That's brilliant Gab, thanks for posting it here! :)

If I understand that correctly, that means you can jog in any direction, and when you burst into a sprint, you can sprint in that same direction but when you turn while sprinting the direction changes by 22.5 degrees (1/16th of 360, like what we have at the moment).

That's great :).
Chris I know you've mentioned how the shooting and generally physics of the ball improved, did you see any low and hard shot made by players apart from the FK you mentioned on your twitter ?
Ah thats great news about the 360 degree dribbling! Thanks Gab. Its all good now for FIFA 10! :)
Chris, are all light settings and all weather available in all stadiums ie can we play night matches at the Nou Camp etc?
Apparently yes
If the weather was poor in Fifa09 then the weather in Fifa10 is nothing short of spectacular. For each stadium you can now choose between Day, Night and Overcast You can also change the conditions to either Dry, Rainy or Snowy!! Now where do I start with snow? It’s FANTASTIC, the pitch is frozen, snow is clearly falling from all camera angles and you can see the players breath it’s honestly brilliant. But Rainy is quite brilliant also, you see splash puddles from players feet when they run and slide tackle and (you’ll love this) me and Tom set a match to Rainy and kicked off, but it wasn’t raining?? We thought “oh a glitch perhaps?” but 30 mins in it bucketed down with rain..........stunned silence!
something that really grates in fifa 09 is when you attempt to make a last ditch tackle to prevent a shot and you make contact with the player 2 seconds after his shot and the ref gives a pen...and i'm not talking about tackling from behind but coming in sideways or from the front

find it really annoying and spoils the game for me personally, anyone know if this has been fixed?
Apparently yes
If the weather was poor in Fifa09 then the weather in Fifa10 is nothing short of spectacular. For each stadium you can now choose between Day, Night and Overcast You can also change the conditions to either Dry, Rainy or Snowy!! Now where do I start with snow? It’s FANTASTIC, the pitch is frozen, snow is clearly falling from all camera angles and you can see the players breath it’s honestly brilliant. But Rainy is quite brilliant also, you see splash puddles from players feet when they run and slide tackle and (you’ll love this) me and Tom set a match to Rainy and kicked off, but it wasn’t raining?? We thought “oh a glitch perhaps?” but 30 mins in it bucketed down with rain..........stunned silence!
I thought it was for most grounds not all, or is that just in MM...?
I have another question that probably no one can answer! *Snip*
As Stu said I think a lot of the areas you've mentioned there would require you to play in certain situations/modes, and you'd need to hammer the game over a long period of time to see some things too. BUT, there were a few instances with playing the advantage where it was obviously improved. One being where I was hacked down, play went on, I had a shot and missed so play wasn't brought back. In FIFA 09 I've been in this situation and when the shot has missed play has been brought back.

That's brilliant Gab, thanks for posting it here! :)

If I understand that correctly, that means you can jog in any direction, and when you burst into a sprint, you can sprint in that same direction but when you turn while sprinting the direction changes by 22.5 degrees (1/16th of 360, like what we have at the moment).
That's how it works apparently, which would explain why we weren't noticing it. It's incredibly subtle - to the point of ... um ... not noticing it.

Chris I know you've mentioned how the shooting and generally physics of the ball improved, did you see any low and hard shot made by players apart from the FK you mentioned on your twitter ?
Yes, I scored a brilliant hard low shot with Gerrard, and I nearly did with some other players as well. :)

something that really grates in fifa 09 is when you attempt to make a last ditch tackle to prevent a shot and you make contact with the player 2 seconds after his shot and the ref gives a pen...and i'm not talking about tackling from behind but coming in sideways or from the front

find it really annoying and spoils the game for me personally, anyone know if this has been fixed?
I know exactly what you mean but it's another one of those things you don't exactly see every game. Didn't see it during this playtest.
something that really grates in fifa 09 is when you attempt to make a last ditch tackle to prevent a shot and you make contact with the player 2 seconds after his shot and the ref gives a pen...and i'm not talking about tackling from behind but coming in sideways or from the front

find it really annoying and spoils the game for me personally, anyone know if this has been fixed?

Yes, this happens a lot, especially when you try to block and the player runs on then goes over your player laying on the floor and gets a foul...
something that really grates in fifa 09 is when you attempt to make a last ditch tackle to prevent a shot and you make contact with the player 2 seconds after his shot and the ref gives a pen...and i'm not talking about tackling from behind but coming in sideways or from the front

find it really annoying and spoils the game for me personally, anyone know if this has been fixed?
Very good point as it's something which drives me bad at times.

