I hope they make the game more difficult, more difficulty levels and specially it'd be nice to see the CPU play better and not cheat its way to be better (yes even on manual controls the game is too easy against the CPU)
I tried to play on World Class in 09 but got put off because the CPU suddenly became world beaters. They were first to most balls, they got lots of lucky ricochets, also they suddenly became physically stronger. Plus they all played the same way.

I hope its been fixed, Professional isn't challenging enough.
EA_MikeTakla post in Fifa forums:

Quote EA_MikeTakla:

Hi chaps,

Sorry I've not got round to answering some of the questions on here - we're pretty busy finishing up the game right now. I answered a few Q's on the blog on the FIFA 10 website already, have a look as there is probably some info in the answers that you won't know about.

It seems this thread is basically about the FIFA Store button prompt & the Store Boost text you've seen in the screenshots. Placebo (Hi Paul!) clearly has a good eye, although I knew that already as I'm still trying to get Akpo Sodje his real wrist band! Anyway, I'll try to clear this one up as best I can for the time being - as you know we like to reveal our features bit by bit & the FIFA Store is not something I can talk about much right now. But I really don't think we're talking about an exploit here & some of you guys are definitely more concerned than you need to be so I'll try to give you a detailed answer....

With regards to Virtual Pro & the Store I can say that yes it is possible to temporarily improve your player. I'll talk a bit more about these upgrades in a sec but first I wanted to give you my thoughts on the whole 'paying vs playing' thing & how I think this will affect Virtual Pro, as there is mixed opinions, although clearly the majority of forum members are of the opinion it's unfair to be able to buy what others have earned. I'd expect that, you're not on here because you're casual gamers, or at least casual FIFA gamers. Well these are my thoughts on the subject...

I'm personally not someone who would pay for something I can achieve through playing, but I play a lot of games, especially FIFA. At times when I see that I can do this in a game I also think "that's not fair", although I won't lie, I've bought an upgrade or 2 before, it's tempting when you have spare points! But thinking about it from a different perspective to ourselves is it fair that someone who doesn't have time can't enjoy a mode like Clubs? I think with the gameplay we have now we're in a place where better attributes is no guarantee for success at all, but for someone who has little time & is not very skilled a handicap is maybe something that will help them feel more at ease. Yes maybe the upgrades on offer might allow players to able to compete with players slightly more skilled but I honestly think when it comes to FIFA, and especially online team play, there is no substitute for skill & 'real team play'.

I should stop waffling, and start explaining a bit more about the boosts/upgrades as I know this is the bit you need to hear to put you at ease & I'm getting kinda tired of typing as I do it all day, and I need to check some other Virtual Pro threads... and maybe go to bed

Firstly, here's what the boosts will not do:

- They will not make your player stronger or faster.
- They actually won't affect any of your Physical attributes, these are set by your size & can be slightly improved through Accomplishments as well as your recent Form.
- So they will not allow you to have a 6'9" player of 99 as has been mentioned a bit (the tallest is 6'7" btw). I'm pretty sure having a player over 6'0' who is Speed 99 is impossible actually. Any type of player getting to Speed 99 is going to be very very hard, nobody's done that I don't think, and if they did it would be for a game or 2 at most, and they probably used some debug cheats just to test it!
- They will not last for ever, they range from 1-20 matches
- They will not unlock any traits, celebrations, or kit to make your Pro really stand out from the crowd. I already spoke about how the guys were jealous (or teasing me) about my yellow boots!

And here's what the boosts will do:

- Give you the chance to have better Finishing, Passing, Crossing, Tackling & other technical attributes. .

When I think about how these affect the Virtual Pro feature I think the boosts/upgrades will make you play a bit better, but certainly no reason why you would suddenly be MUCH better. I think they are a nice helping hand for not so skilled players or people short of time, something that will help them improve their Pro a little quicker (you can unlock Accomplishments when you have one) & at the very worst make a new player stand a better chance of competing with players who've played with their Pro's a lot.

