FIFA 09 - PS3 BAP Signup Thread

10 v 10. How should it be done?

  • Keep with one main squad

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • Have a 1st team and reserve teams

    Votes: 22 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Evo-Web, i.e. "Pro Evo"-Web, playing FIFA.

EDIT: SJP wins. :(

it'll work to our benefit. psychologically.
EWFC wins. :)

initially, i'd like to see how we'd fare against a well organized cpu team devoid of human errors.
it would be a few weeks before we'd encounter a well organized human team,
barring any beta-test and advance copy teams.

also, we should have a proper first team of about 15 'serious and dedicated' players .
then the rest forming reserve teams playing unranked matches. someone on a reserve team could build up his confidence, and later ask for a look-in to the first team.

after a few weeks, bump up the regular squad to 20-25.

wts, sign me up for the reserves...
RWB/RM/RW, that way if i get skinned it won't be too bad :-pp
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Uhm, if this is our team, I want to be the physio...

it'll work to our benefit. psychologically.
EWFC wins. :)

initially, i'd like to see how we'd fare against a well organized cpu team devoid of human errors.
it would be a few weeks before we'd encounter a well organized human team,
barring any beta-test and advance copy teams.

also, we should have a proper first team of about 15 'serious and dedicated' players .
then the rest forming reserve teams playing unranked matches. someone on a reserve team could build up his confidence, and later ask for a look-in to the first team.

after a few weeks, bump up the regular squad to 20-25.

wts, sign me up for the reserves...
RWB/RM/RW, that way if i get skinned it won't be too bad :-pp

Can we get some more opinions on how we want the squad to play out? Personally I don't want to go down a route of having a MAIN squad as I'd like to think everyone is equal. I don't want people feeling left out because they didn't get into the main team, nor any favouratism. I'd rather we all just worked together and created our own teams depending who's on at the time.

I'm open to people going along with SPMC though, and if that's the more popular opinion, then that's the way we'll do it.
Poll now added (cheers Stef).

Can everyone in the squad please choose their preference for how the squad works?

Can we get some more opinions on how we want the squad to play out? Personally I don't want to go down a route of having a MAIN squad as I'd like to think everyone is equal. I don't want people feeling left out because they didn't get into the main team, nor any favouratism. I'd rather we all just worked together and created our own teams depending who's on at the time.

I'm open to people going along with SPMC though, and if that's the more popular opinion, then that's the way we'll do it.
i dont like SPMC's idea. i prefer we leave it has it is, if 10 people are on at a certain time thats our team that will represent for our clan match. as long as we stick and learn how to play on our positions then this should not be a problem at all.

it will be very difficult getting 10 of the main squad to play every night at a certain time
you know how i voted :-pp

it was just an idea.

personally, i don't mind playing in unranked matches for fun,
but i would like to see an evo-web team reach heady heights.
Well do we have 10 players here who want to play in serious clan ranked matches more than fun friendlies?

If we only end up with 10 clan players then they could just go off and play their own games and everyone else could play each other and if we had 10 people online one night they could start up an open game where they play anyone out there wanting a game.
after a few weeks it will be a nightmare getting a 1st team together at the same time. i say we just have 1 big squad and whoever is online plays. keeps us all in it together and doesnt split the camp up.
Voted for the first one, but tbh it will probably sort itself out. After a few weeks/month you'll see who is online the most and they will end up being the 1st team if there are enough. You will always get groups wanting to play toghether and people who don't care and just want a laugh.

By that time you could probably just make a separate clanteam with the 15 most active and have this one for everybody.
Anyone else thinking the hardest part of this is going to be being organised in defence?

Like not all getting drawn to the ball, and trying to keep a flat back line and stuff?
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If I'm in defence and voice chat can be heard by everyone, it'll be like being in one of the kitchens on Hells Kitchen USA with Ramsay screaming at you to GET IN LINE DONKEY! Haha, not really, I'll probably just make quips saying "here mate, where you off?" or "off into the crowd hmmm? Are you Eric Cantona in disguise?"
During games can the opposition hear what we say to each other?
If it's the same as FIFA 08, only when a goal goes in or there's a replay. So that you can go "who are ya, who are ya". ;)
OK, were going to pre match tactics in here then.
we'll all end up playing like kids and be a big group chasing the ball around... :LOL:

Nah, going from 5v5 last year, people are pretty disciplined so we'll be okay. As long as we haven't got any kids playing who think they can take on the whole team, we'll be fine. And if someone in our squad does start getting a bit stupid and acting an idiot, they can always be booted out ;))
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