Chris - or anyone who went to the playtest last week - sorry if you've specifically addressed this over the past 10 pages somewhere, but what do you make of the speed of the gameplay on show in the FIFA10 videos?

I think it's really fast, comically so at times, and I'm very worried about it. I hear that Gamespot today are saying it's fast too. Is there anything to the argument that it's all the fault of the videos' compression? Or have EA got their previews out of the way, and just decided to appease the online kids after all? Please persuade me that this isn't the pace of FIFA10!

This is a concern for me and something that has been niggling away at me since i played the game at the emirates. When we played the 6 week old code the gameplay was definately slower. It was in my opinion...perfect. Everyone seemed to agree to that aswell. When we played the newest code on the jumbo screen the game seemed way faster. Now this was put down to the fact that it was being played on a jumbo screen. Chris said it aswel as the EA guy that was present. But to me it was noticeably faster. It just felt fast. I still cant see how the size of the screen would change that. Now all these reports are coming in about how fast the game feels and its worrying me a lot.
It's a shame that PES2010 is still based on that same PS2 style of play for another year running, but PES fans want what they want. I personally can't stand that outdated game that's dressed in next-gen clothing, and it's going to be FIFA all year for me. If I want to go back to the PS2 gameplay, I'll play WE9LE.
This is a concern for me and something that has been niggling away at me since i played the game at the emirates. When we played the 6 week old code the gameplay was definately slower. It was in my opinion...perfect. Everyone seemed to agree to that aswell. When we played the newest code on the jumbo screen the game seemed way faster. Now this was put down to the fact that it was being played on a jumbo screen. Chris said it aswel as the EA guy that was present. But to me it was noticeably faster. It just felt fast. I still cant see how the size of the screen would change that. Now all these reports are coming in about how fast the game feels and its worrying me a lot.

Did you watch the 60fps video of the gameplay? That game speed looked absolutely spot-on and so realistic.
may seem stupid to us but its down to the legal side of the licenses. Cant have your cake and eat it im afraid.....unless you buy a cake eating boost from the Fifa10 store

haha Very funny
Imagine if we have to "buy" this ability to assign certain stadiums to certain teams.If there is nothing seriously worth buying I don't think I'll ever bother
Chris, are all light settings and all weather available in all stadiums ie can we play night matches at the Nou Camp etc?
So Chris can you answer this one now?
Chris, desk 3 please. I repeat: Chris desk 3 please. It's a emergency. Thank you
In a word, no :((. You can't have rainy day matches at Anfield for example.
Nothing was finalised in what we saw - as Tim said in what we played there was no day rain at Anfield which I thought was pissing ridiculous to be honest, BUT, I've been told that it's not final. Graphics are always the last things put into the game, which EA has said several times in fairness.

Best example of this is Marcel in the Manager Mode thread who has stated categorically (Placebo can back me up here, he was quoting it to me this afternoon) that practically every stadium will have a night mode. During the playtest there were quite a few that didn't.

So in short, I can't really answer any questions like this - we'll just have to wait for the final game. Hopefully a few more have been added though.
Chris, apparently there was a guy on the EA boards who said that it's 100 sure that all stadiums would have the day/dusk/night and weather settings.It was in a thread you even posted in yourself
I've read that nearly all will have day and night, but I've not read that they will all definitely have all available day/dusk/night and weather options too. Can you find the post you're talking about? It's news to me!
Mike Takla has just responded to a few questions of mine. I'm quite happy now to be honest.

At the end of the day it was blatantly obvious that this kind of money-making scheme was going to be implemented in FIFA at some point - it's in all the other games so it was only a matter of time. At least the way they're talking about doing it shouldn't kill the game, even if it is unfair and even if we do all wish we could take it out entirely.

*Ducks to avoid the debris being thrown by the angry crowd*

Here are his responses:

You can buy an upgrade yes. It will improve some of your technical attributes for a limited time. It won't make you stronger or faster & it won't put you in a position where you can have a player better or even equal to someone who plays the game regularly.

There seems to be some concern that this will ruin the mode, but we're talking about people being able to make some of their atttributes 5-10 points better for a few matches, compared to being able to make them 20-30 better forever by playing as well as able to improve a lot of other skills you can't get from the Store.

Someone that hasn't played the game, needs to buy a boost to get a bit closer but still has a worse player than those that have played is not going to stop this from being fun for you guys I'm sure.

He also confirmed that you can't boost more than once at a time to get around that limit:

When you buy a boost it takes your attributes to their new level, this will last for a certain number of matches. If you buy another it increases the amount of time the upgrade will last, but it won't increase the attributes again.

