FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

I've wanted to get some for a while now, but the question is, what do I use the 1600 points for?

Fifa card swapping thingy
GTA lost and damned whatsamacallit
peggle/bomberman type stuff
i played my second game online with my highest rated player of 64 who was my created player

came across some team, and his team was a 5 star team, mine 1 star i think and his players, just to name a few

pirlo, galas, lucio, camronesi, luis fabiano, fred, basically all top players in every position

ridiculous lol
i played my second game online with my highest rated player of 64 who was my created player

came across some team, and his team was a 5 star team, mine 1 star i think and his players, just to name a few

pirlo, galas, lucio, camronesi, luis fabiano, fred, basically all top players in every position

ridiculous lol

Doesn't it pit you against teams of equal stars? That's really shite otherwise. Chris was saying the new cheap tactic is people creating their created player at 7ft tall and crossing to him all the time :(
Why is it out of 24 players 20 of them are always defenders? :(

I keep restarting until I get a Sheffield Wednesday player (or at least a very interesting silver player) and I'm finding that 80% of the players you get each time are defenders which at least 10 CBs, really not "random" :(
Great game mode but I remember why I stopped playing online now (not that I forgot). Everyone plays on fully assisted, they just hammer the pass button and they can go from defence to attack and score so easily.

They don't even clear balls in their own box, they just pass them out, and it always goes to a free man who can pass to a free striker who can shove the defenders away and score.

Everybody, absolutely everybody, plays the exact same way. Not EA's fault I know, you get this in every game. If it wasn't for single-player games I really wouldn't be a gamer any more, it's just an absolute waste of time for anyone looking for a fair game online (or a realistic game of football online). :(
TBH chris, some find it way to difficult to pass on manual using a analogue stick, plus people want to play games for fun, not to be all serious and try and play it like in real life and take off all the assists etc.

You may feel that its easy to score on assist but imo its not. you do make it sound as if all i got to do is pass a couple of times in assist and just dribble and push aside a defender and score. its not that easy, i wish it was but its not otherwise you would see alot of high scoring games using this flaw.

what makes this game hard is that when your one on one with the keeper, its not always guarantee you will score even on assist. you just got to read up on countless number of people asking advice on how to score one on one to see for yourself
TBH chris, some find it way to difficult to pass on manual using a analogue stick, plus people want to play games for fun, not to be all serious and try and play it like in real life and take off all the assists etc.

You may feel that its easy to score on assist but imo its not. you do make it sound as if all i got to do is pass a couple of times in assist and just dribble and push aside a defender and score. its not that easy, i wish it was but its not otherwise you would see alot of high scoring games using this flaw.

what makes this game hard is that when your one on one with the keeper, its not always guarantee you will score even on assist. you just got to read up on countless number of people asking advice on how to score one on one to see for yourself

Bollucks! its very easy to score on assisted.
You may feel that its easy to score on assist but imo its not. you do make it sound as if all i got to do is pass a couple of times in assist and just dribble and push aside a defender and score. its not that easy
How come that's exactly what has happened to me then, four games out of six that I've played since last night? It is that easy, at least if you play someone like me who is stupid enough to use semi-assisted controls in an effort to "play fair".

Sorry Jonney but as far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants that kind of football has Pro Evo. FIFA should never be like that. But if EA want to give you the choice, fine; just as long as they give me the choice of not having to play against these people.

When it comes up with the team's star rating it should come up underneath that, "PASSING: AUTO, CROSSING: AUTO, SHOOTING: AUTO" etc. so that I could automatically press CANCEL and look for somebody else to play. I'd rather bang my head on the desk until my ears bleed than play another game involving so little input from the other player.
When it comes up with the team's star rating it should come up underneath that, "PASSING: AUTO, CROSSING: AUTO, SHOOTING: AUTO" etc. so that I could automatically press CANCEL and look for somebody else to play. I'd rather bang my head on the desk until my ears bleed than play another game involving so little input from the other player.

I like that idea, can we pitch that one to EA?
So it seems like a great mode so far but.... we can't edit our base formations? Really? Can't change arrows or work rate? Is this just because they couldn't incorporate the chemistry into this? There's always something important tactically missing and I dont get it... especially for a mode so deep! Please someone tell me they've been able to work out how to do this....
How come that's exactly what has happened to me then, four games out of six that I've played since last night? It is that easy, at least if you play someone like me who is stupid enough to use semi-assisted controls in an effort to "play fair".

