Damn you Chris, with all these news it's making it even harder to wait for the game.I just basically stopped playing 09
In the six-week old build Rutter had stated on his Twitter that chipping was considered a "cheat" in the office, because it was broken. Which it was, the keepers kept racing out without being able to get the ball quite a few times.

In the newest build, the assisted noobs kept trying it, and the goalkeepers saved it each time. They were really struggling to score, most shots kept going wide.


At least chips will be more of a special goal now
Question, Has crossing been improved, can you whip the ball in now like in 08?, sorry if its already been answered.
What they needed to have done was hire some brick shit house to stand next to each screen and every time someone tried a exploit goal like that he gives them a kick in the teeth.

Did anyone try a halfway line shot to see if they really had fixed that?

i tried a few times with no success. The ball just flew miles over.
couple of questions

any of those horrible "letsfifa" boards next to the goals?! yuk

just thinking you probably won't know about goalkeeper kits yet, are there more licensed ones in the game.....did any of the PR guys confirm this?

not much mentioned so far about goalkeeper animations, if possible can you expand abit more? diving, coming for crosses etc

I'm sure someone from EA said they had all gone... :APPLAUD:
360 Dribbling at full fult is something Im still not sure about, For example is the knock on ahead similar to this...

At 2:39 where Ronaldo picks the ball up and shifts to the left and right is it possible to turn the defender inside out?

I feel the urge to say that's possible because I witnessed a few of very impressive animations to do with shifting/dragging the ball in front of the player on the ball.

maybe not that sharp
Do you think you could beat the AI one on one, without using skills, just pace, acceleration and a drop shoulder...?

I can do that in 09, you just have to pay attention at how the defender is moving and his momentum. If he's in balance then it won't work, or will be very difficult. However if he's moving in a certain direction you can leave him behind with a quick direction change and a sprint.
Do you think you could beat the AI one on one, without using skills, just pace, acceleration and a drop shoulder...?

I tried but the defender CPU players were to good, but against my mate I remember an instants where I ran past his CM but I was expecting them to collide so I messed it all up. But my player shifted the ball to his left easily to my surprise.

From then on I was hypnotised :WORSHIP:

But you also can't run to much in the game, players are well positioned and respond quiet well.

I stop blazing down the pitch.
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Something I should have asked earlier. I hope its not possible to beat a man with Carrick so easily as it is with a Ronaldo for example? did you feel a difference when a Skilled player was using 360 dribble or was it the same with everyone being so good enough to control the ball like that?
Sorry to interupt but I have just ordered from shopto and had no experience with them before.

Are they one of the sites to release them slightly early??
Something I should have asked earlier. I hope its not possible to beat a man with Carrick so easily as it is with a Ronaldo for example? did you feel a difference when a Skilled player was using 360 dribble or was it the same with everyone being so good enough to control the ball like that?
I didnt look out for that, sorry
Sorry to interupt but I have just ordered from shopto and had no experience with them before.

Are they one of the sites to release them slightly early??
It's almost 100% guaranteed you will get the game a day or two before the official release date.
I still think Jaygrim not going took the shine of the day.Could you imagine him sat there scratching his nuts and farting all over Rutter,saying "oh rutter,where's the pie and gravy ya cunt".As chris tries to shift away from him.Grim you twat you should have gone.
It's almost 100% guaranteed you will get the game a day or two before the official release date.

Thanks B

saves me queing at ASDA at midnight. I have booked the 2nd off work so may have a good evening with the game rather than wait all night and be knackered the next day;)
For anyone who played FIFA 10 yesterday was the night lighting fixed? In FIFA 09 it was appalling. Only the center was bright while the sidelines and stands were in complete darkness. From some of the videos it looks better but you only find out the truth in the Tele camera angle. Apologies if its been asked before. Thanks. :)
I'm not sure if I grasp all this 360 dribbling / not 360 sprinting.

