FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can't stand PC's personally, and dont go on about the upgrades that render consoles out of date within a year.This does not matter as multiformat games show no real differences throughout the life of a generation.

Consoles are where its at due to accessability, cost and profit for the devs............end of, get into the 21st century and dump the PC for gaming, especially football games:OT:

I trust Sweetkilla's reassurance that the response times have improved, so its going to be a winner for me.I am happy that PES shows some improvement in most area's but you can see the difference in quality, its miles infront.

I am not overly concerned with the single player as I like to play in the organised leagues and cups but it does seem the game still has its flaws here with playing lower league teams on a higher difficulty.Players like Placebo may well be dissapointed in this area as I think it sort of plays the same with a stuggle to get the feeling of difference between teams against the AI.I've not played it but the snippets of feedback show a few single player niggles.

Player models have improved massively, i keep hearing that they look better but i think they are huge step up from the previous games.The big thing is that they are slimmer than the wooly jumper under football shirt look of last year and I think this actually enhances the animation as the scale looks good.

Lighting is better which gives the game a more realistic feel, especially around the stands and crowd.I am looking forward to the weather efffects and I hope the ball does react differently on harder and wetter surfaces.

I did'nt like the wet pitches effect on the ball in Euro because it was just too wet and only held the ball up, I'd like it to react the other way eith it increasing in pace as it zips off the surface for shots and longer passes etc.

The floodlighting also seems a bit off with the similar dark patches we saw in 08, i may be wrong but it looks that way to me.

I think for the first time on this generation of consoles that we have our first real, almost complete next gen game, hats off to EA for listening and implementing the changes for us to have a far more enjoyable experience.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can't stand PC's personally, and dont go on about the upgrades that render consoles out of date within a year.This does not matter as multiformat games show no real differences throughout the life of a generation.

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

That was a good retort..........the first time it was used. Constantly bringing it up however seems to indicate that there is nothing else worth mentioning.

The PC has always ruled first person shooters. It will probably do so for some time to come.

Unfortunately....FIFA 09 is not a first person shooter.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

It's a good retort against someone that is showing blind ignorance. Don't have the patience to explain why he is completely wrong.

FIFA is obviously better on consoles, because they don't make the next-gen version on PC...kind of stating the obvious. Ironically, Pro Evo is actually massively better on the PC not just because of the patching capabilities but it generally runs smoother.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Ironically, Pro Evo is actually massively better on the PC not just because of the patching capabilities but it generally runs smoother.
Ironically, FIFA 360/PS3 is actually massively better than Pro Evo on PC not just because it is not just a PS2 port with improved graphics but it also has much better gameplay and plenty of other game modes and features (too many to list - one of the most important being full manual control).

For sports games, Consoles > PCs
For shooting games, PCs > Consoles.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

its not going to convince a pc user to buy a console just for fifa when there is a much better version on the pc caled PES09. they are making a loss and wont sell even 100 copies of there game in europe alone mate. mark my word:TU:

Well I'm certain EA are aware of the fact that PES09 is the same on all next-gen platforms(although I don't think the PC should be rated in any gen), but they don't seem to mind, heck that was the scenario last season, and their sales for FIFA 08 weren't bad either. So I reckon they'll still sell anyways despite being inferior to its next-gen console counterparts.

And I agree, for the time being the selection of sports games on the consoles are much better than the pc. But I'm not that much of an avid gamer(except for PES and fps shooters) so the PC will do just fine for me.:)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

sweetkilla, have you played the game on dynamic camera? so yes, is it the same as EURO 2008? I mean if you score a goal, does the camera switch of directly after you score a goal and let not see how the ball is hitting the net? I know it's all because the * celebrating mode...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

sweetkilla, have you played the game on dynamic camera? so yes, is it the same as EURO 2008? I mean if you score a goal, does the camera switch of directly after you score a goal and let not see how the ball is hitting the net? I know it's all because the * celebrating mode...

Yes this was a bad bug in Euro.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Can't stand PC's personally, and dont go on about the upgrades that render consoles out of date within a year.This does not matter as multiformat games show no real differences throughout the life of a generation.

I understand where you're coming from, the best bit about PC is the moddability, Oblivion is a good example, default PC/360 version is a mess of shitty levelling, massive icons that detract from the immersion, plus various other annoyances and such, 2 years later or whatever the 360 version is still the same, the PC version is completely moulded into the far, far better version that fans of the genre really did want to play.

Same with a number of shooters that allow moddability, same will be of course with GTA4 when it comes out on PC.

The flipside of course = 360 I can lay in bed playing it on my 32" HDTV with my wife laid at my side using her notebook PC :)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I understand where you're coming from, the best bit about PC is the moddability, Oblivion is a good example, default PC/360 version is a mess of shitty levelling, massive icons that detract from the immersion, plus various other annoyances and such, 2 years later or whatever the 360 version is still the same, the PC version is completely moulded into the far, far better version that fans of the genre really did want to play.

Same with a number of shooters that allow moddability, same will be of course with GTA4 when it comes out on PC.

The flipside of course = 360 I can lay in bed playing it on my 32" HDTV with my wife laid at my side using her notebook PC :)

He he Placebo i do the same but I play only online:DD
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

luckily,Placebo understand what PC gamers are. most people didn't realize their lovely console still coming from a pC-and will always inferior to compare with those consoles. we just unlucky they make a monkey football game on PC,and lovely nextgen game on consoles.
well at least GTA4 is coming soon. :LOL:
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Great Placebo, thx again!

About the videos themselves, I would prefer the "wide cam" in all of them, but anyway... The cutback shows one of my main gripes with the game, even upon goalkeepers deflecting balls: the lack of agression of AI-driven defenders. They could have the ball one inch away and let the strikes score pleasently anyway. I firmly believe it's one of the things I can't understand, specially because the AI can detect those situations and make the striker agressive, how difficult can it be to have the same kind of reactions on defenders??
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Yes the ridiculous invisible 1 yard zone around the six yard box is a very bad bug.

I suppose for us online players, where you play less to exploit it, then it will not matter that much,but online players that just play to gain rank points will still ruin it.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

About the videos themselves, I would prefer the "wide cam" in all of them, but anyway... The cutback shows one of my main gripes with the game, even upon goalkeepers deflecting balls: the lack of agression of AI-driven defenders. They could have the ball one inch away and let the strikes score pleasently anyway. I firmly believe it's one of the things I can't understand, specially because the AI can detect those situations and make the striker agressive, how difficult can it be to have the same kind of reactions on defenders??

In fairness we don't know what skill level it's on (assuming it's a 1 player game the replay is from) ;)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Sweetkilla do the replays still have bad fps? I guess they are adding some sort of filter or have higher LOD models or something in 08 and Euro.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Sweetkilla do the replays still have bad fps? I guess they are adding some sort of filter or have higher LOD models or something in 08 and Euro.

no the frame rates were fine ofcourse I don't know how demanding the build I was playign was but early indications say the replays are fine on the (PS3)
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