FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

The AI is shite for offline games

Disagree, AI is much better than in MM and has definitely been improved, especially in how the AI attack me, they really seem to think about what they're doing, if I defend deep they try short passes around my defence, if I push my defence up high they try to play longer balls over the top, all in much more subtle and realistic ways than the equivalent skill level on MM, they also don't play cheap, they pass it around well but also make mistakes, I'm seeing more variations in how teams play as well compared to MM, subtle but quite clear improvements, I just wish the mode wasn't broken by bugs, haven't even got to any cups yet but apparently they're completely messed up, for myself I've had my created player delete itself about 4 times, and after every match the ticker settings are resetting and showing football news that I don't want to see, not an important bug but it's one of a very long list for a small piece of DLC.

Not to mention how completely useless the kit/badge searching system is, all you can specify is gold/silver bronze, if you want for example Sheffield Wednesday's home kit, you presumably guess it's in silver, then scroll through 15 items x 80 pages to see if the kit is there, with a 3 or 4 second paused between every one of those 1200 separate items, great if anyone has a couple of hours they want to kill......
how do you use the created player as captain card? i didnt have time to do it this morning and now i cant seem to find it!


Can't remember what it's called but there's a menu entry like "team creation" or something and you choose "edit player" in there, be warned though there's a good chance your created player will delete itself randomly.
I was fine to leave it, but it's when people, as jonney did in this instance, says "Oh, it's not easier on assisted etc". Yes it fucking is. You don't aim passes, you don't judge power in passes, you don't aim shots, you don't aim crosses. You're literally just pressing buttons in a certain order, pass, pass, pass, shoot, goal. Boring.
but i wasnt the first to moan about assisted players. i dont want to go in this debate again as me and you will just be copying and pasting the same shit we said a few months ago about it.

end this shit and you and others stop moaning about assisted this and assisted that. No matter how much you complain, fifa09 aint going to grant you and others there wish on this subject. you cant do fuck all about it and you are going to have to wait until fifa10 for your wishes to come true if EA are listening.

Pointless complaining about it. either put up with assisted players online or go play offline
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I think ea should add ingame perks or some sort of bonuses for using semi or manual so then assisted players might try using it to get the perks and then keep using semi or manual because i'd say 90% of people dont even know its there. Something like this might add alot more semi or manual players cause im sick of playing against people on assisted but know there is nothing i can do. All my friends use assisted and its purely because they don't no its there.
I mentioned this to Chris earlier today, I was disappointed that you don't get any bonus for playing UT matches on manual controls, you only get a bonus for playing at a higher skill level :(
Yeah I said that in the Chatbox earlier Placebo. Like they have difficulty multiplier, (which should also be higher than bloody professional when you play online), they should have control multipliers, so for assisted +%0, for semi +%50 and for manual +%100. That would be much much better.

Lost my first UT online league match earlier! Was at home against a 3 star team, but I played it like a normal game and went for it, made enough chances of my own but the difference was clear in that his players could finish their chances and mine couldn't. I will play it more defensive against a bigger team next time I come across one :)).
Since the update my custom team tactics have disappeared, has this happened to anyone else?
Im already loving this mode, reminds me of a ML online, especially looking to buy players,coaches etc. went to have a look and your completely priced out for the top players (and the best players in the world arent even up for sale)Played a few people and it definetly seemed for "fair" than a normal ranked match for some reason. Think its cause of 1/2 Star teams.

Overall this mode seems very deep and with a bit of imagination (instead of seeing them as cards and look at them as players/coaches) I think it will be a huge hit. :))

EDIT: Just read Chris's Overview on it and completely agree.
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Anyone else find the CPU is amazing at corners? I can beat the CPU 50/50 for every other header but when it comes to corners, the CPU gets the ball at least 80% of the time I'd say. Any tips for stopping it?

Also getting annoyed with 1-star teams spraying diagonal balls across the field inch perfect over the defence.

And for my last moan ... yes there wasn't enough injuries in MM. So what do they do? Guaranteed at least one injury each game in UT now :BRICK: And every game my striker takes a knock as well.
About 8/10 they angle the corner towards the centre. So grab your nearest man and mark up his player directly in the front of the centre. I hardly ever concede from corners with this tactic. It may also be worth moving someone towards the back post if you have chance, because if the ball is crossed to the back post you can forget your keeper coming out and getting it.