Am I right in saying that we can only run in 8 or 16 directions when sprinting but if we use the RAS to push the ball forward, say 5 degrees, the player will continue to sprint at that 5 degrees?

Also, like someone else had asked earlier, is the RAS pressure sensitive ie can you vary how far you kick the ball in front of yourself?
For anyone who played FIFA 10 yesterday was the night lighting fixed? In FIFA 09 it was appalling. Only the center was bright while the sidelines and stands were in complete darkness. From some of the videos it looks better but you only find out the truth in the Tele camera angle. Apologies if its been asked before. Thanks. :)
Night-lighting is stunning, they've got it spot on IMO. The lighting on the player faces/models is great, the stadium lighting is excellent as well (the stands and items around the stadium area). I don't know how much we can say about the graphics though so I'll have to leave these kinds of questions from now until Wednesday at least!

Question, Has crossing been improved, can you whip the ball in now like in 08?, sorry if its already been answered.
Yes and no, it's been improved but I did say to the EA guys at the event that it could do with being made slightly whippier. But maybe there was a button combination I was missing.

I'm not sure if I grasp all this 360 dribbling / not 360 sprinting.

Am I right in saying that we can only run in 8 or 16 directions when sprinting but if we use the RAS to push the ball forward, say 5 degrees, the player will continue to sprint at that 5 degrees?

Also, like someone else had asked earlier, is the RAS pressure sensitive ie can you vary how far you kick the ball in front of yourself?
In the builds we played (confirmed by a few other people I've spoke to since to ensure I'm not going mental), sprinting was not 360. It was 16 directions, as it is now in FIFA 09.

RAS knock-aheads seemed to be 360 degree, though. Say you push the stick at an angle of 87 degrees, then you press sprint - at the end of the knock-ahead he will "level up" slightly to 90 degrees, as long as you're still pushing the stick at 87 degrees when you start holding sprint.

If you just hold the sprint button down after the knock-ahead with no direction then the player will stop dead when he catches up to the ball, ala FIFA 09.

Hope that's explained it better...
OH that reminds me - any word on if that swooping moving camera when you get a goal kick or free kick has been removed?
I hate that and it adds absolutely NOTHING to the game other than something to piss you off while you sit and wait for it to stop so you can actually aim straight.
Hey Chris,

Did you play against the AI and if so, did they still ping the ball around in a pixel-perfect manner? ie. where every pass goes straight to the receiver, no slightly misplaced passes which the receiver needs to run on to, etc?

How about weight of pass on manual? I've seen someone mention it's better now in that tapping the pass button results in light passes. But is it consistent? In 09, I never felt it was properly manual at all, still 50% scripted or something - sometimes a full power pass would go not very far (ie. scripted to go to the nearest cpu man usually), sometimes a tap would go far too far (scripted to a cpu man usually). And does it really feel like 360 passsing direction? Again, I never really believed it was totally free 360 in 09.

If playing all manual, are your cpu teams team-mates "tuned in" to your passes. In 09, it was like you were playing manual but your teams mates were all on assisted, like 10 other robots that only understood the ball going to certain places, so if you played a cute manual pass into space near them, they would sometimes just ignore it as if they could not compute that he ball could be in that space.
Has that annoying camera pan around the stadium when substituting players been removed?
We were told at the event that in the builds we played things like this were nowhere near finalised, with lots of placeholders etc. - so no idea.

Hey Chris,

Did you play against the AI and if so, did they still ping the ball around in a pixel-perfect manner? ie. where every pass goes straight to the receiver, no slightly misplaced passes which the receiver needs to run on to, etc?
I don't want to give you a black-and-white answer because I'd feel like I'm getting your hopes up, but from what I played it felt a lot more "organic". I didn't specifically look out for misplaced passes, but it felt better in as much as it seemed believable (i.e. passes on rails if you know what I mean, like perfect diagonal balls).