I really got to stop typing, but basically what I hope you take from this is that as part of Virtual Pro we do give people the chance to have a helping hand, it won't make you as good as you can be & it's really unlikely the best Clubs out there will be "boosters". We know that's not what you would want, it's not what we would want, and Takla Town can't afford to play it's lazy players every week so it's not going to happen.

Stop worrying & we'll chat about something more interesting you might not know about tomorrow!

Mike Reply With Quote
So our fears were true, no matter how it's tried to be explained it still feels like a bad news
Last edited:
Bad news guys :(

Hi chaps,

Sorry I've not got round to answering some of the questions on here - we're pretty busy finishing up the game right now. I answered a few Q's on the blog on the FIFA 10 website already, have a look as there is probably some info in the answers that you won't know about.

It seems this thread is basically about the FIFA Store button prompt & the Store Boost text you've seen in the screenshots. Placebo (Hi Paul!) clearly has a good eye, although I knew that already as I'm still trying to get Akpo Sodje his real wrist band! Anyway, I'll try to clear this one up as best I can for the time being - as you know we like to reveal our features bit by bit & the FIFA Store is not something I can talk about much right now. But I really don't think we're talking about an exploit here & some of you guys are definitely more concerned than you need to be so I'll try to give you a detailed answer....

With regards to Virtual Pro & the Store I can say that yes it is possible to temporarily improve your player. I'll talk a bit more about these upgrades in a sec but first I wanted to give you my thoughts on the whole 'paying vs playing' thing & how I think this will affect Virtual Pro, as there is mixed opinions, although clearly the majority of forum members are of the opinion it's unfair to be able to buy what others have earned. I'd expect that, you're not on here because you're casual gamers, or at least casual FIFA gamers. Well these are my thoughts on the subject...

I'm personally not someone who would pay for something I can achieve through playing, but I play a lot of games, especially FIFA. At times when I see that I can do this in a game I also think "that's not fair", although I won't lie, I've bought an upgrade or 2 before, it's tempting when you have spare points! But thinking about it from a different perspective to ourselves is it fair that someone who doesn't have time can't enjoy a mode like Clubs? I think with the gameplay we have now we're in a place where better attributes is no guarantee for success at all, but for someone who has little time & is not very skilled a handicap is maybe something that will help them feel more at ease. Yes maybe the upgrades on offer might allow players to able to compete with players slightly more skilled but I honestly think when it comes to FIFA, and especially online team play, there is no substitute for skill & 'real team play'.

I should stop waffling, and start explaining a bit more about the boosts/upgrades as I know this is the bit you need to hear to put you at ease & I'm getting kinda tired of typing as I do it all day, and I need to check some other Virtual Pro threads... and maybe go to bed :)

Firstly, here's what the boosts will not do:

- They will not make your player stronger or faster.
- They actually won't affect any of your Physical attributes, these are set by your size & can be slightly improved through Accomplishments as well as your recent Form.
- So they will not allow you to have a 6'9" player of 99 as has been mentioned a bit (the tallest is 6'7" btw). I'm pretty sure having a player over 6'0' who is Speed 99 is impossible actually. Any type of player getting to Speed 99 is going to be very very hard, nobody's done that I don't think, and if they did it would be for a game or 2 at most, and they probably used some debug cheats just to test it!
- They will not last for ever, they range from 1-20 matches
- They will not unlock any traits, celebrations, or kit to make your Pro really stand out from the crowd. I already spoke about how the guys were jealous (or teasing me) about my yellow boots!

And here's what the boosts will do:

- Give you the chance to have better Finishing, Passing, Crossing, Tackling & other technical attributes. .

When I think about how these affect the Virtual Pro feature I think the boosts/upgrades will make you play a bit better, but certainly no reason why you would suddenly be MUCH better. I think they are a nice helping hand for not so skilled players or people short of time, something that will help them improve their Pro a little quicker (you can unlock Accomplishments when you have one) & at the very worst make a new player stand a better chance of competing with players who've played with their Pro's a lot.

