FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Ok so, I haven't bought a FIFA since the 2001 JP version on PS2 and I got a newbie question for you guys: how are the J.League and K.League handled by Electronic Arts, license-wise?

I'm aware of the fact Konami and partially SEGA got a patriotic stranglehold on the virtual counterparts of both J.League teams and Japan NT brands, notwithstanding I was wondering if the teams and players licenses picked singularly were already in the game or if they were replaced with fake ones or simply not there.

also, has there been someone who has patched this lack of Japanese football during the past years and will it be possible to download a potential patch to fix my thirst of J.League in the imminent PS3 version?

I really don't want to buy this year's Winning Eleven/PES, it looks like shit compared to FIFA and it's really a crucial information for me because as weird as it might sound, I don't seem to enjoy any football game unless there's a bit of J.League in it. :D
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Ok so, I haven't bought a FIFA since the 2001 JP version on PS2 and I got a newbie question for you guys: how are the J.League and K.League handled by Electronic Arts, license-wise?

I'm aware of the fact Konami and partially SEGA got a patriotic stranglehold on the virtual counterparts of both J.League teams and Japan NT brands, notwithstanding I was wondering if the teams and players licenses picked singularly were already in the game or if they were replaced with fake ones or simply not there.

also, has there been someone who has patched this lack of Japanese football during the past years and will it be possible to download a potential patch to fix my thirst of J.League in the imminent PS3 version?

I really don't want to buy this year's Winning Eleven/PES, it looks like shit compared to FIFA and it's really a crucial information for me because as weird as it might sound, I don't seem to enjoy any football game unless there's a bit of J.League in it. :D
the k league is in but you should be able to find a good j league patch for the pc version somewhere.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

1st Impressions

My 1st impressions were muted the arena was set as the same one found in fifa 08 so to pretty much everyone by looking at it, it felt like exactly the same game that was of course until you started taking shots and started turning in the arena with players, players felt less weighted and seemed like they could turn and react to the positioning of their bodies much quicker you only get a slight feel of what the game will be like due to the 3rd person camera angle given to you.


I honestly don't know what to say here as I feel I should be breaking it down into all the aspects that make the gameplay what it is so that is what I will do the game is alot more fluid and you feel you can string passes now if you are using Man utd for example in fifa 08 it felt very congested at times when you had the ball. Now you feel like you have more time on the ball and space which is excellent as sometimes in Euro 2008 it felt like your players wouldn't pass quick enough so this little bit of added space makes the game less frustrating than Euro 2008.


Passing I had it set as semi the whole time I played the game the passing was a mix or euro 2008 and fifa 08 at times you felt you could play a good passing game and other times the players just weren't hitting the passes as accurately as they should have been this was due to been pressed by the opposition and this makes a massive difference on the accurracy of the passing although a bit over the top for my liking. For example if you are playing an opponent who likes to sit back and defend your players seem to be able to pass it around them all night long and it seems this build up some hidden confidence bar as they really get passes on target and I had my passing percentages around 85% however when players started to pressure me I seemed to lose that bit of responsiveness and passes where alot less accurate and it felt like I was no longer using Arsenal/Chelsea who are able to string passes even under intense pressure. My passing percentage took a massive hit back to 60%. Although I did find this realistic I also found it annoying as it means noobs can just team press and your players react worse to tight situations when they should infact be more responsive!


One of my favourite parts of the game like fifa 08 but now this is way more responsive by that I mean not when you are using the trick stick but when you are doing 45 degree and 90 degree turns its alot more intricate and players can shimmy through players alot easier than ever before this is important as when you use Messi for example it is alot easier to go round players without having to introduce the physical aspect of the game as you can leave players for dead without the need for the skill tick (Last year in fifa 08 I heavily depended on the Lane Change skill move to dribble with players or other trick sticks) this is no longer the case and you can now mix it up with tricks and close ball control which Is somethign that was so good in the Pro Evo games it finally is in FIFA!


This section will be quite brief as I didn't get that many chances to try out the crossing variation as it takes a good couple of days to see if this has been improved or is as glitched as previous games. Standard Crosses in the box are no more accurate and can be giving a bit more curl which is good but it was alot more noticable from set pieces and corners the amount of curl was evident in the situations compared to in game.

