FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

They definitely need to sort out the way pressuring/tackling works for FIFA 10, the way it is at the moment completely ruins 1v1 online matches for me, as everyone i've played seems to just hold the pressure and sprint buttons down at the same time and it makes it impossible for the player with the ball, especially on manual controls.
You're given no time on the ball whatsoever, as soon as it arrives at the player's feet you have an opponent on you within a second - and just by holding a button the defenders can react instantly to turns/movements by the attacker, make tackles at impossible angles, push players off the ball etc. Why should just holding a button allow you to do this?

That's one major thing I think is better about PES - I remember on PES5 that just holding pressure/sprint would be of no use against a human opponent because most of the time, simply a well timed change in direction would get you past a defender when they were doing this and it forced people into learning how to defend and tackling effectively was a skill in itself - you would have to back off the attacker and only use the pressure button when the ball was there to be won, and you could use super cancel to push players off the ball (my mates used to call that cheating because it was like a rugby tackle at times and fouls were never given :P).
The problem came in PES6 onwards, when quick players could just run round/through whole teams no matter how you defended against it.

It's not so bad in online BAP Clubs matches on FIFA though, as the games are normally more open because of people creating space off the ball, meaning when you get the ball you normally have more time on it to think about what to do. Clubs mode is actually the only part of FIFA 09 I really enjoy playing now and it might be the only one I play from now on...
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I agree. turning and moving a player is still slow and sluggish and makes defending piss easy in this game unlike PES where you can turn and shoot pretty quickly
I don't think that was Rob's point jonney :LOL:. He's saying defending is too easy, not attacking too hard.
They definitely need to sort out the way pressuring/tackling works for FIFA 10, the way it is at the moment completely ruins 1v1 online matches for me, as everyone i've played seems to just hold the pressure and sprint buttons down at the same time and it makes it impossible for the player with the ball, especially on manual controls.
You're given no time on the ball whatsoever, as soon as it arrives at the player's feet you have an opponent on you within a second - and just by holding a button the defenders can react instantly to turns/movements by the attacker, make tackles at impossible angles, push players off the ball etc. Why should just holding a button allow you to do this?

That's one major thing I think is better about PES - I remember on PES5 that just holding pressure/sprint would be of no use against a human opponent because most of the time, simply a well timed change in direction would get you past a defender when they were doing this and it forced people into learning how to defend and tackling effectively was a skill in itself - you would have to back off the attacker and only use the pressure button when the ball was there to be won, and you could use super cancel to push players off the ball (my mates used to call that cheating because it was like a rugby tackle at times and fouls were never given :P).
The problem came in PES6 onwards, when quick players could just run round/through whole teams no matter how you defended against it.

I completely agree. It's far too easy to win the ball in this game, and because in my opinion response times are still too slow it makes dribbling your way out of a tackle/pressure nigh on impossible.

It's got to the point where I don't enjoy playing Fifa multiplayer a great deal. Everyone plays with the double pressure button clamped down the whole game. Every game is played at 100 mph and it makes matches very scrappy. Defending was an art in PES, you needed to think about it more, and good players were capable of holding off challenges and dribbling out of trouble.
I agree. turning and moving a player is still slow and sluggish and makes defending piss easy in this game unlike PES where you can turn and shoot pretty quickly

I don't think that was Rob's point jonney :LOL:. He's saying defending is too easy, not attacking too hard.

Have you had your cup of coffe yet because i stated how defending is piss easy. where did i mention attacking being too hard?:CONFUSE::NO:
Players also needs way better control over the ball. In real life when you (pro player) receive a pass you will damp (not sure if that's the correct word) the ball making it look like it is stuck to your foot. In FIFA the ball bounce around like the players are a bunch of handicapped people with downs syndrome. I think that is one of the reasons why people say the ball is to lightweight and bouncy. This and that every shot heads for the sky.

Better control will also make it easier, or more realistic if you will, to go one-on-ones with defenders because it will let you quickly make moves. As it is now the ball have to bounce around for a while before the player turns. But I agree that defending should be more like in PES 5, it was simply the most realistic standing tackle system ever produced in a football game. If you didn't time it well or came in from a bad angle you would foul the other player, just like in real life. Problem is that all the kids complained so much about this because all the freekicks made the game boring. Fucking bastard kids ruining our games...
They definitely need to sort out the way pressuring/tackling works for FIFA 10, the way it is at the moment completely ruins 1v1 online matches for me, as everyone i've played seems to just hold the pressure and sprint buttons down at the same time and it makes it impossible for the player with the ball, especially on manual controls.
You're given no time on the ball whatsoever, as soon as it arrives at the player's feet you have an opponent on you within a second - and just by holding a button the defenders can react instantly to turns/movements by the attacker, make tackles at impossible angles, push players off the ball etc. Why should just holding a button allow you to do this?