I really got to stop typing, but basically what I hope you take from this is that as part of Virtual Pro we do give people the chance to have a helping hand, it won't make you as good as you can be & it's really unlikely the best Clubs out there will be "boosters". We know that's not what you would want, it's not what we would want, and Takla Town can't afford to play it's lazy players every week so it's not going to happen.

Stop worrying & we'll chat about something more interesting you might not know about tomorrow!


My reply:

I appreciate you taking the time to answer Mike but this is terrible news. I understand EA like all companies want to maximise their revenue stream as much as they can, but it should be through stuff that isn't to the detriment of the experience of other gamers, let them buy hairstyles, tattoos, boots, piercings or whatever, allowing "casual" gamers to buy stat/attribute upgrades whether for 1 match or 1,000 is a complete slap in the face to those people who want to earn stats through integrity.

I really hope this strategy is rethought.

An exploit is something that gives someone an advantage over another person by unfair or extraneous means, whether it's by utilising a glitch in the game halfway line shots which couldn't be saved for example, or an aimbot, the playing field should be balanced and fair, if a VP has good stats, of any kind they should be earned not bought IMO.

Edit: Dinos beat me to it but my post is nicely formatted so I'll leave it in ;)
I tried to play on World Class in 09 but got put off because the CPU suddenly became world beaters. They were first to most balls, they got lots of lucky ricochets, also they suddenly became physically stronger. Plus they all played the same way.

I hope its been fixed, Professional isn't challenging enough.

I change the difficulty per match now based on my opponent:

≤ 4.5* = Professional
≥ 4.5* = World Class
All Cup Finals = World Class no matter the opponent

So our fears were true, no matter it's tried to be explained it still feels like a bad news

Exactly :(
So its like assisted controls then?

Its an EA thing, apart from the sports games Burnout Paradise has a Time Savers pack which unlocks all the cars for you immediately. In that case its insulting to someone like me who took 8/9 months unlocking all the cars/liveries.

Need For Speed and Skate II (I think) has it too.

@ Placebo, I'll try that in the new game.
Here is how I'll probably set my priorities with the game
1)Create tournaments and invite friends over to have a crack
2)MM: starting with possibly a championship team
3)exhibition matches: testing different teams in the game
4)online matches
So its like assisted controls then?

Its an EA thing, apart from the sports games Burnout Paradise has a Time Savers pack which unlocks all the cars for you immediately. In that case its insulting to someone like me who took 8/9 months unlocking all the cars/liveries.

Need For Speed and Skate II (I think) has it too.

@ Placebo, I'll try that in the new game.

Exactly, same as Tiger Woods which lets you buy a maxxed out golfer then take him online to thrash all the poor fools who are trying to earn their stats the honourable way.

Considering we now have filters for assisted controls why can't we have a filter for boosters, if we don't care how people got their stats we leave it turned off, if we only want to play against people that are unboosted we turn it on........
I don't like his answer. He's trying to sugar coat what we feared. Not last forever, only up to 20 games... only?

He is also fooling himself saying that the top clubs won't use it. The top clubs are the most competitive ones and they do anything to win, even glitch if they can.

It is all about the money even if he pretends that EA only does it to be kind to people that don't play the game that often, but still want to be able to beat anyone with their assisted settings and boosted attributes :SMUG:
I wrote a response, hopefully he'll at least read it but I guess an answer isn't likely..

I can see your point, but I don't think that is how it'll work in reality. The casual gamer is normally someone who doesn't know all the settings and modes, and if he/she would find Virtual Pro and then Clubs I truly don't think that is the kind of person that buys DLC. There's probably a few, but the vast majority of "casual" gamers (I think) only wants to have some fun and is very unlikely to buy additional content after the game itself. Add to that, I'd say even more so when it's something that isn't permanent, I'd probably think "why spend money on getting better only for a few games when I don't even play the game so much?".

