FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Question guys;

Does the Ultimate Team update also change the AI/gamesplay settings for the normal manager mode? Im sure Ive read someone mentioning noticing different AI styles after the update but Im not sure whether thats restricted to UTmode or the whole game.
It did for me, although no one else has mentioned it. Not just me 'looking' for it, either, my brother noticed it too. Im PAL if that makes any difference lol
can you assign certain stadiums to clubs in FIFA 09 PS3??


Question guys;

Does the Ultimate Team update also change the AI/gamesplay settings for the normal manager mode? Im sure Ive read someone mentioning noticing different AI styles after the update but Im not sure whether thats restricted to UTmode or the whole game.

Sadly I didn't notice any UT changes moving through to MM, although I had only played a couple of MM matches on day 1 or 2 of UT's release so fingers crossed as the gameplay from the AI is IMO much, much better, even the ball physics is improved, especially hard, low shots, I've scored a number of low (ie no more than 18" off the ground) 20 yard shots.
When playing Be A Pro I'm sure I noticed a difference - usually my team win on World Class without too much problem but after the update I've lost two games in a row, which hasn't happened before. But it could be coincidence.
Can't tell if it's my imagination, but I've scored some much more intricate goals since downloading the patch. At Placebo's advice also switched ot Manual, which seems to have made a real difference to the AI's ability to pass to each other, strangely. I now intercept things occsionally, and they don't read me nearly as well. can't recommend it enough, game is like a breath of fresh air again.

(not to say it doesn't still have MAJOR deficiencies that I find insulting to anyone who watches football)
I've had enough of the SP portion of this game, once again in one of my tournaments players have disappeared and been replaced by numbers.

I'm only going to play Clubs from now on.

I'm pretty sure the gameplay on the whole has changed since the patch, in MM and exhibition for example.
Guys, is it possible to buy player in the Manager Mode ? Because Im trying to buy Villa and Silva, and I always get the same message that the team is short of players.
Which good players, are avaible for buying them ?
You can go to transfer market,detailed search or search by name,then see if they will sell,try going to office and spending some money on your negotiator see if he can talk them around..
Has this game got better? Who would have thought that in after all this time that this game could be still so good? I have just stared a new MM season with Crystal Palace and IMO it's just like watching the championship on sky.UT is great but i found that for me going back to MM has got better> Anyone think Fifa09 still got plenty of life in it?
Has this game got better? Who would have thought that in after all this time that this game could be still so good? I have just stared a new MM season with Crystal Palace and IMO it's just like watching the championship on sky.UT is great but i found that for me going back to MM has got better> Anyone think Fifa09 still got plenty of life in it?
I'm still playing 2vAI MM three nights a week 4 or 5 hours at a time, the bugs and the blatant AI cheats are still annoying as hell but it's still the best footy title out there... :)
Has this game got better? Who would have thought that in after all this time that this game could be still so good? I have just stared a new MM season with Crystal Palace and IMO it's just like watching the championship on sky.UT is great but i found that for me going back to MM has got better> Anyone think Fifa09 still got plenty of life in it?
i'm enjoying this game more now than i did when i first got it, at the moment i'm using semi/manual controls on worldclass and i'm a third of a way through my first season on manager mode with Hartlepool (started a new MM). just loving it, bought a couple of players to cover postions and being sensible with those signings and having auto growth off has meant it hase been fairly realistic (leicester top and battered me 3-0) and the season so far is going well, currently sitting 4th. personally i think the updates have helped with gameplay, i am seeing less 'cheating' from the AI and i think it's got slightly more difficult, which is a good thing.
Offline mode is dead for me now, I just play online clubs and online 1v1 with mates! And I have great fun every night playing 1v1's you can find some very competitive people online, and of course some twats.

Today I found a Arsenal fan, and I was up 3-0 and he kept playing and the final score was 4-3 to me! You can always find some brilliant people, you just need some patience.

I recently finished my manager mode 3 weeks ago, but got a bit bored so I'm back to online.
Confirmed in this interview with the Ultimate Team team that no gameplay changes were included in the update, which made me feel stupid: CLICK HERE

Haven't listened to it yet but that is very odd. I didn't notice a great deal of difference but i would have sworn the keepers had been tweaked a bit. I have been playing this game since launch and after the update the keepers definitely seemed to react differently. More than once i found myself thinking "that's new" and that was playing online/MM - i haven't even tried UT:THINK:
They said they wanted to include changes but they couldn't because it would cause issues with people who haven't downloaded UT playing against people who had, it would cause an immediate desync or words to that effect. That was their official response anyway.
Tnx Chris, posted a question in the UT thread about increased slowdown in the final 3rd since installing UT and slower loading of main menu's.

Had changed team and league at about the same time as installing UT so wasn't sure the AI/gameplay change was down to that or UT. Will get rid of it now thats been confirmed.
Hmmmm, maybe its down to the small 30mb update that adds the UT link in the main menu? I'll post my findings after Ive uninstalled UT and played some MM. I hope that fixes it as its been pretty poor lately.
Funnily enough I noticed the same thing with the slowdown but I just put it down to me not noticing it before. :ANX: to find the blasted tikker option. Honestly the fifa menu's at times are so muddled and unlogical. Is it in the in-game menu or somewhere else scorp?
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