With regards to Virtual Pro & the Store I can say that yes it is possible to temporarily improve your player. I'll talk a bit more about these upgrades in a sec but first I wanted to give you my thoughts on the whole 'paying vs playing' thing & how I think this will affect Virtual Pro, as there is mixed opinions, although clearly the majority of forum members are of the opinion it's unfair to be able to buy what others have earned. I'd expect that, you're not on here because you're casual gamers, or at least casual FIFA gamers. Well these are my thoughts on the subject...

So you can buy a cheat but it will only last a few games sooo you have to keep lining EA's pockets, the sad thing is the poor kids will do it...

Clever clever EA, I doff my cap... :WORSHIP:
Before I post on the EA forums- this stat boost shit. Is that online? Like can someone buy some boosts then go online and face me with them?

Yes it's online, you can buy something to boost your player's shooting, dribbling, tackling, whatever then play against other people online who didn't buy this boost and thus have an unfair advantage against them.
Before I post on the EA forums- this stat boost shit. Is that online? Like can someone buy some boosts then go online and face me with them?

Yep thats what we are all moaning about.

To be clear though, this is stats for your personal player (Virtual PRO). NOT every player you play with or team... BUT in clubs if all 10 players paid for the stat boost all players in that team will have an advantage unless you pay...
Seems like an overreaction to me. The top clubs won't have boosters. Boosting won't effect pace or strength (two big parts of FIFA) so automatically a club that uses no boosts has a huge advantage. Also, the example of 12 year olds boosting is out. 12 year olds are shit at FIFA. +10 of any technical stat simply won't make them drastically better. You simply can't buy class in this, there's more to being a great player than stats i.e a good footballing brain, movement, positioning and good decision making.
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I think it's pretty "funny" that he says that oh don't worry, people will not be able to by accessories like new coloured shoes, we would never allow that! But buying stats to make them better, SURE why would anyone care about THAT!?

I mean it is the exact opposite of what people want. Why the fuck would we care if some kid buys a yellow pair of boots instead of earning them through the game? It looks like they are making this mode for the kids, because they could possible be the only ones that reason like this.

malf1985: Not so sure about this. You can boost up your finishing to 99 it seems. So 99 finishing and assisted controls, I would say that will be a goal almost every time you shoot from "close" range. I think a lot of top clubs will use this to make sure they score on their chances. I used to read the official clubs threads and it seems like most top clubs used the real stats cheat, just saying.
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Seems like an overreaction to me. The top clubs won't have boosters. Boosting won't effect pace or strength (two big parts of FIFA) so automatically a club that uses no boosts has a huge advantage. Also, the example of 12 year olds boosting is silly. 12 year olds are shit at FIFA. +10 of any technical stat simply won't make them drastically better. You simply can't buy class in this, there's more to being a great player than stats i.e a good footballing brain, movement, positioning and good decion making.

And so it is, if you don't play on assisted. On assisted it's so simple that even 12-years olds can be 'good', so unfortunately I can't agree with you.

EDIT: That's a great video, love how the CPU takes up the ball and starts juggling at 2:10! Also some nice shots.
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Seems like an overreaction to me. The top clubs won't have boosters. Boosting won't effect pace or strength (two big parts of FIFA) so automatically a club that uses no boosts has a huge advantage. Also, the example of 12 year olds boosting is silly. 12 year olds are shit at FIFA. +10 of any technical stat simply won't make them drastically better. You simply can't buy class in this, there's more to being a great player than stats i.e a good footballing brain, movement, positioning and good decion making.

Oh dear...

Boasting wont affect pace but its on minor things like FINISHING!!!!! Aaaargh..

Online there are gamers who are at the same level as you at Fifa, you will now lose to those people if they have payed. Tell me how this is good for the game. Or any different to an athlete taking performance enhancing drugs...

all people want is an EVEN playing field.
The impression I got was it's a temporary boost of 10, no? Therefore to have great stats you'd need to be decent in the first place.

Anyway who's to say a team of great finishers/dribblers will be any better than a well oiled unit of average players who know what they are doing?
How does the clubs thing work? I never took part in 09. Is it the case that each player can pick there own controls? i.e. I could play on semi but my teammates could be on manual or assisted? Could you search to just be in a club where nobody used assisted?
How does the clubs thing work? I never took part in 09. Is it the case that each player can pick there own controls? i.e. I could play on semi but my teammates could be on manual or assisted? Could you search to just be in a club where nobody used assisted?

Anyone can play what they feel like, you can change any time you want while the game is on too.
EA = Wankers.

I can see our club getting hammered by little kids with all boosted players...
Imagine this, a bunch of cunts with with 99 finishing strikers (all close range finesse shots = goal), 99 crossing (perfect assisted crosses to their 6'7 striker), 99 long shots/shot power (long shots are supposedly effective now, so a fair amount of assisted long shots will go in), 99 tackling (they can just hold the pressure button and sprint), 99 passing (perfect assisted through balls all the time) etc... If it's not 99 then I can see it being 80-90.
It would be ridiculous and pointless playing Clubs.

To make it not completely fuck up clubs (or any other online mode they're allowed on) they need to make it:
a) Ridiculously expensive
b) Have little effect (5, 10 at most points) and only allow one at a time
c) Only allow you to buy them when your overall rating is less than 70
How does the clubs thing work? I never took part in 09. Is it the case that each player can pick there own controls? i.e. I could play on semi but my teammates could be on manual or assisted? Could you search to just be in a club where nobody used assisted?