Headers are alot more like Euro 2008 if you are open or win the header you now feel like you can score and when you aim (semi again for shooting/heading) is where the header ends up whether that be 10 foot over the bar or the bottom corner it goes where you aimed it unlike fifa 08. Where the ball would often decide its own path to goal if you were not aiming down the middle of the goal. You can now pick your spot I scored 3 headers with Berbatov and a couple with within the games I played and managed to pick out the bottom corners 3 times and the other 2 were unmarked headers where I had all the time in the world to produce an excellent bullet header! I am happy to say this part of the game is much improved however felt a tad easy but could also be down to the players traits and abilities:) I had at my disposal. Expect alot more goals from headers in fifa 09

Tackling/Collision system
By far one of the best additions to the game you can honestly feel the physicality of certain players when you have control of them and is a massive counter against quick players as I focused on Defence and always used Inter Milan in FIFA 08 this is the team I noticed how useful the tackling/collision system is with certain teams. I had Maicon Materazzi Samuel and Chivu in defence with Vieira and Muntari as DM's (the teams were upto date atleast for transfer a few weeks back) and I was up against Man Utd my opponent set Ronaldo as a ST with Rooney and Nani and Saha on the wings I knew this was either going to make or break the game for me as if he could just tear me apart as much as he could in 08 I would have been disappointed not because it was easy but because players would always get bullshit deflections go back to players like Ronaldo time and time again in FIFA 08 (I am sure fifa players know what I mean)

anyway the game started and he piled on the pressure early on and was always looking for Ronaldo I had materazzi square up to him but with Ronaldo's close ball control he managed to round me without the use for the skill move he was through on goal but here comes Samuel coming in from an angle not right infront of him I just ran into Ronaldo with a push of LB + A to try and win the ball and samuel bardges straight in with his elbow and ronaldo is shrugged off the ball he doesn't roll over he is just moved 3 yards and is off balance and I win possesion off the ball with Samuel who is quicker than Materazzi and was able to recover! the situation for me. This happened several times but it seems if you square up to Ronaldo you are asking for trouble as 8/10 he will beat you you have to come at him from the sides where a players strength can make more of an impact and you will be more succesful with tackles with highly skillful/strong/ quick players which is good as you feel you can still beat defenders with players who are good in 1v1 situations however if I had not been good with the jockey button he could have scored on several occasions sorry noobs you will get trounced by Ronaldo whores :)

It really is hard to explain the collision system I TRIED to as best as I could but don't think I have done it any justice at all this is definetlty a top 3 addition to the game

Custom Formations

one of the biggest addition to the game is the ability to change your formations yes it was in last year but not to the depth of this years version I will explain. You can now use this online and set 4 formations for use in game like Pro Evo did so wonderfully well but theres also 1 more addition player roaming you can set which areas of the field each of your players either risk going into or strictly stay in so if you want your wingbacks to stay back the whole game and provide no attacking width/assitance and only mark Robinho/Robben you can do so.

If you want Gerrard and Lampard to roam incase theres a luck bounce you can do so this was easy to notice also! for example I had 4-2-4 formation but I wanted my wing backs to push forward and my Defensive midfielders to cover the space left by each wing back when I lost the ball and my wing backs where in my attacking 3rd what did I see I saw Cambiasso and Vieira occupying the Left back and Right Back positions I thought this was a great addition to the dynamic of the game as player arrows never did thier job in pes and previous fifa aswell as they should have.

Now you feel like you are the manager of your team and decide what you players do in the game of course I could have also had vieira and cambiasso attacking like CAM and putting immesne pressure on my opponents but defence is the most importing part of winning in fifa as far as I am concerned! this is a massive addition to the game and those who use it right will have massive winning percentages aswell as having an impact on what the A.I does there were a few occasions when vieira and cambiasso were not in position however and were occupying their DM roles but if this is something that is not totally perfected it is still an interesting addidition that can be improved on in the future! it is still a very useful form of attacking/defending without losing one...
brief as I only changed this one or two times I can see this been used in the last 20 minutes of games when you need to pile on the pressure on your opponent with the mix of custom formations! as I didn't really find it that important but you could definetly see every one push up when I put chance creation all the way up but expect to be countered very easily if you dare turn up all the sliders :)

