FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Just loaded up UT again for Placebo and my created player has gone AGAIN and couldnt get him back this time by going into 'Edit Player'

Ball bags :(
Damn that's shit, every time I load the game he's gone but when going into edit player I just have to press start then start again to save and he's always back.
im concerned about where this mode goes - once you inevitably get a team full of riberys and rooneys, what then?

since their contracts run out pretty quickly you end up just cycling through all the ibras, gerrards, alonsos and maloudas for the rest of the game. :|

I know some people want to win the online tournaments but i hate online because of the assisted twats so really whats the point? I might have fun getting there (the fun for me will be predominantly silver players from the bundesliga or something), but really is there a point to it at all in the end?
I have 2 unlocked balls but don't know how to use them in my matches!!! I have the adidas Teamgeist and the Championship Mitre football. I'm guessing it might be that I have to play an offline match in UT against the CPU and choose the ball type before kick off there and it will stick for online games?
So I've been trying to read up and get a better understanding, but could anyone who is playing it explain somethign to me? The UT mode - can it be played offline? Or is the only way to get new 'cards' to play online and trade?

And if you can play it offline, is there any noticeable difference in the gameplay between it and, say, Manager Mode?

I can't stand the cheating online, and am truly tired of the often rubbish CPU 'cheats' or ignoring of stats in manager mode - would you recommend UT as something worth playing?
is there any noticeable difference in the gameplay between it and, say, Manager Mode?

Absolutely, AI have been tweaked quite a bit, I play MM on Professional (all manual) and UT on Professional is much tougher, without them resorting to cheating, they adjust to your tactics and play different strategies and you have to adjust your tactics to counteract, really enjoyable for me.
I know some people want to win the online tournaments but i hate online because of the assisted twats so really whats the point?

I'm exactly the same. I play on all manual and can't really enjoy online because of the ease of assisted controls. I'd rather play manual players but they are few and far between. The UT sounds interesting to begin with, but if i'm just still playing all assisted zombies then it's meaningless.
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Absolutely, AI have been tweaked quite a bit, I play MM on Professional (all manual) and UT on Professional is much tougher, without them resorting to cheating, they adjust to your tactics and play different strategies and you have to adjust your tactics to counteract, really enjoyable for me.

Brilliant, that's me too (cept shooting, can't handle that on manual) and I was getting so bored of the computer consistently resorting to its, erm, cheaper tactics to win important games. Shall happily give it a go now, thanks for the advice!
Well due to the increased challenge of UT I turned shooting back onto semi, left short passing on manual as it's really useful for playing balls much more accurately than semi, I noticed that semi short passing your passes either go to the player you want it to, or they go to the opponent, 100% like that, with manual they either go to the player you want, or the opponent, or a different player of yours (as in real life) so it works out better for me :) Also useful for shooting low by using manual passing at goal instead of shooting ;)
My created player vanished again and didn't come back in the edit player part, so I just created him again exactly the same and he then appeared back with the stats as before, appearances and goals and the like, and also with the 4 game injury he got in the last match, is it me or does the created player always get injured?
Just switched it on now and one of my defenders is now called "Cataa D[x]", Rosicky is now called "Rosick?"...

Also, I have Gordon Strachan (gold manager) and I still can't use any custom formations. Is it ever allowed?
Absolutely, AI have been tweaked quite a bit, I play MM on Professional (all manual) and UT on Professional is much tougher, without them resorting to cheating, they adjust to your tactics and play different strategies and you have to adjust your tactics to counteract, really enjoyable for me.

:SHOCK: Ohhh I hope it's a sign of things to come but I can't believe the no cheating bit... :P
Beat someone's 3 star team (my 2 star team) 4-0 in the first round of the first online tourney. He quit when I made it 4. Currently 3-0 up at half-time to a 3 star team in online league. Resting players who's contracts are running out. Got a 60+ team chemistry :)

EDIT: Control settings:

Passing: Manual
Through ball: Manual
Shooting: Semi
Crossing: Semi
Long balls: Manual

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Yeah I think that's how it works Coopz mate :)

League game finished 5-0. Credit to him for not quitting.
So players only run out of contracts if they play?

Yea, each match takes 1 contract point - you get warned at the start of a match that if a player is playing his last game.

Bit of a bug though as I started a game, then quit to make settings changes and it took 3 players down to their last games :(
This game has pissed me off. First time I've ever felt like I've been up against an assisted cunt. And his goal (it's 1-0 at half-time) was a kick out my keeper's hands that hit the back of his striker and looped over my keepers head. :BLINK: He was also just using that 'LB + pass' tactic every pass, so his player would run on all the time.

Good job I equalised and we drew 1-1 otherwise I'd be pissed off :BOP:
WOOOO! Just beat a 5 Star team with my 3 Star team. He had every top player in the game FFS?!

Also Semi/Manual :))

I've come to realise theres no way you can get gold packs unless you actually buy them, If you try and save up you'll surely lose all your players.
For the first time ever I've managed to reach the semi-final of a FIFA online cup. OH THE EXCITEMENT.

Really annoying though that it's the first cup, the most basic cup of the lot, and it's full of 5-star teams. You can't play with a normal team, everybody's buying gold packs so you HAVE to buy at least one to be able to compete at their level. And now that I am at their level (well, 4-star), I feel like I've acheived nothing to get there.

Poor system, they should have made it so only a certain star-level can play in certain tournaments. I assumed they would have done that with the other restrictions that are there (skill point restrictions) but apparently not. Really disappointing; where's the sense of achievement in being a 5-star team within days of buying the DLC?
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Latest Update:
Monday March 23, 12:00pm PDT / Monday March 23, 7:00pm GMT

We performed a database update on the 360 about 15 mins ago. The upgrade was performed to increase database stability and performance. At this time, however, we have also noticed that users may be experiencing issues buying cards and getting search results in the card trading area.

We are aware of these issues and I'm working with the QA team to come up with a solution asap. I'll post another update in an hour.


End of update
Looked like the servers were down, I had to click the "SIGN INTO EA" menu item that comes up when it can't automatically connect you, but I've got into it now.

Loading speed is the same as it's always been for me, a second or two between each card, and I've still got players with [X] in their name ("Cata D[X]" for example, and "Rosicky" is still called "Rosick?"). Don't see any difference. ARGHHHHH, it's driving me mad.


Just went to check my trades, and I'm getting the *SearchForOwnTradesFailure error.

EDIT 2: Sat here ten minutes trying to get a game, I'm 4-star so I'm stuck in the middle. You either get a 3-and-a-half star team who quit out, or a 5-star team that makes me quit out (you don't know how many superstars they've got, not much fun playing against Ronaldo Messi Kaka etc. all in the same team)...
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