Sounds promising. I also found 09 shooting on full manual to be difficult to the point where it felt out of balance with the rest of the game on manual. I always felt that manual shooting needed to be recalibrated in a way where, if, for example, you were standing on the penalty spot, aiming at 45 degrees didn't mean you'd shoot half way between the centre of goal and the corner flag, but half way between centre of goal and a point at perhaps just inside the post. That would give far more opportunity to subtley pick a range of angles to shoot at.
I'm not sure if it's changed quite as much as you'd hope, I did hit a few terrible shots between the post and the corner still - but I did score more than I would usually, without a doubt (playing FIFA 09 now confirms that, although I only managed one game before the lack of movement compared to the builds of 10 we played killed it for me).

Like I said, I can't tell you exactly what it was that was making me score more goals on manual - a change in the mechanics, stats coming into account more, I really don't know. But something was different, definitely, otherwise I would only have scored one goal all day...
Night-lighting is stunning, they've got it spot on IMO. The lighting on the player faces/models is great, the stadium lighting is excellent as well (the stands and items around the stadium area). I don't know how much we can say about the graphics though so I'll have to leave these kinds of questions from now until Wednesday at least!

Chris, are all light settings and all weather available in all stadiums ie can we play night matches at the Nou Camp etc?

In the builds we played (confirmed by a few other people I've spoke to since to ensure I'm not going mental), sprinting was not 360. It was 16 directions, as it is now in FIFA 09.

RAS knock-aheads seemed to be 360 degree, though. Say you push the stick at an angle of 87 degrees, then you press sprint - at the end of the knock-ahead he will "level up" slightly to 90 degrees, as long as you're still pushing the stick at 87 degrees when you start holding sprint.

If you just hold the sprint button down after the knock-ahead with no direction then the player will stop dead when he catches up to the ball, ala FIFA 09.

Hope that's explained it better...

Thanks for the reply dude.

Seems a bit silly that he should level out but I suppose it's a step in the right direction with the 360 dribbling
Chris what is wrong in Fifa 10 because everything I see is fantastic:YAWN:
If you paid attention to the Twitter feed you would have seen a few updates where I mentioned things that could use a tweak before the final release, such as running the ball out of play and the "tiptoeing" when a player is waiting for a ball to come down from the air. CLICK HERE TO READ ALL OF THE TWITTER UPDATES

Chris, are all light settings and all weather available in all stadiums ie can we play night matches at the Nou Camp etc?
Again, these were early builds we were playing so nothing is considered finalised at this stage. I've been told I can only talk about gameplay so that's all you can get out of me on that subject, until Wednesday at least!

Seems a bit silly that he should level out but I suppose it's a step in the right direction with the 360 dribbling
As I've said, I swear to you, when you play the game you will see just how good it is and how unimportant (and actually unrealistic) 360 sprinting would be. I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever about the way they've implemented the control system, I can't give them enough credit for it.

But until the demo comes out it's just impossible to explain. I really hope they decide to release it soon because I just can't wait to read everybody's reactions.
Great news Chris about 360 degree movement without pressing down the close control button!

And I'm not sure why people are sceptical that 360 sprinting wouldn't work, because the RAS is reported to be 360 and that is when you sprint, so why 360 sprinting wouldn't work I don't understand. I also think some people might mean something different when they say 360, because they mention perfect circles. 360 movement is not about perfect circles, it is only about the player moving in the direction you hold after a touch of the ball.

If you sprint and hold 60 degree difference it will have the same effect as if you hold 45 now in 09, the player can't handle the sharp turn and will stop and lose some control of the ball. But the beauty is in being able to go anywhere between like 10-35 degrees, often to line up for a shot or just slightly move away from a defender.

I have a question for people that played it too. I heard you say that keepers were more active getting out punching away the ball on crosses/corners. My question is if the punches is super scripted like in 09, or did they feel dynamic to the situation? Because in 09 every punch look exactly the same, the ball just speeds away very unrealistically, often out to the side to the exact same spot.

And another similar question is when you played against the cpu, did you get any corners, if so did the cpu always head it out to the exact same place like in 09? In 09 they always head it to the same spot just outside the penalty box, and never to completely different places like to the side.

Thank you!
Great news Chris about 360 degree movement without pressing down the close control button!

And I'm not sure why people are sceptical that 360 sprinting wouldn't work, because the RAS is reported to be 360 and that is when you sprint, so why 360 sprinting wouldn't work I don't understand. I also think some people might mean something different when they say 360, because they mention perfect circles. 360 movement is not about perfect circles, it is only about the player moving in the direction you hold after a touch of the ball.

