FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I played before against a 3-and-a-half star team I'm 1 and-a-half star and it was awful, I scored early but after that he dominated me, his players were so much faster and more powerful and in the end he won.

Don't think I'll waste any ms points on this, sooner or later the fun will wear off.

I enjoyed it at the start cos the kids cant play with the rubbish players when everyone's 1 and-a-half star.
If you could just play against teams with your rating it would be perfect, you could build up teams at your own pace instead of becoming Man Utd in a day to keep up with all the kids. Such a shame, great idea ruined. :(

It's given me the taste for online stuff though, I really hope they implement an online manager mode in FIFA 10. I'd prefer to play as Tranmere than as a fantasy team.
I'd play them but there's 5-star and there's 6-star-really-cos-they've-got-Ronaldo-Messi-Kaka-Ronaldinho-Rooney-etc-.etc.-etc.
I can understand if you're a 2/3 star team now wanting to play a 5 star but when you're 4 not playing 5 star that's a step too far imo.
You say that but if someone's half a star below me they quit, if someone's the same star level as me they quit... As I've found out playing the assisteds, you have to fight fire with fire otherwise they'll walk all over you. So two can play at that game.
Don't think I'll waste any ms points on this, sooner or later the fun will wear off.

Simple "cheat" to improve your team a bit, use a 2nd gamertag and trade any decent silver cards from the default pack with your main gamertag, that way you improve your overall squad without resorting to buying packs with MS points like glory whores.

So simple steps if it's not obvious:

1. Use a spare gamertag (or create a new one), boot up UT, start a new UT, if you get some reasonable silver cards in the default pack put them up for sale at like 10k

2. Log out and sign in with your main gamertag, find the silver cards you put up for sale and offer a trade of some crappy bronze card like a gameplay card.

3. Sign back in with your temp gamertag, accept the trade(s).

4. Sign back into your main gamertag and be told the silver players are now yours, play with and enjoy :)
Some Ultimate Team online matches against each other we just had:

Stuart 3-0 Becanes
Shooto 0-0 Tim
Stuart 1-1 Tim

Quality games guys!
EA Forums said:
Latest Update:
Monday March 23, 4:15pm PST / Monday March 23, 11:45pm GMT


‘We have a fix identified for the card trading issues and we’re in the process of testing it in game. The fix will be deployed later this evening (in 4-6 hours). It will likely involve bringing the servers down momentarily for a few minutes. We don’t plan on having it down for an extended period but I will keep you posted if there are any changes.’


‘We have more database optimizations coming your way. The update later this evening (same time as 360 bug fix mentioned above) will require a small amount of server downtime. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.’

I will post another update in a couple of hours.

End of update
Suprised some of you lot are cheating! Chris buying a Gold pack, Placebo adding from another account. Personally I find it fine, Its a challenge in its self to compete with the Assisted Kids who buy 10 Gold packs from the start.

Im happy sticking it out, I've already won 1 Cup by beating a 5 Star team in the QF's. I found that for a while you have to stick it out with Silver cards, keep buying Silver contracts until your first 11 have 15-20 matches and then go out for the Gold pack. Or maybe its just Xbox Live where EVERY team is 5*'s Most of the time the team I face is similar level to me.
Some Ultimate Team online matches against each other we just had:

Stuart 3-0 Becanes
Shooto 0-0 Tim
Stuart 1-1 Tim

Quality games guys!

Hmmmm you can play your ultimate team against friends? How do you do that? I was bummed as I thought you couldn't do this...
Does downloading the Ultimate Team in the menu create a change in game play offline that people are witnessing? Cuz I just got an update today but I'm not sure if I shld download the Ultimate Team.
Right here goes...

Right my PS3 HD had to be reformatted recently due to some problems with it and with that I've lost the file which saves my free Adidas Live Season now I'm wondering is there anyway which I can get it back?


Tried registering again for your free trial?
Hmm that's probably because of the whole 1 free code for one gamertag, you can share saves between users on the PS3 can't you? You could sign up a new PSN ID, use the free code again to get ALS and then copy over to your PSN ID?
Hmm that's probably because of the whole 1 free code for one gamertag, you can share saves between users on the PS3 can't you? You could sign up a new PSN ID, use the free code again to get ALS and then copy over to your PSN ID?

Hmm might try that!
How do you guys combat the CPU constantly pressing and shutting you down as soon as you get the ball? My forwards aren't fast enough to hit them on the counter as they're playing really high defensive lines so it just becomes mayhem in the middle of the pitch as I can't ever seem to get passed the CPU.
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