Goal Keepers
This is the thing many people were worried about and from my experience they have reason to be worried but only a little bit it all depends on what goalkeepers you choose and have at your disposal once again player ratings will be massive most especially for keepers. I used spurs and they still had Robinson and he wasn't that good he was pretty much a euro 2008 goal keeper and could still be beaten near post and with finesse shots from 25 yards. But when I had Julio Cesar of Inter in goal and Cech people were regularly missing 1v1 and it really felt like every 1v1 was a 50/50 situation Cech even made the most miraculous save I have ever seen Rooney blasted the ball and it hit the cross bar and bounced on the line Ronaldo was coming in for the tab in Cech was on the floor Ronaldo was closing in and what do I see, I see Cech scramble across goal on his knees and just punch it away before Ronaldo gets there this was probably the most exciting thing I saw all day as Goal keepers actually had a life like animation for that situation I had never ever seen before in fifa game or any sports game for that matter. Cech could also deal with Long Range shots well but definetly had a weakness from Crosses and Corners and was often caught napping in these situations on a few occasions he came out to catch the ball and didn't get there in time reminding me of many a David James howler! my advice pick a team with a keeeper rated 82 or more if you below this you will be letting in some shitty goals! sorry for those of you who like to use your mid table teams you could be getting screwed over and it seems the attention was focued on the top keepers having all the key animations and life saving saves and reaction times.


one of the most important aspects of a football game and I think FIFA 09 has got this about spot on the ball feels alot less floaty now and shots now have a slight increase in accuracy from Distance the power in shots is also a lot more noticable I scored a couple of scorchers with real venom with Adriano and Drogba and some long range goals with power in the bottom corners (not possible in fifa 08) the curl and power in shots is now alot more realistic another thing I find hard to explain but many people will love this!! you can actually feel and see the power in shots now and thats basically the only way I can summarise it.

The response times in shooting is spot on and I have no issues with it.

A.I/Player Movement/turning Super Cancel/player reactions

The best and Worst of the game is in this section A.I is exactly the same as 08 to me and you are forced to use the player roaming feature I explained in custom formations to actually give them some artificial intelligence worth having! ea really should have set player roaming charachteristics the real players have.. atleast for top leagues but its not that big an issue once you have your preferences set I suppose.

Player movements in attacking areas are pretty good once you start tapping the LT button to trigger your team mates to go on runs and seeing them call for the ball is a very good visual aid as many previews stated you now feel like players are reacting to situations realistically. Player turning has improved and along with what I detailed in the dribbling section people should have no complain with responsiveness in this area! player do what you want when you flick your analog stick and with closer touches that also increases the responsiveness!

Super Cancel is improved guys you can finally get your strikers out of railed runs and running towards the ball at full speed more times than not there are still times when they just stand there and you are annoyed you have to react within the 1st second or so or you lose that opportunity I can only hope it is tweaked a bit more but its definetly improved and should be less frustrating for those who like to use this like me.

player reactions let me explain when you do a shite pass are greedy with the ball take a stupid shot players will react to these situations and it is great to see! you will constantly see Ibrahimovic and Berbatov moan when delivery is not perfect just like their real life counterparts!

I have missed out a couple of things like how player traits/player ratings affect the game!.

if you have any questions I may have failed detail due to my article been a mini rushed job please ask

sorry guys I can't bold up my titles can a mod do this for me bloody bypass proxy!
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Sounds really good, my only concern on reading that is the goalkeepers. It sounds bad - all I wanted to see changed was the ability to score from realistic angles where before the keeper would have it covered 100% of the time, no matter what.

Thank you so much sweetkilla, you're a credit to Evo-Web!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

nice preveiw Sweet.

Appreciate you ntaking the time to report it to the forum.All sounds improved to me.

Response looks better by the sounds of it (no more frustrating slow mo turns).

Sweetkilla, I know most will lambast me but the nets look quite good in some shots, are they a little better in your opinion??

What about free-kicks and corners are they better??

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

yeah its hard to explain the goal keepers as well as certain other things it is definetly more realsitic and more 50/50 based though as you will find out when you get to play it.

It will really be I scored 1 missed 1 kinda game which is better than som1 scoring 4 of the same goals :)

thanks Chris
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Thanks a lot Sweetkilla for sharing your first impressions with us! Did you notice player being fatigued by the end of the games? Did tired players appear slower, make worse passes etc?
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

nice preveiw Sweet.

Appreciate you ntaking the time to report it to the forum.All sounds improved to me.

