I don't disagree with you Wildster don't get me wrong, I genuinely agree with everything you say about it. I just knew it was coming so if they keep it to having as little of an effect as they're talking about then I can let them off with that (until next year when it's a bigger increase, because let's be honest, I would bet money on it).
As Jamezinho has just said, it's not the guys who MAKE the game, it's the guys who SELL the game who have insisted upon this. I imagine some of the people working on the game are actually really disappointed that it's in and they're thinking "great, all the hard work we've put into it and we have to allow for stat boosting - everybody hates us now".
If Mike Takla has argued with them to get them down to a +10 boost only, then fair play to him. I don't blame him for this, I don't blame anyone who's created the game we played and loved at the Emirates. EA are a company and the guys at the top want a few more mansions before they retire.
(40 mins of me and Tim discussing the news and our time with the game)
so why couldnt they just sell boots/kit/hairstyles etc and leave the stats alone. They would probably make just as much money. I hear what your saying Chris but if you give them an inch this year they will push for a mile next....its how real world football has ended up...its all about money and i hate it....and its the real fans that get screwed.
Just downloaded the podcast and its on the moby ready for bedtime, cheers.