Also, try holding L2/LT while you header I feel I have more control over the header and I can move my man towards the header and muscle out other players. Oh and to head the ball away try pressing the pass button to clear it rather than say the shoot/cross button, you have more control over it.
Cheers MJ :TU:

Anyone know why some players have exclamation marks flashing next to them when searching for new players? He doesn't have a Buy Now price and has ages left on his bid as well.
Opponent 0 - CulliPro XI 3
Cullington 3

CulliPro XI 2 - Opponent 0 (Quit after 70 minutes)
Cullington 2

CulliPro XI 2 - Opponent 0 (Quit after 2nd goal)
Cullington 2

Cullington is my only scorer :LOL:

Ohhh that could be the solution to my striking problems, create my player as a striker!
Nooo!! :CRY: That was absolutely heart-breaking. My 1 star team versus someone's 4 and a half star in a tournament. Bellend FC (I know...) Went 0-0 into the break after I shut him out and slowly built. After 50 minutes, I found a way through and Cullington slotted home. Oh my word, I was ecstatic! Then he levelled it 20 minutes later. Completely undeserved and harsh. So then he takes the lead :CURSE:. Absolutely livid at this point. From a ball that bounced to his striker after I cleared into the back of another player. I plugged away and in the 88th minute I grabbed an equaliser! Lovely football up to the edge to my CM who slotted one past the keeper at an angle. I forgot to celebrate it was that exciting. I took him to extra time and in the 2nd period of extra time, I hit the post :BLINK:. From that attack he runs up the pitch with his winger, plays a ball into his striker who slots it home. 118th miunute. Agony :CRY:
Anyone know why some players have exclamation marks flashing next to them when searching for new players? He doesn't have a Buy Now price and has ages left on his bid as well.
Well with players in my own team the flashing exclamation means they only have one game left on their contract, so I'd assume it's that!
So many bugs in UT, really sloppy. I've managed to have the same player playing in my team, as well as finish a match and earn 470 points only for them not to actually be given to me (even though the match has been recorded).

EA should be ashamed of themselves for this UT fiasco with the servers, lag on menus and general bugs.
Anyone else find the CPU is amazing at corners? I can beat the CPU 50/50 for every other header but when it comes to corners, the CPU gets the ball at least 80% of the time I'd say. Any tips for stopping it?
In addition to what mj said, at corners I always find that one of my giant centre-backs is assigned to the front post :DOH:. This is always a waste, he's likely to be one of the strongest in the team at winning headers. I quickly select him, move him off the post and go and manually mark the most threatening attacker in the centre.
a what point do you pay for the UT download? I went onto PS3 store this morning and it said free. I have downloaded the full package and played 3 online games..when will it ask me to pay for it??
After five games, or when you try to put a card up for trade and set your price.
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Also getting annoyed with 1-star teams spraying diagonal balls across the field inch perfect over the defence.

I only get this happening when I push up to attack and they use it as a counterattack strategy, I use one of my edited MM formations with my 2 CB's pulled right back and the AI has far less space to drop the ball into so they have to try to play it around in front of my defence, try it yourself, edit the formation outside of UT in the team management part, save it, then play a UT match with that formation and your attacking emphasis set to defensive.

Also, try holding L2/LT while you header I feel I have more control over the header and I can move my man towards the header and muscle out other players. Oh and to head the ball away try pressing the pass button to clear it rather than say the shoot/cross button, you have more control over it.

Yep exactly, I win far more headers these days since I learned to use super cancel to position the player myself before jumping for the header, if my player is behind the opponent I super cancel and move him forward to push the AI player out of position, if he's in front I back into the AI player to push him out of position, great tactic to win headers, even if my player is shorter than the AI player he often pushes/backs in enough to unsettle the AI player so he doesn't win the header cleanly.

a what point do you pay for the UT download? I went onto PS3 store this morning and it said free. I have downloaded the full package and played 3 online games..when will it ask me to pay for it??

5 matches for free.
They have done that already

if your in a fully manual match you cant change


1. there is only a fully manual restriction, if want to have only semi shooting you will also have to play against fully assisted kiddies

2. because of number 1, it is hardly possible to find a manual match

3. there is no way of matching semi assisted players
I got Diabyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :BOP::BOP:

i love this DLC, only if they could just get it all stabilised

Ppl trading pls use some sense, 3500 coins buy now for a 66 player

Are u dizzy

got maluoda too
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