My only worry is that when I questioned if those were the exact numbers he came back with this:

When I have some time I'll post some exact numbers
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No doubt, it does, but it was going to happen so if they're going to give such a small boost then I can live with that.

As long as next year you can't pay to max out your stats like you can in Tiger Woods - THEN it will be bad.
I've read that nearly all will have day and night, but I've not read that they will all definitely have all available day/dusk/night and weather options too. Can you find the post you're talking about? It's news to me!
Tbh I'm not so sure anymore if the "for each stadium" is also meant for weather but here the link

Apparently yes
If the weather was poor in Fifa09 then the weather in Fifa10 is nothing short of spectacular. For each stadium you can now choose between Day, Night and Overcast You can also change the conditions to either Dry, Rainy or Snowy!! Now where do I start with snow? It’s FANTASTIC, the pitch is frozen, snow is clearly falling from all camera angles and you can see the players breath it’s honestly brilliant. But Rainy is quite brilliant also, you see splash puddles from players feet when they run and slide tackle and (you’ll love this) me and Tom set a match to Rainy and kicked off, but it wasn’t raining?? We thought “oh a glitch perhaps?” but 30 mins in it bucketed down with rain..........stunned silence!
I posted this on EA forums;

Im sorry Mike, i have read your statement and it seems that you boys just dont get it. And the majority of the community, who in my opinion are the ppl you should be prioritising, are not happy with attributes being boosted. You have worked so hard to undo all the horrible things in 09, especially with the online exploits and then you go and do something like this. Im so gutted.

and i got this response from Mike Takla

I'm not sure why you are gutted. What I've said is that these dont give anyone any advantage that cant be gained from playing, and you'll have better players from playing. If it doesn't negatively impact those that don't want to use it why be gutted? If John Smith spends $$ to make his player nearly as good as mine because he's no good at the game I'm not going to be worried about playing his Club & neither should you.

to which i replied

You are making out that its just going to be the 'casual' players that will be using the stat boost. I can guarantee you it wont, it will be players that are already good, and probably the players who cheated the lalalala out of Fifa09. It should be a level playing field. If a player doesnt get as much time to spend with the game then im afraid its tough. Dont punish us dedicated players. Its these things that really ruin online gaming. Lets all be honest here and admit that its a good way for EA to make more cash and that is what it really comes down to. All this casual gamer help is just PR spin.

awaiting response......
MJ, I've forwarded your concerns about the player switching. Also Nick's concerns about 2vAI player switching too.

Kouroux, the guy who says that is just someone reviewing the game, and I think he's worded it poorly. Where he says "for each stadium you have all these conditions" I think he means "it is possible in each stadium to have all these conditions" (i.e. not in every single one).

Not every stadium had everything he's talking about in the builds we played, and the latest build was demo code so there was only one stadium available!
yeah i know mate, thats me out of next years Emirates play test comp. Had to be said though because i believe its true.

You're right in what you said though. To be fair, though, the guys on the Fifa team probably have no choice in the matter. There seems to be an emphasis from EA Sports as a whole to push paid for DLC, mainly stat boosting. I guess the guys at the top want to make as much money as possible because EA are in the shit financially.
I don't disagree with you Wildster don't get me wrong, I genuinely agree with everything you say about it. I just knew it was coming so if they keep it to having as little of an effect as they're talking about then I can let them off with that (until next year when it's a bigger increase, because let's be honest, I would bet money on it).

As Jamezinho has just said, it's not the guys who MAKE the game, it's the guys who SELL the game who have insisted upon this. I imagine some of the people working on the game are actually really disappointed that it's in and they're thinking "great, all the hard work we've put into it and we have to allow for stat boosting - everybody hates us now".

If Mike Takla has argued with them to get them down to a +10 boost only, then fair play to him. I don't blame him for this, I don't blame anyone who's created the game we played and loved at the Emirates. EA are a company and the guys at the top want a few more mansions before they retire. It was so obvious this was going to happen.


(40 mins of me and Tim discussing the news and our time with the game)
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MJ, I've forwarded your concerns about the player switching. Also Nick's concerns about 2vAI player switching too.

Kouroux, the guy who says that is just someone reviewing the game, and I think he's worded it poorly. Where he says "for each stadium you have all these conditions" I think he means "it is possible in each stadium to have all these conditions" (i.e. not in every single one).

Not every stadium had everything he's talking about in the builds we played, and the latest build was demo code so there was only one stadium available!

Cheers for clearing this up, it'd be silly not to have it all for each stadium
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