Chris - did you not think those two guys were a bit shit like when it comes to game playing skills though?

that's the glimmer of hope i'm clinging onto following your observation!
I don't think so because you can see they're trying to run PAST the defender, but they're running INTO him because they're not "allowed" to use a line that's close to him without bumping into him - again and again and again.

Also, with the crossing bit - that's nothing to do with skill, you press sprint too close to the line and he'll kick it out, followed by a stumbling, drunken, "I'm going to kick the ball OH WAIT IT'S NOT THERE hehehe I'M NOT PISSED YOU KNOW" animation.

(Yeah you can let go of sprint earlier but A) you shouldn't have to, you should be able to sprint to the line and cross for God's sake, how many times do you see a professional do that? And B) it's the animation that annoys me more than anything, it just looks daft.)

The hope that I'm clinging onto personally is that it's an older build, it's a newly released video but that doesn't mean it wasn't recorded with the old build (bear in mind that the new build may not even be ready for the event we're going to on Friday so I would guess it is - Gamescom is where the practically finished build will be available).
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On the plus side, the passing from the guy playing as Lyon looks excellent - it looks like Barcelona-style passing but without looking ridiculous like it does in PES, and I'm assured that being able to ping it around like that takes a lot of practice by everyone who's played it (because that was my major worry). (EDIT: Kouroux saying that it's the World Champion of FIFA and PES would seem to confirm that you need to be good to do it. Good to see that he still lost, though.)

Shooting looks better too which was my other big concern.

I just hope they don't keep running into eachother, that pisses me off big-time in FIFA 09.

I also notice that the guy playing as Lyon occasionally used sprint and the guy kicks the ball so far ahead that it's easy for the opposition player to run straight ahead and regain the ball - that's something else that annoys me in FIFA 09 (i.e. not being able to beat a man, either you run into him or "sprint" the ball ahead of yourself and they grab it as easy as fuck). This is around 45 seconds in the video, where he runs on rails - when he "clicks" into the last bit of the rail, the straight bit, the opponent can just run over and pick up the ball.

Bit worrying!
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He implied that he wasn't playing seriously against the fat guy towards the end.They mentioned another filmed match against another journalist and that the kid destroyed him
Just read on the EA forum that the video is most likely from the July press build.

I really hope we get the more advanced build to play with on Friday but it's looking more likely that it's going to be the same one.
Just be thankful you are getting to play it you miserable bastard :D
(Yeah you can let go of sprint earlier but A) you shouldn't have to, you should be able to sprint to the line and cross for God's sake, how many times do you see a professional do that? And B) it's the animation that annoys me more than anything, it just looks daft.)

But players always need to slowdown to put a cross is. You can't run full speed and then whip a cross in! Tbh I consider that skill as you need to be able to time when to slowdown and put a cross in.

Have you tried d-pad dribbling? I can usually get by the player with a quick change of direction and a tap of the sprint button (even with defenders from time to time). You just have to time it in relation to the movement on the other player. I think it has a deent balance when using the d-pad. *Full disclosure: Legendary / assisted-semi controls / 4*,5* teams*

Tnx Placebo.
That latest vid is to fast and STILL HAS ARCADE PING PONG PASSING! Can't believe nobody here has mentioned this yet. Lots of pin point passes in the opposite direction of the running...

Even the shooting looks arcadey...

Ow boy... :(
But players always need to slowdown to put a cross is. You can't run full speed and then whip a cross in! Tbh I consider that skill as you need to be able to time when to slowdown and put a cross in.
In reality I see far less players slowing down 50% before crossing it than those who barely slow down at all before crossing. Not full speed but not that much slower either.

That latest vid is to fast and STILL HAS ARCADE PING PONG PASSING! Can't believe nobody here has mentioned this yet.
I did!! Here's what I said:

On the plus side, the passing from the guy playing as Lyon looks excellent - it looks like Barcelona-style passing but without looking ridiculous like it does in PES, and I'm assured that being able to ping it around like that takes a lot of practice by everyone who's played it (because that was my major worry). (EDIT: Kouroux saying that it's the World Champion of FIFA and PES would seem to confirm that you need to be good to do it. Good to see that he still lost, though.)

In other news, this is from Eurogamer's Twitter page...

eurogamer_net: Finally home from Canada adventure. FIFA 10 is really rather excellent. Have tons of interesting stuff to transcribe - for Monday hopefully.
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