Looks way too fast but obviously someone has put the speed up to "fast" (as klys from the EA forums has said is happening during the event), and not only that but the compression has made it look faster again...

Apart from that though it's a good video.

Mm. There are a few videos around now which look to be on another speed setting to the others. There's a real rocket in that video too.

They've really cranked up the power on clearances too.
looks like another year with ridiculous ranked matches players abusers... i just hope they made manual online better and with more options so we don´t need to play those kind of running maniacs pinball players all the time...
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That's the first vid I've seen new things in, the dribbling, hard shots, fast driven crosses, reflex saves from the goalkeeper, new free kick animation and the new tackle animations.

2 bad it was ping pong passing at some points...

Man, the guy that was playing with Chelsea got raped by Barcelona
Another reason I think why every game is so fast is because the guys playing knows that they'll get in the end of a huge line after they played so they just want to score as much as possible. 3 minute halves is short too so there is no time to pass the ball around really.

Clubs Pro will have such a bright future in coming FIFA games I think, so much potential. Have you guys seen that american football game where you can design your club kits and everything online? I hope they bring that to FIFA, because that was an EA Sports game too so they'll probably share stuff like that so they don't have to start from scratch.

Edit: You can log in with your EA account and try it out, pretty cool:
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Fair play to Mike Takla responding to the fans and engaging in conversations with us. Earns him a lot of respect in my book, same with Rutter as well (and the guy who did the MM stuff).
love the way players build up speed when chasing the ball down.....long punt up field and looks as though they really bust a gut to get the ball
I suggest you people log into Peter's Moore blog and complaing about EA selling cheats. He is usually pretty sensitive about PR issues.
My biggest concern still after seeing videos is that passes (presumably on assisted) seem to go straight to your teammate. It doesn't seem like the've added any randomness to the passing at all, which is disappointing. And seeing the lobbing video it looks like lobbing is too easy, not the aspect of the keeper not being able to save them, but they seem way to consistent with power and too predictable. I hope I am wrong.

Also, even though some videos are on fast speed setting, I would prefer if they made certain movements, specifically related to turning sharply, a bit slower, so that you take more time to turn 90 degrees or more. Also I feel they should increase the time from when you make a sharp turn to when your player has his feet available for passing or such again. But the biggest gripe is that passing seems very accurate on assisted (and probably manual aswell). Not that the real Barcelona couldn't play that quick passing, but they should not be able to do it when sprinting full speed or half a second after just turning over 90 degrees. The margins or error need to be made more noticeable and influential, and in some moves players seem to be able to move their feet when a real player would still need 0.5 seconds to finish a turn or such.

Ball trapping still seems waaaaay too perfect for the best clubs, and most importantly they seem to not slow down when trapping and having to take a moment before being in full control. They just sort of suck the ball in. There should be more of a noticeable "pause" whenever a player receives a pass and has to control it, whereas now the players just seem to float around and their speed or momentum doesn't seem impacted at all by a trap or receiving a pass. It doesn't seem like their full attention is devoted to the trap, it seems like its something they just do with their left toe effortlessly while busy running, moving or such. Also they gain speed after a turn or move muuuch too quickly for me, at no point have I seem a player turn 90 degrees and then sort of get his body moving by using his feet., leaning his body forward etc. He'll just sort of instantly gain full "normal dribbling" speed 0.5 seconds after the move is completed. Surely atleast he should have to dig his feet in a bit and take some longer, more powerful strides to build his speed back up? Playing with lower league teams might reveal this aspect, but it should be much more noticeable for the higher ranked teams aswell.
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Who actually plays these games we've been watching? They do the game no justice and it would be nice to see good players showing off what can actually been done,so we can atleast get excited about the freaking thing.And this game should be released at the start of the season with a transfer update on 2nd October.
Fair play to Mike Takla responding to the fans and engaging in conversations with us. Earns him a lot of respect in my book, same with Rutter as well (and the guy who did the MM stuff).

Mike's a good guy, he's the one who let me get into Fifa data editing after I PM'd him on the EA forums to complain about Sheffield Wednesday's default data in Fifa08 :)
I think from the videos so far the teams dont seem to be defending as a team. I've seen one pass take out the entire team and only one defender nearby. I know these players arn't the best but thats the jonb of the ai.

YouTube - FIFA10 GAMESCOM09 GAMEPLAY VIDEO from Korty70 for

In this video from the first goal kick (0:14) the Juventus player does nothing special at all, then one long pass, the next pass there is a 2 on 1 in the centre of the box...

On the plus side right after that there is an amazing animation of Ibra holdin up the ball..
I think they should add bookings for simulation.So if a player goes down if the ref thinks the player has dived he'll book him.Also the celebration taking off the shirt and getting booked for that.How many of us would do that if you scored a corker?Then think "oh shite" not sure if you've already been booked.
I think they should add bookings for simulation.So if a player goes down if the ref thinks the player has dived he'll book him.Also the celebration taking off the shirt and getting booked for that.How many of us would do that if you scored a corker?Then think "oh shite" not sure if you've already been booked.