If you sprint and hold 60 degree difference it will have the same effect as if you hold 45 now in 09, the player can't handle the sharp turn and will stop and lose some control of the ball.
But the beauty is in being able to go anywhere between like 10-35 degrees, often to line up for a shot or just slightly move away from a defender.

I have a question for people that played it too. I heard you say that keepers were more active getting out punching away the ball on crosses/corners. My question is if the punches is super scripted like in 09, or did they feel dynamic to the situation? Because in 09 every punch look exactly the same, the ball just speeds away very unrealistically, often out to the side to the exact same spot.

And another similar question is when you played against the cpu, did you get any corners, if so did the cpu always head it out to the exact same place like in 09? In 09 they always head it to the same spot just outside the penalty box, and never to completely different places like to the side.

Thank you!

Exactly what I thought except better put :APPLAUD:
Again, these were early builds we were playing so nothing is considered finalised at this stage. I've been told I can only talk about gameplay so that's all you can get out of me on that subject, until Wednesday at least!

Ok mate, no bother, wouldn't want to get you into bother

As I've said, I swear to you, when you play the game you will see just how good it is and how unimportant (and actually unrealistic) 360 sprinting would be. I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever about the way they've implemented the control system, I can't give them enough credit for it.

Cool, I'll take your word for it
And I'm not sure why people are sceptical that 360 sprinting wouldn't work
Just to say (and I don't mean this in a bitchy way! :P), I give up trying to explain how great the game feels without sprinting being more than 16 direction. It's so difficult that the more I try the more I realise I just can't get it across. So hopefully a demo is released shortly, that will solve everything.

I have a question for people that played it too. I heard you say that keepers were more active getting out punching away the ball on crosses/corners. My question is if the punches is super scripted like in 09, or did they feel dynamic to the situation? Because in 09 every punch look exactly the same, the ball just speeds away very unrealistically, often out to the side to the exact same spot.
Well admittedly I don't think we played enough games and saw this happen enough times to give a definitive answer, but of the three "flaps" I saw the keeper do with a cross coming in, one went to the right side of the area (i.e. towards the bottom of the screen as you're playing it), one was punched straight forwards (a striker nearly got hold of it), and one was punched forwards but at a slight angle.

And another similar question is when you played against the cpu, did you get any corners, if so did the cpu always head it out to the exact same place like in 09? In 09 they always head it to the same spot just outside the penalty box, and never to completely different places like to the side.
Very good question. I don't remember getting any corners but we all (i.e. MJ, Tim7 and Wildster) played games against the CPU so hopefully they might remember!
Thank you Chris! And sorry if it did sound like I had a go at you about the sprinting, because I wasn't! :) It was just generally speaking because I notice some people here and at the official boards are sceptical. I bet it still would be awesome I just dream about the complete freedom of moving even if I can't even notice it :)
what kind of date do you think we are looking for, for the demo chris?

can someone remember what date the last one came?
Sorry to ask again but any news on the swooping cameras for goalkicks/freekicks?

I think they are out, especially for goalkicks. The camera was definitely closer to the goalkeeper though on GKs. I can't remember for certain on freekicks purely because I didn't have many set play free kicks, a lot were quick free kicks there and then. It is annoying though and I'm sure it would have really got to me, but all I can say is I didn't really notice so I have a feeling they are gone. Corner kicks have a lower camera angle and definitely do not pan. That corner kick cutscene has also gone from what I remember.

Tim may know, he scored a lovely grub hunting freekick under the wall.
Trace_Allstar: Just to let you know if you haven't seen it, but EA_Adroit over at the official forums claims that full 360 movement is indeed in the game.
Something I should have asked earlier. I hope its not possible to beat a man with Carrick so easily as it is with a Ronaldo for example? did you feel a difference when a Skilled player was using 360 dribble or was it the same with everyone being so good enough to control the ball like that?

Agree with you MJ, in the build we played the camera was right behind the goalkeeper without any swooping. However, a few things weren't in the build we played, so it might just be temporary. Hopefully not.

Trace_Allstar: Just to let you know if you haven't seen it, but EA_Adroit over at the official forums claims that full 360 movement is indeed in the game.
He has, but excluding sprinting. I should just say that in-case people read "movement" as "all movement".

