That L2+R2 post is possibly the biggest cliffhanger I've seen since Grant Mitchell's car sank into the Thames.

Please get an answer for this ASAP; I don't care who you have to kill.
And when you wake again, please talk a little about stamina affecting the gameplay, and about positional play: are teams prone to get countered again? does it really pay to buildup play? do you really find holes in weak deffenses?

Edit: Oh, I forgot about manual through balls. In Fifa 09 doing a large through ball pass took a lot of time pressing the button, did they made any change to the time it takes to "charge" a pass?
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hey guys I just really wanted to thank you all for contributing so much of your experience with fifa 10 to the community. i think EA can really pat themselves on the back for choosing the right people to go out there and test the game. i am really happy for you all but at the same time appreciative of the fact that this conversation has been better and more influential than any review i have read...

now on to my 2 questions, both which deal with something i feel has been very underlooked by the community with the improvements to dribbling and shooting... how is PASSING?

i have become a huge fan and convert to manual the past couple of months with fifa 9 and am extremely curious to know if this has at all been improved in fifa 10... if so, I would be pleased beyond words.

now the 2nd question.. do you guys think that ping-pong passing and the lobbed through ball exploits have been dumbed down?

i hope that these questions contribute to the ongoing dialogue of your guys experience and want to thank anybody a head of time for their answer
When you played your multi-player games were your opponent trying the pure pressure tactic we all hate?

Is this still effective or have EA made it more balanced?
Guess the next big question for us lower leaguers, is did anyone get a chance to try manager mode, or get any more info out of EA?...
couple of questions

any of those horrible "letsfifa" boards next to the goals?! yuk

just thinking you probably won't know about goalkeeper kits yet, are there more licensed ones in the game.....did any of the PR guys confirm this?

not much mentioned so far about goalkeeper animations, if possible can you expand abit more? diving, coming for crosses etc
These impressions are all from the latest build we played, not from the final game.

And when you wake again, please talk a little about stamina affecting the gameplay, and about positional play: are teams prone to get countered again? does it really pay to buildup play? do you really find holes in weak deffenses?

Edit: Oh, I forgot about manual through balls. In Fifa 09 doing a large through ball pass took a lot of time pressing the button, did they made any change to the time it takes to "charge" a pass?

I think Chris already mentioned something about stamina on his twitter page. One of the guys playing on the latest build must have sprinted everywhere with Alves in his match, because about 70/80mins in he was completely knackered. Forget trying to run with him again, he was done.

Teams are a lot better positioned now, and even on professional we could all tell it was a lot harder to break down the defences. On world class, I noticed teams were a lot stronger and played a more physical game. Previous exploits such the chipped ball over the top or through ball out wide to chase were gone. Even when trying to run through or knock the ball through was likely to get snuffed out if you had other defenders covering. Build up play is a lot more important and this is where your 360 dribbling shines as you can beat a man this time if you have the skill. I think we were all impressed most with that.

Manual passing and through balls. Manual passing has also been tweaked. In 09 I felt that if you just tapped the pass button it would pass to the player providing you held it in the right position and if you held it too hard it would zip across the pitch, so many used the through ball button as it was a lighter touch. However, in 10 passing is much more responsive and if you just tap pass your player will just tap the pass, you really have to guage how powerful you want it. I was often using taps for 1-2s, medium power passes for normal passes and long hard passes to the wings. You'll just get used to these though, it became second nature for me after a few matches. I thought this was a great addition and once you get used to it, it felt really nice and responsive. I found through balls a lot harder, but that was a good thing as you really had to pick your moments when building up your play to get an excellent through ball (as in real life).

now on to my 2 questions, both which deal with something i feel has been very underlooked by the community with the improvements to dribbling and shooting... how is PASSING?

i have become a huge fan and convert to manual the past couple of months with fifa 9 and am extremely curious to know if this has at all been improved in fifa 10... if so, I would be pleased beyond words.

now the 2nd question.. do you guys think that ping-pong passing and the lobbed through ball exploits have been dumbed down?

i hope that these questions contribute to the ongoing dialogue of your guys experience and want to thank anybody a head of time for their answer

As above.

Guess the next big question for us lower leaguers, is did anyone get a chance to try manager mode, or get any more info out of EA?...

It wasn't available on the day, and we were pretty much sworn off anything that wasn't exhibition mode as they weren't ready.

couple of questions

any of those horrible "letsfifa" boards next to the goals?! yuk

just thinking you probably won't know about goalkeeper kits yet, are there more licensed ones in the game.....did any of the PR guys confirm this?

not much mentioned so far about goalkeeper animations, if possible can you expand abit more? diving, coming for crosses etc

I know Peter Cech had the correct jersey, but I can't really remember any more. Perhaps others will. EA are going to be sorting all of that anyways so we don't really know, we only played an early build.

The goalkeepers are a lot more aggressive coming out to punch the ball, collect the ball on corners, punch the ball on corners, chase the ball on 1 on 1 situations and the general reactions were very good. They were quite hard to score against. I did have a couple of incidents where I held Y to bring the keeper out in open play and he didn't do anything though. He did come out eventually, but that was more of an automatic response. Hopefully if we can give feedback that will be tweaked.
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I've just been told that in the final game you should be able to do 360-degree walking/jogging.

No confirmation on the sprinting though, and as far as I'm concerned it definitely wasn't 360 degree in the builds we played yesterday. If I hear anything I'll let you know.
I dont think the sprinting in 360 should be much of an issue - just use the 360 knock on...