You can have whatever controls you like, but no search filter to only play against manual players. Hopefully that is in this year, as its in Ranked games.

was a really good mode with all players levelled off to 85 stats... so in theory even playing field....That was until people worked out how to get real stats and how to make world 11 teams with Torres Messi and Eto'o all playing for Accrington Stanley..
Wtf is this? I may have missed some of the convo, but it sounds like you're saying it may be possible for people to purchase stat 'upgrades', and then play with these upgrades against other players in normal ranked matches online?

I loved fifa 09 online in terms of the lack of lag and the general smoothness. I hated fifa 09 online because of the cheats, the exploits, the unsportsman-like play from poorer players to myself. I also thought the ranking system itself was shit. The ea points were useless indicators of how good a player you were - you almost won as many points for losing as you did for winning. I would like to see rankings improved.

I would also like to see more useful information that appears next to the player's name onscreen during an online match - for example, it could scroll between their ranking (not ea sports points), rating, current run of form and things like that.

I really hope this stat boost thing isn't quite as it seems. I read that you can now specify things like how good your opponent is and whether they're using manual controls etc for ranked matches. Hopefully there will also be a 'shit off' option, which will remove this garbage from the game.

So annoying that they make what looks like a superb game, and have to add crappy stuff like this that reminds me of the terrible fifa games of old.
I like that last video. The guy playing was ok, tried to play some good football. Also nice to see the AI doing some skills, with the body feints and the cheeky juggling after the whistle was blown for offside.

Pretty powerful shot too like mentioned earlier.

aaarrrggh: It's only for the virtual pro, not normal ranked games.
Gab: Thank fuck for that.

I don't even know what virtual pro is. I just play ranked games myself.

I've gotta admit the month or so wait to the next version of Fifa is killing me. Shows how good this game looks in that I haven't been this excited about the release of a new football game in years. And this is coming from yet another pro evo/iss old timer.
They could keep us happy by implementing a filter to not play against someone who has used the Store.

Then they could all go an play each other and leave us to enjoy the game :)
Am I the only one who is becoming a little disapointed in the videos we are seeing?

Sure it looks more free...but the stupid edge of boot passes still occur, the players look static when recieving a pass and the ball just doesnt replicate a real life ball when in the air...still looks a little too floaty.

Maybe I just have my hopes up REALLY high after listening to the guys who played at the Emirates!
Am I the only one who is becoming a little disapointed in the videos we are seeing?

Sure it looks more free...but the stupid edge of boot passes still occur, the players look static when recieving a pass and the ball just doesnt replicate a real life ball when in the air...still looks a little too floaty.

Maybe I just have my hopes up REALLY high after listening to the guys who played at the Emirates!

Yep, we are all still banging on about the floaty ball, I hope to god anyone who has someones ear at EA is saying this... ;)
The impression I got was it's a temporary boost of 10, no? Therefore to have great stats you'd need to be decent in the first place.
If that's the case then it's not too bad. I don't agree with it at all, but seeing as it was completely obvious paying for stats was going to happen at some point with it being in all the other EA games, if they can implement it in as inoffensive a way as possible then I can accept that.

I don't like that it can last for up to 20 games though. I think 10 games is long enough. Perhaps we can try to negotiate that if enough people scream and shout about it, but let's be honest, we're not going to get it taken out of the game completely.

I don't think it's a game ruiner but it's certainly a kick in the teeth. I agree that the better teams will still win but to give anyone an unfair advantage, paid for or not, is something we've been moaning about for a long time.

By the way, there is a filter now when you play games online for star ratings and control settings (originally it wasn't going to be an actual filter, it was going to be an automatic matchmaking thing, but now it is). If there's a filter in Clubs then A) you can play manual people only (and I would assume the majority of manual players aren't 12-year-olds who stat boost), and B) perhaps we can even lobby for a stat boost allowed/disallowed filter.
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EA = Wankers.

I can see our club getting hammered by little kids with all boosted players...
Imagine this, a bunch of cunts with with 99 finishing strikers (all close range finesse shots = goal), 99 crossing (perfect assisted crosses to their 6'7 striker), 99 long shots/shot power (long shots are supposedly effective now, so a fair amount of assisted long shots will go in), 99 tackling (they can just hold the pressure button and sprint), 99 passing (perfect assisted through balls all the time) etc... If it's not 99 then I can see it being 80-90.
It would be ridiculous and pointless playing Clubs.

To make it not completely fuck up clubs (or any other online mode they're allowed on) they need to make it:
a) Ridiculously expensive
b) Have little effect (5, 10 at most points) and only allow one at a time
c) Only allow you to buy them when your overall rating is less than 70

Add in the fact that you will be up against assisted kiddies too. Fucking terrible isn't it my friend. I love and play on full on manual now.
If that's the case then it's not too bad. I don't agree with it at all, but seeing as it was completely obvious paying for stats was going to happen at some point with it being in all the other EA games, if they can implement it in as inoffensive a way as possible then I can accept that.

I don't like that it can last for up to 20 games though. I think 10 games is long enough. Perhaps we can try to negotiate that if enough people scream and shout about it, but let's be honest, we're not going to get it taken out of the game completely.

I don't think it's a game ruiner but it's certainly a kick in the teeth. I agree that the better teams will still win but to give anyone an unfair advantage, paid for or not, is something we've been moaning about for a long time.

By the way, there is a filter now when you play games online for star ratings and control settings (originally it wasn't going to be an actual filter, it was going to be an automatic matchmaking thing, but now it is). If there's a filter in Clubs then A) you can play manual people only (and I would assume the majority of manual players aren't 12-year-olds who stat boost), and B) perhaps we can even lobby for a stat boost allowed/disallowed filter.
The thing is, i don't think many "Random players" play on manual, just us lot
I think the same will happen in 10 as what happened on 09 - you search for a manual game (or semi) and get "Sorry, no matches found", create a manual game and have nobody join again.
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