Sorry Jonney but as far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants that kind of football has Pro Evo. FIFA should never be like that. But if EA want to give you the choice, fine; just as long as they give me the choice of not having to play against these people.

When it comes up with the team's star rating it should come up underneath that, "PASSING: AUTO, CROSSING: AUTO, SHOOTING: AUTO" etc. so that I could automatically press CANCEL and look for somebody else to play. I'd rather bang my head on the desk until my ears bleed than play another game involving so little input from the other player.

even if they give you the choice to play only manual players, i doubt you will encounter many of those types of players because lets face it. 80-90% of people who play fifa are all auto players.

EA cannot force people to use manual either otherwise the game wont appeal to many people and will just piss off auto users who will probably go back and play pro evo.

EA care about money first and foremost and they will create a game that appeals to more people.
But they need to do it generally - like if you choose a combination of semi and manual etc then you can't change it.
that would just confused and split the "players" even more imo. you got a better chance of finding someone on full on manual then someone who pass on full manual but the rest on assist for example
Like CB said in the podcast, the search option should be "Semi or lower". That would suit me fine :)).

Oh and jonney, assisted is easy and for noobs, and if you are using it you should really be ashamed.
that would just confused and split the "players" even more imo. you got a better chance of finding someone on full on manual then someone who pass on full manual but the rest on assist for example

No it wouldn't - for instance I could do a search on anybody that has just shooting on semi and the rest I don't care about. Then everybody that uses shooting on semi (or manual) would connect to me.

Also with your other point made to chris. It would work, as many people play on Manual but not fully. The people that do play on manual/semi don't give a shit about the 90% (of people on assisted) anyway so it would make no difference. It would just mean we had more chance of finding a game with somebody that uses anything but assisted shooting!!

Introducing a better search for manual/semi players would not be hard and would not stop anybody playing it or confuse people etc it would jsut make in more accessable.
So it seems like a great mode so far but.... we can't edit our base formations? Really? Can't change arrows or work rate? Is this just because they couldn't incorporate the chemistry into this? There's always something important tactically missing and I dont get it... especially for a mode so deep! Please someone tell me they've been able to work out how to do this....

You can use custom formations once the match has started (I use my edited MM formation which has my CBs pulled right back to avoid 1v1) so create your nice formation outside of the Ultimate team and once saved it'll show up for use :)

Two annoying bugs so far, one much worse than the other:

1. I start UT, create myself, play the first match, I scored 2 and made 1, got man of the match, after the match go buy a player (Steve Watson) go to put him in the lineup and see that my created player now no longer exists at all, nice :(

2. The ticker keeps resetting and showing me the scores/news from last night's European matches, I go turn off the ticker, save my profile, but still it keeps coming back :(
The EA servers are shite. Trying to buy a player from the trade list is a joke as it takes something like 30 seconds just for it to load the players, then having to wait 5-10 seconds while you switch players and it has to load the new data.

Just so laggy and slow.

Considering the Manager Mode hardly has injuries, I'm seeing at least one a game so far as well, and for up to six games as well.
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Yeah Dags they have really upped the injuries, frequency and length in UT. The trading stuff is absolutely shite I agree. Too slow. Servers are down again now anyway :LOL:.
I won't be bothering with Ultimate team for these reasons;

The AI is shite for offline games
99% of people online are all-assisted cunts

So both offline and online, I think it'd just be frustration and nothing else, not worth my time or money.
Oh and jonney, assisted is easy and for noobs, and if you are using it you should really be ashamed.

I don't get that. If you play all manual or manual/semi then that's fine, I get the fact that you want more realism in-game and the controls provide that accuracy etc etc but I don't think anyone should be 'ashamed' simply for picking a setting they feel comfortable with. After all that's why we play games isn't it, for fun.

This isn't just at you Tim, but I wish people would stop banging on about settings, I think it says more about their insecurities as it does anything else.

I pledge we put an end to this settings war.
I was fine to leave it, but it's when people, as jonney did in this instance, says "Oh, it's not easier on assisted etc". Yes it fucking is. You don't aim passes, you don't judge power in passes, you don't aim shots, you don't aim crosses. You're literally just pressing buttons in a certain order, pass, pass, pass, shoot, goal. Boring.
how do you use the created player as captain card? i didnt have time to do it this morning and now i cant seem to find it!

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