I thought it was for most grounds not all, or is that just in MM...?

I don't know, I think it's maybe for the random exhibition matches and maybe in MM they'll give you weather accordingly to the period of time (like no snow in August )

oh and cheers Chris for the fast answers.The more info I get the more depressed I feel, it's like every area I've had problems with in terms of gameplay have been improved.Of course in a few months we'll enumerate the drawbacks in FIFA10 but so far it sounds very impressive.
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hope it has been sorted because i give way too many penalties away on xbox live because of this, does my head in
That's how it works apparently, which would explain why we weren't noticing it. It's incredibly subtle - to the point of ... um ... not noticing it.
Maybe it wasn't in the build you played, as in the same post he says jogging is 360 degrees, which it wasn't for you.

Again, big thanks to you and the rest of the guys who went to the playtest for posting your honest opinions of the game - I was pretty pessimistic about FIFA 10, thinking the typical EA crap shooting and "sweet spot" goals would be there, but after the last couple of days i'm confident it will be a very good game and will be pre-ordering soon :).
Maybe it wasn't in the build you played, as in the same post he says jogging is 360 degrees, which it wasn't for you.
It didn't feel like it was to me (and most others who tested the game alongside me, see the EA forums and the reviews posted there for evidence of that) but having spoken to a few EA guys since, apparently it was in the build we played. It's just so subtle, as the sprinting must be, that you really don't notice it.

I've tried to explain things in a bit more detail in the podcast (perhaps a bit too much detail with it clocking in at an hour long)...
I can see how you might not notice it, if the jogging worked the same as 09 and the animations looked similar, they must have implemented it well if it didn't stick out as being totally different.

I'll have a listen to the podcast tomorrow, too late to start it tonight :P.
Apparently yes
If the weather was poor in Fifa09 then the weather in Fifa10 is nothing short of spectacular. For each stadium you can now choose between Day, Night and Overcast You can also change the conditions to either Dry, Rainy or Snowy!! Now where do I start with snow? It’s FANTASTIC, the pitch is frozen, snow is clearly falling from all camera angles and you can see the players breath it’s honestly brilliant. But Rainy is quite brilliant also, you see splash puddles from players feet when they run and slide tackle and (you’ll love this) me and Tom set a match to Rainy and kicked off, but it wasn’t raining?? We thought “oh a glitch perhaps?” but 30 mins in it bucketed down with rain..........stunned silence!

jesus. :WORSHIP:
I ahve to thank everyone who's contributed info on the game. you guys are brilliant. keep it up. feel free to add more if you remember anything else.
Wow there's so much love in this thread. I hope the PES thread is like this when they post news there. I mean here is talk of early build with no backlash, the 360 degree movement is not really fully 360 degree movement (which is a good thing IMO)

I'm excited about the news concerning the shooting especially the dipping volley and daisy cutter which Chris mentioned earlier I would be interested in seeing the pace on the ball when the player latches onto a moving ball. It was waay off the mark in 09.

Also I haven't played much Fifa09 but I felt it lacked goalmouth scrammbles and deflections. Did you have many of these when you did your playtest? Sorry to sound so noobish.
One other unique aspect of PES that made me absolutely love the game was the goalmouth scrambles- always so frantic and closing down space was such a chaotic task.

BTW, excuse my noobishness but what is a daisy-cutter? would it be something like this beauty from Carrick?
make sure you can watch x264
@ The guys regarding the low shots;

How do you determine them? Is it as in 09 and a short tap will give a "low" shot? Is the powerbar more stretched do to it? I found that just giving a tap when wanting a low but powerfull shot felt odd as it was the same for a soft tap into the corner when the goalie came out.

To me they should adjust the power/heightbar to correspond with the distance from the goal. I think it should be connected to how long it takes to fill the bar, so at distance of 40yr it takes 1sec, 30yd 0,75sec, 20yr o,5sec and in the area its 0,25sec. I think that would better replicate the time you have in real life.

If you would have a system like that it would mean you could better determine the height/power of the ball the further out you are, which is usually the case in real life with less closing down the further out you are.

Meaning if you are 40/30yr. out you could fill the powerbar 3/4 and it would be around the crossbar depending on the players stats/skills, 1-2/4 would be low/medium depending on stats/skills.

I think this would allow a more controlled shooting model.
When I played real football. It all came down to how you timed your shoot, which part of your foot and more importantly how you positioned your body. I reckon it should be the same in the game.
Man Gary is such a great guy. Here is a reply on how the sprinting 360 works in more detail.