It's got to the point where I don't enjoy playing Fifa multiplayer a great deal. Everyone plays with the double pressure button clamped down the whole game. Every game is played at 100 mph and it makes matches very scrappy. Defending was an art in PES, you needed to think about it more, and good players were capable of holding off challenges and dribbling out of trouble.

100% agree. I am playing Fifa more than 5 mounths and the defending is a f... joke. Every noob holding the pressure and sprint buttons and do nothing for a good defending. They are not cover if i play a one-two pass,because the com cover my players. I never get a penalty against this two buttons pressure. They can do the pressure the whole game because of the unrealistic stamina of the players.
....and after the game its make me laugh to see the stats of those players. For example one fifa player have 1000 win and only 285 loses by only pressing this two buttons.
In PES and in real football those players would lose 10:0 but in Fifa they have this huge com advantage in the defending. Ridiculous!
Players also needs way better control over the ball. In real life when you (pro player) receive a pass you will damp (not sure if that's the correct word) the ball making it look like it is stuck to your foot. In FIFA the ball bounce around like the players are a bunch of handicapped people with downs syndrome. I think that is one of the reasons why people say the ball is to lightweight and bouncy. This and that every shot heads for the sky.

Are you serious? I think players control the ball far too well in Fifa, even "bonze/silver" players like Sheffield Wednesday players can get the ball under control instantly.
Nah I agree with Gab here, sometimes they take absolutely wank touches. Especially chest control it's an absolute joke.
The worst things for me are when you get tackled and it takes way to long to get back into the action.

Also Goalkeepers getting back onto their feet quickly, when the ball is still in a dangerous position after making a save! so frustrating when they make a save and then take ages to get back up and in position for the next save.
Are you serious? I think players control the ball far too well in Fifa, even "bonze/silver" players like Sheffield Wednesday players can get the ball under control instantly.

Yes I am. Obviously I'm not saying that all players should have superb control, shit players like in Wednesday should have wank control like in real life ;)

But when you receive a pass in FIFA with good players the ball always bounce around, it doesn't stick to the foot like in real life when a good /semi good player isn't under pressure.
Are you serious? I think players control the ball far too well in Fifa, even "bonze/silver" players like Sheffield Wednesday players can get the ball under control instantly.

I agree with Gab, too. Quite often the ball bounces off players when they are in a perfect position to control it first time. A good player should be able to trap a ball dead but they tend to make hard work of it in Fifa.
Yes I am. Obviously I'm not saying that all players should have superb control, shit players like in Wednesday should have wank control like in real life ;)

But when you receive a pass in FIFA with good players the ball always bounce around, it doesn't stick to the foot like in real life when a good /semi good player isn't under pressure.
Yep I think I read they are addressing it though...
I never have such problems controlling passes, maybe I just am so used to using the pace control button all the time to receive the ball and change directions :)
Nah it don't matter what you press, maybe it's just an online thing, but the ball just literally bounces about 2 yards away from the players foot sometimes.
LOL, people in glass houses and all that Tim, which league next season? ;)

In fairness though for UT I'm playing with all gold players, even my Sheffield Wednesday players are trained to gold ;)
I never receive a pass without holding down the pace button so it's not about that. It's just like Jamezinho says, they never trap it dead like in real life. There is always small amount of bouncing around, that's fine for very bad teams but not for the rest.

Anyway enough of that. I hope they're trying to come up with a new optional control scheme based on analogue sticks and shoulder buttons like skate/nhl, would be sweet. The current controls result in so much crap like you press the button to do a standing tackle and instead you pass the ball. You want to slide tackle - you cross the ball. In baps you want to take the ball - you end up telling team mates to pass the ball and the list goes on and on. I'm working with usability and those kind of stuff, and the most basic thing to think of when designing interactive systems is that if a user expect one thing to happen, something else should never be able to happen. NHL used to have almost the same control scheme as FIFA and they have now a very fluid scheme were your thumbs almost always can rest on the analogue sticks and just sometimes move the right thumb to press a button.
Nah I agree with Gab here, sometimes they take absolutely wank touches. Especially chest control it's an absolute joke.

LOL, chest control is just garbage, I can recall many times when my players have chested the ball to the opposition
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