Something I should have asked earlier. I hope its not possible to beat a man with Carrick so easily as it is with a Ronaldo for example? did you feel a difference when a Skilled player was using 360 dribble or was it the same with everyone being so good enough to control the ball like that?
I don't think it's as easy - I did manage to beat a man with a Burnley player but I think that's perfectly feasible. But I think it was slightly harder - when you're playing as Walcott for example you feel like you could wriggle past any number of players. It really encourages you to go and take them on.
He has, but excluding sprinting. I should just say that in-case people read "movement" as "all movement".

Oh really? Sorry my mistake. I just saw him reply to a post about how crap it is that we won't have full 360, and he said it will be in, so I thought he meant sprinting too.
Oh really? Sorry my mistake. I just saw him reply to a post about how crap it is that we won't have full 360, and he said it will be in, so I thought he meant sprinting too.
Well, I have no idea now. He's just said this (HERE):

I have been thinking about why some may not have really noticed it running at a faster pace in comparison to walking

That implies that sprinting was 360 on the day, but I've asked six people who attended the event if they felt that the sprinting was 360 and all of them have said no way.

So I really have no idea what's going on. They need a developer to comment ASAP.
Yeah most people that played it seems to think it was not in. I have seen one other guy say that he had problem sprinting down the sideline because of the 360 movement, but he also broke the nda I think with some of his content so they removed his thread.

It would be kind of funny if it actually was in but people are so used to move in 45/22½ degree angles so they never turned any other degrees :)
Any chance you can answer the above question Chris :DD
I already have, look at the post directly below your bump...

Yeah most people that played it seems to think it was not in. I have seen one other guy say that he had problem sprinting down the sideline because of the 360 movement, but he also broke the nda I think with some of his content so they removed his thread.

It would be kind of funny if it actually was in but people are so used to move in 45/22½ degree angles so they never turned any other degrees :)
I can't imagine that's what happened, especially when practically everyone seems to be in agreement - but they're not going to lie about it so if they come out and say, in black and white, that sprinting is 360 degree (or will be come the final release), then... That's how it is.

I've just asked someone related to EA if they will do that for me, it will be interesting to see if they do.
Cheers Chris. How did you find the build up overall, In 09 it was simply not worth building the play up whilst Counter Attacking was the best way to create a chance instead of holding onto the ball.
Said before I think - the midfield has a purpose now. Banging the ball forward doesn't nearly always result in an opportunity.

Also, positioning (especially defensively) is so much better - so you can't do constant through-balls either.

Mentioned this before too but with the goalkeepers being tweaked in the newer build you can't score cheap chips or finesse shots every time either.

There's far less of those problems, although to be totally fair I think things like this don't really come out until you've hammered the game to death over a period of days/weeks...
Yeah it was me, but it seems a lot of my answers have been ignored or gone unnoticed, judging by the repeated questions :CRY:. It's a shame really as I played the majority of my matches with full manual and tried a lot of different settings, including snow/rain at night, different half lengths, different AI difficulties.

You must be the trustworthy one Chris ;).
I have another question that probably no one can answer!

Not sure if this is a well known bug in 09, but the offside rule are pretty weird in 09. Often if a player is offside but doesn't win the header, the ref won't call the offside (even if the ball gets to another player in the same team that is not offside). Did you notice anything about this?

I'm shit at explaining, but I hope you understand what I mean. It would be OK if the other team (defenders) actually got advantage so he skipped offside, but he skips it even when they get a disadvantage!

There are some more of these, one where lets say you pass the ball, right after you manage to pass it someone tackles you really badly so the advantage rule starts. But the player receiving the pass is offside. Now in real life, according to a ref I know, you will get a freekick (because play is stopped for offside and advantage rule was on). But in FIFA 09 the offside removes advantage and the other team will get the ball (offside was called and advantage ignored).

No one probably noticed anything about this, but hey you never know!


Ok it looks like Gary has been posting about the 360 movement now:

From his post:
So in summary and as a comparison to FIFA09, these are the ranges of movement that you will see in the game:

Jogging 09: 8 directions (0, ±45, ±90, ±135, 180)
Jogging 10: 360 degrees

Skilled Dribble 09: N/A
Skilled Dribble 10: 360 degrees

Sprint 09: 4 directions (0, ±22.5, 180)
Sprint 10: 45 degrees (any angle from -22.5 to +22.5) and 180

Also, don't be fooled by the 22.5 degrees, remember that is it ±22.5 from the angle you are running, which is exactly what we want, even though I thought it might have been up to 30 while sprinting, but 22.5 is probably enough.

I'm sorry for ever doubting you Rutter :WORSHIP:
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I understand, cos it's a Clubs thing. No-one can probably answer that though cos it doesn't happen that often.
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