In your case he would have been booked.
Ehm, in that last video how is that not a penalty for Ibrahimovic in the end? Maybe it's because the video is so small, but doesn't the defender take him out with a standing tackle and not being close to the ball? Around 2:06 in the video.

I'm going to be pretty disappointed if they still don't call for penalties by standing tackles.
I`ve been in cologne on thursday and of course I played fifa10. dont give to much on these videos.

you wait half an hour to play a 6min match. everything is on assisted and speed is set to normal or fast (I play on slow at home). further I had to play with xbox pad which didnt make it easier for me as I am a ps3 user.

so all you do is try some of the new features, ping pong pass around, try to score and beat the stranger that stands right next to you, although I lost my match 1:2 :(

the circumstances didnt make it very enjoyable and with the demo coming out in 2 weeks I decided to leave the console after one match.

the differences to 09 are there and they are good but dont expect to be blown away at the first time you take the controller. it will take a lot of matches to find alle the new stuff and see the differences. most of my shots felt exactly the same like in 09 and I couldnt "feel" the 360° dribbling. well that are my impressions with only one match playing.

here some pics :)




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Now thats what im talking about! Screw FIFA 10 I want to have a go on some of those......
Interesting little post on the EA forums from someone who played the game at Gamescom with MANUAL SETTINGS.

Hey guys,

for the ones using full manual controlls i got very good news. ;)
The pass and shooting system is improved and you can aim in all directions you want because of the 360 degree dribbling :D:D:D.

Btw: PES10 is the totally terrible , the worst PES ive ever tried ( the players run as if the are crippled , pass and shooting system totally crap ). YES i tested PES at the gamescom, too.

Unfortunately i could only try playing FIFA10 1 time on PS3 and 1 on xbox360 (imho xbox version is better ). But all i can say is: All manual players will have an advantage when they play against all assisted ;).


Lots of morons have started saying "I eat manual players for breakfast" (gotta love the EA forums).

My response:

They've made assisted controls a lot harder, I've said this several times over at FSB and everyone who fiddles with the controls at Gamescom seems to be saying the same thing.

Lots more passes can go astray now on assisted controls and shots miss the target a hell of a lot - during our test at the Emirates the guys using assisted shooting kept completely missing the goal, whereas those of us who already played semi/manual in 09 had more freedom to aim and it felt like we stood a chance against the guys who were playing it "like a game" instead of "like football".

Put simply, it was like the guys on assisted had less control (which is what you're asking for if you pick assisted, more help from the CPU and less user input). The guys on semi/manual had more control, and more freedom to pass the ball around and put the ball into the back of the net, without being superstars at the game.

I really hope it stays like this, I can see them bowing to public pressure if all the noobs start kicking up a fuss about how it's harder...
Great news. Just too bad that they have removed the possibility to play with 3 anys in Clubs without at least replacing it with a new mode for that.. (shouldn't be so hard, copy-paste from FIFA09 Clubs..) But the game play is looking great although I wonder why we had so few FIFA game play videos and a billion PES ones.
Ehm, in that last video how is that not a penalty for Ibrahimovic in the end? Maybe it's because the video is so small, but doesn't the defender take him out with a standing tackle and not being close to the ball? Around 2:06 in the video.

I'm going to be pretty disappointed if they still don't call for penalties by standing tackles.

Looks like that'll be the case again. Which is pretty weird considering the fact that in some of the earlier vids the ref would flag instantly for a small trip. It was a legitimate foul but it got me hoping that finally the ref would make the correct call when someone just holds the B button and his player run through you.

That was a stonewall penalty on Ibra and it wasn't called. Can't tell you how many times that's happened to me all over the pitch.

Funny thing is in 09 I was playing against some guy and my keeper comes off his line (not on my command mind you), the guy is sprinting toward the goal and somehow makes a quick direction change and the keeper slides in and misses everything. Penalty. And I had nothing to do with the play at all.
Looks like that'll be the case again. Which is pretty weird considering the fact that in some of the earlier vids the ref would flag instantly for a small trip. It was a legitimate foul but it got me hoping that finally the ref would make the correct call when someone just holds the B button and his player run through you.

That was a stonewall penalty on Ibra and it wasn't called. Can't tell you how many times that's happened to me all over the pitch.

Yeah it doesn't make any sense, they make standing tackles harder so you get freekicks against you if you mistime them. But you can mistime completely in the penalty box, I mean that if anywhere should be the place to be careful and not do a mistake.

Chris is this something you could ask them about? I mean if it is still so you can't get a penalty from a standing tackle. If it is it would be nice to see if they could atleast implement a penalty when you completely trip them with a standing tackle like they did with Ibra on that video.
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