When holding the sprint button the maximum turn is 22.5 so if you hold 24 degrees you will still get a 22.5 turn. To get a turn bigger than 22.5 you will have to release the sprint button at which point you will get a 'Sprint to Jog' turn that will turn you in the direction that you requested (360 degree). The size (length, responsiveness) for the turn will depend on the size of the turn (i.e. a 40 degree turn is more responsive than a 80) and once you reach ~112 degrees you will actually get a 'to stop' animation as this will actually allow you to be more responsive as you can quickly go to stop and then change your dribble direction again by playing a 'stand to jog' turn in any direction.

Hope that helps.


Yes, I can confirm that if you are steady enough on the stick you can indeed continue to run in this '10 degree' direction. Its a good question though as I can understand the concern that you had.


I just love how EA responds to the community. I love it.
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When I played real football. It all came down to how you timed your shoot, which part of your foot and more importantly how you positioned your body. I reckon it should be the same in the game.

Thats in now and wouldnt change with what I posted (Im assuming you posted in response to that).

But did you do the same movement for a long range shot or a tap past the goalie? No, you adjusted yourself, took longer strides and then belted the ball. At the moment there is no difference between a tap and a longrange shot from a control perspective. It feels off. Not sure how they have done it in 10 so hopefully one of the guys can anwser my earlier question.
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Oh I just remember something that I was about to ask you guys from the beginning!

Rutter has said that the AI for the CPU and your own players has been tweaked so that they position themselves better to the ball. For example, instead of position themselves to get the ball as early as possible, they might, if they have space enough, to position so they get as much control of it as possible. Did you notice this?

This will also result in the player getting in place for a volley rather then a header if he is too far away from the goal etc. Did you notice more volleys or flying headers on crosses for example? Because when Rutter talked about this it sounded great, especially for the CPU that often make silly header finishings in 09, but also for your own players.

edit: This is the part I'm talking about:
Trapping: Trapping is how the player gets into a position to control the ball, and how they control it. This year we wanted to get away from inappropriate 'earliest' trapping, where a player might move to a position where they would get the ball to touch them as soon as possible, to an 'easiest' trapping system, where players move to a position to get the ball under control as easily as possible. Essentially we gave the players more intelligence and awareness of where the most natural trapping position is. The net result: a more responsive ball-control mechanic to get the ball on the ground and under control.

Oh and Chris, maybe it's just me, but I think your explanation of how the movement works in sprinting can confuse people (the one that is one the FSB front page). Because it doesn't look like you can change the direction by only 10 degrees when reading that, and Gary said that you can turn any degree between -22½ and +22½ after every touch (making it 45 possible degrees each time).
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I think it could work great. After your initial touch on the ball going where you want it, if you hold the stick in a direction that exceeds the previous 22,5 (?) degree max, it'll adjust to that. It means that you could go any direction in a 45 degree space, anything outside of that will adjust into that range (given that you're still holding down the spring button). I think it would be a real nice touch as you never are able to sprint exactly in a straight line in real life, but changing ever so slightly each time you touch the ball. Sure, it can be helped by used the right stick knock-on, but it would be even sweeter if it wasn't needed (except in other situations).:)

The affect on sprinting is slightly different from jogging. The reason for this is that when sprinting your momentum dictates that you cannot adjust your body to perform the same turns that you can when jogging. In FIFA10 the range of turn that we allow when sprinting is ANY angle from 0 degrees to 22.5 degrees (plus 180), this is different from 09 as in that game we could only turn 0 or 22.5 left or 22.5 right.

Yeah Agree with Gab, the way Chris explains it now seems to imply that when sprinting you still have the set angles, however they are based on your initial "360" direction. However it isnt 22,5 angles (as what we have now) but a range within 22,5 angles. To me that sounds perfect. So in theory you can go from 0 (so straight) to 12 to 15 to 22,5 to 33 to 55,5 (the maximum 22,5 angles). Or any other variant within a range of 22,5degrees.

The current movement (FIFA09) is 0 - 22,5 - 45 - 67,5 - ect, with nothing in between. They have now added per degree freedom for the inbetween movements. The limitation is that you can't sprint in a sharper angle then what was in 09, but to me you shouldnt be able to when sprinting at max speed.

However I can understand why you guys didn't notice it because if you were sprinting and wanted the maximum angle (which most of the time you do to line up as quickly as possible) you would have seen the same angles as 09.
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