360 sprinting would bring all kinds of problems - cause over a certain angle while sprinting would be a complete change of direction - and would get silly

i mean how many players could actually sprint 360 degrees? - With the exception of running in a big circle
I've always this little problem on FIFA09 which for me took off some realism, it's about the dribbling with the right stick and the absence of difference between left and right footed players.Messi doing the flip flap with his right foot as an example of this kinda nonsense.
I hope they'll do something about it but as it's something no one has been mentioning, I really doubt it
I dont think the sprinting in 360 should be much of an issue - just use the 360 knock on...

360 sprinting would bring all kinds of problems - cause over a certain angle while sprinting would be a complete change of direction - and would get silly

i mean how many players could actually sprint 360 degrees? - With the exception of running in a big circle
Precisely. Before the event I would have disagreed completely, but after the event I didn't even think about it.

You go up to a man, hit slow-dribble, get around him and leave him for dead using the knock-ahead, sprint straight to the goal and shoot. Exactly like you'd see in a match.

I don't want to keep banging on about it because before I went I would have been so annoyed to hear the news, but it really is nothing to worry about. As hard as that is to explain.
Something which hasn't really been mentioned by anyone, but those who played it seem to have commented. The knock-on feature with the RAS. Sounds much better. I'm pressuming when you do it, your player no longer looks like he has been dragged into a vortex before running on to the ball...and I'm also it pressure sensitive ala FIFA games of old? (I.e you tap it and it'll do a small touch out of your feet in that direction, press it hard and it'll play it much further out of your feet)
I've just been told that in the final game you should be able to do 360-degree walking/jogging.

No confirmation on the sprinting though, and as far as I'm concerned it definitely wasn't 360 degree in the builds we played yesterday. If I hear anything I'll let you know.

Great news. Thanks Chris. Im still hoping for 360 degree sprinting too. :)
I dont think the sprinting in 360 should be much of an issue - just use the 360 knock on...

360 sprinting would bring all kinds of problems - cause over a certain angle while sprinting would be a complete change of direction - and would get silly

i mean how many players could actually sprint 360 degrees? - With the exception of running in a big circle

I think it could work great. After your initial touch on the ball going where you want it, if you hold the stick in a direction that exceeds the previous 22,5 (?) degree max, it'll adjust to that. It means that you could go any direction in a 45 degree space, anything outside of that will adjust into that range (given that you're still holding down the spring button). I think it would be a real nice touch as you never are able to sprint exactly in a straight line in real life, but changing ever so slightly each time you touch the ball. Sure, it can be helped by used the right stick knock-on, but it would be even sweeter if it wasn't needed (except in other situations).:)
I think it could work great. After your initial touch on the ball going where you want it, if you hold the stick in a direction that exceeds the previous 22,5 (?) degree max, it'll adjust to that. It means that you could go any direction in a 45 degree space, anything outside of that will adjust into that range (given that you're still holding down the spring button). I think it would be a real nice touch as you never are able to sprint exactly in a straight line in real life, but changing ever so slightly each time you touch the ball. Sure, it can be helped by used the right stick knock-on, but it would be even sweeter if it wasn't needed (except in other situations).:)

I completely agree. Fingers crossed they think the same.
I love you too. :WORSHIP:

Would have been great to have took you along, you would have been crying with joy at the ball physics; just wait until you see the power shots with dip, and the daisy-cutters.

Something I've been praying for since PES5..............add this to the super smooth animation and all the other tweaks, just could make this the definative title in many years:COOL:
Did anyone try chipping the keeper?

Please tell me that this piss easy way of scoring 9 times out of 10 has been sorted

Did anyone try chipping the keeper?

Please tell me that this piss easy way of scoring 9 times out of 10 has been sorted
In the six-week old build Rutter had stated on his Twitter that chipping was considered a "cheat" in the office, because it was broken. Which it was, the keepers kept racing out without being able to get the ball quite a few times.

In the newest build, the assisted noobs kept trying it, and the goalkeepers saved it each time. They were really struggling to score, most shots kept going wide.
In the newest build, the assisted noobs kept trying it, and the goalkeepers saved it each time. They were really struggling to score, most shots kept going wide.

What they needed to have done was hire some brick shit house to stand next to each screen and every time someone tried a exploit goal like that he gives them a kick in the teeth.

Did anyone try a halfway line shot to see if they really had fixed that?
What they needed to have done was hire some brick shit house to stand next to each screen and every time someone tried a exploit goal like that he gives them a kick in the teeth.
Watching them I think we got a few funny looks because every time they tried a chip or a finesse shot we were literally laughing out loud. Tim called it every time and got it spot on every time. It was just such horrible, predictable football play. But thankfully they were really struggling to score, and the majority of people were playing "football" I think.

Did anyone try a halfway line shot to see if they really had fixed that?
I saw someone try it and the goalkeeper saved it but I only saw it attempted once. The keepers did fumble a few crosses though in the earlier build, but in the newer build they seemed much better.

The best thing was the keepers didn't always automatically save those high balls as well - you know where you've got a high ball heading straight towards the keeper and your striker is standing there next to him, and in 09 the keeper will jump up and hold it 100% of the time while your striker does nothing? Here the keepers would sometimes punch it away or fumble it a bit.
I love you too. :WORSHIP:

Would have been great to have took you along, you would have been crying with joy at the ball physics; just wait until you see the power shots with dip, and the daisy-cutters.

I can't wait until FIFA10 is released, when I can get an Xbox (don't have any console yet, have had a steady job for only 8 months or so so now I feel I can treat myself to a 360 and Xbox Live) and finally take some of you guys on in properly played matches online.
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I have two questions for the guys that played the game.

- Has the Tele cam been improved in the sense that you can see more of the pitch?

In FIFA 09 there were several occasions where I would cross the ball into the box but I wouldn't be able to see who I was crossing to. This is because the camera hadn't shifted to show the final third of the pitch.

- Has the radar been improved and can we change the colour of the dots like you can in PES?

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