunch of cunts.
"Bayern Munich hold a one goal lead going into the 80th minute in the 99 European Cup Final, see if you can hold onto the lead to change history!"

Would'nt you just love that to happen:SMUG:

NEWSFLASH: It's not real, it wouldn't actaully change history.
I hope that in this game they fix the situations where you knock the ball ahead of you but it never runs away from you, its like the ball is on a string.

I've seen players running down the wing doing this and they are always in control of the ball despite the fact that the ball is hanging on the touchline.
71 days

You figure out the date for yourself

And then I'll get outdone by someone who actually KNOWS the date. Thanks a lot, Evo Web. xD
Arcade games are always more accessible than simulations.

uhhhhhhh. ok granted, gameplay wise, but that means menus have to be uneccesarily harder to navigate? it would be one thing if it were more difficult because there were more stats to look through, but this is just a case of having numbers color coded so that they are easier to see/compare, it's a pretty basic presentation concept. Clearly Fifa has passes pro evo but that doesn't mean that it's impossible for Pro Evo to do anything better, pro evo wasn't always the 'arcade' game! Do you not agree? :)

ie: things pro evo does better (menus and strategy) - ability to choose which CBs go forward on corners, ability to change attack and defense arrows anytime over the course of a game, and without going to a separate screen... actually being able to man mark online... being able to compare to players by pressing R2 and not leaving the current screen........
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