FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

FIFA09 will be better because EA have put huge effort and resources into developing a new, next-gen engine, with all the possibilities that that opens up for them. This is what their customers want.

Meanwhile, Konami have been struggling to port their 10 year old engine onto next-gen and are now trying to fine tune it so it plays exactly like a version they produced 3 years ago. This is what their customers want.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

FIFA09 will be better because EA have put huge effort and resources into developing a new, next-gen engine, with all the possibilities that that opens up for them. This is what their customers want.

Meanwhile, Konami have been struggling to port their 10 year old engine onto next-gen and are now trying to fine tune it so it plays exactly like a version they produced 3 years ago. This is what their customers want.

:-pp wise...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Simple fact with Pro Evo is this: they were lucky enough to put together a great last-gen football engine. There was no game-creating genius at hand. They had no idea how successful it would be, and they were helped by the fact that FIFA at the time was an atrocious series of games.

Fast forward several years, and Konami have no idea how to bring it to the next level. They are, as Winston said, trying to port the old version to the new consoles and it just feels dated. They simply don't have the resources to match EA, so the turnaround will be slow. Expect another couple of years before Konami can begin to challenge again.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Fifa 09 will be better than PES 2009 simply because EA sports actually listen to their customers...Konami are arrogant. This year there will be a major change-over of players from PES 2009 to FIFA. I used to play PES all the time and will continue to do so...however in my heart i now know that FIFA is the better game.

Seriously, don't buy PES this year then. Konami need a wake up call because as far as they are concerned PES2008 was a smash hit success. If they don't hit their sales targets this year maybe they will get the message that something is wrong.

It may be the only way seeing as Konami don't actually talk to anybody/live in the real world.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

i listened to the latest podcast on wenb and you could hear in Suffs's voice that he is not excited about pro 2009. Yes he said it is a very good game and he enjoyed it but he went on to talk about the dissapointment within the community from most, not all, who expected much more from Konami this year. He goes on to say about expect more from pro 2010 but my opinion is that the chances of Konami 'nailing' a brand new next gen engine at the first attempt is very slim. Fifa 07 was EA's first attempt and although i never played it personally i hear it wasnt that great, although it was a great fisrt stepping stone. He goes on further to suggest that pro will still sell this year but only to the hardcore 'loyal' fans of the game and to the casual gamer'. He mentions that because of the progress that Fifa has made this year more than ever Pro heads are being turned. I like the way he never mentions Fifa09 just 'major rival'. Like we dont know who he is on about
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

They are so afraid of talking good about FIFA over there. They make themself look very fake when they do a FIFA podcast about how good it is and then being all about PES in the PES podcast. They are obviously afraid of pissing off both Konami and EA so they kiss ass both ways.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

yeah its weird that they run fsb too. Think that needs to change for the good of both sites. In my opinion though i think they give a good honest account of what they see but your right, they seem to walk on eggshells not to piss Konami off. Think i read that Suff will be doing a podcast for fsb shortly after playing the final build so that will be very interesting. He was "blown away" when he went to EA Canada so i cant seeing the final build being worse.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Chris, JayD and I have no qualms saying how good (or bad) Fifa is :)
Yep, see THIS post in the PES thread where I mention the things I hate about FIFA, and you don't have to look far to see Placebo's issues with the manager mode. We aren't getting paid for what we're doing over there so we're only going to say things as we see them, so that if the goalkeepers aren't fixed or whatever, they are fixed the next time around.

Nothing will stop me criticising the things I don't like because there's only one reason I'm dedicating my free time to working over there - the perfect football game.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Exact same leagues as in FIFA 08 from what we know, haven't heard anything to suggest otherwise. So England should be there down to League Two.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

No play offs again this year?

What ever happened to 'if its in the game.. its in the game'
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

yeah its weird that they run fsb too. Think that needs to change for the good of both sites. In my opinion though i think they give a good honest account of what they see but your right, they seem to walk on eggshells not to piss Konami off. Think i read that Suff will be doing a podcast for fsb shortly after playing the final build so that will be very interesting. He was "blown away" when he went to EA Canada so i cant seeing the final build being worse.

I'm looking forward to the next FSB Podcast. I just hope Adam stays the hell away from it. I've got a lot of time for Suff and enjoyed listening to his reactions from Vancouver, but then in the next podcast Adam almost undermines his opinions with his biased pro-pes agenda.

I feel sorry for Suff actually. It's clear that he is not exactly overwhelmed by the new PES from listening to that last few podcasts and the videocast, but he has to play along with the excitable Adam. WENB is a bit of a joke come to think of it.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I'm looking forward to the next FSB Podcast. I just hope Adam stays the hell away from it. I've got a lot of time for Suff and enjoyed listening to his reactions from Vancouver, but then in the next podcast Adam almost undermines his opinions with his biased pro-pes agenda.

I feel sorry for Suff actually. It's clear that he is not exactly overwhelmed by the new PES from listening to that last few podcasts and the videocast, but he has to play along with the excitable Adam. WENB is a bit of a joke come to think of it.

yeah it was weird that they had such different views of the game considering they share the same gaming principles with pro evo. Only thing that may be a reason for it was that Suff was talking the game up big style so maybe Adam was expecting something out of this world so it never quite lived up to expectations. That said though he did like the game a lot. That is the fear i have with fifa09. That it has been hyped so much that it can never live upto expectations of people on here. It wont be perfect!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

yeah it was weird that they had such different views of the game considering they share the same gaming principles with pro evo. Only thing that may be a reason for it was that Suff was talking the game up big style so maybe Adam was expecting something out of this world so it never quite lived up to expectations. That said though he did like the game a lot. That is the fear i have with fifa09. That it has been hyped so much that it can never live upto expectations of people on here. It wont be perfect!

Very true.

I wouldn't be too sceptical about the hype. If like me you've been playing Fifa08 pretty solidly since release, and still do now, then there's no reason why Fifa09 wont keep you going for 12 months, too. Fifa08 was a flawed game, but still the best footy game available, so if Fifa 09 irons out some of the problems (mainly response times) then we are in for a real treat.

Believe the hype!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

wait so once again there are no playoffs?!

Don't think we will know that until we get the game - But people said they haven't bothered with much in that department. So it isn't looking good :((
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