How about weight of pass on manual? I've seen someone mention it's better now in that tapping the pass button results in light passes. But is it consistent. In 09, I never felt it was manual at all, still 50% scripted - sometimes a full power pass would go not very far (ie. scripted to go to the nearest cpu man usually) , sometimes a tap would go far too far (scripted to a cpu man usually).
Now this one I can give you a definite answer on. Passing felt so much better - I've switched to manual passing on FIFA 09 for 2-3 weeks now and I was just starting to get annoyed by not being able to do ultra-short passes. So when playing on fully manual on these builds of FIFA 10, I did look out for it (and purposefully played a lot of ultra-short passes) - not once did it go too hard or too far. No complaints whatsoever.

And does it really feel like 360 passsing direction? Again, I never really believed it was totally free 360 in 09.
Another tricky one, I could do with the opinions of the other guys here. I'll tell you why...

FIFA 09 on manual I am awful at shooting, FIFA 10 on manual I scored a few (missed a lot more than I scored but scored more than I usually do as well). Whether this is because the directions were more free/360, or whether this is because the player stats were helping more shots go in, I have no idea because I don't know how the programming works.

But it felt better either way. It felt a lot more playable (and not in the sense of being easier, but in the sense of feeling more accurate), and it just seemed right to me - I was having a blast with FIFA 09 on manual but there were a few niggles, whereas the builds of FIFA 10 we played felt pretty flawless to me on fully manual.

If playing all manual, are your cpu teams team-mates "tuned in" to your passes. In 09, it was like you were playing manual but your teams mates were all on assisted, like 10 other robots that only understood the ball going to certain places, so if you played a cute manual pass into space near them, they would sometimes just ignore it as if they could not compute that he ball could be in that space.
This reminds me of something I noticed, I'll answer your question first though - what you're describing (and yes it happened to me in FIFA 09 a lot) didn't happen while I was playing these builds of FIFA 10.

What this reminded me of is this - I know Gab has mentioned that only one player can "lock on" to the ball in FIFA 09, and I noticed that was the case in the six-week old build we played (didn't look out for it on the more recent build).

I hit a perfect manual pass to a midfielder, but because it had enough pace to go to the man behind him, he ignored it as it rolled within touching distance of his feet.

It wasn't too annoying because the guy behind him did get the ball, and it had enough pace to get to him - it just would have been nice to be able to pick it up with the closer player.
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Night-lighting is stunning, they've got it spot on IMO. The lighting on the player faces/models is great, the stadium lighting is excellent as well (the stands and items around the stadium area). I don't know how much we can say about the graphics though so I'll have to leave these kinds of questions from now until Wednesday at least!

YAY! Thanks Chris! :APPLAUD:

Many thanks for the, as always, full and honest answers.

I guess it sounds like 10 is another step in the right direction.

FIFA 09 on manual I am awful at shooting, FIFA 10 on manual I scored a few (missed a lot more than I scored but scored more than I usually do as well). Whether this is because the directions were more free/360, or whether this is because the player stats were helping more shots go in, I have no idea because I don't know how the programming works.

Sounds promising. I also found 09 shooting on full manual to be difficult to the point where it felt out of balance with the rest of the game on manual. I always felt that manual shooting needed to be recalibrated in a way where, if, for example, you were standing on the penalty spot, aiming at 45 degrees didn't mean you'd shoot half way between the centre of goal and the corner flag, but half way between centre of goal and a point at perhaps just inside the post. That would give far more opportunity to subtley pick a range of angles to shoot at.

In real life, most people can shoot reasonably accurately in a direction, within a margin of few yards, but the overly sensitive aiming in 09 made it seem as if shooting towards a corner was the finest art in the world....which it just isn't.

So if they've toned that down so that you can at least have a natural feeling at aiming a decent crack at a corner of the goal, just like any average joe can on the public parks, then that sounds like a good thing, provided it doesn't result in the keepers being too easy to beat.
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