The reality will be that the 12-years old noobs that use fully aissted controls (yeah, a stereotype!) trying to glitch their way to some FIFA-fame that will buy these kind of boosts becuase their parents just want them to be happy, which is exactly what you claim you don't want (not them not being happy, but...). They will find a way (just like 09) to score every single shot and boosting their stats won't help. The reality is that they'll sit there and chat and say "woah, now I've bought this boost that'll give me +10 finishing in 10 matches, let's own everyone out there!", and everyone of his 12-years old friend will think he's so cool that they'll all buy boosts and be the best FIFA Club ever in the history, which really most casual gamers wouldn't care about.

Please take a minute to reflect over this, the game looks so great in all other aspects.
If they want to give it to people that don't play the game much. Then there would be a very easy way of making sure. You can't buy the boosts if you have played over a certain amount of time on the game. In your stats it notes all of this, so they can make sure that only people who have played a certain amount of games etc can only buy it.

But they won't do that and thats why all of what he said stinks of shit! he basically says it wont do anything, then lists all the stuff it does change, which will have a major effect on the players! Its stupid.

I love the way EA have answered our questions quickly and promptly, but do they really think we are idiots?! it's quite insulting in a way.
I wrote a response, hopefully he'll at least read it but I guess an answer isn't likely..

Aha that was you, good post :)

I also added a further one:

Those that are less skilled are supposed to be the ones that assisted controls are there for, so now they not only can have fully assisted controls they can even pay to get a jump on the other players, what next, pay $19.99 and someone from EA will come round to their house and play the game for them? ;)

Personally I despise the whole aspect of assisted controls, I play on fully manual, I wouldn't say I'm a particularly good gamer but I want to earn every pass I complete, every cross on target, every shot that's a goal, as such I certainly don't want to play against people who use assisted, if they want to play assisted that's fine, but I shouldn't have to play against them, there are filters in place now so I will never have to play against an assisted player, that's great, so why not a booster filter? Those who don't care what someone does to buy their stats can leave it turned off, those with integrity who want to earn their stats and for opponents to earn their stats will turn it on, simple solution.
If people don't have time to play the game, well.....tough shit!

EA shouldn't be catering for the lowest common denominator. Games should be tough and challenging and the player should be rewarded for putting the time and effort in. Whatever way you look at it this is going to be used as an exploit for the most part. Look at the Madden 10 thread and you'll see how EA are selling stats boosts in the Franchise mode.

While these things don't really affect me as I don't play these modes much, it does worries me that, if successful, the EA shop model could become the start of a trend that develops year on year. I hope the community makes themselves heard to try and nip this in the bud.
Those that are less skilled are supposed to be the ones that assisted controls are there for, so now they not only can have fully assisted controls they can even pay to get a jump on the other players, what next, pay $19.99 and someone from EA will come round to their house and play the game for them?

Personally I despise the whole aspect of assisted controls, I play on fully manual, I wouldn't say I'm a particularly good gamer but I want to earn every pass I complete, every cross on target, every shot that's a goal, as such I certainly don't want to play against people who use assisted, if they want to play assisted that's fine, but I shouldn't have to play against them, there are filters in place now so I will never have to play against an assisted player, that's great, so why not a booster filter? Those who don't care what someone does to buy their stats can leave it turned off, those with integrity who want to earn their stats and for opponents to earn their stats will turn it on, simple solution.

bloody shit innit placebo. buying stats lol
If people don't have time to play the game, well.....tough shit!

EA shouldn't be catering for the lowest common denominator. Games should be tough and challenging and the player should be rewarded for putting the time and effort in. Whatever way you look at it this is going to be used as an exploit for the most part. Look at the Madden 10 thread and you'll see how EA are selling stats boosts in the Franchise mode.

While these things don't really affect me as I don't play these modes much, it does worries me that, if successful, the EA shop model could become the start of a trend that develops year on year. I hope the community makes themselves heard to try and nip this in the bud.

Word, I thought that without buying them stats it'd give incentive to some players to play it more in order to improve their player and therefore it would be rewarding to have a good player but very disappointed answer by EA.
The answer was embarrassing, as if we spotted a kind making a dumb mistake and trying to justify it
Before I post on the EA forums- this stat boost shit. Is that online? Like can someone buy some boosts then go online and face me with them?
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