Response looks better by the sounds of it (no more frustrating slow mo turns).

Sweetkilla, I know most will lambast me but the nets look quite good in some shots, are they a little better in your opinion??

What about free-kicks and corners are they better??


thanks for highlighting things I forgot to comment on yes turning is much better

The nets are a slight improvement a bit more reaction from the nets but it won't please those who want football kingdom nets that is for certain.

Free Kicks are the same as fifa 08 just with the addition of the second player and now you can actually hit a powered free kick into the top corners and over the walls (with power)

there is certainly more ball swerve those with specific players like C.Ronaldo
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Sweetkilla, thanks for your impression mate, real good job.

I have a question, do goalkeepers rush out quicker when you press Y/Triangle?

In FIFA/EURO08 they are very slow, and pressing the rush button or not is almost the same...
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Sweetkilla, thanks for your impression mate, real good job.

I have a question, do goalkeepers rush out quicker when you press Y/Triangle?

In FIFA/EURO08 they are very slow, and pressing the rush button or not is almost the same...

No problem

Yes they do come out when you press Y instantly they can be dribbled though! so be careful
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

damn it one thing I forgot to say guys the dummy feature was in the game you could let the ball run past you :)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

great stuff sweetkilla. How were the kits looking in the version you played. Were they upto date?
Plus, what can you tell me about this ps3 exclusive? WOrld cup thingy-ma-jig.....i dont understand it?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Plus, what can you tell me about this ps3 exclusive? WOrld cup thingy-ma-jig.....i dont understand it?
FIWC is "FIFA Interactive World Cup", the hardcore geeks play against eachother to qualify for the "real thing", it's a competition where the best gamers play eachother for a chance to win money - IF you qualify, and only the best of the best qualify.

It's only for the hardcore glitch-loving nerds. ;)
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

great stuff sweetkilla. How were the kits looking in the version you played. Were they upto date?
Plus, what can you tell me about this ps3 exclusive? WOrld cup thingy-ma-jig.....i dont understand it?

The kits some of them were updated some were not and ok here is the worst bit guys they still had the EA logo's on them! I will actually cry if they are in the final game.. I had to use the replay function to notice it but still!

the PS3 exclusive feature is basically a FIFA/EA/ (Sony Sponsored) tournament where everyone on the ps3 tries to qualify for one of the 32 spots to get a free trip to where ever the final is spain/japan for example then play fifa 09 and try and win $20,000 for their efforts over 6-9 months :)

like chris said nerds/glitching nerds
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

No problem

Yes they do come out when you press Y instantly they can be dribbled though! so be careful

One thing that infuriated me was when a ball was played along the six yard box and the keeper would just follow the line rather than grab it.This often left for some v easy ta-ins and very unrealistic.

Did you notice any examples of this??

Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

I am afraid there were numerous examples of that but players can miss alot more open goal opportunities it seems to have more of that pes factor I talked about so sometimes the player skies it for no reason and the goalies are better at saving them however it is still there just not as effective as it was in 08 but will still be abused
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Thanks for taking time to do write up Sweetkilla did you hear or see anything about this uploading of best videos touted yesterday to EA sports world or wherever it was. ?
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

thanks Bingham they diidn't tell me about it when I had 2 games at the stand guess I will upload one tomorrow if its possible!
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Thanks a lot for nice review/preview sweetkilla.

Would have two questions:

1)Can you set which players are up in corners or anything like that? Or is it still just offensive players and CB's sitting back in your own half.

2)Minor issue, but does left footed GK's start play with their right foot(when having ball in their hands that's)? Like Cech, Julio Cesar, Casillas, etc. did in FIFA 08.
Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

The kits some of them were updated some were not and ok here is the worst bit guys they still had the EA logo's on them! I will actually cry if they are in the final game.. I had to use the replay function to notice it but still!

the PS3 exclusive feature is basically a FIFA/EA/ (Sony Sponsored) tournament where everyone on the ps3 tries to qualify for one of the 32 spots to get a free trip to where ever the final is spain/japan for example then play fifa 09 and try and win $20,000 for their efforts over 6-9 months :)

like chris said nerds/glitching nerds

Thanx sweetkilla and chris. So basically this exclusive feature that has had everybody excited for weeks will jus really be of use to the games elite players. Im disapointed by that. Wouldnt be that bothered xbox owners!
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